scige-alt · 4 years
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“oooh, look at that angle! girl, that’s going to be a masterpiece,” he cheered, words slurring  slightly even as he lifted his own phone to take a picture of the bathroom’s shower curtain. there’s a pounding at the door but it seems distant, so for the moment he ignores it in favour of snapping a picture of the vomit covered sink — sarah’s been at it again. “oh we’re just buddies in the bathroom,” he croons as the flash reflects off the mirror and causes him to squint in discomfort.
“oh my god!” is all she replies with, in a tone that suggests she agrees - hands clapping together in the sort of enthusiasm only fit for a girl drunk in a bathroom. her phone’s somewhere in there - but she’s lost it, in the small space - though the room isn’t really terribly too small, no mansion bathrooms were - she had direct experience with expensive restrooms. “is that, like, a reference?” saige cocks her head to the side, fingers twirling a strand of her hair as she squints at him - trying to figure it out - before forgetting it all together within the next few moments - instead trotting over to the bathroom door and pounding back. “we! are! peeing!” she announces - hopefully loud enough, an added kick to the door. “oh my god, people like - have no appreciation for art - right?”
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scige-alt · 4 years
The roar of the party was loud in Romy’s ears as she stood by the punch bowl, spiked with something from a king of hearts’ bedazzled flask. The taste of it was strong and bitter on her tongue but she welcomed it, downing her first cup in a few gulps and working on her second. Beside it sat a colorful bowl of multicolored pills, not half as full as the punch bowl but the few handfuls that were in there caught her eye. Idly, she thought about sliding her fingers in, curling them around the pills like a child in the market playing with the rice, popping whatever was in her hands when she brought it out into her mouth and letting the night fade away. If her mission to damage her kidneys and liver beyond repair hadn’t yet worked, it certainly would after that. A voice brought her out of her thoughts, and she turned to the source, smile plastered quickly on her lips as she gestured to the bowl. “Fucking stupid right? Don’t even know what you’re gonna take,” she laughs, reaching and picking out a yellow pill, inspecting it for a short moment before shrugging and popping it into her mouth. “Oh well, to Wonderland, right?”
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Platforms on uneven grass hadn’t been the smartest idea Saige had ever come up with - but she was committed now, full dedication to the look she’d put together - even as she stumbled over minor dips in the dirt, the butterflies trapped in the compartments of her shoes fluttering around fitfully with every movement. They were fake, of course - the butterflies - strung up with fishing wire, meant to look like they’d been flying in the constrained space - that was how committed. “I mean, like - I dunno!” She tilted her head, an iridescent flash of color across her cheekbones that matched the iridescence of her dress - she modeled herself after a morpho butterfly, specifically - the pearl one, even more specifically, “Think it’s kind of fun, y’know? The mystery of it all - I mean, like, they wouldn’t put anything in that’s like - super super harmful, right? Just like - portion control. Microdose. Can you microdose pills?” Saige gave a small, nonchalant shrug of her shoulders, pulling a blue pill from the bowl and giving it only a moment’s glance before swallowing it down, “I don’t think I ever, like, watched the Alice in Wonderland movies. Like - the kid ones. But I’ve seen a lot of like, kind of depressing edits online? We’re all mad here, and like, whatever.”
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scige-alt · 4 years
With party music booming to life around him, Gunner’s camera had been recording for a while now - he rarely felt comfortable at these things, but there was a hint of a smile on his face that only grew when he noticed someone familiar across the room, “Saige,” he called out to her once he’d gotten closer, “if you could have dinner with a celebrity dead or alive, who’d it be? But, uh, say it into the camera.” @scige​
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Swishing around the contents of her cup with the slightest discontent making room in her chest - she’d been drawing up plans in her head, crossing out and circling and pointing arrows to all the different possibilities of where the night could lead - she considered going back to the bathroom, but she’d just come from there moment’s previous, or the baseball player she’d been steadily scoping out - but they’d all been erased in a second. “Oh - hey, Gunner!” Saige spun towards him, attention focused - too much so, almost, rocking back on the balls of her feet - smile spreading fast over her features, “Oh - god, like - I think, like, maybe Princess Diana? Like -” Her eyes flickered to the camera, “ - Like she’s just like - she was an icon, y’know? She was like - a super good activist, and did like - so much charity work, and she was very - like, she wasn’t like the rest of the royal family, kind of? I think, at least - maybe, is that a common thought? And her death was - like, super tragic, I think - I think I want to know like, what she thinks of ... her own death, too. Like, y’know - people are like oh! She was murdered! And some are like oh, it was an accident! And like - wouldn’t you wanna know straight from - like, her?”
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scige-alt · 4 years
imssg // saige
maggie: true... although i don't have the spunk i really don't
maggie: that makes me uneasy... its a tattoo of that AND bad?
maggie: god
maggie: [...]
maggie: i kinda want one too. i think teddy has one... or maybe im mixing up siblings
saige: no i think ur p spunky bt like in yr own way
saige: YA i dnt trust that man he probably thinks the moon landing ws like ... faked
saige: OMG does he ??
saige: im just gna waddle up 2 him n just. tug his lip down. investigation. im nancy drew.
