seanosims · 21 days
Seven Strangers: Season 1
Location: Willow Creek
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Cindy C.
Aspiration: Painter Extraordinaire
Traits: Muser, Hot-headed, Art Lover, Erratic
"I blame my parents for everything wrong with me," is how Cindy normally begins to form an explanation for her actions. Fostered and adopted by a pair of hardworking, blue collar parents who ran their own local business, Cindy never learned the truth of her biological parents. While hardworking and studious, Cindy would throw her adopted parents for a loop when she decided to not pursue Science and Mathematics - academics she strived in - in order to pursue her love of art. With nervous reluctancy, her parents allow her to embark on her own, living with several strangers and hopefully gaining a clear sight of the path in which she truly wants to pursue.
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Frankie W.
Aspiration: Bodybuilder
Traits: High Metabolism, Bro, Party Animal, Cringe
Grade-A study, top of the class, study body president and a standout athlete… Just a few of the accomplishments registered under Frankie’s personal resume. Growing up the youngest of three siblings, Frankie always felt that he was in the shadow of his two older brothers. One would grow up to become an incredibly talented surgeon at a remarkable young age. The other to be well on his way to an abundantly wealthy existence with real estate investment. Frankie, however, with very little consequences or expectations from his parents, decides to pursue a lifestyle of athleticism, bodybuilding and influencer clout. How will his brand new roommates react to a man who is seemingly great at, well, everything?
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Jane H.
Aspiration: Friend of the Animals
Traits: Animal Affection, Vegetarian, Outgoing, Animal Enthusiast
There are no better words to describe Jane other than the ideal “girl next door.” Growing up in a modest suburban household with two loving parents, whom have been married for almost 40 years, and a very wise older brother, Jane thinks of her family as the embodiment of the “all-American dream.” However, that has not kept Jane from wanting more out of life. As a teenager, Jane would witness a devastating accident when a vehicle collided with a deer during a rainstorm. The incident would lead Jane to pursue a lifestyle caring for and protecting any animal she encounters.
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Jeb H.
Aspiration: Soulmate
Traits: Alluring, Good, Gloomy, Socially Awkward
Growing up in an eco-friendly farm was one thing. The debauchery and the uncertain circumstances of growing, caring for and selling questionable products was another. Jeb Harris had a very unconventional upbring. Although loved and cared for, he always felt a certain degree of shame when it came to his family matters. "Please don't discuss this," or "please don't give Mr. Lothario a hard time for how much nectar he recently purchased" were frequent requests  before exiting the house. This would affect Jeb to the point where he wore a paper bag over his head - mostly in shame - but also for the purpose of not wanting to be seen or recognized by the rest of the world. Now a fully grown young adult, Jeb has the ability to be on his own and start a new journey. With the love and support of his mothers, Jeb graciously accepts an offer to live in a lavish mansion with several strangers who will hopefully introduce and embrace him to the life he is not familiar with.
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Jesse R.
Aspiration: Musical Genius
Traits: Muser, Mean, Loyal, Romantic
"The Rockstar Rebel," is how Jesse chooses to describe himself in a nutshell. Placed into the foster care system shortly after birth, Jesse was forced to move from family to family, household to household, for the majority of his upbringing. These circumstances would disallow Jesse from ever forming true bonds with any family or friends. With a thick exterior and a heart of gold, Jesse considers himself a self-taught survivor who quickly learned how to fend for himself and rely on the comfort of music to sooth his inner conflicts. As tough as he is romantic, Jesse tends to seek affection wherever - and from whoever - he can.
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Simon B.
Aspiration: Friend of the World
Traits: Gregarious, Cheerful, Creative, Goofball
Coming out is never easy... especially when you have been raised by a strict Buddhist household with 7 other siblings in less-than-wealthy circumstances. Simon's parents always brought him to temple and made sure he and his siblings practiced their religious responsibilities every few hours of every day. Simon, however, never felt the connection with this faith, as his true feelings and desires spoke ill against the messages of the direction he was given. Now fully emancipated as a young adult, Simon has chosen to embark on an adventure of finding sexuality, compassion, and - most importantly - humor, which kept him looking forward for the rest of his days while hidden behind a cloak of shame and self-resentment.
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Tamika W.
