sangrcfria · 1 year
location : somewhere in forks
featuring : anyone !
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It's the media's job to keep the people informed, so when their boss asked for Kennedy's next piece to be about the storm they agreed, although begrudgingly. It felt like a fluff piece and the weather wasn't exactly something that fell in their usual interest. Even if people were saying it was a once in a lifetime phenomenon. It was still something that could easily be explained as simple science and they were content with leaving that up to the professionals in that area. What was really intriguing them  was the sudden onslaught of new faces around town. Forks wasn’t exactly a hot spot for tourist, so why are all these figures suddenly popping up? There were far too many to write them off as family and far too disinterested in the small town’s charm and it's people to be some sort of getaway. Maybe Kennedy was overthinking their sudden arrival, but in the off chance that there is a story there, the journalist was dead set on finding it, starting off the best way theory knew how — by gathering intel.  Both from locals and visitors.
“Hi there.” they greet with a quick smile, before immediately going through their interviewing routine. “Kennedy Stuart with Forks Daily. Do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions? It’s for the newspaper.”
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sangrcfria · 1 year
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Sergio had a hell of a poker face himself but even he doesn't think anything can beat the empty cold stare of a bloodsucker. So devoid of any life or emotion that it might actually send a shiver down his spine if he wasn’t so used to them by now . "Yeah, motherfucker. It's me. The guy who's buddies you and your minions killed a couple centuries ago."  His voice is barely above a low growl as he says this, the message designed and wrapped up in a big ‘fuck you’ ribbon just for Caius. The Volturi being here is not something he would have expected to see with his own eyes but even more surprising, is the vampire's words that they are here to help. "What the hell do you guys care about a storm all the way over here?” Sergio visibly stiffens when the question gets thrown back to him. "None of your damn business." He would be damned if he let it slip to a member of the Volturi that he has settled down here. That he has people he would die ( or kill ) to protect. Dark eyes dash around their surroundings. Is he alone? Or are his red eyes little freaks hiding somewhere in the shadows? “What do you know about the storm?” He can’t help but ask — because he would be lying if he said he didn’t sense something different in the air. Like a gut feeling, telling him that something is off.
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ㅤㅤhe smells him before he sees him, cloaked frame turning slightly to face the newest adversary. vermillion gaze drifts up and down the other in a dismissive manner, though there's certainly a spark of familiarity there. caius rarely forgets a face, especially not one so entwined with negative memories. ❛❛ oh. it's you, ❜❜ he intones, as though the other is merely dirt beneath his very expensive shoes. they merely blink at the rather rude inquiry, but don't react beyond that. ❛❛ why, to offer a helping hand to the poor citizens of forks, of course. quite a terrible storm has ravaged the area, in case you had not noticed. and you? why are you gracing this town with your presence? ❜❜
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sangrcfria · 1 year
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It was a simple compliment, one that Malai has heard plenty of times before, and yet, the small stroke of her ego never fails to make her giggle. "Funny. I was about to say the same thing about you." And to her surprise, Malai meant it. The girl in front of her was quite beautiful, with her big honey brown eyes and pink full lips, features that seemed to shine even despite her less than ideal outfit ( she looks fine Malai is just judgmental! ). Malai can see why a vampire would want to keep a cute little thing like her as a pet. She probably would too. In fact, even now she’s of two minds – one of befriending her and convincing her to go on a shopping spree with her so that she can dress her up like a real-life barbie doll. The other? To drag her into one of the many alleys surrounding them and watch that sweet glimmer of hers leaves her eyes. Pretty things filled her with so much muse. Mali thinks that she would like to make a mural of her. Immortalize her beauty by turning it inside out. Maybe even show her off, somewhere public for everyone bear witness to it.
She is letting her imagination get the best of her again and she finds herself having to sink pearly teeth into her bottom lip to stop herself from giving into that innate desire of hers. Not the one to feed but the one to kill. "Stop — You're so sweet. To be honest with you, I'm not much of a drinker." Not of the liquids they are referring to at least but she finds herself unwilling to let her newfound acquaintance go quite yet. "I certainly wouldn't say no to a little company this evening though. Is this town really that small that you can tell I'm new?" Depressing, much? 