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scige-alt · 4 years
imssg // saige
maggie: i wanted to be jordan but i was a daisy :/
maggie: that sounds a bit bland anyway, we'll find something more our thing
maggie: [...]
maggie: EWWW god... i can't imagine being that passionate about anything let alone a band
maggie: just your whole chest claimed forever by it
saige: u cld b jordan now !! nothing can stop u !!!
saige: ya !!
saige: it ws like in partial color or smth too so it ws like ??? not fully there ?? idk idk ,, the lines were fckd up tho like it wsnt even a good tattoo
saige: at least get it on like ,,, yr ass or smth ,,, where ppl r less likely to witness it ,,
saige: i wna get one of those inner lip tattoos bt like ik they fade n get ugly :(
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scige-alt · 4 years
imssg // saige
maggie: thats more inventive than id be... i'd probably be daisy from the great gatsby in my own imagination
maggie: oh ya... celebrities are probably everywhere there
maggie: [...]
maggie: wait actual thom yorke or a man that just really loves radiohead?
maggie: either way, best to avoid probably just bc i know like very little by them anyway
saige: daisy is also a good choice i havent read the book since i ws like in high school bt like ,,, shes iconic !!
saige: ya !! i always end up running into smbdy i kno bt ik that threres also like ,, Exclusive Hollywood Clubs or w/e dummy stuff tht i cnt go to
saige: no this man just is like
saige: RLY into radiohead like
saige: http://ksassets.timeincuk.net/wp/uploads/sites/55/2013/09/RadioheadTheBends600-2.jpg this ws his tattoo n i thot it ws so so scary i thot tht it ws a lil man trying to climb out of his chest i ws trying so hard 2 leave bt he kept asking me abt my favorite song n i ws like !! i dunno !!
saige: ya tht place is just. Frbidden.
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scige-alt · 4 years
imssg // saige
maggie: too far :/
maggie: hell ya!
maggie: i dont feel like going home quite yet
saige: ya bt sometimes i get vip so tht i can stand on balconies n pretend tht im an 1000 yr old immortal reminiscing abt when i ws human n its rly fun i wnt lie
saige: once i met brad pitt n i dnt hav a thing fr him But Like. the Experience , ykno ??
saige: alos hell ya !! im callin an uber rn
saige: we just have 2 avoid this one bar tht has like a bunch of beer bottle caps on the doors bc thts hwere the Radiohead Man is n he'll grill u on like evry album n once i saw his bare naked chest n he hs a radiohead cover tatt'd n i think hes rly scary
saige: bt all other bars ?? good 2 go !!
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scige-alt · 4 years
imssg // open
maggie: i think my dance friends ditched me :(
maggie: know any bars on the boardwalk that are safe for me on my lonesome?
saige: that's not very friendly behavior ?? :((
saige: uuuuuUuuuh i dunno !! sometimes i just go right up to LA fr bars
saige: bt i cld slide on ovr if u want ?? mini bar crawl ?? safety in pairs ??
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scige-alt · 4 years
imessage ↬ saige&collin
collin: a tree wearing gucci? hm
collin: that WOULD be pretty cool.....
collin: ok but seriously i think i know where u are i will come and rescue u and ur shoes
saige: omg thank u ,,, absolute king ,, icon ,, shoe savior ??
saige: i'll reward u w/ weed frm the bottom of my bag
saige: (unless u dnt smoke then i'll like ,,, idk ,,, buy u a car or smth idk)
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scige-alt · 4 years
imessage ↬ saige
benji: saige do you want me to fucking come or not
saige: i thot u were already on yr way ??? :((
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scige-alt · 4 years
imessage ↬ saige
benji: whats that behind you?
benji: is there a raccoon family?
benji: where the fuck even are you
saige: what do u mean ??
saige: i dnt see anything :/
saige: idk !! i sent u my location !!
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scige-alt · 4 years
imessage ↬ saige
benji: [...]
benji: i am coming to get you
saige: !!! okay !!!
saige: see u soon !!!
saige: [image sent]
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scige-alt · 4 years
imessage ↬ saige
benji: do you want me to.... come get you?
saige: no i knda wna become one w/ the hole
saige: [...]
saige: hehe hole
saige: [...]
saige: anyways like. a rabbit i mean. i cld b a lil wild rabbit n this cld b my hole
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scige-alt · 4 years
imessage ↬ saige
benji: what did you last see?
saige: trees ????
saige: i told u im surrounded by trees ,,, hnstly benji i think u'd get voted off the island im sry, ,,
saige: [saige beaumont has dropped a pin on their location]
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scige-alt · 4 years
imessage ↬ open
collin: ok ok ok i think i know where you are
collin: but consider this.......
collin: take the shoe off :)
saige: absolutely not ???
saige: it's gucci ???
saige: what if i cant get it out ??
saige: i'll jus become like a tree idk
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scige-alt · 4 years
imessage ↬ saige
benji: im rly concerned and confused
saige: oh no !!! dnt wry the hole dsnt have like teeth or wild animals in it
saige: so im safe !!
saige: jst a little lost
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scige-alt · 4 years
imessage ↬ open
collin: the goblin king??? i can take him easy
collin: ok uhhhh describe ur location pls
saige: those r fighting words n im Afraid
saige: uuuuuuUUUuuhh there r like
saige: a LOT of trees
saige: bt im not like in Woods n some r like palm trees
saige: im kinda by campus ??
saige: can see the big ol' turner building
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