scarletvinson · 10 days
"We're just friends," she decided, unable to picture her and Amory being much more than that, unless it was maybe like a one time drunk thing that only solidified their strictly platonic compatibility. "Not on purpose," she emphasized, grinning against their lips. "I don't know the whole story, they were friends and one of them was semi-closested, I don't know."
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"Well if it ever came down to that, I'm not a piece of shit, I'd get out of your way." Truthfully, Rob couldn't see Vic and Amory hooking up but stranger things have happened and opposites attracted all the time so nothing was ever truly off of the table, "Wait, never on purpose so you've done it before?" Rob leaned over the table enough to peck Vic's lips with a grin, then drummed on the table with their palms, "Storytime, storytime, storytime."
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scarletvinson · 10 days
By pure coincidence Vic met and befriended Rob and Amory, before she knew how close they were, but she thought that spoke to just how small Rosewood was more than anything else. "Like objectively speaking yeah, but I don't know if that's something I'm interested in. I'm not really the home wrecking type either, at least, never on purpose."
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Rob breathed an inward sigh of relief that things didn't get awkward, although they weren't all that worried because with Vic it was pretty much a 'what you see is what you get' type deal. Something that they found attractive about the girl. "He is, our boy is a quiet soul, but as you've obviously found out he's a great hang to say the least. Do you think he's hot though? Keep in mind he's basically my brother, so you'd be wrecking a happy home here potentially. If any face could do it though...it's yours."
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scarletvinson · 10 days
"A duck can get stuck?" She grinned, enjoying his silly little rhyme a bit too much. The proportions of their portrait were all off but thats what gave it character too, and if she squinted it really did feel like them. Thanking the artist, they got back to the rest of the festival, letting Amory take the lead in where they went next. "It's just a sign up, like they let anyone do this?" She figured it'd be a bit harder than that, though she supposed for some of the earlier sets that made sense, as easy way to scout up and coming talent. "But you feel good now, like you could do it? 'Cause that's huge. There's other festivals."
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"Yeah, like a duck. I mean a duck can still get stuck but it always keeps pushing no matter what. Beautiful, sounds like a plan then. I'm hoping I can get some inspiration while I'm at it." Amory's eyes widened as the artist turned the canvas and he didn't know whether he should laugh or not. Both of their heads were huge but it did capture their essence. "Yeah i'm putting this one right in the living room," he joked, thanking the artist as he took the drawing from them and they continued on. "I almost signed up to perform today but I chickened out at the last minute," he admitted, knowing he could have easily performed with JJ being part of the planning. "I was scared I would fucking choke and so I didn't do it and now I'm..kind of regretting it, I gotta admit."
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scarletvinson · 10 days
She thought about it a second then shook her head, "I don't think so." As much as she liked Rob, it was just casual- Vic didn't do much beyond that, but that didn't invalidate feeling a certain type of way either, not even jealously. "It's not, he's more of a slow burn kinda guy, isn't he."
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"Oh your mouth is so that big." Rob smirked at Vic's inability to not look at the picture again. They raised their eyebrow at her in an almost challenging manner, thinking before answering her question, "If I said yes would that be a problem?" Then they shrugged, "Maybe a little or maybe not at all, I can't really say. I was only joking though, that's not really his style."
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scarletvinson · 12 days
“My mouth’s not that big,” She flipped her phone to get another look at the portrait for herself, smirking as she turned her attention back to Rob. “Not like the whole time or anything, but yeah we hung out a bit. Hook up? No. Why, would you be jealous if we did?,” she asked, teasing but just as curious too.
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Rob didn't answer, but still moved in closer to see said portrait, a sucker for people she cared about and seeing them happy. "I don't know, "You two look just as funny looking as you always do to me." Rob smirked, amused by their jab, "Did the two of you hang out a lot there? Hook up?"
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scarletvinson · 12 days
She surrounded herself with enough theatrical characters that Rob's little tantrum didn't faze her in the slightest. Pouting, she set their phone back down in front of them. "Poor thing. Amory and I got our portraits by one of those caricature artists, you wanna see?" She wasn't totally unsympathetic, but she figured she could make Rob laugh. Pulling up the picture, she turned it around for them to see. "We look fucked up."
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"Oh yeah." They were unable to hold back a small smile at the fact that they were having a albeit small tantrum, and Vic was completely unbothered or uninterested in giving attention to it. Rob could be a brat and they knew that, it just didn't come out as often as others in the town it would seem, "Well yeah, but it was better than me in bed coughing my lungs out and eating soup I can't taste because I'm so stuffy for a week."
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scarletvinson · 15 days
Vic caught their phone as it slid across the table, too curious not to flip it over to see what Rob was looking at. "Oh, yeah," she chuckled to herself as she watched a video from the festival, then looked back up, shrugging. "Honestly it wasn't even that fun. Would've been way better with you there."
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"I can't believe I missed the fucking festival." Rob said, half tossing their phone onto the table in front them, throwing a slight personal tantrum after scrolling through their timeline, "Fucking flu..."
