satanicspeaks · 20 hours
To the butch who lives in my apartment complex and I know you’ll never see this: hope you know I talk about you and your dog to my partners, admiring you, your flat caps, your hair with some grey and small smiles from a far. Oh to be two queers witnessing each others lives over years in an elevator never sharing a single sentence.
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satanicspeaks · 1 day
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satanicspeaks · 1 day
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An interesting demonstration of how the human brain works.
But also something of a lesson regarding perception, and the unreliability of subjective perspective versus objective reality.
You can be extremely certain about how you perceive the world, your "lived experience," that which you "feel it in my heart." But that doesn't mean it's actually true. And it doesn't mean we have to endorse it, or ignore or outright deny objective reality.
That's a "you" thing, not a "we" thing.
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satanicspeaks · 1 day
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horror sub-genres: comedy
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satanicspeaks · 1 day
sleepy butches/studs/mascs live so rent free in my head…like come here baby boy…rest your head on my chest while I wrap my arms around you and plant little kissies on your forehead until you fall asleep.
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satanicspeaks · 2 days
Finished Leviathan Falls… yes I’m crying and yes it was perfect
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satanicspeaks · 2 days
making bread with intense concentration
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satanicspeaks · 2 days
(flight intercom) this is the pilot speaking. yeah we expect todays flight to be normal. um if you look out your window you shouldnt see the skull
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satanicspeaks · 3 days
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Rocinante Interior Layout by Ryan Dening
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satanicspeaks · 3 days
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satanicspeaks · 3 days
AHH thank you!! Withholding James POV is so true, he just the dancing bear and then he is just the underground’s leaders boyfriend. I think it’s also setting us up so much in the last three books to be okay with whatever happens to him in the last book (I have an hour left, he’s become the station and that’s all I know so far). This series does incredibly well with priming the reader to be ready for something to happen. We saw that with Bobby’s death, Holden being stolen etc.
(It does you’re so right!!! Amos in a perpetual state of will they won’t they kill Amos and sike he’s now deeply unkillable)
I’ll share when I finish!! Thank you!!
Been seeing reviews of The Expanse books where people comment on how slow the books are, that it’s a slog to get to the plot arcs. And while yeah definitely it takes it time, i personally enjoy it.
Each book introduces new POV and slowly puts plot pieces together. I’m used to slow burns and books like Gideon the Ninth where things slow ramp up until it all falls apart in quick succession. The POV’s are a great choice too with how the books utilise them, it’s always the most significant characters and I haven’t felt like a POV was adding nothing to the books (except for in book 1 when I didn’t understand the format so ignored all that didn’t interest me)
Book spoilers from here for the books Abaddon’s Gate & Nemesis Games
Abaddon’s Gate is one of my favourite’s for how it does this. We meet Clarissa who makes sense in the context she’s in, she links back to her sister nicely, her family is known and by slowly exploring who she is we don’t feel the POV swaps in the main arc are sudden or odd.
Same with Anna, we get to know her, how she feels, how she acts in situations before you drop the mother of all crises on her.
Holden is well known at this point and his POV gives us familiarity, we love him as a character and know the crew he’s in so we still hold that emotional connection to them as the other POV’s develop. Because it’s hard to care about a character that’s new (this is why I have some major criticisms of Fourth Wing as a book, it wants us to care about how protagonist is feeling about a character we met two paragraphs ago, it feels empty and shallow)
By having a slow set up it also allows for a shit tone of points to use in the plot climaxes. Like oh that thing that was mentioned in chapter 2? Yeah it’s important. Those important things are masked by an info dump of sci-fi and each characters own interests so we as the reader don’t see what’s important straight away. But we know by now that this is the format the books will take.
That’s also why Nemsis Games and its deviation from what we expect with POV is important. Oh? We got used to new POVs and the crew being all together? Well this time we’ll only give you the crew’s POV! They’re familiar but this time you now fundamentally know how they think, removing Holden’s bias.
I’m once again info dumping about the book series, don’t worry I’m not stopping. I’m up to Babylon’s Ashes, so three books to go. Five seasons of the TV series to go. Let’s see if I can do this in less than two months 🫡
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satanicspeaks · 3 days
Nothing like a character we started to hate and then begun to love as she gets to rip apart at the authoritarian dictator (literally)
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satanicspeaks · 3 days
Nothing like a character we started to hate and then begun to love as she gets to rip apart at the authoritarian dictator (literally)
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satanicspeaks · 3 days
can’t use the internet without adblock because it’s so crowded that it’s unusable can’t read important breaking news without a subscription can’t get a streaming service without them eventually adding commercials can’t watch youtube videos without 30 ads can’t search up things on google without seeing a shit ton of sponsored results can’t answer unknown numbers because everything is a scam call can’t use essential app features without a 30 dollar subscription per month can’t watch a music video without product placement. is anyone else tired
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satanicspeaks · 3 days
Okay wait I’m resurfacing this, I’m on final book (under 2 hours left) and I cannot for the life of me work out which POV we were denied.
Been seeing reviews of The Expanse books where people comment on how slow the books are, that it’s a slog to get to the plot arcs. And while yeah definitely it takes it time, i personally enjoy it.
Each book introduces new POV and slowly puts plot pieces together. I’m used to slow burns and books like Gideon the Ninth where things slow ramp up until it all falls apart in quick succession. The POV’s are a great choice too with how the books utilise them, it’s always the most significant characters and I haven’t felt like a POV was adding nothing to the books (except for in book 1 when I didn’t understand the format so ignored all that didn’t interest me)
Book spoilers from here for the books Abaddon’s Gate & Nemesis Games
Abaddon’s Gate is one of my favourite’s for how it does this. We meet Clarissa who makes sense in the context she’s in, she links back to her sister nicely, her family is known and by slowly exploring who she is we don’t feel the POV swaps in the main arc are sudden or odd.
Same with Anna, we get to know her, how she feels, how she acts in situations before you drop the mother of all crises on her.
Holden is well known at this point and his POV gives us familiarity, we love him as a character and know the crew he’s in so we still hold that emotional connection to them as the other POV’s develop. Because it’s hard to care about a character that’s new (this is why I have some major criticisms of Fourth Wing as a book, it wants us to care about how protagonist is feeling about a character we met two paragraphs ago, it feels empty and shallow)
By having a slow set up it also allows for a shit tone of points to use in the plot climaxes. Like oh that thing that was mentioned in chapter 2? Yeah it’s important. Those important things are masked by an info dump of sci-fi and each characters own interests so we as the reader don’t see what’s important straight away. But we know by now that this is the format the books will take.
That’s also why Nemsis Games and its deviation from what we expect with POV is important. Oh? We got used to new POVs and the crew being all together? Well this time we’ll only give you the crew’s POV! They’re familiar but this time you now fundamentally know how they think, removing Holden’s bias.
I’m once again info dumping about the book series, don’t worry I’m not stopping. I’m up to Babylon’s Ashes, so three books to go. Five seasons of the TV series to go. Let’s see if I can do this in less than two months 🫡
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satanicspeaks · 3 days
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No such thing as too Butch
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satanicspeaks · 3 days
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☠️ punk butch / teddy bear butch 🧸
happy pride month! this is also me testing glaze for the first time lol
(as usual, posted early on ptrn)
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