scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
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“do you think we’ll ever get out of this mess?” una asks the person nearest to her as she lies down on her bed. “like, is it possible that maybe someday, someone —one of us, or anyone— is going to find some kind of cure? i know it sound far-fetched, but do you think it could happen?”
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he turned to face the other as he tried to think of an answer to the sudden question, hues turning towards the ceiling in search of an answer.  ❛ i mean, it’s not impossible. so, i suppose it is possible.  ❜ he finally said, yet, he knew how vague it sounded. ❛ i mean ----- there are smart people out there, with cells and stuff, but even if we had a cure, how would we know ?? i think that’s the only problem. we are only a drop in an ocean. ❜
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
if you died, how would you want to be remembered?
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˚. ♡ — ANONS ! ❝ ⌜ open. ⌟
❛ as someone who cared.  ❜
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
do you miss your family?
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˚. ♡ — ANONS ! ❝ ⌜ open. ⌟
❛ do i miss them ?? i —– more than that. it’s like i’ve lost a piece of myself, y’know. as if something is missing. that’s how i feel about my family. i just – god, why did you ask that ??  ❜
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
aesthetic wise, who's the most attractive to you?
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˚. ♡ — ANONS ! ❝ ⌜ open. ⌟
❛ most attractive ?? geez — can i make a top five list ?? uh, so — katherine, solange, riq, meliorn and sophia. in no particular order.  ❜
@dcstructivc​ @solcnge​ @greasestaind​ @mcliiorn​ @holywarricr​
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
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“ to be completely HONEST, i don’t even know why i’m letting myself live, ” dom says, fiddling with his switchblade. “ what’s the point? we’re all gonna die, one way or another, and there’s really no possible way to live our lives to the fullest since we’re stuck here and most of the earth’s population is undead and roaming freely. ”
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silence lingered over remus’ features like a veil, eyebrows pulled together as thoughts formed. teeth dug into chapped lips, hazel hues caressing the other’s demeanor. ❛ -----  DEATH isn’t the opposite to live. to life, maybe, but it does not mean we have to stop living.. sure it’s hard, but that’s something we have to just work our way around.  ❜ he uttered, truly speaking his heart this time. ❛ don’t give up. ever. ❜
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
if you could make one person immune, who would you pick?
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˚. ♡ — ANONS ! ❝ ⌜ open. ⌟
❛ —– one person ?? no, i can’t POSSIBLY pick — it isn’t fair. besides, i would want everyone around me, everyone i care about to be immune. i don’t even have to be immune, as long as my F A M I L Y is. ❜
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
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ok but this bitch gotta study brb in a few hours !!
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
rick would be honest ; he was never going to get use to any of this. a group of people, an organization, who were just trying to survive and weren’t trying to kill each other. he was against even the idea of groups in most cases after the terrors he had witnessed but to sacrifice his mental health, his sanity, to be a lone wolf seemed too much. there was bound to be conflict between survivors and he was not about to get into the middle of it. the power imbalance was nerve-wracking, while new haven claimed to be without a hierarchy, it was painfully obvious that the founders had the final say it everything. rick would help the community as he could and offer valuable insight for the greater good but loyalties wavered. he would not die for new haven. in this apocalyptic world, allegiances formed their destinies. so it would surprise no one that truly knew him that he wasn’t just involved with new haven. of course, he wasn’t. rick never did like being tied down. in case of emergencies, he did have some weapons stored not far from the community, hidden well and considered to be his back up plan. he always had a plan.
he had been gone for three weeks. no notice, no warning and no letter to inform others of his would be absence. rick had practically vanished without a trace. that, however, was not an unusual occurrence. “ i didn’t find anything of value, ” that, on the other hand, was unusual. he came back empty handed and maybe, his judgement was slipping.
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there was no secret that remus n e e d e d this, maybe not the organization itself, maybe not even shelter, but he needed people. he needed social interaction. he needed to not be by himself. there had been countless times that the sun-kissed boy had woken up shaking, his fingers trembling, tears streaming and body aching by the nightmares that haunted him. they weren’t nightmares about the infected, quite the contrary, it was nightmares about the lack of anything, solitude. no, not that, loneliness. that was what new haven provided him with. a hand on his back in case he fell into the pit of his own head, his inner demons. 
delicate fingers dug into raven locks, the humid climate from preparing dinner having made his hair curl towards his youthful face. there was a brief pause in his movements at the other’s words, a frown appearing on his features. ❛ oh.  ❜ he questioned, voice soft but his lips dripped with disappointment, as if he expected better, something more. ❛ ----- i’d appreciate a heads up, at least, y’know. you make my life, like what ?? five times harder if i don’t know if i need another mouth to feed. ❜ remus commented, resting exhausted shoulders fall towards his body, losing his usual upright posture. a relaxation of sorts. that everyone were safe. that at least rick was alive. ❛ what’s it like ?? ❜ he suddenly asked, and curiosity made him look even more like the child he was. ❛ out there. i mean. i haven’t ----- it’s been months. suppose i’ve, like, tried to forget all about it.  ❜
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
----- slides this link here with some wanted connections,,, ur all welcome to hit me up for plotting or like this and i will hit u up instead !!
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
Loneliness is different than sadness. Sadness passes. With loneliness, You’re empty forever
fandomsandbandsohmy, I am so hollow (via wordsnquotes)
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
henlo smol p s a i just changed my url but i’m still in the group !!
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
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       ❛   you ever been travelling ? before all THIS, i mean ?   ❜  it’s a sad excuse for conversation, he admits. social skills were never his forte ; but it was too quiet for finn, too AWKWARD between him and the other person. he figured they might as well reminisce. besides, a life time ago finn would tour places people could only dream of going (  one of the perks of being a scholarship college kid  ), and he was in the mood to brag. 
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❛   you mean like G O I N G places ?? seeing stuff, all that jazz ??   ❜  he asked, not really expecting an answer before sighing dreamingly, a memory of sun-kissed skin and helado.  ❛ i’m been to mexico, at least, or well, a few times. you ?? are you a TRAVELER ?? ❜ the freckled boy offered the other a smile, hoping he was not far too awkward. then again, he had been awkward even from the start, social rules and norms often slipping from his mind. 
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scvgeisms-blog · 7 years
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henlo,,, ’m iz and i’m from far up north aka. IKEAland and i’m hella excited ?? like u got NO IDEA i just l u v everything abt this place ok but enough about me lemme tell u about this nerd here ( i haven’t plotted w/ the mun of his siblings tho so imma fill u in on the Back Story later ok good )
ANYWAY he is ya typical aquarius,, rly soft, confusing,, what is emotions,, rly into aliens,,, probs has a fucked up poster of giorgio tsoukalos over his bed (he do)
used to have a stray dog following him named matthew mcconaughey
is rly afraid of losing ppl and got abandonment issues like Y I K E S
if he gets too close then bomb ur not getting away
the type of guy to stay awake with u at 3am and talk about death and how everything sucks 
looks like a cinnamon, is a cinnamon (little bit of a sinnamon roll ok we don’t talk about it)
knows all the enrique iglesias songs by heart
ok he is actually really good at cooking and like,,, has a natural talent for making weird things work 
isn’t,,,, that,,, intellectual (homeboy doesn’t know the multiplication table nor the presidents, but he does know names on spices )
is the squad mom
horny as fuck IS A SON OF GOD
kinda lost his faith after the breakout ngl,,, 
needs love???????
imma write a full-on-smack bio later ok
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