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image i had to make because twitter users keep getting mad at the saber account for posting saber
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Sᴀʙᴇʀ (Bᴇᴅɪᴠᴇʀᴇ) - 50 ɪᴄᴏɴs
Source: Fate/Grand Order Dengeki Comic Anthology, DNA Fate/Grand Order Anthology,Fate/Grand Order Comic a la Carte ,Fate/Stay Night manga, Fate/stay night -Tracing 15 Years- Size: 100x100 Format: .png Number of Icons: 50 Please like/reblog if used. Credit is appreciated
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Bʟᴏɢ ɪᴄᴏɴs ғʀᴏᴍ Eᴍɪʏᴀ-sᴀɴ Cʜɪ ɴᴏ Kʏᴏᴜ ɴᴏ Gᴏʜᴀɴ Size: 150x150 Format: .png
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game theory time boys
What Are The Corrupted Souls?
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The Rusty Lake universe tells the story of those affected by the titular location that transcends several generations, with THESE bad boys as malevolent, ghostly apparitions that give you just generally a hard time. 
The White Door told us the story of Robert Hill, who is a confirmed corrupted soul, detailing the events of his involvement with the mysterious death of the woman. But moreso than Bob’s story, we actually started getting some more insight in what Corrupted Souls actually ARE which I’m gonna try to rationalize to the best of my ability–let’s go.
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another life
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from the stars
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How to be best husband?
Be levi ackerman
Source twitter : mjJE0txJdsYXOvK
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Imagine: Philza and Techno meet for the first time.
Techno is a human and doesn't really understand how hybrids work, especially birds like Phil.
One day, Phil tells him he just "has to meet his son".
They go to Phil's house.
Techno: Wow... He has... Your eyes...
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𝘗𝘈𝘐𝘙𝘐𝘕𝘎 : c!technoblade x gn!reader, howl's moving castle au! alternatively, wizard!techno x enchanter!reader
𝘚𝘠𝘕𝘖𝘗𝘚𝘐𝘚 : a love potion gone wrong reveals some... hidden feelings a certain wizard has for you. 3.3k words, fluff with a lil angst </3
𝘞𝘈𝘙𝘕𝘐𝘕𝘎𝘚 : mentions of kissing, one suggestive joke but it's not explicit at all, love potions... yah!
𝘈𝘜𝘛𝘏𝘖𝘙 ‘𝘚 𝘕𝘖𝘛𝘌𝘚 : this is my present for my beautiful @blxux's birthday!! i'm sorry to say that this definitely isn't my best work,,, but i did have a lot of fun writing it! (i’ve been working on this since the crack of dawn blux and i'm still not happy with it, i'm so sorry 😭) a lot of this story will be based on howl's moving castle, aspects from the movie and the book! ofc it will still make sense without knowledge of the media but hey, i won't stop anyone! enjoy <3 this isn't the last you'll see of technohowl ;)
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the marketplace was bustling with many individuals, the voices of merchants booming over the chatter of the curious crowds who eagerly seek the stalls for their desired products.
you were included in those who keenly scanned the displayed items, looking out for a specific ingredient; for a potion you'd been wanting to brew for the longest time.
however, fortunately for you, you managed to beat the busiest hour, and was now eager to return back to your abode, with new ingredients sat snug in your basket.
but just as you enter a small, less bustling avenue, you crash into someone who turns the corner the same time as you. thankfully, a hand grips your wrist just in time and you recover rather quickly.
"i'm sorry i wasn't looking where i was-" you begin to splutter out before meeting the familiar face of a pink-haired wizard you know too well. he flashes you an extravagant smile. "technoblade?"
"are you alright?" his concerned voice asks as he fixed the blue and pink diamond patterned jacket that draped over his shoulders.
"i'm okay, thanks to you. i didn't beat you up too badly, did i?"
"no damage, no bruises, i'm okay."
"what are you doing here?"
"i could ask you the same thing. i see cherry blossom honey and sweet elixir in that basket of yours. just what are you up to?"
"if you must know," you weaved the handle of your basket through your arm, "i'm making a love potion-"
technoblade raises his eyebrows curiously, the corners of his lips twitching up into a smile and you know he's not going to let you off the hook. you silence him.
"no. it's not for anyone. don't give me that look. besides, you know how dangerous love potions can be, i'm brewing them for practice sakes."
"what do you need practice for? you graduated madame sullivan's school ages ago."
"yes, unlike you, mr runaway."
you laughed, "so, what're you up to?"
