sansaspetyr · 4 years
daily reminder that sansa did love petyr bc even after his death she believed he was genuine abt his love in a way and mourned him even though she’s able to call daenerys a tyrant in the same breath that’s called favoritism ladies and gents ;)
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sansaspetyr · 4 years
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(for @sansaspetyr​ based on this post )
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sansaspetyr · 4 years
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“Drifting snowflakes brushed her face as light as lover’s kisses, and melted on her cheeks. At the center of the garden, beside the statue of the weeping woman that lay broken and half-buried on the ground, she turned her face up to the sky and closed her eyes. She could feel the snow on her lashes, taste it on her lips. It was the taste of Winterfell. The taste of innocence. The taste of dreams.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Storm of Swords
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sansaspetyr · 5 years
thinking ab petyr and his love for sansa always makes me cry
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sansaspetyr · 5 years
i saw it as them joking with each other like
“oh dear! ;)))) i’m gonna be married when you return! we can’t do this anymore! ;))))”
and he’s like “oh dear! ;))))) this is so sad! ;))))) we’ll have to stop! ;)))))!”
kind of toying with each other and their secrecy, like “we all know even though you’re married your still mine and only mine”
Can anyone help me make sense of Petyr’s reaction here? Because I hate my own interpretation.
This is just after Petyr kisses Sansa in the Winterfell crypts, telling her to be strong without him. She says, “I imagine I’ll be a married woman by the time you return,” alluding to the fact she’ll be bedded.
Now, this is when they have developed into playing each other (or at least started to) as Aidan once said - “they use each other, they enjoy each other, they’re onto each other.”
So it would seem Sansa, who is frightened about being left alone with the Boltons, says this comment about being married/bedded/possibly with child to either persuade Petyr to stay, to help ensure he ensures her safety, or at least to test her sway over him. (Something else?)
Petyr reacts by seeing right through whatever she’s doing, and chuckles/smirks it off while giving her a look that says “I’m not taking the bait.”
I find this completely out of character for a man who a) desires Sansa as his own wife and b) made a face of anger and disgust in the background when Lysa asks Sansa if Tyrion bedded her.
Therefore, I must be misreading what’s happening here. But then again, Petyr told Roose to go ahead and confirm her virginity by having her examined, so maybe he truly doesn’t care about being first, as long as he gets Sansa in the end.
It could just be the nonsense that was this season, but, while I have little faith in the writers making sense, I have a lot in the actor, Aidan, knowing what he’s doing.
Can anyone offer a better interpretation?
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sansaspetyr · 5 years
petyr loves sansa more than anyone, even cat.
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sansaspetyr · 5 years
just thinking ab how sansa compares jonerys to her and petyr and that it really impacts the way she views them like girl we get it ur sad 😭
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sansaspetyr · 5 years
in my opinion, he never understood how much he loved her until he was willing to die at molestown. and then that’s why he tried to make up for what he did, but it was already a clock ticking for him. she was out of love and he was in it. which is what makes it more heartbreaking.
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that little smile he gives her before leaving. something, and it may just be me, theres something a little sad ab it, because it drops to a frown the moment he takes his back off the fence. this is the guy who just tried reconnecting with the girl he loves, and all he gets is spite and rejection (rightfully so tho). he sees that she practically hates him, but he isn’t giving up. yet that doesn’t mean her insults don’t affect him.
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sansaspetyr · 5 years
since grrm used jay gatsby for inspiration for petyr, that basically means that daisy is catelyn, and it’s ironic bc gatsby never truly *loved* daisy. basically sansa is his only true love it’s facts now uwu
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sansaspetyr · 5 years
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that little smile he gives her before leaving. something, and it may just be me, theres something a little sad ab it, because it drops to a frown the moment he takes his back off the fence. this is the guy who just tried reconnecting with the girl he loves, and all he gets is spite and rejection (rightfully so tho). he sees that she practically hates him, but he isn’t giving up. yet that doesn’t mean her insults don’t affect him.
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sansaspetyr · 5 years
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— aidan gillen
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sansaspetyr · 5 years
anyone got any angsty fix-it fics of where sansa resurrects petyr or he’s jailed instead of executed in 7.07????
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sansaspetyr · 5 years
anyone got any angsty fix-it fics of where sansa resurrects petyr or he’s jailed instead of executed in 7.07????
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sansaspetyr · 5 years
aidan admitting that petyr was blinded by his feelings for sansa which is why he couldn’t see that her and arya were going to kill him is info i didn’t know existed but i NEEDED.
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sansaspetyr · 5 years
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sansa & petyr graphics: “fire & ice.” robert frost
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sansaspetyr · 5 years
petyr cried whenever sansa told him to leave and that she was in pain, but not when cat told him she was in pain and wanted him to leave. reminder that aidan says petyr doesn’t do crocodile tears (fake tears).
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sansaspetyr · 5 years
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sansa & petyr + canon commentary/quotes
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