sederhannaindah · 4 years
Going back to old account!
Hey people! Saya akan menggunakan account lama saya semula di tumblr bermula hari ini, jadi account ni akan jadi tak aktif. Boleh follow saya di :
Thank you and see you there!
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
"Kita takkan tahu bila kita akan kehilangan orang yang kita harapkan."
- petikan dari buku Time After Time oleh Sederhanaindah.
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
Hai semua! Bermula 1 Februari, anda boleh beli buku saya, Time After Time dengan harga dan tawaran istimewa!
Apa yang istimewa? Anda dapat beli buku dengan harga istimewa + dapat poskad comel yang ada quote menarik + tandatangan penulis. Poskad tu terhad untuk 100 buah saja tau dan cuma boleh didapati ketika jualan gudang karangkraf mall.
Selain buku saya, ada banyak lagi buku menarik terbitan karangkraf dijual dengan harga istimewa yang murah. Ada pakej al-Quran, pakej novel, pakej buku pembelajaran sekolah, dan pelbagai lagi. Boleh jenguk page Karangkrafmall @karangkrafmall @karya.bestari untuk melihat-melihat. Mana tahu ada yang berkenan ye tak.
Jualan gudang bermula 31 Januari hingga 9 Februari. Bagi yang berminat membeli buku saya, anda boleh pergi ke : https://www.karangkrafmall.com/time-after-time
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
Here comes February.
1. Eat healthy. Exercise daily. Think deeply. Love logically. Talk softly. Act wisely. Save money. Sleep early. Pray regularly. Live humbly.
2. Despite all of the heartbreak, chaos, futility, and uncertainty in this world, it's all that we have and we always have power to make something special out of it. Try to see the world in a different view, and see ourselves differently too. Be grateful, and love yourself.
3. Do not let fragile and temporary things destroy your hope, your dreams, and yourself. Belajar bezakan apa yang penting dan apa yang tidak, belajar untuk utamakan apa yang lebih utama (baca : diri sendiri) dan belajar untuk lepaskan, lupakan apa yang telah berlalu.
4. From love story to lost story. You will heal, eventually. Now or later, you will heal. And from lost story, you will have your love story again.
5. Remember that you don't have to react to everything, especially on things that bother you.
6. Tuhan tak pernah salah menentukan, manusia saja yang selalu silap menilai diri sendiri. Tuhan selalu ada untuk kita terus percaya, berharap, berserah ; walau akhir usaha kita takdirnya tak indah. Muhasabah diri, dan bermulalah kembali.
7. Anything can happen and nothing can be predicted. But God give us the ability to make choices. So choose wisely, choose carefully. Dreams are different than reality. Remember that.
8. Make the move if you want to change your life. Don't just sit and waiting and hoping for things to change.
9. We don't know how things will change, and we don't know what will happen. But at this moment, we surely alive, and we want to keep on living, keep on loving, no matter what. May we rise stronger from our broken selves and may happiness come one step closer.
10. Berdoalah walau apa jua yang terjadi, walau realiti tak seindah mimpi. Mungkin nanti, bersama hadirnya redha, takdir kita akan indah juga akhirnya.
11. We should be conformable with who we are and not be ashamed for look down at our past.
12. Everything we ever love and everything good in the world will one day, will no longer exist. Life is short, and that's why you need to choose your commitment carefully. Fight for things that matter the most. Leave what is need to be leave.
13. Cherish whatever things that makes you happy, even for a while. When one day things change, don't cry. You already do your best to live and love some of the best moment in your life. Smile, wipe your tears, and may you find another happiness on your new journey.
14. Just because someone leave you, doesn't mean you need to love yourself any less.
15. If you believe in destiny, fate, and God, then you need to leave behind the past. Heart was shattered, eyes overflowing with tears, but life goes on. Lets be strong till the end of sorrow.
16. When feeling isolated or depress, a connection will save us. Connect to people. Connect to God. You are not alone. Talk to someone. Make a du'a.
17. Sometimes crossing path is just temporary before we move separately to another path. And that's scary ; to let go things or people we used to. But that's life. Nothing stay the same, especially the good one. Today we say hello, tomorrow we say goodbye.
18. Half in the past, half already move on. But we can't go back because nothing is there for us. Learn your lesson and say your goodbye. Give your everything to the future.
19. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan untuk meraih bahagia yang diidamkan. Mungkin ada bahagian yang bukan untuk kita. Itu kerana kita adalah manusia, dan manusia, tak semestinya akan dapat semua yang dia mahukan.
20. Dalam hidup, kita perlu belajar untuk redha dan melepaskan. Ya, kata-kata ni memang klise. Tapi yang klise tu la yang kita selalunya tak mahu buat.
21. Manusia boleh bermimpi tapi realiti, kenyataan, & takdir tu milik Tuhan. Yang kita boleh buat ; berdoa & berusaha. Jika diberi, bersyukur. Jika tak dapat apa yang diimpikan, sabar, redha, & berusaha untuk rancangan lain pula.