"i was going to the markets for a stroll, maybe grocery shopping, but now that you've caught my attention with a love potion, i can't help but be intrigued with tagging along."
"fine, but once we get back to my place, don't be stupid."
"am i ever?"
you gave him a pointed look, "like the one time you swallowed a star and gave up your heart in exchange?"
"yes, but," technoblade's hand hovers over where your sternum is, "you gave it back to me, did you not? besides, who are you without steve?"
"literally, yes i gave it back to you. what can i say? got tired of mister-eats-helpless-girl's-hearts here and had enough of angry grandmas chasing after you in the street," you shrugged nonchalantly, making a reference to the old days when technoblade was... quite the character.
he practically devoured the bachelor's lifestyle, living as a restless young man who couldn't help but want to make someone fall in love with him before briefly leaving their lives. before that, techno was a promising wizard who trained beside you as an apprentice with madame sullivan but one day he left without a trace, no note, no letter. next you heard of him, he was charming anyone and everyone.
apparently he also dyed his hair pink and bedazzled himself in ridiculous amounts of jewellery. you didn't believe it until you saw him sext.
it wouldn't be two years later until you reunited with him, in a crazy 'castle' that he calls home. steve was the very personable fire that kept the whole machine running, you later found out that steve was the star technoblade had saved from death by merging his heart. the rest is history.
the walk back to your home is short. you make small conversation with the wizard, often filling the silence in between as people rushed past you in the streets. the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, painting the sky in lovely hues of orange, pink and yellow.
once you arrive at your home, you're quick to drop off your goods near your brewing table, where the book you discovered earlier today printed with countless recipes laid open on the exact page. techno takes off his cardigan and hangs it on a coat hanger nearby, rolling up the sleeves of his loose, white shirt.
"would you like some tea first?"
"i can make it, that way you can set up whatever it is you need."
with that, he slips away into your kitchen, familiar with the layout of your home. you hear the clanking noises of him preparing tea and soon enough, the teapot begins to whistle it's shrill song. just as you finished your alchemy stand.
"now, i need you to take a seat and don't mess around. love potions can be very dangerous, even inhaling its fumes has consequences and we don't want that for you now, do we?" you instructed. techno obliges, taking a seat in an antique chair in the corner of the room, crossing his legs.
"what about you?" he asks.
"it won't have any effects on the user."
"i won't take the risk then."
you gather all the required ingredients as described by the book, measuring the exact amounts for everything. as dangerous as a love potion was, it wasn't technically difficult to make. truthfully, that was the most alarming part, that even reckless enchanters could create this and it would have the most dangerous effects on whoever they intended it for.
around half an hour later, the potion nears done. you drop in the final sprinkles of dying stardust and the luxurious red of the concoction fades into a soft, glossy pink. when a pink smoke begins to emit from the bottle, you immediately screw the cap over it and open a window to let the fumes that managed to escape out, before they could effect technoblade.
"i think i'm done," you muttered, holding up the glass vial to eye level and inspecting it.
it was beautiful, you had to admit. no other brew you could think of had the same, alluring pink mixture, swirling with seductive danger. it was as if you were looking into aphrodite's soul.
you bring it up to technoblade's face and he makes a face of pleasant surprise, inspecting the vial closer. you notice that the pink was the same colour as his pink hair, all you had to do was add glitter to his locks and the wizard would become a love potion himself.
not that he needed one at all to assist with making people fall in love with him.
you're never going to let him down for that.
"it's beautiful," he comments, observing you as you secure the vial in a rack, "what're you going to do with it now?"
"honestly? i have no idea. i don't have a use for it, probably keep it in my storage of forbidden potions-"
comically, just as fate would have it, you didn't register anything that happened next until it was too late because how on earth could this happen to you? it was ridiculous enough that you wanted to laugh but it was too late to do so, because without giving you any time to register that it happened, a shrill 'sqwauk' came from outside and the sound of a collision with your glass beakers filled your senses.
shatters of the dainty material reverberate through the room and your heart drops immediately when you see the pink substance on the floor, its dangerous fumes rising from the puddle into a large cloud that fills the room. you look at technoblade who is just as shocked as you and you know that it's too late to try and prevent him.
there's no time to fret over your destroyed alchemy set and the feathers that the menacing bird left behind as evidence to its crimes as you shove technoblade back into the arm chair and he simply obliges without complaints.
"i'm sorry, but i need to do this," you muttered guiltily, retrieving a bundle of rope from a nearby supply closet. they weren't supposed to be used to tie... a man... down but hey, they were the best you had.