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scarletvinson · 22 days
"Yeah but it's all about balance right," she said, shrugging. For the most part she could just let things happen but she wasn't sure she'd call herself passive. "I'm like a duck?" She laughed. "That's not totally true, there's stuff that sticks with me too." Even after she finished a design project she caught herself thinking about what she could've done differently, but that just carried on to the next. "Oh yeah we can do all those. I fuck with the Crypt Keepers too, like their whole energy." Vic sat up when their artist let them know he was done, turning his canvas around for the big reveal. "Wow."
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"I mean yeah. I'm all about letting things just happen. JJ says I need to make more effort though," he admitted. "No I think she was pretty on the nose. Maybe, I don't know. Haven't decided yet. Of course you're not worried about it. You're like a duck, you just let shit roll off you easy. I like to think I'm the same way but I think shit sticks more than I realize." Amory was pretty balanced but lately he did wonder if there was more he could do to be a more active participant in his own life instead of just coasting along. He laughed as she moved closer and he slid his arm around her waist, tilting his head towards her. "That's cool with me. JJ's girlfriend is dancing in one of the sets later so I'd like to see that one. Oh and the Crypt Keepers of course. I never miss a show."
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scarletvinson · 24 days
"Yeah, I guess. If it's really meant to be though shouldn't you just let it happen? I know," she cooed back at him, desperate to get him out of that head of his. Just for a little bit. "Oh seriously, I thought she was fucking with you." Vic always assumed he did well for himself or at least she couldn't see why he wouldn't. "That? No," she scoffed, sliding in next to him. "Or, I don't know, maybe. I'm not worried about it." The artist doing their portraits motioned for them to move closer to one another, and she threw her arms around his shoulders with a big grin. "You cool catching one of the DJ sets or is there somebody else you want to see?"
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"I think so, yeah. I mean even without some urgency, it's still something to think about. You know I stay in here a long time," he told her and tapped the side of his head. "I think her exact words were...much to be desired," he told her with a louder laugh. "Which, I guess is accurate depending on who you ask," he admitted and went back to his drinks. "Deal. I can work with that." He spotted someone doing the drawings and took a seat with Vic on the bench in front of the artist. "What about you, hm? Anyone come to mind to what was it..emulate?"
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scarletvinson · 26 days
She hadn’t thought of a card reading as an intimate thing, or something they could’ve given each other space for, but Amory already sat through her’s and it felt rude to walk off now. Everything the woman told her she took with a grain of salt anyway, only holding on to the bits she wanted to hear. She said there was someone in her life worth emulating, who she could learn from, and that was an intriguing thought, whoever that could be. But.. she didn’t have much interest in emulating anyone, either. Once Amory finished she joined him in thanking the woman and scanned her venmo code to pay before they walked off. “You think? The vibe I got was like not urgent at all. What’d she say about your romantic prospects?,” she teased, grinning through her straw. “Hm, just the one’s good and I’ll let you have it, but- I get to pick where you put it.”
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Amory laughed, neither confirming or denying as they got to the table and he listened to Vic's cards get read. He could feel himself getting a little nervous but when the woman turned to look at him, he felt himself take a breath. Setting his drink aside, he also gave her his hands. He did his best to keep his expression blank as she explained that there was something coming his way he had to be prepared for. And had to stifle a laugh when she described his romantic life as 'leaving much to be desired" All things he figured he could have learned himself but something about the woman telling him made it feel a both ominous and promising. "Much to think about," he said softly and thanked her before grabbing his drinks and getting to his feet again. "Well that was interesting. I'm not sure if I should be looking out for meteors or some shit. Let's go get our pictures drawn. Maybe we should get two so we each have one unless we want to share custody of the one."
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scarletvinson · 28 days
“What are you then, like your sign? Wait, let me guess.” Not that she knew much about astrology, but she still paused to sip her drinks while she considered it. “Pisces? I’m getting water sign.” Vic couldn’t argue with an interesting personality, as the woman they sat across from was exactly the kind of person she’d probably seek out. “Should we?," she questioned, freeing her hands so the older woman in front of them could get a quick look at her palms. Going first, she watched her shuffle the deck and pull card after card, none of which meant anything to her but did include some stunning illustrations. Once she laid out a few, she took Vic's hands again and gave some cryptic explanation of what they all meant. "I like that one," she said and nodded to the magician card, then thanked the reader and let Amory go.
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"I am, yeah. I wanted to see how they were together first, it's kind of amazing. I think you're right. Can't go wrong with the mixed fruit. Though fruit punch lemonade cannot be overlooked." He leaned over to try hers and nodded in approval. "I kind of do, yeah. I mean I believe that some things can be felt, greater powers and shit. Planets and cosmos. Something is going on up there. Plus I think tarot card readers have really interesting personalities. But yeah, if it's some fucked up shit we'll pretend it doesn't exist," he joked as they found someone on the boardwalk and took a seat. "We should get someone to draw our picture next. One of those caricatures and shit."
