scriptcr · 2 years
this blog is, unsurprisingly, inactive and i will not be available here anymore. maybe we’ll cross paths again <3 have fun n stay safe
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scriptcr · 2 years
↻ ❛ ✖︎  𝙱𝙾𝚂𝚃𝙾𝙽. °
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boston chooses not to overwhelm himself over his concern that she seems a little too willing to trust him. then again, he’s willing to do the same – actively allowing her into his home. he knew he didn’t have any ulterior motives, and he was keen to believe she was the same way inclined. if he was on the outside looking in, he may have concluded that the two were fools – but he was one of those fools, so the thought hadn’t even crossed his mind. “i wouldn’t say he won. now he has to live the rest of his days knowing he was the cause of his marriage coming to an end. he’s the bad guy, that doesn’t sit well with most men.” it’s an attempt to make her feel better, even if he’s not sure he succeeds. bowing his head, he pours them both a glass of wine, “about eight years…there’s still a lot i have to do, a lot of plans i have. it was wonderful when i moved in but; i wanted to make it a little more homely and antiquated-looking. i’ve been collecting antiques for as long as i’ve been a music producer, and i think it all works quite well together. hazel hues search the confines of the room they’re in, and he nods his head the once; semi-happy with how it had turned out, holding out a glass for her, as he takes a sip of his own. “i’m glad you like it, as you can imagine your opinion means a lot. how long ago did you move out?” he asks curiously, interested in getting to know the stranger. 
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     SHE  SHOULD  BE  PUTTING  HER  GUARD  UP,  keep  her  walls  tall,  but  boston  keeps  convincing  her  otherwise.  and  sure,  men  have  broken  her  before,  the  last  one  less  than  24  hours  ago,  but  in  turn  it’s  only  made  harlow  feel  a  strange  sort  of  invincible.  when  boston  speaks  again  the  woman  tilts  her  head  to  the  side  as  if  considering  his  words,  measuring  them  up  to  whatever  truth  she  clings  onto.  «  you’re  probably  right,  »  she  decides,  for  her  own  peace  of  mind.  then  she  decides  to  be  bold,  however  risky  that  may  be.  «  have  you  ever  been  married,  boston  ?  »  she  inspects  him  for  a  fleeting  moment  as  she  accepts  the  glass  of  wine  with  a  gentle  nod.  as  he  speaks,  harlow  allows  her  gaze  to  wander  once  again,  recognizing  the  staircase  where  her  brother  broke  his  arm,  the  dent  in  the  floor  where  her  mom  dropped  the  new  sofa  accidentally.  it’s  oddly  claustrophobic  to  be  back,  only  made  bearable  by  the  significant  changes  boston  has  made  to  the  place.  «  well,  it  was  my  childhood  home.  i  moved  out  when  i  was  sixteen,  thought  i  could  hold  my  own  back  then,  »  she  beams  as  she  reminisces.  «  my  parents  sold  this  house  about  fifteen  years  ago.  which  was  a  good  choice  considering  how  much  more  character  it  has  now.  »  she  takes  a  long  sip  as  if  talking  about  her  family  drains  her.  perhaps  it  does.  «  a  music  producer  ?  fascinating.  anything  i  might’ve  heard  ?  »
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scriptcr · 2 years
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DYLAN O’BRIEN 2021 | behind the scenes of Hulu’s “Not Okay” (via @cynthiavanis on Instagram)
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scriptcr · 2 years
i want what måneskin have
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scriptcr · 2 years
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     “  FUCKING  FINALLY.  ”  brandon’s  head  falls  back  against  the  mountains  of  decorative  pillows,  at  the  same  time  ronnie  —  curled  up  in  a  chair  —  raises  their  hand.  “  didn’t  think  any  of  you  were  ever  gonna  ask.  ”  he’s  been  throwing  what  used  to  be  mirren’s  grandad’s  liquor  cabinet  lingering  looks  since  they  settled  in  the  living  room;  well  aware  that  whatever’s  in  there  is  likely  worth  more  than  he  pays  in  rent  each  year.  maybe  twice  that,  even.  he’s  also  a  little  bit  nervous  the  kitchen  mafia  will  ask  him  to  chop  vegetable  or  something,  if  he  were  to  get  up.  additionally,  house  rules  dictate  whoever  brings  up  drinks  is  mixing  the  first  round  for  everyone,  and,  maybe  more  than  anything,  brandon  is  lazy.  a  content  grin  on  his  face,  his  eyes  flicker  between  each  of  his  friends,  before  landing  on  amina.  he  makes  a  show  of  getting  comfortable  before  promptly  saying,  “  i’ll  take  anything  with  tequila.  ”
