seductresses-temple Ā· 3 days
Theyā€™re so canon but not canon at the same time šŸ« šŸ« šŸ« 
The thing about Harry in the books, and how he notices Malfoy so much, is that like.. the tone of it is just so different to how he notices other characters that he (actually) doesnā€™t like.
For example, we get much more of a sense of Harryā€™s reluctance to be near Lockhart, his distaste and distrust of Lockhart, any time he has to interact with him. And Harry even notices that Lockhart is good looking, but he notices it in more of a sense that itā€™s not something heā€™s personally drawn to. Kind of similar to how he notices the Veela at the World Cup. He recognises it in passing, because itā€™s objectively noticeable.
And yet the tone of how he notices Malfoy is so different. His gaze is constantly drawn to Malfoy. He notices Malfoy anytime heā€™s around - whether itā€™s across the hall (surrounded by literally HUNDREDS of other students) or in the busy thoroughfare of Diagon Alley. And heā€™s not noticing Malfoyā€™s looks in a kind of.. dismissive, passing way. Heā€™s hyper focused on Malfoyā€™s expressions, his underlying mood, the way heā€™s carrying himself. Heā€™s always noticing how he looks, his pointy features, the flash of his hair. He recognises him instantly even from a distance.. even though Iā€™m sure there were plenty of other blonde students at Hogwarts. Heā€™s constantly drawn to him, in a way that Harry is not drawn towards other people he actively dislikes or hates. THATā€™s the difference. Harry wants absolutely nothing to do with anyone else he dislikes; but with Malfoy, heā€™s completely drawn in, even when Malfoy is doing his best to avoid being noticed.
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seductresses-temple Ā· 3 days
OMG ok so Harry is glamoured for some reason and bumps into Draco and it Piquesā„¢ļø his interest so he keeps going to meet w Draco until they get closer and closer.
Then one day Dracoā€™s like ā€œGoodness, am I glad I met you, Thomas. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anyone else Iā€™d rather be with right now.ā€
Harryā€™s sweating as he adjusts his collar when he says, ā€œReally? Nobody?ā€
Draco shakes his head. ā€œAnd Thomas is such a superb name. Draco and Thomas. It flows so fantastically, donā€™t you think? I thank the stars that you were named Thomas.ā€
ā€œUh. But what if I wasnā€™t? Called Thomas, I mean. What if I had a different name?ā€
Draco blinks at him. ā€œIs this some sort of philosophical question? Because if so, I shanā€™t indulge. Now, pick up my bags, we havenā€™t finished in Madam Griddles yet.ā€
Harry reluctantly does as heā€™s told as he lowkey thinks Draco only specifically wants to date Thomasā€™. In reality, Dracoā€™s known it was Harry all along, heā€™d be able to pick his mannerisms out from a crowd away, and Harry also sucks at acting. But heā€™s keeping it up for the bit until Harry can pussy up and reveal himself.
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seductresses-temple Ā· 3 days
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Mahiwahang S(nape)alamin kailan niya ba aaminin šŸ˜” ang kanyang tunay na pagtingin? šŸ„ŗšŸ’”
tl: Magical mirror when will he admit his true feelings? (stream & stan bini!! )
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seductresses-temple Ā· 3 days
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More werewolf!Draco ideas with cursed draco, little scorp & a cursebreaker! Harry?
Extra snip here ā¬‡ļø
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seductresses-temple Ā· 3 days
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their little secret
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seductresses-temple Ā· 3 days
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Drarry doodles with Gallaplacidia text from forever ago. These two get me every time (Bridgerton could never)
Text is from Scaredy Cat
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seductresses-temple Ā· 1 month
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Drarry dads morning.
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seductresses-temple Ā· 1 month
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ā€œThat's Dorcas Meadowes, Voldemort killed her personally..."
A cute little dorlene series (a little bit more focused on Dorcas bc I love her so much) for #lesbianvisibilityweek and as we say in french bravo les lesbiennes !!
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seductresses-temple Ā· 2 months
I was late (you were early)
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These was commissioned by @dodgerkedavra for her fic ā€œI was late (you were early)ā€
These scenes took place in two different time, the first and second one when they were 19 and the third one when they were 29. A portrayal of a ten years story. Iā€™m really happy with the way the colors turns out and finally drawing the auror robes I had in my head haha.
The three small part of the fic that I used to illustrate these scene was
Malfoy pulls Harryā€™s other hand away from his ear and places it over the buttons of his jacket, his fingers warm over Harryā€™s shaking ones. His chest rises and falls under Harryā€™s palm, and he can feel Malfoyā€™s heart beating even through his uniform.
One second his hand is flat on Malfoyā€™s chest and the next itā€™s a fist. One second heā€™s against the wall and the next heā€™s crumpled forwards into Malfoyā€™s arms.
