scrub-slots · 25 days
ramblings of someone half asleep and on pain meds due to surgery but I think a pokeask map (multi animator project) would be fun. only issues are that 1) might be hard to figure out a good song that’s nice but also would fit the various blogs in the community… like one that fits both intense moments for plot blogs but one that also fits casual blogs 2) unsure of interest? like how many people would even be interested in joining. need to make sure there’s actual interest in order to do a map like that. 3) I am not experienced in map editing lol. i have some editing experience from my own map parts tho so ??? Might work out. 4) unlike the pokeask zine going on a map doesn’t really fully work as a celebration of the community because I really can’t figure out a way of implementing inclusion for writing blogs. i really did try to think of some ways writing blogs could be included but I really can’t, not in a video format. actually wait hmmm maybe there could be a separate audio short story collection?? where people can write small short stories for their blogs and they can be read out. hmmmmm. ok that would probably be even harder to interest check for BUT that is actually a fun idea. pokeask podcast of short stories to listen to. cute idea. that would have to be a completely separate project of it’s own though. would need to interest check for people who’d like to write, people who’d be interesting in doing voice over for those who don’t want to or can’t do them for their story themselves, maybe see if some artists would be interested in collaborating with the writers to include an image or two per story.
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scrub-slots · 1 month
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(art by @tigerdog25)
the amazing digital circus episode 2 spoilers under the cut (I promise it is ask blog relevant. Kinda.)
we are losing it. how did we accidentally predict episode 2 with the daisy/begonia plotline in the digital dreamers au. rip gummigoo I’m so sorry.
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scrub-slots · 2 months
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scrub-slots · 2 months
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turtle :3
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scrub-slots · 2 months
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the evil creature himself :o
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scrub-slots · 2 months
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another flick!!
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scrub-slots · 2 months
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scrub-slots · 2 months
Munday ask
How different would things be if Aster and Daisy swapped? Aster dying first, Daisy dealing with it and Daisy being made a god.
Oooh okay this is interesting…
So I suppose in this universe Aster died from an accident, and then Daisy died from her health issues not long after. The thing is Daisy wouldn’t fully fit as a God of Imagination/Dreams, so perhaps she’d be the God of Construction/Art instead? Maybe Climate/Environment….
Either way I imagine she’d be able to get along relatively well with her fellow Gods, unlike Flicker who pretty much avoids them except Fade. She probably wouldn’t like Fathom and Flow (provided she doesn’t take Flow’s godhood)… That said she’d very much just kinda keep the peace. No need to rock the boat, y’know? She’d probably mourn Aster a lot as her previous best friend… And also miss the life she left behind outside of that. I’m not sure if she would seek Aster’s reincarnation or not, or if she’d think it’s better too move on.
Though if it’s the latter, I do think that could be an interesting story considering some plot stuff not yet revealed. Would be a fun point of conflict between her and another character :3
Perhaps her god name would be Fret or Flutter? 🤔
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scrub-slots · 2 months
Happy April Fools!
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in exchange for funnie i give you flickirby
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scrub-slots · 2 months
[Lief Takeover] What, you're sick? Just eat an oran berry.
Always makes me feel better.
sorry lief idk how to open dimensional portals to get some 😔
actually on the note of pokemon healing items tho do you think that drinking a potion instead of using it as spray or topical medicine would hurt you or do you think that it tastes bad but is otherwise safe. like as a kid I for some reason interpreted the sprite not as a spray bottle but as a bottle with a bunch of white foam bubbling out of the top. what happens if you drink it.
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scrub-slots · 2 months
(Michaels-Roundup) 🪞 Digital Dreamers :)
Time to actually talk about this AU on the blog then! So, Digital Dreamers is a The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC) AU where the cast of this blog is in TADC universe. This is an AU that me and Connor (Michaels-Roundup) share btw! There’s also a reverse version of the AU called Imaginary Circus with the TADC cast as part of this blog’s universe instead :3
ANYWAY… the main premise of this AU is that all the Gods are characters trapped in the circus, and the mortals are all NPCs! Also, the one character that stays within their home universe in each AU is Caine and Zeus respectively :3
okay so… here are the AU designs for Flicker and Fade. I will note these designs are very much still up to change!