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     FROM  A  NEIGHBORING  ROOM,  and  this  despite  watching  tik  toks  at  full  volume  whilst  lying  on  their  bed,  mack  lets  out  a  roar  when  they  hear  the  mention  of  tequila.  it  takes  about  2  seconds  for  him  to  roll  out  of  bed  with  a  loud  thud  and  hotfoot  it  to  one  of  the  common  rooms  in  the  mansion  to  find  his  friends  spread  on  various  surfaces,  opting  for  ronnie’s  lap.  mack  slides  down  on  top  of  them,  kicking  his  feet  up  on  the  chair’s  armrest  so  he  lies  across  them.  he  shoots  them  an  apologetic  smile,  half  expecting  them  to  push  him  down  on  the  floor.  «  i  vote  for  a  sunrise,  bestie,  »  malcolm  announces  as  they  meet  amina’s  eyes.  «  and  maybe  a  shot.  i  bet  this  pussy  will  squirm,  »  they  tease  as  they  look  over  at  brandon  with  their  tongue  out  like  a  child.
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scriptcr · 2 years
listen; when I say give me a toxic pairing I don’t mean ‘he’ll be mean and she’ll be sad about it’. I mean ‘he’ll be mean and she’ll set his fucking car on fire’ but ppl aren’t ready for that idk
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scriptcr · 2 years
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃  𝐅𝐎𝐑:  @prcsecco  ╱  ethan  &  nellie. 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍:  ethan  and  hazel’s  home.
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     HE  RETURNS  TO  THE  LIVING  ROOM,  this  time  with  his  arms,  where  hazel  had  been  asleep  just  a  second  ago,  empty.  it’s  still  about  half  an  hour  until  the  clock  strikes  midnight,  half  an  hour  that  hazel  had  sworn  (  20  bucks  actually  )  that  she’d  stay  awake  for.  it  was  easy  money  for  ethan  —  no  one  sleeps  like  his  daughter.  she’ll  procure  20  dollars  from  his  own  wallet  come  tomorrow  morning  and  so  it’ll  feel  like  a  victory  for  them  both.
     though  perhaps  the biggest  victory  is  having  nell  perched  on  his  couch,  fireworks  from  elsewhere  on  the  world  on  the  tv,  and  jazz  music  playing  over  his  stereo.  ethan  cranks  the  music  up  just  a  notch  as  he  passes  the  stereo  on  his  way  into  the  living  room,  and  though  he  doesn’t  flirt  much  anymore,  for  cornelia  he  might  just  be  willing.  «  you  know,  this  is  my  favorite  song,  »  he  ponders  aloud  as  he,  clumsily,  waltzes  over  to  the  couch,  offering  nell  a  hand.  natalie  cole’s  voice  fills  the  air:  this  will  be  an  everlasting  love  sung  so  affectionately  ethan  no  longer  wishes  to  act  like  whatever  he  feels  for  nell  is  just  friendly  adoration,  a  childish  crush  at  most.  «  may  i  have  this  dance  ?  »
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scriptcr · 2 years
↻ ❛ ✖︎  𝚂𝙻𝙾𝙰𝙽𝙴. °
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— while at the fruitful beginnings of their relationship, sloane hadn’t necessarily considered herself the perfect example for her boyfriend’s son though practice always did have the habit of finally making perfect and she was starting to enjoy spending time with her young, little protégé, perhaps even more so than her solo encounters with his father. though as time passed and they had fallen into their own humdrum routine brimming with playdates and tired excuses for not having enough time for intimacy, she couldn’t help but feel as if there was always something missing, a lost part of herself she couldn’t quite put a name to much less describe to her loving yet oblivious boyfriend. needless to say, it wasn’t long at all for their relationship to eventually come to its own conclusion. though the blame wasn’t entirely hers — or his, sloane couldn’t help but feel her own kind of guilt for her part in the break-up. if she was only brave enough to be honest with zahid, tell him how she really felt then perhaps they would’ve been able to make another go at it ? instead she had to settle for these brief and clandestine meetings, almost clambering to his beck and call whenever arif was upset or struggling to settle just before bedtime.