"Jessica." The sound of her name rolls off Malai's tongue, almost as if she was taste-testing some expensive wine. "That's cute. Do you go by Jess? I'm Malai." Once again she extends a hand, only this time to shake. "How about this — you buy the first round. I get the second?" She can stomach the bland taste of liquor if it means learning more about who ( or what ) Jessica is.
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Jessica was noticing more and more vampires coming into forks . She truly didn't understand why given the fact that forks wasn't anything special . The town was boring . Even the local vampires , the cullens , were really trying in being ordinary , were nothing special ? A bit in their own world and slightly stuck up in her opinion . They didn't even try to be social in college . Edward especially .
Although seeing more vampires in town was exciting . Her only encounter with them was her own father and the cullens as of recently . The vampire before her was standing tall and quite beautiful . Dare she say more beautiful than Rosalie ? very fashionable too . at least compared to what she was currently wearing . high waist black jeans , a dark blue sweater like crop top , and black suede ankle combat boots high Heel booties that only gave her 2 to 3 inches more in height . ❝ woah , you're like really pretty .❞ jess blurted out . ❝ and No no , truthfully is mine . I should be paying more attention . ❞ Jessica smiled at malai , nodding in agreement with her regarding enjoying a nice drink .
thanking her in helping gather her things as she put them all in her bag , jess found herself excited by the offer ❝ I should be the one buying . you're clearly new here and what better way to welcome you to fork in buying YOU a drink . I promise you didn't get in my way . Oh , I'm jessica , by the way . ❞
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sangrcfria · 1 year
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"You told me it was going to be fun." he replies, a defeat in the tone of his voice and bobbing his head as if to say ‘yeah, yeah, yeah’. “And you were right. It was nice.” His words come off short compared to Baby’s liveliness but the delivery is honest. Not because he says them a certain way but rather from the fact that Sergio wasn’t the type of man to say something he didn’t mean. Hopefully, that was something Baby knew of him by now. “Pretty educational too. The village I grew up in took a more spiritual approach so....”  It’s a little embarrassing to say that he actually learned a thing or two in there — especially considering all the years he has under his belt. Maybe it’s true what they say about not being too late for an old dog to learn new tricks ( badum tss ). Baby’s enthusiasm certainly adds to the experience. She’s bouncing with energy, with a buoyancy that Sergio doesn’t think he has ever experienced. It’s refreshing and he has to admit that he’s grown quite fond of it. Enough to find himself unable to hold back on some light teasing. .  “A couple times? Not everyone is obsessed with the cosmos like you are, you know.” He has his hands shoved into the pockets of his jacket, sights set forward as he walks by her. “ I wouldn’t mind coming back though. Do you have a favorite planet or something? How does that work?”
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spotted: leaving forks planetarium. with: @sangrcfria / sergio!
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ㅤㅤas expected from her, her eyes are sparkling with joy and she's practically bouncing with excitement as they leave the planetarium. she visits the establishment so often that they may just have to name it after her, but she never loves it any less, no matter how many times she graces the staff with her presence. turning to face her companion, she beams up at him. ❛❛ see, what did i tell you? ❜❜ she demands, her tone expectant. ❛❛ wasn't it amazing? ❜❜ knowing he's a man of few words, she continues, her bubbly personality easily carrying the conversation. ❛❛ everyone should visit the planetarium at least a couple times a month in my opinion. nothing like experiencing the wonders of the cosmos to lift one's spirits, i say. ❜❜
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sangrcfria · 1 year
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It wasn’t that Malai didn’t sense that their bodies were bound to crash into each other. Had the vampire really wanted to, she would have evaded the collision with her ability or with her reflexes alone. Thing was, Malai was growing dreadfully bored of this little town already so she figured that bumping into a stranger might make for a good distraction. At the very least, maybe a nice little snack for later. “Oh it’s alright. My mistake.” She’s graceful as she bends down, satin gloved fingers grabbing hold of a book before straightening up and offering it over to her. Malai is a tall woman. She would be standing pretty at 5’9 had it not been for the four inch Christian Louboutins heels she was wearing. Her whole black ensemble seems to be put together with the sole purpose of accentuating both her posture and her delicate curves – think Audrey Hepburn meets Morticia Addams. “Right. The bar. All is well as long as we can enjoy a nice drink, right?” How primitive. Humans were such stupid and simple creatures. Wait. Malai takes a quick sniff. Was this girl a human? Her scent was not something Malai has encountered much over the years.  It was sweet as a humans, but there was a familiar undertone. Almost like a vampire had rubbed their scent on her to mask the human one or something. Interesting. Malai tilts her head slightly as glossed wine lips turn upwards into an amused smile. “On that note, may I buy you a drink? Feels only right after having so rudely gotten in your way.”