Aspiration: Nerd Brain
Traits: Quick Learner, Self-assured, Neat, High Maintenance
"The grind of life never stops and neither do we," is the motto in the home where Tamika grew up. Raised by very strict parents, Tamika would learn that they had face much adversity before becoming two of the top renown and cherished litigators of their community. As she faces adulthood, Tamika's primary focus is to carry on the family name with high regard and stature. However, does she have the ability to allow others in, in order to focus on her own personal needs? She hesitantly signs up for a social experiment with several strangers in order to find out.
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seanosims · 23 days
The Seven Strangers Challenge
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Congratulations! You have been chosen as the Casting Director, Scenic Artist, AND Executive Producer for the Sims’ hottest reality show… “Seven Strangers.” Based on the groundbaking and original MTV series, “The Real World,” you will be sucked back into the 1990’s as you bring seven radically different Sims together to live together and find out what’s real - or what’s really simulated. 
Initial Responsibilities: 
Create or cast (7) young adult Sims who have very different personality traits and ambitions. NOT A SINGLE TRAIT or AMBITION should be the same between any of these Sims. You are allowed to adopt Townies into your household as long as you don’t change their EA-assigned traits or ambitions. 
Develop a beautiful home comfortable enough for (7) Sims to reside in. The home can be as eclectic and unique as you’d like. Feel free to use a shell, a home off of the Gallery, or a home you built from scratch! Each home must be equipped with (1) living area, (1) dining and/or kitchen area, and outdoor space (i.e., patio, backyard, balcony/deck, etc.), as well as (7) beds and enough bathroom accommodations for your seven Sims. Recommend using “freerealestate on” during the construction or renovation of your new showtime dwelling. 
Once your seven Sims have been casted/created/selected, be sure to move them into the home at the same exact time with their needs reset or as close to reset as possible. These seven strangers are nothing but eager to meet each other and create a lifetime impression! 
Each Sim must pursue a different career choice. Branches may be the same (i.e., an actor striving in the entertainment career versus a musician or a comedian). The goal is to make sure all seven of the participating Sims max our their career goals as best they can while staying in the Seven Strangers House.
Ratings Responsibilities: 
These are points that should be accumulated for your own career growth as a master developer of groundbreaking television. 
Create Conflict: 
(1) point to be attributed to any argument/disagreement
(5) points to be attributed to any physical violence - not that I condone this, but it is notorious for high ratings
After any physical altercation, it is up to your discretion whether or not (1) or both houseguests should be “dismissed” from the household 
(3) ratings points applied to any Sim who is removed from the house under this penalty
Create Romance: 
(1) point to be attributed to any roommate developing a “crush” on another roommate” 
(5) points to be attributed to any (2) roommates who develop an intimate romantic relationship (i.e., boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/fiance). 
Create Paranoia: 
(3) points to be rewarded to any potential love triangles or complicated romantic ties
(5) points to be rewarded to any replacement roommate who must be invoked upon any expulsion or exit of an existing roommate 
Bonus Ratings: 
Have all (7) of your Sims travel on the all-expenses paid vacation of a lifetime (6 points) 
Have your (7) Sims compete in some sort of competition against one another - the Sim who scores the most is able to take a separate vacation on their own along with (2) other roommates of their choosing (6 points) 
Have a Sim reconsider their life choices and shift career paths, midway through their career growth (6 points) 
Give a Sim a complete style makeover! New hairdo', wardrobe revamp, etc. (3 points for each occurrence)
Success in their subsequent career journey will amass an additional (7) ratings points
If a Sim either becomes pregnant or engaged to another Sim outside of the household, have this Sim voluntarily move out yet continue to engage with and regularly connect with the main household (10 points)
Once you are ready to end the series, leave off with a dramatic ending that establishes each roommate with their own unique conclusion (25 points)
You may decide to choose this at your own discretion; however, it is recommended that each remaining roommate reaches their max career status 
Please feel free to follow me on Twitch @seanosims if you’d like to see how my inaugural series plays out. As you’ll quickly notice, I’ve adapted a familiar face from Eco Living in this series as the one and only Townie. Everyone else is unique! 
I hope you enjoy! Feel free to comment/respond with any questions, as well as recommendations for additional ratings points.
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