sansloii-a · 2 years
I’ve moved everything I needed from here ( i think ) so this blog is now an archive that i will never delete ♥
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find me over at  @sansloii​ !!
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sansloii-a · 2 years
me, remembering all my stuff is mainly on my old laptop: shiiiiiiit--
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sansloii-a · 2 years
It’s certainly been a while since I’ve been on here....
...and I’m alive.
I took... a very extended break from tumblr rp while I was finishing school and trying to get a job. I found that it wasn’t very good for me, especially considering that my degree required me to have little to no life coughcoughSTEMMajor cough and i just... didn’t have the motivation for writing on here anymore. I thought being low activity would solve what i was feeling but I just really needed to take a step back from this site and not think about anything pertaining to it for a little bit while I got my shit together. Hence me dropping off the face of the planet for... over two years? Maybe more. I don’t know.
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i have my shit together now so.... i’m gonna try being alive on here again
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sansloii-a · 3 years
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??? sentence starters | @nezumivc103221​
❛ Who do I remind you of? ❜ [ let’s try Wynn : ) ]
        “...Who do you remind me of?” he repeats, as if he hadn't heard the question clearly or needed clarification on what it was. He doesn't immediately follow it up with other questions, though, and falls silent in thought. After a couple moments, his posture relaxes slightly with a sigh and his gaze drifts from where it'd been focused on — the singer.
          Scathing at times at times — so much so that it could seep into his voice almost effortlessly — but not in a clumsy, haphazard way. His tone varied depending on who he spoke to or what he said... but he was very careful with the way he did so. He knew how to talk, plainly speaking, and very well at that. Of course, he was not always sour or rude, and he had many moments where he was less so — or, at the very least, detached enough to be passive. He wasn't around the other too often and so, his opinion of the other was limited to what few interactions they'd had since he'd been hired — all of which were rather... pleasant compared to others, he'd say.
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        “...No one — not unless you take joy in being compared to others in my head.” Wynn finally answers, “You... you have a very distinct personality and with the way you carry yourself, I can't really put you alongside another person in good faith and say you remind me of them.”
         If he knew Nezumi better, perhaps he could try... but, even then, he doesn't think he could.
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sansloii-a · 3 years
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headcanon meme | @nezumivc103221​
❣ - hands ❤ - voice ✮ - sleeping habits ✿ - laugh [ for Wynn. I don't know how you prefer to write your headcanons, so ofc, feel free to separate this into individual posts if you want : ) ]
hands:  his hands are more on the rough side, but are free from scars and calluses and the like; so not exceedingly so. nails are either filed down or clipped because he knows he could really hurt himself with too long nails ( in terms of doing his job and fighting and what not. his claws are a different matter entirely and extend whenever he gets irritated enough to warrant them.... leading to more filing ) He takes fairly good care of his hands, to put it plainly, and is very mindful about that.
voice: wynn is not much of a speaker but, when he does open his mouth, his voice volume tends to be very low... and that much is more due to him not wanting show too much of his teeth ( which he is very subconscious about ). If he's really comfortable with whoever he's speaking to, that's when his voice volume gets louder and you can hear how warm and resonant his voice can be. he has a lot of subtle inflections in his voice as well that give away how he's feeling, some of which are further amplified by his natural speaking voice and how he tends to talk.
laugh: i feel like it is only fitting to put wynn's laugh after his voice because his voice lends a lot to how he laughs. more oft than not, it's a low, almost inaudible chuckle or an amused breath. however, on the off chance he hears something that really tickles him, you'll get this warm, hearty laugh that really just comes deep from in his chest. you're hear the breath he takes between peals of laughter and—again, because of his teeth—he tends to cover his mouth or lean forward and turns his head in a way that obscures his face for the most part. either way, you'll hear his laugh because it's not something he can really muffle? or wants to, for that matter.
sleeping habits: wynn's a fairly light sleeper but it really depends on how tired he is when he actually goes to sleep. his max is maybe 7 to 8 hours but he can run on 6 and be perfectly fine. he tries to keep to a normal sleep schedule but, given his job, that's not always possible and sometimes, he sleeps in. however, that's definitely not the norm for him and if he feels like he's beginning to sleep in too frequently, he tends to be very reluctant to be out at times that cut in to the time he's supposed to spend sleeping .if wynn is sick or just.... isn't tired when he gets back, he'll spend a lot of time tossing and turning in bed. he loses sleep, yeah, but not nearly as much as he would when working. he can take anywhere from a couple minutes to just shy of an hour to fall asleep...