“ oh my, tell us how you really feel, why don’t you ? though i wouldn’t exactly disagree with you on that, he’s definitely got dick potential ” sloane disguises a soft chuckle behind the palm of her hand, knowing his critique is more than well-deserved. if it wasn’t for her co-workers, the generous perks ( as few and far between as they are at the moment ) and the overall job security, sloane would’ve handed in her resignation years ago yet here she is with her own deadlines looming and nothing to show for the countless hours she’s spent in deep procrastination apart from a few more strands of greying hair and the beginnings of her own caffeine addiction. though with their own abrupt adjustments aside, there isn’t a assignment in her immediate future that could possibly tear her away from wanting to spend time with zahid and asif, like older, more familiar times. “ thank you for that tempting offer, i might have to take you up on it since i already made a very serious and legally-binding pinky promise to asif i’d be around to see whether or not charlie finally gets his own golden ticket and goes to the chocolate factory. can’t exactly let my favourite guy down at such a pivotal moment, right ? ”. 
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     ARIF’S  SINCERE  LOVE  FOR  SLOANE  had  made  for  a  messier  break  -  up  than  it  could’ve  been.  there  was  no  clean  cut,  no  clear  line,  a  definite  ending.  instead  it’s  as  if  their  loop  is  a  little  askew,  but  the  wheel  still  turns  somehow  and  though  zahid  knows  he’s  probably  doing  both  himself  and  sloane  a  great  disservice  with  whatever  shape  their  relationship  have  taken  now,  he  can  never  say  no  to  arif.  was  it  cruel  to  deprive  him  of  the  only  mother  figure  he  had  ever  known  ?  perhaps,  and  that’s  why  when  the  conclusion  of  sloane  and  zahid’s  relationship    had  come,  zahid  found  himself  holding  on  too  hard  even  as  they  were  ripping  at  the  seams.  he  had  never  wanted  it  to  end,  had  never  known  how  to  hold  onto  something  without  smothering  it,  and  maybe  that  had  been  his  mistake.  he  tries  not  to  dwell  on  it.
     hands  are  thrown  up  in  mock  surrender,  though  zahid  isn’t  prepared  to  take  back  a  single  word.  «  oh  no,  you  wouldn’t  be  so  cruel.  he  refuses  to  watch  the  movie  with  anyone  but  you,  »  the  father  points  out.  even  he  dims  in  comparison.  as  he  gazes  at  sloane,  admiration  evident,  zahid  repositions  himself  in  his  seat  and  clears  his  throat.  «  i  know  i’m  stepping  out  of  line  here,  so  forgive  me  for  being  so  blunt,  but  ..  »  he  pauses,  thinks,  then  jumps  back  in  before  he  gets  the  chance  to  overthink,  «  what  are  you  doing  for  christmas  this  year  ?  »  despite  not  really  growing  up  celebrating  the  holiday  himself,  zahid  figures  arif  would  enjoy  the  festive  air  of  it  all,  and  even  more  so  if  sloane  would  entertain  the  thought  of  joining  them  for  a  dinner  or  two.  of  course,  it’s  not  traditional  to  ask  that  of  an  ex,  even  less  so  when  zahid  assumes  she  must  have  plans  of  her  own,  but  he’s  never  been  bashful.