"there's nothing to be ashamed of," techno mutters in a tone far too lucrative for your liking. you smack him on the head as you use your magic to tie him to the chair with tight knots.
you've heard about many messy experiences with love potions. most commonly, it could end with obsession, dangerous attachment or reckless passion and you did not need to experience that with technoblade. no matter how attractive he was to you, you would never ever consider something as scandalous as a love potion.
not only because the brew could never replicate true love and intimacy, for it was impossible, but you hated forcing him to act against his will.
however, for a man that just inhaled a love potion, he's rather calm about it as technoblade's ruby red eyes watch you frantically pace around the room, trying to figure out a cure.
"what's got you so worked up?" he asks light-heartedly, attempting to ease the tension in the room.
you weren't having any of it though, "shut up. just, shut up."
flicking through every page possible in the book, you were desperate to find some sort of remedy but only despairing further when you couldn't find anything, not even close and you want to cry.
"y/n, please calm down. i can feel your stress all the way here."
"how are you okay right now? you know the effects a love potion can have! they're dangerous and not to be meddled with- oh goodness, i shouldn't have ever let you come back with me."
"if it makes you feel any better," he begins, only continuing when you turn around to meet his eyes, "you're not the worst person to fall in love with."
ignoring the way his sentence made butterflies erupt in your stomach, you groan in frustration. "the potion is already kicking in. i might be too late."
"no, i'm speakin' from the heart. we've been friends for a long time and i trust you."
technoblade looks at you with sincerity swimming in his irises, his lips coaxing a gentle smile to appear on his expression and you fear you might lose this side of him forever. so, you'll spend your last, valuable minutes with him before who knows what.
you sit down on a smaller stool beside him with your alchemy book in your arms.
"i'm sorry," you muttered and he shakes his head.
"you have nothin' to be sorry for."
an hour passes and the time is filled with a nice, casual conversation between the two of you, discussing things that weren't the predicament you've found yourselves in. it was nice. he always had that ability to distract you from whatever it was that was working you up and as the time passes and the moon crawls higher into the sky, you almost forget about the situation you were in.
because it's been a long time since the effects should've started kicking in and he had yet to show any symptoms of lovesickness.
"maybe you brewed it incorrectly?" techno suggests.
"impossible! i followed it perfectly and got the end result that i was looking for!" you exclaimed, opening the book again and finding the page in no time.
you read through it once more, the description, the required ingredients and the instructions- everything that you followed to the utmost precision! then a smaller passage of text on the next page catches your eye.
the love potion will have no effects if the consumer is already in love with the brewer.
it's silent. so silent, a needle could drop and it would be heard. you look up at technoblade slowly, with a racing heart that refused to believe that perhaps, he was already in love with you? no, no, that was a ridiculous notion, right?
his awkward laugh tells you otherwise.
"so... am i safe to come out of this chair now?" the pink-haired wizard asks, avoiding eye contact.
you untie all the knots, working in a torturous silence as you desperately scavenged your mind for the right words to say to him. there were none.
the second he stands up from the chair, finally free of his confinements, technoblade turns to face you with a look of distraught and devastation as he rubs his now sensitive skin. there's an electric tension in the air and it sparks the both of you alive. neither do something about it though.
he raises his hand towards you, as if wanting to touch you but technoblade stops himself halfway there, retracting his limb and returning it to his side, where it laid dormant. useless.
"goodnight, y/n," he whispers in a quick breath before making a bolt for the door.
you react a second too late, chasing after him but he had already grabbed his coat off the hanger, now opening the door.
"don't run away from this!" you begged, following him into the streets.
the pink-haired wizard spares you one last glance before he flicks his cardigan, disappearing into a cloud of smoke. just like that, he was gone.
you were going to give him a piece of your mind next time you saw him.
it was almost sundown the next day when you finally mustered the courage to face technoblade. the events of yesterday replayed in your mind constantly and you memorised the way his face contorted into one of
that slimy, little bastard, of course he'd leave you in this kind of predicament and not even bother to answer the door when you knocked, despite the fact that you knew he was on the other side.
"i know you're there, techno. come on out, we need to talk about this sooner or later," you said sternly to the door and a breath later, you heard the trademark clicking sound, signifying that his door was now unlocked.
the technoblade that greets you is a mess. he still tries to present himself, as he always does since he's big on appearance, but his hair is slightly dishevelled and he's missing a few of his piercings, an indication of how little effort he's put into himself today. you feel terrible, especially for the lack of glimmer there was in his eyes.
he still tries to smile though.