One last stroke, and Harry leans into Draco with a contented sigh. He inhales the scent of roses and early summer heat and Dracoā€™s soap. Birds titter in the branches nearby. Dracoā€™s heart beats against Harryā€™s back. The rhythm never falters, never stops.
Thereā€™s a second part to this story which was told from Dracoā€™s pov which is angsty as well šŸ„¹. It was ā€œIā€™ll find you again (I always do)ā€
Working on these reminds me again how I loved drawing with red colors. I hope these illustrations manage to brings out or at the very least showed glimpse of the emotion these two portray in dodgerā€™s wonderful fic ;-;
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seductresses-temple Ā· 2 months
I feel I am slowly getting pulled aboard the Jegulus ship - Iā€™m not even sure how this happened but Iā€™m intrigued and wanna know more. Jegulus shippers assemble and rec me some of your favorite fics to help me get my bearings?
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seductresses-temple Ā· 2 months
Writing a fic when you're uninspired:
*writes half a sentence* *checks tumblr; no updates* *checks discord; all servers; no updates* *goes back to doc* *re-reads last three sentences* *removes last half sentence written* Hmm I want some tea ... *makes tea* *checks tumblr again; one new post* *checks discord; all servers; no updates* *checks four latest opened tabs* *remembers an old fandom you haven't thought of in years; goes to AO3 to see if there are any good fics for it* *opens three new fic tabs* *remembers that you're supposed to be writing* *writes a sentence* I'm kinda hungry ... *checks cupboards and fridge for snacks* *remembers that it's ten pm and you shouldn't snack at this hour* *remembers that you made tea; it is now cold* *drinks cold tea* *re-reads last three sentences* *checks tumblr; no updates* *checks discord; all servers; no updates* *in desperation, checks twitter; it is a cesspool of evil so you check tumblr again; one update* *reblog* Hmm, I have too many tabs open ... *opens a random tab; it is a 70K fic with 1K worth of tags that you last visited three months ago* *reads fic* Four hours later: ... I should go to bed. *closes doc* Total words written: 44
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seductresses-temple Ā· 2 months
other people writing ao3 comments: love this! canā€™t wait to see more ā¤
me writing ao3 comments: gyjfsdghjkldsfhj fukc dude iā€¦ā€¦ā€¦..id eat this if i couldā€¦.
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seductresses-temple Ā· 2 months
What's the trope name for when someone finds out they're the Chosen One(tm) and is like "No, thank you" and goes and does something else
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seductresses-temple Ā· 2 months
being a fic writer is just sitting bolt upright every six months or so shouting "OH SHIT MY FIC"
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seductresses-temple Ā· 2 months
Ever have a scene from one of your fics justā€¦stuck in your head? Like, I have this scene from my latest WIP that just keeps playing over and over again:
Harry, groggy, hung over, stumbling into Dracoā€™s (too bloody bright) kitchen to find Draco at the kitchen in JEANS AND A T-SHIRTā€¦COOKING BREAKFAST??? Scorpius is there (Harry vaguely remembers that Malfoy did in fact have a son a few years back) but he also has pets - he has 2 dogs and a kneazle (which he DID NOT know and is having a hard time picturing even though itā€™s right in front of him). Draco is making chocolate chip pancakes -Scorpiusā€™ favorite - and dancingā€¦to MUGGLE musicā€¦and itā€™s just so messy and loud and domestic and Harry should NOT think itā€™s the most adorable thing heā€™s ever set eyes on. He shouldnā€™t. He doesnā€™t. Any evidence to the contrary and he will blame it on the alcohol from the night before. He isnā€™t even sure how he got here in the first place - in every sense of the word. He also vaguely remembers being at a club the night before and that maybe Auror training hadnā€™t gone so well and MAYBE heā€™d drank a little too muchā€¦just a little.
Harry is confused, beyond confused, but heā€™s hung over, the food smells good, and whatever Twilight Zone version of Draco Malfoy this is hasnā€™t hexed him yet soā€¦he sits down.
He doesnā€™t know it at the time but making that decision to sit down changes the whole trajectory of his life.
And I keep thinking to myself - with all that I have planned for this fic - that this moment is the one Iā€™ll be writing the entire fic for. That one tiny decision that leads to all the others, a domino effect that ultimately leads him back to that table again and again and again and again. Life is like that, isnā€™t it? You make one, small, tiny decision in the moment and months down the line, years down the line, it winds up meaning everything.
I think thereā€™s a beauty in that. I love seeing life reflected back at me through fanfic. I love being a part of this community that manages to spend hours upon hours pouring back into the people that are engaged with it, showing us the intricacies of existence in this silly, beautiful thing we do with our spare time.
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seductresses-temple Ā· 2 months
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of cabinets and cupboards
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seductresses-temple Ā· 2 months
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And you said I abandoned the ship, but I was going down with it.
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