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sansloii-a · 3 years
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??? sentence starters | @cadcnce
❛ Hey, did you get me anything? ❜ [ did you, Mikah? ]
          The thief arches a brow at the hitman, their expression contorting into one of mild confusion — though it's more along the lines of “Why?” than “You wanted me to get you something?”.
        “Ya didn't ask me to brin' ya anythin' so I didn't. It's not like I took a trip because I wanted to — I had to.” they telll him, “So... next time I have to go outta town or somethin' like that, maybe you could tell me that ya want me to pick somethin' up for ya. Deal? Otherwise, i don't wanna hear shit about “Mikah didn't get me nothin'”, alright?”
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        It's then that Mikah takes out their phone, allowing a sigh to escape them as they tap at the screen a little bit to unlock it. “All that said... have ya eaten yet? Or did ya come straight here with the express purpose of botherin' me?”
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sansloii-a · 3 years
starter call c:
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sansloii-a · 3 years
starter call c:
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sansloii-a · 3 years
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headcanon meme | @nezumivc103221
☤ - self care/first aid habits & ✪ - favourite food/eating habits [ for Wynn : ) ]
self care/first aid habits: mmmmmm he has two first aid kits—one in his kitchen and the other tucked behind the mirror in the bathroom so like. he doesn't have  to worry about not having one or running out of stuff in one b/c he has the other. and he knows how to administer first aid pretty well ( as he's had quite a bit of practice ). 
as for self care, wynn tends to take good care of himself physically and mentally. he doesn't overwork himself, he makes sure to exercise, he eats pretty well and regularly, sleeps well ( and at normal times when he can ), drinks water, takes breaks, etc. He has no worries there, tbh. he also used to travel quite a bit so that contributed to it a bit as well. On the off chance he just had one of those days where he's tired or.... unproductive, he make a little list of all the things he was going to do that day and spreads them out over the next few days so he isn't absolutely bombarded with tasks to finish the first day he's back to working or whatever.
favorite foods/eating habits: pretty simple. he eats a small breakfast ( usually something he can make in like.... 5-10 minutes max ) but also a few breakfast snacks over the course of the morning, such as a granola bar or breakfast biscuits. he'll also occasionally have a smoothie or a milkshake but like... that depends on if he really wants to spend too much time on that. lunch is a wee bit bigger and is usually something he can eat on the go like a wrap, sandwich, burrito, etc + some sort of snack  to go with it. he's not too picky with drinks here and goes with whatever he feels like drinking. dinner is the only time he'll kinda slow down and take his time with making something and it tends to be... fairly big to account for the fact that he doesn't eat too much during the day itself. not too big on desserts but will have one if that day's been really shit and tiring.
now this isn't particularly his schedule when he's has a day off and what not. for example, he'll spend a lot of time  with his meals and make things that he'd much prefer to eat on any given. he learns more towards savory foods as opposed to those that aren't so much but, even still, he's not really picky. doesn't have much of a sweet tooth either so he's not too big on candies and the like but he will eat them without complaint—especially if it's something made by someone he's friends with.
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sansloii-a · 3 years
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unprompted | @matteblackstars​
"Wait, you're telling me that you're NOT being scathing right now?" Nicholas barks back with teasing sarcasm, "You mean THE Mikah is giving ME a compliment?? Hell must have frozen over, I swear. Are you sick? Are you ill? Come here, let me check, I'm a doctor, hahahaha-- no no I am, for real, but I'm just so flattered. Something good must have happened to you today." (Mikah!)
          Dark brows rise at Nicholas' response and the thief inches their head back, leveling the shorter male with something of a look as he speaks. While it was true that, for once, they didn't have some sort of sharp comment at the tip of their tongue, they didn't think that a compliment would garner that much of a reaction from him — much less this teasing. It's well deserved, given how they typically behaved and the things they tended to say... but, naturally, they didn't particular take too well to being teased right after their lapse in bad behavior.