"hi," you greeted.
"come inside?"
"no, i much prefer standing outside whilst having this discussion with you," you sarcastically mentioned as you entered his cluttered abode. he shuts the door promptly behind you.
"could i get you something to drink, maybe?" he weakly asks, trying to keep up his perfect manners but techno doesn't need to keep the facade up for you.
"y'know what, fine. i'll have some tea, thank you but after that, we stop avoiding it."
the pink-haired nods, reluctantly albeit, but he agrees and his word is his word.
you take a seat in his living room, glancing around the place- as if you hadn't memorised it years ago- whilst trying to keep yourself occupied. it felt like technoblade was taking his time making your tea but nevertheless, it arrives and there' two humble cups and a teapot with intricate designs painted on.
he's always been a mean collector.
"when?" your voice is small, nothing like the demanded assertiveness you kept up when you arrived at his door a few minutes ago.
"oh, we're really starting it off-"
"-stop dodging the question."
the wizard sighs, "a while ago, started when i first saw you again after the academy."
"yeah. forgot about how much i missed you until then and you were... you were lovely. lovely is nowhere near good enough to describe you."
your cheeks heat up at his compliment and he notices how you become slightly flustered. it's in the way you refuse to make eye contact with him and how you slightly press your lips together. he's adored you for the longest time. he had grown affections for you when you were young children and a few years later, welcomed back the lovely burn he felt in his heart whenever he thought you. it seems as though nothing had changed.
"yesterday when i saw you, the only reason i wanted to come back to your home with you was to see what you were going to do with the love potion."
"what do you mean?"
"i knew you were brewing a love potion long before you told me and i was admittedly jealous. i wanted to find out who it was meant for."
you sit in silence for a little, as if unable to process his claims.
"what you said yesterday about trusting me. is that still true, even now?" you asked and technoblade blinks once, then twice before giving you his answer.
"of course."
"then tell me the honest truth."
the truth was that he'd fallen in love with you countless moons ago, and his affections have only doubled in size, never relenting to the sheer comfort that was your love.
lovesickness was a illness he'll never recover from, but he doesn't really want to either, because it's you and he couldn't ever hate anything about you.
he has to tell you that now. he can't let some stupid love potion outshine him in extravagance.
standing up from the couch with newfound confidence, technoblade offers you his hand to take and his heart soars when your touch creeps into his. it's a balm to the scab that had infected his ego as a result of yesterday's events.
he leads you up the many flights of stairs, through countless corridors that you both have memorised, and finally arrived at a balcony area which overlooked acres of free, natural plains that no one has dared to touch and honestly, you hoped the fields would remain that way.
you had fond memories of walking along these trails with techno, talking about nothing and everything as flowers begun to bloom around you, decorating your path. you remember the giddiness you felt being with him, how your heart would increase whenever your hands subtly brushed against each other's or the way you couldn't help but smile widely whenever he offered you a rose.
perhaps, just like the flowers around you, the love you had for each other began to blossom into something more.
the sun was beginning to set and the orange, pink and yellow hues of the sunset sky took over. it  reminded you of yesterday.
"the sky is beautiful," you muttered off-handedly, smiling widely as you looked up at the natural phenomenon that painted the clouds.
"nothing compared to you," technoblade says. you glance up at him, admiring at the way the golden sun glowed on his skin because somehow, it made him look softer and more alive. technoblade truly was a masterpiece and how desperately you wished to be an artist so you could capture at least a fraction of his beauty.
alas, you weren't an artist who could paint, no, you were an alchemist who severely messed up.
you hear the pink-haired inhale deeply beside you before spluttering out, "surely you must know by now."
his words are rushed and unintelligible, yet when you meet his gaze, he looks at you with such wonder and fondness in eyes. it strikes your heart in its softest places and steals your breath away, all whilst techno looks at you as if you're the only thing that mattered in this world.
"how you have bewitched me by casting an unending love spell on me that has bound my heart to you forever. although my heart is a fickle, unwanted thing, it is something i am willing to give up once more and gift it to you to do whatever you wish," technoblade confesses. "destroy it, stomp it, kiss it, it is yours. all i want is to know how you feel."
you looked away with a fond smile, gazing back at the skyline as the pink-haired anxiously awaited your answer after graciously pouring all of himself to you. he hates every second that is silent and curiously observes your every move.
