saveandwin · 3 years
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saveandwin · 4 years
After two years on Izuku and 10 years on tumblr, it’s time for me to bow out. This has been coming for a long while now – about a year, year and a half – and while I tried to keep my interest in tumblr alive … I’ve just outgrown it. It’s become more work to be on here than not sadly.
I just want to thank everyone who has followed me in the past or is following me still currently. I want to thank everyone for talking to me, interacting with me, messaging me, sending me asks, and giving me an incredible experience across all the fandoms I’ve been in. I have a special place in my heart for the kingdom hearts fandom and I love you all there so very much. My time in the BNHA fandom has not been the greatest and I’ve always felt uncomfortable with this RPC but there have been some really incredibly fun times and I’ve made a lot of genuine friends who I cherish very dearly, and who I know I will keep talking to years from now. You guys know who you are! 
( winks @ ham, tessa, gi, reid, rhys, koala, mira, rina, & kai aka the cliche! i love you guys so much. thank you so much for all you’ve done for me: for your friendship, your company, your support, your jokes and the many laughs and smiles you guys have given me these past two years. your friendship is honestly so priceless to me and if nothing else, the one thing i will take away from my time here in the bnha fandom is that i met a solid group of friends i love to death and look forward to talking to every day. )
I will be releasing a lot of URLS as I take my leave. Feel free to DM me for any of them and I’ll release them to you! I’ll be on all day. Also feel free to ask me for the codes to any of the themes on there if you want to use them yourself.
besthero / soulstrength / bravestrength / thiscourage / raremight / lightofahero / hyliancourage / heirweiss / zorasage / empathymade / truempathy / righteousviolence / magicitself / nichirinsword / hackstronaut / winninghero / ghira / revealtruth / inheritpower / medikrieg / selflessnature / firebreathe / uaprincipal / oxidizesweat
I will be keeping the URLS saveandwin / smashkick / thekeybladehero / wingshead because even though I’m leaving, I don’t know what the future holds and if I’ll ever be back – but I also cherish the memories that are attached with these URLS and all the people who helped make my experience here on tumblr a great one. 
The only blog I will keep and be somewhat active on will be my Hinata Shoyo. Even this will be very low though. I just simply don’t have the time or interest to be on this website more than I need to.
Also, here is the link to all of my colored manga icons for Deku. 
Feel free to download and use to your heart’s content. Just don’t claim as your own. I welcome you guys to take whatever you want from this blog or any of the others listed above as well — themes, headcanons, whatever. I honestly truly do not care anymore. If you see something you like or that gives you inspiration, go for it! I no longer have use for any of it so if you do, please by all means go ahead. You have my full permission.
If we know each other really well, feel free to ask for my discord so we can keep in touch and keep talking as friends! I also do a lot more discord RP nowadays (mainly Haikyuu) as I find it much easier and faster, so if you’re interested in that let me know!
Thank you again everyone for the wonderful memories, and I hope you all have an incredible year and onward. Maybe we’ll meet again. ❤ ✌
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saveandwin · 4 years
After two years on Izuku and 10 years on tumblr, it’s time for me to bow out. This has been coming for a long while now -- about a year, year and a half -- and while I tried to keep my interest in tumblr alive ... I’ve just outgrown it. It’s become more work to be on here than not sadly.
I just want to thank everyone who has followed me in the past or is following me still currently. I want to thank everyone for talking to me, interacting with me, messaging me, sending me asks, and giving me an incredible experience across all the fandoms I’ve been in. I have a special place in my heart for the kingdom hearts fandom and I love you all there so very much. My time in the BNHA fandom has not been the greatest and I’ve always felt uncomfortable with this RPC but there have been some really incredibly fun times and I’ve made a lot of genuine friends who I cherish very dearly, and who I know I will keep talking to years from now. You guys know who you are! 