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scriptcr · 2 years
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scriptcr · 2 years
↻ ❛ ✖︎  𝙳𝙰𝚆𝚂𝙾𝙽. °
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TIME  SKIP.  dawson’s  on  a  buzz,  just  like  he  always  is  post-show,  but  this  feels  different.  like  it  was  his  best  performance  yet,  making  a  mental  note  that  he  would  now  have  to  strive  for  better  next  time  ─  a  dangerous  cycle  he  found  himself  in,  continuously  wanting  to  outdo  himself  each  time  his  shoes  hit  a  new  stage.  it  would  be  his  demise  one  day,  or  so  his  manager  said,  but  right  now,  that  feeling  couldn’t  do  him  any  harm.  the  same  feeling  only  seems  to  heighten  when  his  gaze  finds  holly,  immediately  making  a  beeline  for  her,  past  the  crew  that  congratulates  him,  arms  wrapping  around  her,  spinning  them  both  a  few  times.  dawson  then  sets  her  back  down,  only  to  steal  a  kiss.  “  haivng  fun,  rockstar  ?  ”
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     THE  FEELING  AFTER  A  SHOW,  waiting  patiently  for  her  boyfriend  to  exit  the  stage  and  make  way  for  her,  is  addicting.  holly’s  eyes  find  dawson  immediately  as  the  band  come  backstage,  and  she’s  barely  able  to  take  a  step  before  she’s  in  his  embrace,  giggling  against  his  warm  skin.  «  babyyy,  »  she  squeals,  pride  evident  in  her  tone,  in  her  gaze,  in  the  way  she  presses  her  cheek  against  his  chest  for  a  second  too  long  before  she  leans  back  to  regard  him  properly.  «  you  were  electric.  that  growl  in  the  last  song  ?  every  girl  in  that  crowd  envies  me.  »  and  she  knows  it  to  be  true.  she  even  relishes  in  that  fact.  «  you’re  always  so  sexy  up  there,  but  tonight  it  was  like  ..  you  were  floating.  »  she  grins,  leans  in  to  whisper  into  his  ear:  «  got  me  all  hot  and  bothered.  »
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scriptcr · 2 years
↻ ❛ ✖︎  𝚂𝙰𝙼𝙸𝚁𝙰. °
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it  was  as  though  a  small  part  of  her  was  lost  with  every  new  identity  she  took  on,  every  role  she  stepped  into  perfectly  for  the  con  to  run  smoothly.  already,  it  was  draining  her,  stripping  her  to  her  core  ─  how  had  he  been  doing  this  for  his  entire  life  ?  a  question  she’d  never  quite  found  the  courage  to  ask,  nor  a  conversation  she  was  entirely  willing  to  bring  up.  the  promises  of  a  new  country,  a  new  city,  to  be  whoever  they  wanted  to  be  always  trumped  the  negative  elements  of  a  life  like  this.  samira  could  never  return  to  what  she  knew  before  this;  a  simple  life  would  be  too  boring  now  that  she  knows  what  else  she  can  gain  with  him  by  her  side.  “  really,  ”  she  confirms,  corners  of  her  mouth  curling  to  make  room  for  a  smile.  it  only  grows  as  he  gets  down  on  one  knee,  hands  clutched  dramatically  at  her  chest  as  she  squeals  girlishly.  “  oh,  jackson  …  i  thought  you’d  never  ask  !  ”  as  if  on  cue,  she  drops  to  her  own  knees,  arms  thrown  around  him,  pressing  kisses  against  his  cheek.
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      HE’D  NEVER  THOUGHT  TO  EVEN  FANTASIZE  about  living  this  life  with  anyone.  any  woman  who  had  stepped  into  harrison’s  life  had  inevitably  been  abandoned,  and  so  any  romance  was  short  -  lived.  he’d  never  thought  his  plans  would  fit  a  partner,  and  even  if  they  so  obviously  did  he  hadn’t  put  himself  through  the  disappointment  of  wishing  to  have  someone  see  him  as  something  more  than  what  he  does.  to  him  it  is  about  survival.  to  everyone  else  it’s  cruel.
     everyone  else  but  samira,  of  course.  harrison’s  come  to  find  there  are  many  exceptions  where  samira  is  involved,  and  he’s  all  the  better  for  it  —  a  better  partner,  in  crime  and  in  life.  however  long  there  is  of  it  anyway.  luck  is  bound  to  run  out  some  time.  but  right  now,  samira’s  in  his  arms,  and  harrison  is  laughing,  pulling  her  tight,  kissing  her  gently.  he’d  love�� to  linger,  but  alas  that’s  the  one  luxury  they  cannot  afford.  «  we  have  to  go,  »  he  whispers,  mouth  quirking  up  into  a  smile.  «  we  have  a  honeymoon  to  attend.  »
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scriptcr · 2 years
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃  𝐅𝐎𝐑:  @theoeuvres​  ╱  thanatos  &  yeseul. 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍:  christmas  event,  the  plaza  hotel.