"i don't want your heart," you finally said before intertwining your hand with his. "i just want you, and that is all that matters to me."
technoblade's chest bursts with affection and adoration, "i was yours long ago."
"how come i didn't know?"
"all you had to do was ask."
"ask you say? how would you feel about kissing me?"
"it would be my honour."
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i'm gonna regret posting this so much when i look at this later,,, still don't think it's my best work,,, but i hope you enjoyed nonetheless! like i said, hopefully i get a chance at redemption with the later technohowl fics ;) yes there's more coming.
so uh, reblogs, likes, comments, thoughts r appreciated! and if you enjoy my writing, consider giving me a follow! until then, i'll see you next time <3
- earth
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H-hey anyone else notice where the string ends?
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over 150 layers later~
damn I am seeing a load of mistakes but we’re going to ~casually~ ignore that bc god this took way too long
lets just focus on how the hair swooshes <3 
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do you have any levihan fanfic recommendations?
1. https://archiveofourown.org/works/12039111/chapters/27257265
This one is just perfect.
2. https://archiveofourown.org/works/18083966/chapters/42744983
(this one brought up so many feels. It was nice to see the alternative version of the events taking place after chapter 115 >:))
3. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14708579
That’s some sad shit right there :(
4. https://archiveofourown.org/works/4784708/chapters/10946822
The dialogue between Hanji, Levi and pastor Nick about Dante and eating shit deserves a Nobel prize in literature, periodt.
5. https://archiveofourown.org/works/1161844
This is probably the first Levihan fanfiction I read. Still gives me chills. It’s not like I FORGOT the name of this fic and had to ask people to help me figure it out because that’s the type of a person i am
6. https://archiveofourown.org/works/11916285
I read this one in polish, so I’m not sure how good is the translation, but i love this one s o much.
7. https://archiveofourown.org/works/18826147/chapters/44673670 (LeviHan angst- read the trigger warnings, some of the scenes are very explicit)
8. https://archiveofourown.org/works/27309769 (Levi taking care of injured Hanji)
9. https://archiveofourown.org/works/14763386/chapters/34140398 (snk 1920′s AU, this author is a true treasure!!!)
10. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11822321/1/LeviHan-Oneshot-based-on-a-DYFM-comic (be careful, it’s a smut! ;))
11. https://archiveofourown.org/works/1962759
Big shout out to that one amazing person on Instagram who sent me a few recommendations (I put some of them here, bc they were amazing)!
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I love the Soul Sand Valley ambience.
I especially love the ones that sound like tortured souls and the one that sounds like a reversed Wither death because of the lore potential.
Why were the souls trapped in the sands of the valley? Is the Wither a manifestation of their anger? Is this why Withers are considered undead? Do the souls have something to do with wither skeletons? Is that why they're more likely to spawn in Soul Sand Valley Nether fortresses?
Do Piglins attack wither skeletons and flee from soul light because of fear of the Wither awakening? Why does chiseled red sandstone have a carving in the shape of a Wither? Why can Nether Wart only grow on soul sand? Why does soul sand make bubble columns? Do soul torches/lanterns/campfires/fire release the souls? Is this how Ghasts are formed?
Are Ghasts made of freed souls? If so, why are Ghasts considered living? Are these freed souls friends with the souls in the Wither? Is that why Withers don't attack Ghasts despite Ghasts technically being living mobs? Are Withers getting revenge on the living?
Are the skeletons in the valley in the process of becoming wither skeletons? Are wither skeletons the skeletal remains of the trapped souls? Are the souls drawn to the remains of their bodies?
Does making a Wither release a bunch of angry souls? Are the skull bombs it shoots made of souls? Do the 3 souls the skulls belonged to control the Wither? Do Withers not attack undead mobs because the souls in the Wither and the souls of the undead mobs became friends after being trapped in the same sands for all those years?
Do the souls of those killed by a Wither get turned into a rose? Is that why undead mobs don't get turned into wither roses? Why don't baby mobs get turned into wither roses? Do wither roses hurt you because the souls are jealous of the living? If so, why do they hurt undead mobs? What happens when you make dye from a wither rose? Does the soul get destroyed?
Why are they safe to hold/crush up for dye/put in a flower pot but not safe to step on/eat? How come bees can eat wither roses with no negative effects but sometimes get hurt when pollinating them? What happens when someone eats a wither rose? Is the soul destroyed? If the rose burns, gets thrown into a cactus, explodes, or despawns, is the soul destroyed?
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