( winks @ ham, tessa, gi, reid, rhys, koala, mira, rina, & kai aka the cliche! i love you guys so much. thank you so much for all you’ve done for me: for your friendship, your company, your support, your jokes and the many laughs and smiles you guys have given me these past two years. your friendship is honestly so priceless to me and if nothing else, the one thing i will take away from my time here in the bnha fandom is that i met a solid group of friends i love to death and look forward to talking to every day. )
I will be releasing a lot of URLS as I take my leave. Feel free to DM me for any of them and I’ll release them to you! I’ll be on all day. Also feel free to ask me for the codes to any of the themes on there if you want to use them yourself.
besthero / soulstrength / bravestrength / thiscourage / raremight / lightofahero / hyliancourage / heirweiss / zorasage / empathymade / truempathy / righteousviolence / magicitself / nichirinsword / hackstronaut / winninghero / ghira / revealtruth / inheritpower / medikrieg / selflessnature / firebreathe / uaprincipal / oxidizesweat
I will be keeping the URLS saveandwin / smashkick / thekeybladehero / wingshead because even though I’m leaving, I don’t know what the future holds and if I’ll ever be back -- but I also cherish the memories that are attached with these URLS and all the people who helped make my experience here on tumblr a great one. 
The only blog I will keep and be somewhat active on will be my Hinata Shoyo. Even this will be very low though. I just simply don’t have the time or interest to be on this website more than I need to.
Also, here is the link to all of my colored manga icons for Deku. 
Feel free to download and use to your heart’s content. Just don’t claim as your own. I welcome you guys to take whatever you want from this blog or any of the others listed above as well --- themes, headcanons, whatever. I honestly truly do not care anymore. If you see something you like or that gives you inspiration, go for it! I no longer have use for any of it so if you do, please by all means go ahead. You have my full permission.
If we know each other really well, feel free to ask for my discord so we can keep in touch and keep talking as friends! I also do a lot more discord RP nowadays (mainly Haikyuu) as I find it much easier and faster, so if you’re interested in that let me know!
Thank you again everyone for the wonderful memories, and I hope you all have an incredible year and onward. Maybe we’ll meet again. ❤ ✌
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saveandwin · 4 years
@hinasun / @saveandwin : makes a post
Baku, immediately: eat shit loser
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@hinasun / @saveandwin : makes a post
Baku, immediately: eat shit loser
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saveandwin · 4 years
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saveandwin · 4 years
It’s true that I’m not very tall. However, I can JUMP !   written by sam! 🧡
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saveandwin · 4 years
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friday, 3th january 2020
hello!!! i was studying brazilian history and i just realized getúlio vargas was a crazy b*tch??? also while editing the pics i was between going into a minimalist edit OR put a pink ass filter and add some stickers cuz why not??
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saveandwin · 4 years
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its a lot
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saveandwin · 4 years
I just followed you, but I must say I really love your Midoriya. You portrayal is actually more entertaining than in canon. Even if you don't follow me back, I still want to still follow you to make me laugh or cry. Sadly I don't know which BnHA characters for you to interact with you, all my muses are Marvel characters. But I hope we'll plot one day.
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AHHHHHHHH THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! god … i don’t know how i could ever properly respond to this but seriously honestly TRULY thank you!!! i’m so so so happy to hear you appreciate him …. 😢 i’ll admit i feel rusty at him a lot nowadays since it’s been so long since i’ve last written him and i’m so busy nowadays but!!! i’m really flattered and honored and RELIEVED to hear that you enjoy him!!! i wish i knew who you were so i could properly thank you (and don’t worry about non-bnha muses, i am incredibly familiar with marvel and love to dabble in that world!!) but i hope i can continue writing things you enjoy!!! i hope you have an incredible day!!! 💚💚💚
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saveandwin · 4 years
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god izuku and bakugo are so DUMB AND IN LOVE 
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saveandwin · 4 years
There’s a pinch of pride (”pinch”) in his chest at how easily it was to get Izuku to be impressed with the guitarist, and it shows across his face, too - lips curving into a cocky little grin, eyebrows frowning slightly to up that cocky expression by five extra points. “He’s a fuckin’ beast,” Katsuki’s smirk widens a bit with the claim, “It’s not just how fast he plays though, look – ‘s more than just practice, y’know? Ya can just tell he was born t’ do this shit.”
It’s something he could appreciate in anything. Passion – the drive to do something you just know you were born to do. Something that pushes you forward. Sets you apart from anyone else. The second song ends and Katsuki mumbles a quiet little ‘hold on’ before looking through the recommended videos for a specific cover, mumbling a quiet ‘there’ when he finds it. 
when he clicks it, an ad pops up, some random shit about one app or another, and he side glances at Izuku, feeling his cheek redden again, feeling his heartbeat fasten. it’s when he realizes he’s got one hand on the phone and Izuku’s hand is on the other side of it, mirroring the way he’s holding it.