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location : outside a bar in forks .
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Jessica headed to the bar after a long day of work and helping out fix some of the damages that the storm caused the research center and to her own home . Unfortunately , some lives were lost and that . she truly needed a drink to relax . Turning the corner , the hybrid bumped into a body ❛❛ Oh , my gosh . I am so sorry . ❜❜ her bag spilled most of whats in her bag . ❛❛ how clumsy of me , I should have paid more attention . my mind was elsewhere , especially since we are just recoving from the storm but at least not all was lost and bar is still up and running . ❜❜ Jessica went on as she bent down to pick up her stuff and put it in her bag .
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sangrcfria · 1 year
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Sergio had developed a habit of always squinting every time Seth came around. Not out of malice or anything. It was an ongoing joke at this point — the kid had a smile so bright it was almost blinding. "Hey kid." He greets with a nod of his head. It was hard not to develop a soft spot for the young shape-shifter. In many ways, Seth reminded him of a younger version of himself. Back before he let bitterness and anger harden him. Maybe that's one of the reasons he conceded to mentoring the young pup despite them being different species.
"Your usual." That brings him to raise an eyebrow, almost like he had no idea what he's talking about. As if Sergio wasn't the one to introduce Seth to the wonders of a good Dark n' Stormy. "You mean water, right? I'm going to need some ID." That poker face lasts for a solid couple of seconds before he finally cracks a side grin. It was a bad joke, but hey! A joke regardless. "Just playing with ya. Coming right up."
He shifts his attention over to making the drink before adding, "How was the storm over at the rez? You guys doing all right over there?" Sergio probably wouldn't say it out loud but the way his eyebrows pinch together does little to hide the fact that he was worried about Seth.
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Muses: Seth & Sergio Location: La Media Luna Tag:@sangrcfria
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"Sergio!" The greeting was paired with a bright smile as Seth made his way through the crowd of bar goers, coming up to the bar and sitting down on one of the available barstools. He had been frequenting the bar ever since he had been older enough to get in, and ever since then, it was like he had decided to stick to Sergio's side whenever the older male was around. He had taken a liking to the Child of the Moon. He found it fascinating that they were similar in so many ways, but different all the same. He loved learning new things from Sergio, and had developed a strong attachment to him. He knew that he could be a little annoying to some people - Sergio being one of those people, but the older male seemed to take everything in stride and had grown used to Seth's constant blabbering on and one. "Can I get my usual?" He asked, leaning against the bar, propping chin up on the palm of his hand.
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sangrcfria · 1 year
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Sergio was extremely involved in the community so it was no surprise for him to be in town square , checking in on people and offering his assistance. It was only from the corner of his eye that the man was able to spot a mysterious figure. A moment so fleeting that he might have actually mussed it —  if not for those godforsaken fucking cloaks the Volturi were infamous for. Caius face is one that Sergio still had etched into his memory, from the war fought between their two species. He doesn't approach all the way, one part to keep a safe distance in case he needed to shift and the other because... Sergio simply couldn't stand that stench of his. "What are you doing here?"
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spotted: town square. with: open!
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ㅤㅤthe quaint little town bores him, but with all the old things stirring in the dark, he recognizes why it's necessary to be here. if rumors are true, beings that perhaps could best his coven could be on the rise - and if so, his time could be approaching. he observes his surroundings, watching all the innocuous little humans going about their meaningless little lives ... how he wishes for a time where vampires are the ruling species again. deep in his thoughts, he hardly notices someone approaching them.
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sangrcfria · 1 year
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"Dude. It's literally been like ten minutes since I told you our ETA was thirty minutes." Kennedy responds with a roll of their brown eyes in an attempt to look annoyed, but they are betrayed but the amused chuckle that follows immediately. Impatience aside, Seth was a perfect companion for these kind of trips. His eagerness to help was incredibly useful and she has to admit... these trips would be a whole lot more boring without his tunes and conversation.