22. I'm not going to say it's gonna be okay. I don't know what you're going through. I don't know what you've been through. I don't know if it'll be okay. But you've made it this far. You are breathing. You are living. You can heal. No matter what, you will survive.
23. One du'a can change a day, from bad to good. One good day can change a life, from worst to better. And one better life can change others, or even the world. So pray. And make a du'a. It will change you, and hopefully, helps you change others and this world.
24. Beautiful things remain in memories even though separation is hurt. But the world goes on.
25. Harapan tetap selalu dalam doa walau kembara untuk mencapai angan, mimpi, dan cita-cita sering dibasahi tangisan. Terimalah apa yang terjadi walau memahami realiti dan kebenaran tu tak mudah. Tuhan akan selalu menunjukkan jalan, asal kau sabar, ikhlas, dan redha.
26. Time will be the judge for all of us but we are all suppose to try ; to choose between to stay here or burn the bridge that connect us to the past and move on. No one get things right straight away but we all can learn.
27. You don't have to hold on to something so tightly just because you thought it'd last forever. Please take care of yourself.
28. Cherish every moment, hug your loved ones while you and they are still around. Because life is a fragile thing and nobody knows what may come up tomorrow. Enjoy life and the people you love, because our life passing one minute at a time.
29. You did everything you could. There wasn't one more thing you could've done. Try to live in this moment as best you can, with clear eyes, and love in your heart, with joy in your heart.
30. To people who battling depression, To people who still giving love even though others and this world stole their joy, To people who having suicidal thought, To people who feel like losers and shit ; You are worthy, you are special, you are loved. Don't give up.
- sederhanaindah
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
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Setiap nafas yang dikurniakan adalah peluang untuk memulakan sesuatu.
- nota januari dari buku Time After Time oleh Sederhanaindah.
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
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Mengejar yang telah menjauh darimu itu menyakitkan. Merindui yang tak mengingatimu itu melukakan. Mencintai yang telah dimiliki orang lain itu menghancurkan.
- nota 24 januari, dari buku Time After Time oleh Sederhanaindah.
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
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Kenangan jadikan pengajaran, bukan panduan. Masa lalu adalah sebagai ingatan, bukan sebagai pegangan.
- nota 21 Januari, dari buku Time After Time oleh Sederhanaindah.
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
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Maybe we will not get what we want. Maybe, He will give us something better later, inshaallah. Sabar, ikhlas, redha.
- dari buku Time After Time oleh Sederhanaindah.
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
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“Manusia sifatnya selalu kalah bukan kerana takdir, tetapi kerana harapan sendiri. Padahal takdir Allah sentiasa baik.”
- dari buku Time After Time oleh Sederhanaindah.
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
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Hikmah dari sebuah perpisahan.
- dari buku Time After Time oleh Sederhanaindah.
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
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People are temporary, Allah is forever. So yeah, jangan terlalu terikat pada manusia dan mintalah segalanya daripada Tuhan.
- nota 14 Januari, dari buku Time After Time oleh Sederhanaindah.
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
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Kita berada di sini sebab Tuhan ada sesuatu yang lain dan lebih baik untuk kita. Jangan mimpikan untuk kembali ke masa silam. Terima apa yang dah jadi, dan tetap berdoa untuk yang baik-baik.
- dari buku Time After Time oleh Sederhanaindah.
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
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‪Let go or you'll never see where your fate flow. Jangan takut untuk melepaskan, jangan takut menghadapi masa depan. Yang paling penting, jangan ragu dengan rancangan Tuhan. Hati akan rosak kalau asyik ragu pada Allah.‬
- dari buku Time After Time oleh Sederhanaindah.
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
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“Berdoalah walau apa jua yang terjadi, walau realiti tak seindah mimpi. Mungkin nanti, bersama hadirnya redha, takdir kita akan indah juga akhirnya.”
Antara tulisan dari buku Time After Time oleh Sederhanaindah. Buku boleh dibeli melalui website karangkraf : https://www.karangkrafmall.com/time-after-time
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
Time After Time oleh Sederhanaindah.
Hai semua! Saya ada tulis buku bertajuk Time After Time, terbitan Karya Bestari, Karangkraf.
Buku saya boleh dibeli melalui website : https://www.karangkrafmall.com/time-after-time
Selamat membeli dan selamat membaca. Moga bermanfaat :)
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sederhannaindah · 4 years
Here comes January.
1. Maybe if you are brave enough to leave behind your past and your memories, and willing to accept and redha to everything that happens to you and also prepared to face and forgive some very difficult realities about yourself, maybe you will find hope, you will heal, and you will love again.
2. At the end of the day, people only have themselves. A lot to think, a lot to do, but people still need to keep on living no matter what. And with or without someone on our side, we can't stop from moving forward.
3. Don't let go of your faith, your hope, your du'a ; because you still need saving.
4. Don't blame yourself if you can't be better for someone else. Don't blame yourself if you can't be better for yourself. You are not useless. You exist, and that's rare and beautiful. Keep strive ahead. Do little things and find joy in it. Smile, and live life to its fullest.