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scarletvinson · 1 month
"You think I need more?" Vic didn't take offense to that- she'd much rather hear it now than find out herself later when it was too late. After she'd posed for a couple more pictures, she gave Sol her thanks slipped her phone away. "And I'm soo parched already. I saw someone with a spiked frozen lemonade earlier, I need to track that down."
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"Only one?" Sol looked over the top of the phone, eyebrow raised. There was a delayed moment before she realised her comment could be taken a few different ways. "I mean, I haven't taken that many yet. I'll probably hit storage capacity by the end of the weekend. Gotta get that perfect shot," she flicked her hair over her shoulder in a cute pose. Everyone who knew her knew that if anything Sol was just there to look good, the type of girl who had to be the hottest person at the supermarket. When they were done, she hummed, silently suggesting that not being able to see the screen was exactly why one needed to take as many photos as possible. "Oh, we so have to stay hydrated..."
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scarletvinson · 1 month
"Are you mixing them?" She noticed him sip from both drinks at once and did the same, then tried each individually. "Mm, passion fruit pineapple combo is the way to go I think." They kept walking through the festival and Vic held one of her straws out for him to try. "Yeah let's do it. Do you believe in all that? I think I do but if they tell me some really fucked up shit then obviously its fake and I'm out."
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"Quadruple fist sounds about right for today, yeah." He happily took his order and slowly put a straw in each one so he could take sips of each at once and then one at a time. "Mm, strawberry lemonade is winning right now but that fruit punch cannot be overlooked," he commented as they walked away from the drink stand. "I think I saw someone doing tarot readings. Should we get our cards read? Find a psychic? What do you think?"
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scarletvinson · 1 month
"Whatever I need you to be?" She raised her brows at Samara, grinning, then laughed as she took her phone back. She liked to think they had a sort of enemies to platonic lovers going on. "True. Oh need. How does that work though? It's daytime."
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"Sure. But I can't promise any of them came out good. I'm a musician, not a photographer. Unless you slip me a twenty. Then I can be whatever you need me to be." Samara joked as she took the last picture before handing Vic her phone back. "Photoshop was invented for a reason." She shrugged. "We need it if we're gonna make it through the weekend. I heard they had some glow in the dark ufo drink, I want it."
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scarletvinson · 1 month
"So true." Vic nodded along as he made some good points but again, she liked to keep her options open. "Right and when the sun goes down that's a whole different story." Whatever she got into she'd play by ear anyway- it was so much more fun that way. "I was thinking about the lemonade, buuut, there's only four flavors. I feel like that's reasonable." She looked from the board back to Amory with a shrug. "Yeah? We can double fist. Double-double fists." She ordered one of each flavor, the two Amory wanted and then a pineapple and a fruit punch, and passed two of them off to him.
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"Very fair. They do go fast but I think that's kind of the point. Keeps you coming back. It's a tempting relationship." He followed right after her, glancing around the festival as they did. The crowd was growing by the second so he was sure tonight would be good no matter what. "Smart, smart. I support that for you. I think I'd like to be less dehydrated in this sun," he joked. "But I am easily persuaded so don't hold me to that. Alright let's see," he told her as they looked at the drink board. "You wanna get the same one or two different ones so we can try more than one flavor. I feel like I always go passion fruit but something about that strawberry lemonade there is calling my name. Or, what if we get...all of them?"
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scarletvinson · 1 month
"I'll take your word for it, I fucking hate taking pictures of myself anyway." Not that she didn't like how she looked obviously but it was the act itself, it was all just kind of gauche. Music festivals though- she loved that shit, and she was excited to check out some good artists, and, hopefully, some even better after parties. "They got me too," she admitted back with a sigh, nodding. "Only problem is I suck 'em down like a regular capri sun, and then, well." She shrugged as though some things were just out of her control, giggly, and started towards the bar with Amory. "I might just stick to one though, I've got a guy here offering me molly, and you know. I like to keep my options open."
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"I'm positive most of those were good pictures. I got all the angles like JJ taught me to. And he always loves the pictures I take. Yes, drinks. Please," he agreed with a nod. He was excited about the day, grateful to get to watch so many good musicians do their thing. He found himself wondering if he'd ever have the confidence to be up there but considering he had only managed to play vic one to two songs total in the past four months, he didn't think it was going to happen anytime soon. He was writing more, vibing more, definitely playing his instruments more but he still hadn't gotten beyond one open mic night. The first one had felt nervewracking enough. He wasn't ready to do that again. "You think we should go with the mixed drink pouches or the canned seltzers? I'm feeling pouches. Adult capri suns, they really got me with those, I have to admit."
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scarletvinson · 1 month
"Sorry- one more," Vic assured the person holding her phone, remembering to get pictures of her outfit before she got too fucked up. That was the last thing she needed- she put too much time and fabric into her ensemble not to document it. She took her phone back, squinting as she tried to take a quick look at the shots. "Mm yeah right I can't see shit," she hummed, though she wasn't too worried about it, and grinned as she looked back up. "Drinks?"
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