Now that they were a mere minutes away though, Kenny figures it's time to fill Seth in on some details. One hand reaches towards the stereo, turning the knob to lower the volume of whatever music they were blasting before gesturing for Seth to open the glove box of her Prius. There, he would find an couple news articles dating back from the seventies about a religious leader that had gone to prison for the murder and exploitation of some of it's church members, a couple of pictures or abandoned buildings and mugshots, and a map of Washington, with a red circle drawn around a town called Claquato.
"Remember that weird cult murderer I was telling you about? With the dude that I said didn't fit the profile for a cult leader?" Kennedy had relayed to Seth beforehand about how she was almost certain the guy in the mugshot had taken the fall for someone. She had even showed interviews of the guy, how unsure and stiff he was -- like a shit actor trying to memorize his lines. Certainly lacked the charm and narcissism that was usually associated with those types. "I really don't think the guy that got prosecuted actually did it. Dig some digging and it turns out that he had actually changed his name a couple of times. During the time he was with the cult, he went by Hawkins Davis. One quick google search and turns out -- that's the name of a guy who founded a town not too far from where some of these murders were committed. It's a ghost town now." Kennedy has been keeping her eyes on the road as she relayed all of this but only now does she sneak a look at Seth and at the papers he was holding. Once he gets to the picture of a run down abandoned church, she speaks again.
"I think that might have been one of the churches they used back in the day. Like, as a base of operation. They should be long gone by now but I'm willing to bet that they didn't have enough time to clear their backup location up before they had to escape the country. If I'm right about this, I'm hoping we can uncover some more information. Like the identities of some of their victims or former members." And if her hunch is right, maybe something to support it her idea that the guy behind bars wasn't the head honcho after all.
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Muses: Seth & Kennedy Location: Somewhere in Forks Tag: @sangrcfria
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Seth couldn't help but bounce slightly in his seat as Kennedy drove them to whatever location necessary for the current investigation she was leading. Being the jobless, part-time college student that he was, he tended to have quite a bit of free time on his hands - when he wasn't busy with his pack duties. And he usually spent that free time doing one of two things; helping out Kennedy or being left to his own devices. And he hated resorting to the latter of the two. Seth was a sociable creature - he craved, for lack of a better term, human interaction and human contact. And Kennedy was good company to have. Even though they didn't agree on some things and most people would think that their personalities didn't mesh well, Seth still enjoyed their friendship. "Are we there yet?" He asked for the third time that hour, his eyes glancing out the car window as he took in the sight of trees moving by in a blur, however his supernatural vision made it possible for him to make out every shape with crystal clear clarity.
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sangrcfria · 1 year
location : forks hospital
featuring : carlisle cullen @spilledblccd
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Last Malai and Carlisle saw each other, he had just mentioned to her that he and his sweet little ‘family’ were planning to move to this quaint town of Forks. It was rare for Malai to come into a town already knowing a friendly face, so she wasted no time in paying her old friend a visit the best way Malai knew how. By sneaking into his office. Entering a room unnoticed was as easy as breathing for Malai. Even one in a building as populated as a local hospital after a natural phenomenon. She hasn't been as discreet as she could have been in been keeping track of his movement all day ( she wouldn’t be surprised if he had noticed something by now ) but only decided to make her presence known the moment he stepped foot into his office.
 “Hello Carlisle.” Malai is sat comfortably on his chair, elbows propped up on his desk with her hands cupping her face. Cherry lips immediately curve into an amiable smile. “Still keeping that doctor bit going, are you?” One hand reaches to scoop up a stethoscope lying on the desk, hooking the contraption to her ears and twirling the cord aimlessly with a perfectly manicured finger. As if it would actually do anything to emphasize her hearing. Or his for that matter. Still, it certainly added to the role. “I have to admit it suits you. You look quite handsome in white.” She always said it was his color. Very symbolic of his angelic disposition. That purity of his character that had managed to both impress and confound Malai over the years. “Nasty little storm huh? Is Forks always like this?”
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sangrcfria · 1 year
Is your character more likely to remove a problem/threat, or remove themselves from a problem/threat? (for malai)
It depends on how formidable the threat is. Malai's ability to phase through matter is incredibly useful in getting out of tricky situations so more often than not, the wise decision would be for her to remove herself. At the same time though... where's the fun in that? Centuries of being able to escape almost any situation has made Malai cocky and a little too comfortable with pushing her luck. Maybe that will be her downfall someday.