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     IN  A  LONG  SPARKLING  RED  GOWN,  yeseul  is  exactly  where  she  wants  to  be:  the  center  of  everyone’s  attention.  her  heels  clack  against  the  marble  floors,  a  venomous  smile  on  her  lips  just  cordial  enough  for  people  not  to  second  -  guess  her  intentions.  she’s  just  here  for  the  party  —  though  if  anyone  were  to  wring  out  her  pockets  they’d  find  a  wallet,  a  watch,  and  a  ring  that’s  not  hers,  and  this  despite  promising  thanatos  to  stay  away  from  petty  thievery  and  keep  her  eyes  on  the  prize.
     she’s  trying  to  find  their  next  victim  when  out  of  the  corner  of  her  eye  she  spots  her  partner  in  crime  and  her  eyes  linger  a  second  too  long.  he  looks  good,  anyone  with  eyes  can  tell,  and  yeseul  can’t  help  but  admire  him  as  he  makes  way  towards  her.  she  straightens  up  and  clears  her  throat.  this  isn’t  part  of  the  plan.  «  you  clean  up  well,  »  she  states  matter  -  of  -  factly  once  he’s  in  her  vicinity,  hand  shooting  up  to  adjust  the  collar  of  his  shirt.  «  you  ready  to  do  some  damage,  big  boy  ?  »
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scriptcr · 2 years
𝐂𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐄𝐃  𝐅𝐎𝐑:  @theoeuvres  ╱  psyche  &  rhys. 𝐋𝐎𝐂𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍:  their  apartment.
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     IT’S  SMALL  BABY  STEPS,  tiny  tiny  progress,  but  at  least  rhys  is  trying.  psyche  has  been  nothing  short  of  a  perfect  roommate  and  all  he’s  given  her  in  return  is  annoyed  huffs  and  one  -  word  replies  to  her  questions.  it  had  been  so  simple,  once  upon  a  time,  and  now  even  the  thought  of  conversation  has  him  uneasy,  even  if  it’s  with  her.
     he  comes  home  carrying  two  cups  and  a  bag  of  groceries,  only  to  find  psyche  already  in  the  kitchen.  «  hey,  »  rhys  greets  awkwardly,  setting  his  groceries  down  and  placing  one  of  the  warm  paper  cups  down  in  front  of  her  on  the  counter  tentatively.  «  the  neighborhood  kids  always  do  this  christmas  market  thing  just  down  the  street  so  ..  i  got  you  a  hot  chocolate,  »  he  mentions  briskly  as  if  it  was  some  sort  of  hassle.  it  really  wasn’t.  rhys  was  actually  happy  to  get  one  for  her,  but  he’d  never  say  so.  «  y’know.  since  you  like  chocolate.  »  it’s  a  start.
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scriptcr · 2 years
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Sarah Cameron + Outfits
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scriptcr · 2 years
↻ ❛ ✖︎  𝙾𝙻𝙸𝚅𝙴. °
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what  was  her  favourite  song  ?  the  black  sabbath  song  ?  ah,  it  was  hard  to  recall  and  so  the  chocolate-haired  journalist  bit  her  already  dry  lip.  a  skin’s  leftover  felt  bitter  on  the  tip  of  her  tongue.  her  mind  disappeared  for  a  while…  again.  for  quite  some  time  now  it  has  been  hard  for  olive  to  focus  properly  on  the  surrounding.  she  was  spacing  out.
“  of  course.  look  at  those  muscles.  ”  she  left  a  juicy  kiss  across  her  flat  shoulders.  “  come  here  big  boy.  ”  with  her  arms  extended  olive  approached  the  love  of  her  so  complex  life.  crawling,  almost.