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Flicker is a a fox puppet and Fade is a dog jack in the box. Fade has very much given up on the idea of ever getting out, and just kinda continues on as normal. He’s accepted this is his life now, and his main concern is trying to keep others from abstracting. I think Flicker would kinda be like Pomni, where she’s an anxious mess that freaks out a lot about the situation and wants out.
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Daisy and Begonia are just some NPCs! Within this universe, Flicker and Daisy become friends and Daisy probably helps her calm down a bit. Unfortunately, something happens and Daisy ends up glitching and having to be rewritten, turning into Begonia instead. It takes a while, but Flicker rekindles her friendship with Begonia.
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Casey is a cymbal monkey, and also Caine’s new right hand (replacing Bubble)! He’s really nice and tries to keep everyone energetic and happy. Something seems a bit off about him though…?
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Gwyn is a worm on the string. There is nothing more to say.
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scrub-slots · 2 months
A bit of an odd one... but how different would things be if Flicker somehow ended up in Zeus' position as god of the world? I can't imagine it'd be smooth sailings
Oof… Flicker would not be able to manage running a universe. She honestly barely handles doing her own job as Dream God. I think the best case scenario would be if she had another God that could help run things smoothly, one she gave a lot of power who can also act as an advisor. …The only issue with that is that I feel like if she did have an advisor, she’d probably shirk all responsibility to them and be completely hands off. The whole thing would make her anxious enough that she thinks isolation and removing herself as much as she can is the best option.
It would be better than Zeus in the way of her not being so cruel. But perhaps she’d be too nice. If any godly rebellion occurred she’d just give in and let it happen. After all, why fight when you can just let them have the power they want? They probably know what they’re doing, and she doesn’t.
Ultimately? Better than Zeus but that’s not a hard bar to pass. Would come with her own myriad of issues though.
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scrub-slots · 2 months
Munday (character edition): For you, which one of your non-shiny characters will look better as shiny?
I have experimented a bit with shiny palettes for my characters, and I think Flicker’s looks nice! She’s pretty similar but the pinks are now blue and the red is more magenta-ish. Don’t really like it better than her normal design, but it is cute! Aster’s shiny would also be cute, though since I love pink, I do prefer pink Aster over blue Aster.
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(Also I completely forgot the picture I decided to use to experiment with for Flicker’s shiny palette was the pride flag drawing lol)
Outside of this blog, I think I’d like a lot of Glorious Guild’s main characters’ shinies! Gloria and Wishbone especially, since they’re pink shinies. Also apparently Ruins would also have a pink shiny? Guess Lint would be the only one who isn’t pink in a universe where everyone’s shiny!
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scrub-slots · 2 months
💌 Teiji and Flicker (or her past self, Aster?)
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If they knew each other before, I think they could be friends! I think Aster would probably see Teiji as a bit of a mentor figure regarding figuring out how to use Extrasensory, even if Teiji doesn’t have the ability to use telekinesis. Perhaps thing may would have ended differently in general if Aster had a friend outside of Daisy, but who knows…
As for their canon relationship at the moment, I think Flicker generally likes Teiji! She is a bit off put by Teiji’s mind reading capabilities though, and even though she knows Teiji reading her mind in the dream world was probably necessary, it’s still something she’s a bit upset about.
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scrub-slots · 2 months
⏪ Flicker
(Send ⏪ to see a glimpse from my character’s past)
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“So uh… is is people watching really that fun…?”
“Yeah!! Of course! Mortals are super fun to watch! Here, I can show you some of my favorites!”
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scrub-slots · 2 months
💌 for Sarah (@/ask-sarah-and-co) and whoever you think would get along with her best?
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Went a bit against the given prompt, but seeing as Sarah’s a trainer from a Galar, couldn’t help but do something with my own Galar trainer from my other blog!
Honestly though, outside of Gloria’s jealousy, I think the two would either get along like a house on fire or hate each other’s guts. No in between. Maybe they’d have some fun battles though?
Though if going with just what character would get along best one this blog, probably Casey! Casey gets along pretty well with everyone :D
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scrub-slots · 2 months
💌 Noelle and Begonia? Sassy nature girls, but I think the latter is more sassier.
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I think they’d be able to get along as friends! If Begonia was in a world where clothes were common, I think they’d have a similar fashion sense, so that’s something :p
Maybe Noelle could introduce Begonia to some music stuff? Begonia certainly needs the hobbies.
Also if Noelle hangs out with Begonia, she better be prepared to hear A LOT of gossip.
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