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0 notes
sangrcfria · 1 year
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HOUSE OF GUCCI (2021) dir. Ridley Scott
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sangrcfria · 1 year
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⟨  –  ryan destiny, demi woman , she/they. ⟩ it seems like kennedy stuart  has been seen around town, good days by sza under their breath. apparently they are a 24 year old human. townsfolk whisper about them being ambitious and calculating, but also nosy and imperious. the investigative journalist has been in town for two years, and gives off the vibes of having high expectations for yourself, all-nighters spent putting together information, an insatiable curiosity paired with an unyielding resolve, 
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b a s i c s
full name ➔ kennedy noelle stuart
nicknames ➔ ken, kenny
age ➔ 24
species ➔ human
birthday ➔ may 20
gender ➔ demiwoman ( she / they )
sexual orientation ➔ demisexual
occupation ➔ investigative journalist
fc ➔ ryan destiny
a b o u t
tw: mention of religion
"some people are born great while others are created."
that is the principle that has been passed down the stuart family for generations. it was early in kennedy's life that they their brother, tobias, was the former while they had to be the latter.
born and raised in machester, new york. their mother was a biology professor, their father was a divorce lawyer. they were both strict, and not the most affectionate, usually reserving their praise for whenever one of the stuart siblings excelled in something.
it was clear that kennedy's parents favored the older of the two and it was that very favoritism that wedged a gap between them.
competition is all that kennedy knows after being raised in in their brother's shadow. sports, music, academics. their brother beat them in all of it. if they got a silver medal, he got a gold.
the only thing that kennedy seemed to surpass their brother in was writing. specifically... journalism.
they studied it in college despite their parents protests.
their career really took off in their senior year of university when they exposed a local pastor for being an underground kingpin and embezzling money from their renowned church. their article gained nation wide traction and it only fueled kennedy's desire to expose more wrongdoers.
so why did they move to forks? simply put -- it was the farthest they could get away from their parents.
kennedy is currently on the hunt for their next big story and has recently gained a curiosity for the volturi.
c o n n e c t i o n s
supernatural bestie ➔ i have a wc for this in the main but basically someone who is trying to protect kennedy from digging their nose too deep into a situation where they could get themselves killed. particularly in their investigation on the volturi ( open to any species aside from human )
crush➔ simple enough right? whether it's her crushing on someone or them crushing on her! extra points if it's unrequited lmfao ( open to any species )
unpaid intern ➔ someone that helps kennedy with their investigations and somehow always get dragged in to help them research. ( open to any species)
i could become the meal➔ someone who is interested in kennedy for more sinister reasons. maybe they haven't killed them off yet because they find them amusing? maybe they are playing a game to see how long it takes kennedy to figure out the truth. ( open to children of the moon and vampires )
i have a couple more wcs on their pinterest
p e r s o n a l i t y
+clever+perceptive +curious -overanalyzer -inflexible -needy mbti ➔ ESFJ natal chart ➔  ↑ capricorn, ⊙ taurus, ☾ cancer inspired by ➔ gale weathers ( scream  ), sailor mars ( sailor moon ), nancy wheeler ( stranger things ), olenna tyrell ( game of thrones ), monica geller ( friends )
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sangrcfria · 1 year
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⟨  –  davika hoorne, cis woman, she/her.  ⟩ it seems like malai dubois has been seen around town, humming are you satisfied? by marina under their breath. apparently, they are 30 / 300+ year old gifted vampire. townsfolk whisper about them being poised and alluring, but also manipulative and narcissistic. they’re a nomad, and they give off the vibes of a sly smile paired with wandering fingers, the scent of an addictive perfume, accentuating delicate curves with lavish clothing
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b a s i c s
full name ➔ malai dubois nicknames ➔ mal age ➔ 30 ( +300 ) species ➔ vampire power ➔ intangibility birthday ➔ november 1st gender ➔ ciswoman ( she / her ) sexual orientation ➔ pansexual
occupation ➔ artist fc ➔ davika hoorne
a b o u t
tw: murder
malai's life before being turned into a vampire could only be described as... unfortunate. orphaned at a young age, she was picked up by an organization that didn't see her as a person but rather as a tool.
she was raised to be a special agent of sorts but it wasn't as glamorous as one would think. the dangerous missions we went on, ( assassinations, black mailings, seductions, gathering intel ) were all done simply for her to be able to have enough to eat. she wasn't a person. she was a weapon and an awfully effective one until a certain mission went wrong and she was left for dead.