The intro begins, quiet, before the music picks up, becomes a bit more apparent, and it catches Izuku’s gaze again, leaves Katsuki staring at the other stare at the screen. 
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izuku’s gaze slips from the video over to bakugo sometime during his explanation, and izuku can’t help but be completely taken in by the look on bakugo’s face : the pride in his grin, cocky and confident and izuku’s chest feels weirder and weirder by the moment. it’s like his heart’s doing backflips in there or something ... kacchan really is amazing, he thinks, even though they aren’t really doing anything right now, even though they’re just sitting here close to one another listening to music. the thought is softer and warmer than any other time he’s thought it -- less awed and borne from his battle sense and abilities and more just ... a passing thought that takes up all of izuku’s thoughts. 
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“ you really like his music, huh? ”  izuku murmurs softly, and his smile is equally as soft as he aims it at bakugo. he colors a little when another song starts up -- softer and more .... there’s a word for it but izuku’s brain wanders away from it before it can get too close -- slow and sees that bakugo’s gaze has turned back to him too. ah, izuku thinks, a bit mortified but also unable to look away, he probably saw me staring at him! izuku’s breath catches a little, green meeting red, and he struggles to find something to say, struggles to look away and break eye contact. the music is still there, playing just in front of them, but it’s like it’s fallen away -- like everything but this little pocket of moment between them has fallen away.
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saveandwin · 4 years
Katsuki’s heart begins to do this weird thing that it’s been doing around Izuku lately, and - although he’s used to it by now - it always makes him feel…. tense? Self conscious? He’s not even sure anymore, but it’s something that’s been happening around Izuku far too often, and, at this point – he knows what it is.
He lifts his head, looking at the other as he speaks up, and they’re close, far too close, enough that he could just lean in and – no, no, he frowns deeply, keeping the closeness (he’s not a fucking pussy, okay), but turning his face back towards Izuku’s phone, reaching a hand to grab the device from his hands. 
“Gimme that,”
and their hands brush with a bit of a linger that Katsuki would never own up to; thumb staying atop of Izuku’s a second longer than it needs to but he doesn’t care at this point, he just does it, just lets moments like these happen.
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“None o’ this shit, to start with,”
his fingers move swiftly over the phone’s letters (and there’s a moment of hesitation because he kind of wants Izuku to like whatever he chooses to play and that’s stupid because it shouldn’t fucking matter if he likes it or not, his taste in music is motherfucking flawless, Izuku can suck a dick–), frown deepening before he finally continues to type in ‘Miyavi Rockstar’ and opens the link. He waits a moment, letting the music play for a bit before he adds:
“Stuff like that.”
there’s an odd look on izuku’s face, even when bakugo looks away back towards the phone. izuku’s heart feels unsteady, like the wobbling lines of his mouth. izuku doesn’t put up any protest when bakugo plucks the phone from him though, already having known it was coming but also feeling blindsided regardless by the casual action combined with having looked bakugo so closely in the eyes that he could see the different tones of red in them and wow they really were red and its those thoughts that short-circuit his brain for a second until he’s left staring at his empty hands with a blush. what’s wrong with me? he wonders, immensely glad when the music starts up and he can focus on something else, something that’s not --- not how off-balance he feels.
“ wow! ”  izuku had been expecting something ... well, different. louder, maybe? faster? still --- the song does sound like something kacchan would listen to, and izuku smiles a little at that thought, knowing bakugo is sharing a song that he likes with him. it’s a little fact that no one else would know probably, and izuku feels warm and giddy inside at knowing he’s the one who does. and izuku has to admit ... the cover is really catchy, especially with the guitarist’s talent!   “ he’s incredible! ”   it feels like he’d pay more attention to watching the video than he would reading his notes, though .... the video finishes and jumps over to the next one in the recommended feed, and izuku’s still drawn in, scooting closer and leaning up so that he’s able to peer at the phone screen, head directly opposite of bakugo’s and eyes glued to the screen as his free hand comes up to pinch at his bottom lip in thought.  “ how he does he play so fast ... ? ”  he mumbles out loud.
