scikoeward · 4 months
Me and Chad for sure
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Willow’s sitting on the bed in pajamas in Buffy’s old bedroom, meditating. Buffy walks up to the doorway, sees her, and decides not to interrupt her. Willow opens her eyes.
BUFFY Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.
WILLOW That’s all I had left in me anyway.
BUFFY I didn’t realize meditating was such hard work.
WILLOW I’m healing. Growing new skin.
BUFFY (walks toward Willow) Wow. That’s magic, right? I mean, when most people when they meditate don’t get extra skin, right. ‘Cause Clem should, like, cut back. (sits on edge of bed)
WILLOW It’s magic. I’m drawing power from the earth to heal myself.
BUFFY We’re on the second floor.
WILLOW (laughs) You know Giles says everything’s part of the earth. This bed. The air. Us.
BUFFY Explains why my fingernails get dirty even when I don’t do anything.
WILLOW Plus you stuck your thumbs in a demon.
Willow leans back, exhausted.
BUFFY You’re wiped out. I-I should go.
WILLOW No. Please stay. I missed you so much when I couldn’t find you.
BUFFY We missed you too. I missed you. Dawn’s, uh, working on what caused the mutual no-see-ums, but so far we haven’t—
WILLOW I did it.
BUFFY You did a spell?
WILLOW I didn’t mean to. I-I just remember thinking I wasn’t ready to see you guys yet. I was afraid we wouldn’t, you know, connect.
BUFFY So, you made it happen just by thinking it?
WILLOW Guess I have a ways to go before I master my powers, huh?
BUFFY It’s OK. As long as you’re all right.
WILLOW It’s nice to be forgiven. Too bad I need so much of it.
BUFFY I have a confession to make. I thought it might be you. With the flaying.
WILLOW I know.
BUFFY I wanna be the kind of person that wouldn’t think that. Xander never thought it.
WILLOW He did, a little. Heck, I did a little. Xander has the luxury of not saying it, but you’re the slayer. You have to say stuff like that. It’s OK. It’s OK too if you still don’t think I can recover from this magic stuff, ‘cause, honestly, I’m not that sure about it either.
Willow leans forward again, sighing, to begin meditating again.
BUFFY I thought you were too tired.
WILLOW It hurts too much not to try.
BUFFY I’m sorry.
WILLOW It just takes so much strength. I don’t have that much.
BUFFY I got so much strength, I’m giving it away.
WILLOW Are you sure?
BUFFY Will it help?
Buffy sits cross-legged in front of Willow and holds her hands. They meditate together.
Im one of the biggest fans of #BTVS and I hve seen the series a few times and I pick up new stuff each time. I got to this episode “Same Place, same Time” and the ending made me tear up. Its so metaphorical to me and how I have been feeling its ridiculous…..but im also taken care of
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scikoeward · 7 months
This has been one of the most tragic and sad years of my whole life and even right now, I’m struggling mentally but there are things and people in my life that make me feel lucky and that keep me going. #Lucky
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scikoeward · 2 years
I miss the old care free me.
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scikoeward · 2 years
Attention to Detail
You have amazing attention to detail. The way you kissed me in the right places that needed a little love and it wasn’t even sexual. I can tell when you touch me, it was done purposely even if you didn’t even do it intentionally or know i needed it.
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scikoeward · 2 years
I miss you up until i see you again and then i realize why i needed to choose me.
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scikoeward · 2 years
You are not meant to be everyone's healer.
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scikoeward · 3 years
Its not you, it’s me…
Clout -noun-influence or power, especially in politics, socially or business.
They don’t want you for you, they want you for me. No one cared enough to get to know you before you were seen with me. It is not your fault at all. It speaks on them more than it does you. Be careful. Its not you, its me.
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scikoeward · 3 years
There’s always that one that makes you want to send a “thank you” message after giving it and receiving it
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scikoeward · 3 years
To the one who has kept me sane. BD.
Thank you for showing me what I could have.
Thank you for checking on me endlessly.
Thank you for making me laugh.
Thank you for being my peace.
Thank you for curing my lonely.
You have the firmest ass I’ve ever felt so thank you for that too😂
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scikoeward · 3 years
What’s next for Brad…
✨Kinda long post but if you want to know more about me and what’s coming next, read.✨
So some of yall have noticed and asked about why i changed my name to my government name on social media. It’s always been Scikoe Williams since i started facebook back in high school. Scikoe was given to me back then because people called my ideas crazy. Williams is my mom’s maiden name/my go by last name.
I feel like I have outgrown the name and i was SICK of people saying the first name wrong lol. To me, it was never difficult but I get it.
I am a totally different person than I was when I first started doing music. I just wanted to sing. I hadn’t really lived yet. I just knew my talent and I knew what makes people happy. I love making people happy.
On Aug 22, i will debut at Vaude Van Rose. The last name is the namesake of the person who ever gave me my first gig in the gay venues in Tulsa and he is a really good friend of mine. I will be competing for Mr. Gay Oklahoma at Large which is a pageant here in Tulsa Oklahoma. It took alot to get me here health wise but i get by with help from my friends and i love a challenge and I love to have fun. I will also be putting out a new single shortly after that. I can’t wait to see where this next journey takes me and how far we can go. The sky isn’t the limit, it is only what we can see.
If you would like to sponsor me in the pageant, message me on social media.
cashapp: $scikoe
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scikoeward · 3 years
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I didn’t really have any words to say during our last conversation but i could show you that i support you better than i could verbalize. I won’t tag due to privacy but i think you should keep fighting. People beat cancer all the time. You can too. I support you. I love you. You aren’t dead yet❤️ #BaldHeadedBich #CancerSucks #SupportYourFriends #NewBeginnings https://www.instagram.com/p/CRmh_2KlE8g/?utm_medium=tumblr
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scikoeward · 3 years
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One of my favorite people and friends from high school came home to visit and made time to see me. Time is important to me. We laughed, caught up, talked and ultimately got closer. Thank you for coming to breakfast with me. I love you and i hope you have a wonderful rest of your stay and a safe trip back to CO. @mj_denver 🥰 https://www.instagram.com/p/CRHah7NFSHE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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scikoeward · 3 years
I wonder what was the last thing you cried about. Not that people HAVE to cry but I’d absolutely be curious. Whether it was liquid prayers, from pain or just due to being overwhelmed, most people feel something.
Do you require charging or is there a human in there somewhere?
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scikoeward · 3 years
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This was one of the hardest things to get thru and i know it’s not perfect or pretty but i never claimed to be a painter. I sing. You loved crafty shit anyways😂😂😂 It was time to finish this so that you can have a resting place in my home that you never got to visit. You planned on it and now, i try to follow thru on plans because time is short and it’s never promised to us. You have helped me become who I am today and I’ll forever be grateful. You have left a few of your best friends for me and I am grateful. You also told me to never settle and I’m Grateful. I hope you are finding peace wherever you are Heath. 4/13/77-11/20/20. I made this to hang your little necklace urn. I hope you like it. #Falcons #ATLFalcons #RiseUp #AllGasNoBreaks https://www.instagram.com/p/CQ1wN0IFMYu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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scikoeward · 3 years
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Some of us are broken without of our own doing and we are actively working on fixing it and putting the pieces together. Its extremely selfish to be broken on purpose and allow people who are working on their things to listen to your things without you wanting to put in work. https://www.instagram.com/p/CQzIAy2Feuz/?utm_medium=tumblr
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scikoeward · 3 years
There’s not really a time frame you can put on moving on from death, from forgiveness of yourself or sexual assault but i’m ready
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scikoeward · 3 years
I’d gladly be your sunshine
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