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     PUZZLE  PIECES  THAT  FIT.  all  his  life  joseph  has  believed  he  is  some  square  peg  in  a  round  hole,  and  yet  in  olive  he  finds  a  peer,  a  partner.  one  of  these  days  he’ll  find  the  courage  to  pop  the  question  and  make  that  commitment,  but  he  can  sense  they’re  both  somewhat  off.
     so  joe  doesn’t  hesitate  to  walk  straight  into  olive’s  arm  and  wrap  his  own  tightly  around  her  familiar  frame.  «  i’ll  make  it  up  to  you,  »  he  whispers  against  her  soft  hair,  his  warm  breath  upon  her  head.  «  though  if  you  still  want  to  punch  me  you  can.  »
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scriptcr · 2 years
↻ ❛ ✖︎  𝙶𝙴𝙽𝙴𝚂𝙸𝚂. °
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genesis almost felt silly for getting all worked up for nothing. she sighed as she looked towards finnegan who had paused their game. she nodded as he questioned, sighing,” i thought he might be running late but i guess there was some sort of emergency?” she hadn’t fully read the text because she had been so focused on the canceling part. the blonde didn’t think twice before she planted herself beside finn again,” i guess,” she told him with a shrug and tucked her legs beneath her,” oh!” she reached for the controller that they held out,” only if you promise not to make fun of me.” her gaze focused on the screen and she took a breath,” so what do i do first?” 
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     FINN  CAN’T  HELP  THE  SLIGHT  FROWN  that  appears  on  his  face.  he  also  can’t  help  the  fact  that  he  thinks  it  all  sounds  like  some  poor  excuse,  though  why  anyone  would  throw  away  an  opportunity  to  hang  out  with  genesis  is  beyond  him.  «  i  guess,  »  finn  echoes,  though  not  entirely  convinced.  still,  the  frown  is  replaced  by  a  bright  smile  as  genesis  sinks  into  the  couch  next  to  them.  «  would  never  occur  to  me  to  do  so,  »  they  promise  with  a  grin,  positioning  themselves  closer  to  her,  hands  coming  up  to  rest  on  hers.  «  here,  i’ll  show  you.  it’s  really  easy.  »  they  unpause  the  game,  character  standing  still  in  a  vast  desert.  «  use  this  to  move  around,  press  triangle  to  jump  and  x to  duck.  and  this  button  back  here  to  shoot.  this  game  is  more  about  the  exploration  though.  you  collect  little  items  and  solve  puzzles  and  stuff.  »  finn  lights  up  as  he’s  talking.
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scriptcr · 2 years
↻ ❛ ✖︎  𝙹𝙰𝙲𝙺𝚂𝙾𝙽. °
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she was one of the few who he felt comfortable enough to bring to his studio. he knew that she appreciated it all. his lips curved into a grin and he shrugged,” i never claimed to be a saint.” he knew already that it was likely she didn’t need the menu. she barely even seemed to take a look at it before she told him what she needed. he shrugged as he took the menu back,” got it.” he bit down on his lip at her question and glanced around,” it would be more traditional than what i usually do,” he admitted,” a backdrop, props or whatever and just you, i want something more simplistic at first but then things would shift as hopefully you’d be comfortable enough to lose garments piece by piece.” he held up his hand to pause the conversation before he was calling the restaurant to place the order. 
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     AFTER  GIVING  HIM  HER  ORDER,  juni  walks  around  the  studio  with  the  same  big  eyes  she  had  the  first  time  she  set  foot  in  here,  always  in  awe  of  how  seriously  jackson  took  this  job.  she  wishes  she  was  as  passionate  about  anything  as  he  was  about  his  photos.  then  again,  the  only  time  she’d  ever  been  passionate  about  pretty  much  anything  was  their  relationship.  juniper  looks  over  at  him  as  he  speaks,  and  bites  her  tongue  so  he  can  place  the  order  first.  once  he  puts  his  phone  down,  she  tilts  her  head  to  the  side  inquisitively.  «  and  this  is  ..  »  she  looks  down  at  her  current  attire  —  simple  jeans,  a  cropped  top,  an  oversized  sweater  that,  now  that  she  thinks  about  it,  may  actually  be  his,  «  fine  ?  »
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