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saveandwin · 4 years
the basis of izuku’s study on black whip mainly takes after aizawa and sero. both use tape of some kind, with sero’s tape being his actual quirk and aizawa having his capture tape. both are like extensions of the heroes limbs, so izuku keeps a close eye now (well, more than before anyway) on their battle and fighting styles : he watches how they move, how they attack, how they use the tape as extensions of their body and not just a weapon. 
he wants to talk to aizawa about his quirk because of this, and ask shinsou if he’d like to train together as well — but he isn’t sure how to go about asking either of them.
like one for all, izuku is letting out a little bit of his new quirk at a time, building up slowly but surely. he tests out its strength, flexibility, mobility and reach at each stage – seeing what it can wrap around or stick to, what it can pull or push, and what it can’t. even though one day he’ll be able to use black whip at 100%, it’s always helpful to know how far he can push his quirk at each level in case there’s ever a situation (and there will be, he knows it) where he can’t use 100% of its power in case of unnecessary damage or out of precaution for people’s safety.
at the moment, he thinks of black whip as more of a support quirk than anything, figuring its best use will be in helping evacuate and rescue people (like in chapter #251) or to incapacitate enemies. 
he plays around with other uses for it as well — such as distractions (making someone off-balance by striking at the ground or air near them and forcing them to lose their footing or back into a corner or a place more optimal for OfA or to bring them down) or area control (blocking escape paths and limiting the area that a villain or criminal can use, forcing them into a small space).
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saveandwin · 4 years
kacchan‌ !
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So. It’s not like he hates Izuku’s music choices– not exactly, but his taste - Katsuki’s taste - is far superior to the other boy’s. Still. Still. Since they had been assigned to work on a project together, they’ve made an agreement that they’d take turns making playlists, and, well… it was Izuku’s turn.  
he finds himself leaning against the other’s shoulder, peaking over it at his phone to catch the name of the song playing, seeking the warmth that comes with how close they are, the discomforting comfort that Izuku’s arm offers as it presses against his own, and he’s sure his cheeks are red, or at least pink, can feel the embarrassing warmth creeping up to the sides of his face, nearing his ears.
He scrunches his nose with a bit of a sniff, shaking his head a bit.
“It’s fuckin’ garbage.”
His voice is a bit quiet, starts off as almost hoarse but he catches it, clears his throat once, and there’s no shifting away, though. He remains just as close as they have been, looking at the dumb screen as it shows the stupid animation of a girl looking at a cat back and forth. 
this kind of closeness isn’t new to them anymore : the way their arms brush, or the sides of their legs press together as they sit and study, the comfortable silences and the muttered comments to one another as they work. how izuku’s hands brush past bakugo’s at times when pointing something out on his paper or the textbook. it’s familiar territory by now, something izuku wouldn’t have dared to dream of a year ago. but a year ago feels like a lifetime, ago now. still ... he can feel the heat that bakugo gives off as he peers over his shoulder, and izuku gets a sort of shiver --- not out of intimidation or fear but ... just a prickle of awareness that someone is watching him over his shoulder. that kacchan is peering over his shoulder and izuku tries not to dwell too long on that, cheeks pink. 
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“ no it’s not. ”  izuku mumbles, hoping the way his face has mysteriously, oddly heated up will be chalked up to  justified indignation.   “ what kind of music does kacchan listen to when he studies, then? ”   he asks this, and turns his head to look up from his notebook and towards bakugo ---- only to find them nearly nose to nose.
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saveandwin · 4 years
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“ my taste in music doesn’t suck, kacchan! ”   they’re seated on the floor of his room, notebooks sprawled open around them and izuku’s phone playing music from his favorite study playlist between them. they’re close enough that their shoulders bump together every so often, and izuku feels a bit of heat in his cheeks from embarrassment and wanting to defend his music choices. he doesn’t listen to music all that often, but he doesn’t think his choices are bad ... !   “ it’s good music for studying ... ! and i listen to different stuff when i’m working out. ”  //  @winandsave​
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saveandwin · 4 years
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Curtain by yosuke
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saveandwin · 4 years
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