        “'m not sick but you're really makin' me wish I was, you know?” they (bite back), “That way, I wouldn't have to be here and listen to you give me shit for the one compliment I happen to give. In fact, if that's how you're gonna be, I think I might circle back around to bein' scathing and rude since ya seem to like it so much.”
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        “Wouldn't want hell t'start coolin' down on account of me bein' too nice, now would we?”
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sansloii-a · 3 years
starter call c:
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sansloii-a · 3 years
working on drafts and asks now
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sansloii-a · 3 years
@hhemeraa replied: i kees
uwu thank you sy. you get 2 back
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sansloii-a · 3 years
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sometimes my brain tries to trick me into forgetting what “low-activity” means and it’s a constant cycle of “you have things to answer” before i tell myself i’ll get to it later
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sansloii-a · 3 years
me and sy, practically all of today: 
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sansloii-a · 3 years
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headcanon meme | @soulsxng​​
 ✿ (for best girls Penny and Dakota!!)
penny: more partial to amused breaths and expressive facial expressions than to actual laughter. however, when she does actually start laughing, it's prefaced by a little snort or something before she dissolves into it. because she really doesn't laugh out loud too often so her first instinct is to stop herself from laughing or suppress it. once she gets going, she either leans back or falls over a little and is the type that will 100% collapse if she's not already propped up on something.
dakota: silent laughter if she can help it but she also won't hold back her laughter if she really feels like the moment deserves to be laughed at. at that point, her laughter can be anywhere from a soft chuckle to hearty laughter. it really depends on who she's talking to and what the conversation is about. has a habit of placing her hand near her mouth preemptively if she wants to laugh but can't. however, she never fully covers her mouth because if you're saying something stupid and she's gonna laugh at it, she will let you know the moment the urge comes.
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sansloii-a · 3 years
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headcanon meme | @cadcnce​
✉ - texting habits
mikah: does not capitalize anything without reason and when they do, it's usually not intentional. However, they use punctuation in their text and rarely ever forgets them ( and if they do, they're tired ). emojis are situational, to be honest, but they tend to use them more when they're being sarcastic or rude as opposed to being genuine. they do, however, put them next to contact names as it suits them. responds when it suits them.
penny: she is a fast typer and therefore tends to make mistakes here and there. she has the autocorrect feature on because she knows she will make mistakes and would rather not have to delete what she's typing to fix a mistake. she's also the type that thinks faster than she types and so, coupled with her inclination towards fast texting, she will forget some things in her sentence. it doesn't happen often but it's occurred to the point that who know her well understand what she's saying most of the time. doesn't use emojis at all. responds immediately or she'll forget to.
evan: the bare minimum of a message. text speak. he's on the go a lot and doesn't like looking at his phone too much if he doesn't have to and so, he tends to keep his time spent there to a minimum. uses emojis sparingly but he, like mikah, will often use them when he's being sarcastic or rude. he prefers calls over texting so if he really needs something from you, he'll call. typically responds immediately but sometimes takes a while.
wynn: perfect texts all the time. yeah he screws up here and there but for the most part, he keeps his texts pretty neat looking. Uses emojis and text faces to emphasize things and indicate tone. He's also a fan of just calling if he needs something but he'll warn you first and then call if it's alright responds as soon as he can.
dakota: a member of the lowercase club. However, that's more because important, business matters occur in person and she certainly isn't texting vital information over her phone. she feels silly using anything other than a select few text faces in her conversations and those, like wynn, are used to indicate tone.
joey: also a member of the lowercase club but shifts to not lowercase when he's getting serious or annoyed. he also texts a bit differently when he's talking to  dakota or lera, as opposed to others. because with them, he can have idle conversations and exchanges that don't pertain to his job or whatever task he has ( when not working ), but like it's like a switch flips when he's talking to pretty much anyone else. he's not rude, per se, but he'll just... end the conversation as smoothly as he can. no emojis with most people but he does use them with Lera ( mostly hearts and the like )
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