that was when she was turned.
becoming a vampire was the best thing to happen to her. no longer was she defenseless. no longer did she have to be a pawn in someone else's game. no longer did her worth have to come from how useful she could be.
with her newfound independence and power, it was difficult for her to hold back on her innate desire to hunt. grew quite fond of it too. the violence. the fear.
malai's bloodlust goes beyond feeding. to put it simply... she's a serial killer your honor. she has zero regard for human lives and only sees them as playthings.
as a nomad, she doesn't have any rhyme or reason for going to the places she goes to but one thing is certain -- she leaves every city with less of a population than when she arrived.
things are a little different in forks though. malai has only been in town for about a day or two and with the volturi, the shapeshifters, and the witches, malai is definitely going to be on her best behavior. for now at least.
she had always been attracted to the arts -- specifically in painting. it wasn't until she was turned that she was able to truly evolve her work. when malai is feeling dramatic, or when she really likes her victims, she sometimes will use them as a medium for her art. think rikako oryou from psycho pass. of course, that type of worK is left anonymous. she does have public work, which sometimes gets displayed in art exhibits. her artist name is FAH, which means blue in thai. a little throwback to what her favorite color used to be before she turned into a vampire lol
p o w e r
intangibly. the ability to phase through physical matter.
malai is a tricky woman to catch thanks to her gift. the ability for her to walk through walls makes her the perfect rogue because she always has an entry and always has an exit. it's near impossible to physically detain her. over the years she's honed her skill so that she can phase for longer ( up to three hours ) and for her to phase with objects. the past century or so, she has been working on being able to phase with someone else.
weaknesses - her gift requires her to concentrate so she is unable to phase through attacks she doesn't see coming or if she's mentally unable to ( like if someone uses a mental ability on her ).
c o n n e c t i o n s
ex ➔ i have a wc for this is the main but basically they were partners in crime and broke it off at some point. maybe they were obsessed with each other. maybe they just used each other. maybe there was love but it wasn't enough to stand behind malai's bloodlust. ( open to any species aside from human )
fixation ➔ her current obsession. malai isn't a quick killer. she likes to take her time. to seduce her target. play around with them a little. ( open to a human ) bonus. someone who is determined to protect this human from becoming malai's victim but how can they do that without exposing what they are? ( open to any species aside from human )
meet your maker ➔ the person that turned them! we can plot out their dynamic a little more but i think it would be fun if the person who created her was vegetarian and maybe lowkey regrets turning her jksdjkjdf ( open to a vampire or an og vampire over 300 years old )
practice ➔ someone who is also looking to develop their gift. they practice together and maybe also spar just to keep things fun and interesting. ( open to gifted vampires )
culture exchange lol ➔  as far as vampires go, malai is still young. she hasn't had a chance to interact with species other than humans and vampires so she's definitely curious to learn more. ( open to witches, shapeshifters, children of the moon )
recruitment➔ maybe someone interested in having her join their coven. ( open to members of a coven )
cat and mouse game ➔ when it comes to the hunt, malai usually ends up taking the role of hunter. she wouldn't be lying if she said she didn't enjoy being chased too though. i'm thinking maybe this person is someone who wants to stop malai from continuing her destructive path or maybe someone who just wants to catch her to prove to her that she isn't invincible as she thinks she is. ( open to immortals. )
art enthusiast ➔ someone who is a fan of her art of maybe even an artist themselves. utp if theyre a fan of her family friendly work or her psycho shit lol
i have wcs in her pinterest as well!
p e r s o n a l i t y
+charming +persuasive +sensual -obsessive -vain -indignant mbti ➔  ESTP natal chart ➔  ↑ leo, ⊙ scorpio ☾ aquarius inspired by ➔ morinth ( mass effect 2 ), sharpay evans ( high school musical ), rikako oryou( psycho pass ), jennifer check  ( jennifer’s body  ), scarlet o’hara  ( gone with the wind ), mettaton  ( undertale )
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sangrcfria · 1 year
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 ⟨  –  clayton cardenas, cis man, he/him.  ⟩ it seems like sergio rivera has been seen around town, humming en el muelle de san blas by maná  under their breath. apparently they are a  38 / 2000 year old child of the moon. townsfolk whisper about them being loyal and protective, but also repentant and careful. they’re a member of the children of the moon pack, and they give off the vibes of rough hands having a surprisingly gentle touch, the smell of engine oil and cedarwood, always keeping a watchful eye . 