5. Tears after tears, you will be loved again.
6. Where there is light, there is also a shadow. Life is about cause and effect. Reason and why. For every happiness and sorrow, it's the same. In sadness, we will understand true meaning of joy. With a broken heart, transformations begin. Grief is just a phase to reach blissful.
7. You're beautiful, you're kind. You'll find your happiness and joy, inshaallah. Now, is time for you to appreciate yourself and live life with the best you can give.
8. Let every little fracture teach us how to be better.
9. Maybe we have little luck in fate. But yet we thrive. We have faith. We make a du'a. And the sadness might turn into something beautiful. And we evolve from loveless to blissful person.
10. Whenever we lost hope, remember that we come too far already to give up who we are. All that memories, remind us of growing up. Remind us of the beauty in this life. So we can carry on with our life.
11. Sometimes we make mistakes. We try so hard yet we fail. But honestly, without failing how would we experience grace, or have faith? How would we know how to overcome hardness in the future? So be happy that we make mistakes. It always have something to teach us.
12. Sometimes we feel sad. We don't want it but we must experience it. No one wants to go through pain. But it will help us to remember that we are human. We are alive. And we will moving on.
13. Sometimes we just want to cry. Experiences something so sorrowful and unpleasant, it's not enough to be express just by words. So we cry. But it's okay to cry. Everything passes like falling rain. Like seasons change, things also happen. No need to feel hopeless.
14. Remember that it's okay to be imperfect. To make mistakes. And even doubt. We might wondering why we are here. Everything has it purpose. You too, have purpose. So live. Dream. Love. Despite everything, you still you. You are unique and beautiful. You will be happy.
15. There are a circle in this universe that can't be break. A lover turns into sad people. Birth followed by death. But remember after the darkest night comes a bright morning. After a cold winter comes summer. One phase to another, we are never the same. Be brave, have courage.
16. How unique each life is, how unique I am as a person, and how unique others are as a person. All that uniqueness combined into a beautiful harmony experience. Life is beautiful. And it's rare for us to even exist. So appreciate life.
17. You may have a sad story, you may have an unrequited love, you may want to give up at this moment in life, but the most precious thing you can have is yourself. All your perfect flaws, all your other perfect traits make you a beautiful person. Stop thinking that you're useless.
18. It doesn't matter what you do as a job, or what your social situation is, what income you have. It's your decisions and your words that define you. Be your own self, independently and proudly. Have faith in you, and in God. You will be okay.
19. Make a sincere du'a from deep inside your heart. Hold your hand close to yourself. Whisper that it's going to be alright. We've made it this far and we'll make it through more. It's what we do in this life. We survive.
20. So many memories. Too many possibilities. Regrets, forgiveness, relationships, life and death. But life is a journey, and we have to keep moving on no matter what.
21. The world isn't such a bad place, let alone your life. There's always a constant battle within ourselves. To become better and not let our old ways resurface. There will always be a struggle. But until then, let us fight the good fight, and never give up.
22. Not everything works out. Fight a good fight, and let it go if it's need to go. There are a better things and a better day ahead, inshaallah. We are a survivor and we'll get back up soon.
23. Even though you don't have things you want yet, you have your life to live for. And that's more than enough. Is tomorrow going to be okay or still the same as yesterday? It's your call and your move to decide. Have faith and take a step forward.
24. Happiness is about effort. You fight for it, strive for it, and never stop looking for it. Don't forget to count your own blessings instead of regretting things you already lost.
25. In the end, maybe it's wiser to surrender to fate and keep making a du'a no matter what, forever and sincerely, for as long as we have hope.
26. Eventually and sadly, everything goes away. People, things ; it all goes away. But life is also full of surprise. Choose happiness over suffering. You don't know what you gonna find next. So don't lose hope.
27. Maybe we should stop looking at the world through our head. Maybe we need to start to look through our heart, instead. Maybe that way, we will know God, and we will somehow understand how He do His job. Because this world isn't lasts and we can't always get what we want.
28. Revolusi hati. Bersedia untuk terima perubahan (sama ada yang dijangka atau tak dijangka) dan bersedia untuk berubah (walaupun sukar). Life is a non stop endless loop of transformation and we must always be prepared.
29. Lets make a du'a ; for you, for me. Until sadness disappear ; from me, from you. Now it's time to leave things to fate and turn to Allah.
30. We are all too lost and hurting to carry our own load. We all need someone or something to hold. Remember that we are not helpless. God is always with us. He will fix us and show us hope. He is the one who can keep us safe. He is the one who love us the most. Hold on to Him.
- sederhanaindah
p/s : selamat tahun baharu, juga selamat menempuh dekad baharu. Moga kita selalu beriman, moga kita selalu dekat dengan Tuhan. Apa yang telah berlalu biarkan pergi. Apa yang belum ada kita usaha dan doakan. Apa yang masih bersama kita jaga dan hargai sebaiknya. It’s rare and beautiful for us to even exist. So be grateful, and live life to the fullest. Stay good, stay beautiful!
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