Why the need of Python developers increasing in the industry?
C and C++ are the languages which are extremely reliable and popular among the developers for past three decades. Many languages were born to challenge with these languages and to knock out them. But till today there is no perfect replacement for these languages. Python is one such language which was developed in early 1980 to challenge with C and C++. Though it was not able to replace these historic languages but it managed to remain in the industry with a different identity for a different purpose. Python has seen a tremendous rooler coaster movement in its life in early phase but when it was reinvented by Google in 2008 for an ambitious project namely “Unladen swallow” it gained a tremendous popularity among the developers. With the end of the project, python has increased its efficiency to multiple times making it a fast choice for many purposes.
Importance of Python: Python was basically developed to create desktop application. But later on it redefined its purpose to develop enterprise standard web applications which is a must for the modern era. Moreover, python developers can write good mobile applications and mobile games for the modern devices like smart phones and tablets. So we can say python is a fully fledged language having its existence in a large scale of industries.
Django- empowering Python: In recent trend, we can’t ignore the importance of framework for any language because framework makes the application development for any language not only efficient but also superfast. Django is one such framework which is dedicated to python developers. The Django framework helps in developing modern web applications at a much faster pace. The Django python developers can take the help of many in built modules functions and features of the framework to develop enterprise standard web applications. Django python developers can create interactive web solutions from various ambitious projects which needs more efficiency and speed for the application. Django python framework has many advanced features like cache management, automatic admin module generation, faster web design etc which gives a pleasant experience to the Django python developer and at the same time increase productivity.
Python for Modern Computer Devices: The best part of python is that it is not limited to just desktop applications. Rather it can be used for developing modern web applications as well as mobile applications including mobile games. Before few years, Nokia developers had developed a python based application for their series 60 mobiles known as Pys60 for different operations of the device. This clearly implies the potential of python language and hence the importance of python developers in upcoming time.
Why it is getting popularity? A recent study revealed an amazing outcome about python. It revealed that python is the first choice of developers for developing an application in 2013. Moreover, it has outperformed the undisputed language java to the second spot. The motto of Python is “Batteries Included”, that means all the required modules and functions are available within the library without any need of external resource; hence it is getting more and more popularity with time. This clearly implies the potential of python developers in 2015. Since python developers can develop any application for different sections like web application, mobile application, desktop application and hardware application hence we can see a bright future of the python developers in upcoming period. You can hire a developer from custom Python Development company, who can help you develop web apps that are stable, scalable and secure.
If you are looking for offshore Python development companies or would you like to hire Python developers, please get in touch with us.
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Python frameworks and features for working with Hadoop
The software development framework Hadoop has been developed in Apache and used to cluster storage as well as process data-sets on large scale in multiple hardwares. The main reason behind the creation of Hadoop was to enhance the search capability over several servers. This framework uses the factor of distributed computing to enable High Performance Computing. Java is the language in which the framework has been developed but other languages can be used as well like C++ or Python. Looking at the power as well as popularity of Python most people are prompted to use it. However, during that time the framework used must be Python-specific. These make writing in Python really easy as well as convenient. Some of the frameworks along with their associated features are discussed here.
HadoopStreaming- Hadoop Streaming is the number 1 choice for many developers since it is considered the most transparent as well as fastest option. It also encourages great text processing. This canonical method helps supply executables to Hadoop as reducer or mapper. Agreed-upon semantics are used for direct streaming. By default a tab character is used for separation of value and key. This helps in precise as well as clean functioning without the need of configuring a separate framework.
Pydoop- Pydoop script is another popular option which helps in writing of simple MapReduce programs. The reducers as well as mapper functions can be enabled with very few lines of code. When you need more functions than that provided by the Pydoop Script, Pydoop API can be switched over which is far more complete. With this Python RecordWriter, RecordReader as well as Partitioner can be implemented. It has certain unique features; it wraps Hadoop Pipes and claims to provide an interface which is quite rich.
mrjob- This open source framework has been developed actively by Yelp; it wraps Streaming. The operation between Yelp and Amazon Web Services makes integration between mrjob and EMR really easy as well as smooth. A pythonic API is provided by mrjob which enables users to use mappers as well as keys to work with all kinds of objects. The jobs can be run either on Hadoop cluster, locally for testing or on EMR. Multi-step jobs can be written with minimal setup needed.
Hadoopy- This Python wrapper has been written in Cython. This fast as well as simple framework is tested on more than 700 node clusters. Despite its tiny size, it is extremely well documented, transparent, fast as well as efficient. It can efficiently handle even complicated programs and is compatible with dumbo which allows switching back and forth between the two. The debugging feature is quite nice where messages can be written directly to stdout/stderr, that too without any disruptions to the Streaming process.
dumbo- The project for wrapping of Streaming is quite broadly used. This project allows easy writing along with running of Hadoop programs. In fact, it is often considered as a convenient Python API to write MapReduce programs. Its main identifying features are that it is efficient, easy, mature and flexible. Its simplicity does not stand in the way- it can perform low level things along with tricky actions. It relies on typed bytes to communicate with the framework. On top of that, writing resource-intensive elements natively in a job becomes very easy in Java. It is not only easy to write but easy to read too. It even provides several additional features along with boilerplate functionality.
Apart from the ones mentioned here, there are some other frameworks like octopi, Disco, happy, Mortar, Luigi, etc which can be used. These have several features and benefits of using. So considering everything, users have plenty of options when looking for the perfect Python framework to work with Hadoop. You can get in touch with a custom python development company who can help you develop web application within allocated budgets and time schedules.
We provide python development services. If you would like hire python developers for your development needs, please contact us at Mindfire Solutions.
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