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b a s i c s
full name ➔ sergio antonio rivera nicknames ➔ serg, gio age ➔ 30 ( +300 ) species ➔ child of the moon birthday ➔ september 22nd gender ➔ cisman ( he / him )sexual orientation ➔ pansexual fc ➔ clayton cardenas
a b o u t  
two thousand years ago, the children of the moon weren't a myth nor were they hurting in numbers. sergio doesn't remember who or how we was turned but back then it was seen as more of a blessing than a curse.
early in sergio’s life as a child of the moon he had to fight off a lot of vampires to stay alive and thus, developed a real hatred for them to the point that he wouldn’t hesitate to eradicate a vampire if they messed with him or his pack. one night he and some vampires got into a fight, which resulted in sergio killing off the small coven. all except for a baby, which happened to be a hybrid offspring of one of the vampires he just fought. guilt takes over and sergio decided to raise this hybrid as if they were his own. ( wc in the main )
raising a hybrid wasn't easy as a child of the moon and sergio had to do a lot of soul-searching to grow over his hatred for vampires, enough to be able to be a good father for the hybrid he picked up.
over the years sergio mellowed out some and learned to prioritize protection and discipline over revenge and bloodlust.
in forks, he runs a bar called la media luna he specifically made the bar into a safe haven for the supernatural and has a very strict no fighting policy. ( especially between species )
he still doesn't entirely trust vampires, especially the volturi, but he has learned the difference between being vigilant and being prejudice.
overall, sergio is a respect member of the community and has been in forks for a looong time.
c o n n e c t i o n s
cheaper than therapy ➔ sergio is not a man of many words and by extension… that makes him a pretty solid listener. so this would be someone who goes to sergio for advice or just to vent. ( open to any species )
bodyguard ➔ maybe someone hires him or asks him to guard them for a couple of nights? honestly, this could just be an excuse to go on a road trip together ( open to any species )
mentor ➔ i would love for him to take a role of a mentor for another shapeshifter or a child of the moon. bring them under his wing so that he can give them tips on how to deal with their rage, hone their skills, yada yada ( open to a shapeshifter or a child of the moon )
we ride at dawn ➔ biker gang! maybe a mechanic he trusts with his ride. maybe they get together once a week and ride their motorcycles over to some local bars. ( open to any species but would love for it to be a child of the moon thing )
right hand man ➔ while sergio does possess many qualities of a leader, he finds himself most comfortable taking a second in command role. what he lacks in the ability to charm and rally he makes up in physical strength and loyalty. the person he follows would have to be someone who's interesting in keeping the people of forks safe. ( open to any species )
i also have some more wc in his pinterest
p e r s o n a l i t y
+reliable +loyal +protective -reserved -possessive -stubborn mbti ➔  ISTP natal chart ➔  ↑ virgo ⊙ leo ☾ libra inspired by ➔ jawbone ( fantasy high ), eddard stark ( game of thrones ), arthur morgan ( red dead redemption 2 ), jim hopper ( stranger things ), hakoda ( avatar: the last air bender )
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sangrcfria · 1 year
for malai : In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?
"Criticism?" that brings her to laugh, a sound smoother than silk and for the trained ear, faker than plastic. "Why would anyone criticize me? That would imply that I did something wrong." Defensive for sure. Especially if it's coming from someone she doesn't respect.
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sangrcfria · 1 year
📝 sergio towards the volturi 
Powerful. Dangerous. It’s hard to be amiable towards a group who’s been such a contributing factor towards the near extinction of his species. A couple centuries ago he would have given anything to kill them off one by one. Now, he simply remains vigilant, guarded, and much more preoccupied with keeping a level of peace rather than seeking out revenge. “I doubt that they like me very much and that’s perfectly fine.” 'Cus he doesn’t exactly care for them either.
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sangrcfria · 1 year
Send me📝 and my muse will reveal their thoughts about your muse.
Their first impression:
Their current impression:
What they like the most about your muse:
What they dislike the most about your muse:
What your muse is for them ( Friend, lover, rival ecc.):
A general opinion of their relationship:
If applicable, something they wish to reveal:
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