seeithappen-blog · 7 years
At first, sight, traits and touch all seem so attractive and exciting. The thrill of the new and unknown. You want to lean in and hope you catch yourself at the right time. With that confidence no one can help you. Or rather you don’t need anyone’s help. You got this. You want this. Yet that itch of guilt throws you off. But Why? Maybe its a good a thing. No, actually its a great thing. Thank F****n goodness for conscience. For intuition. For instincts.  
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seeithappen-blog · 7 years
Been away and now back.
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seeithappen-blog · 9 years
Your indifference burns, as she shares with you the heartiest, your reaction is a shame. What do you care about? 
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seeithappen-blog · 9 years
In Transit
Since it all started, it was your past that lived present, and now the insecurities haunt me. Don't keep it all in transit. Then all this beauty may just become once upon a time. 
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seeithappen-blog · 9 years
Who You Are
Being with them makes you forget for a while all that you want to become. You want to be so many things, but for that moment, you just want to be. Be there with them. They yield that kind of power. There is always that thought of settling down one day and being content with just who you are. And with them you are just that, you don't want to move a finger, but reality serves it self well when they are not there. Maybe wanting to be so many things, is just who you are. And that could be a blessing in disguise for letting you be all that you can be. 
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seeithappen-blog · 12 years
The Predicted Overload
So we spilled over. You anticipate. And I derive. No need to wait. No need to be taken for granted. You saw it coming, then it must really be true. So why are we making this such a fiasco. I don't really think this is the kind of ending that deserves a bang. Warning was made prior to run-time.
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seeithappen-blog · 12 years
The Security
You check in, grab your bags and head in. You shut the door lock it, check it once more. You are safe. You settle in, enjoy the atmosphere of this new place. The new air. But that thought just keeps nudging you. So you look out the window, to distract yourself. You gaze out to the city which runs on. The lights glimmer at a distance and you feel you are about to be part of something big. But still something keeps you on the edge. You hear a knock. Who could it be? It's 2 am and no one knows you're here. Or so you think. You skip asking who is there, and fearlessly fling the door open. No one seems to be in sight. Are you starting to hear things now? You step back into the room to close the door, until you hear, "Stop!"
That voice. Did you really hear or did You imagine it? You never really had the right cards for questions so you immediately followed the voice. She was there. In front of you. And you didn't really care about the questions as to what and why. She really didn't say a word. At least not verbally. You seemed to catch on though, to the smudge of her eyeliner across her eyelid along with her tears. Her tireless body. Her avoid of eye contact. And her flush red lips. She looked helpless, and dripping with beauty, in your eyes.
All your insecurities fled. She stayed. And then you began to question what was really in your head. Earlier. Younger into the night. Before it all mended into the security of having her wrapped in your arms. Running to a new place in search of false insecurities never gave you comfort, take what's yours. Always. There should be no fear.
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seeithappen-blog · 12 years
Hearing What You Want
They say we pick out what we want to see and blindfold ourselves against what we'd rather keep in darkness. And it's not much different when it comes to what say and listen. But when does that thin line of discretion become more twisted into lies?
You judge what you say and see based on your surroundings, it's Human nature, but you encounter some who let you just be. Let you say what you intend to instead of refinement. Let you simply state what the real matter is. And they just know with intuition if what you speak is a truth or lie.
Big or small, your lies surfaces amongst trivial matters which showcases either the guard you have against yourself or what you would like to be. But the fact of the matter is, I can tell. I can tell your lies from truth. You are already someone, don't need to try.
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seeithappen-blog · 12 years
The Symbol You Give
Honey-bee, makes the sweetest honey, but if gotten off the wrong turn, it can be a stinger.
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seeithappen-blog · 12 years
The Bass
There is no ongoing beat without it. There is no boost or subtlety without it. There is no excitement without it. There is no darkness for the light to overcome without it. There is no sign of duality without it.
There is just no you without it.
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seeithappen-blog · 12 years
Beneath The Harshness
The bed of needles is not uncomfortable until one digs deeper in to your skin than the rest. We still sleep on them knowing possible potential of it happening now and then. I still sleep on them. You still sleep on them. And if you are safely tucked under soft layers, your ignorance is bliss. That's just how it is. But I don't mind the potential. I don't mind the strength I need to develop. I don't mind the harshness of it all. I know at the end of it all power is in me. Nothing external. This place I have been living in has taught me shortcuts are momentary escapes. Whatever must dig into you will do so no matter which path you take.
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seeithappen-blog · 12 years
The Oversized Statement
You craft, carve and complicate things to give relevance to your words. You lay under your advocated fears and failures. You collect planners to show your distribution of time. You love less but like the challenge. You try so hard to be different. And somedays people really call you an impressionist. But those few who see right through, know better.
-Role-playing doesn't really suit you.-
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seeithappen-blog · 12 years
The Circuit
Little did I know, a miniature module could control so much, but it connects, processes, and results to high power advancement. Seems all like magic. Until. Until, you know its skeleton, skin and soul. This machine drives its own memory deletes, defragments, as it keeps what it needs. It manages tasks without wasting the smallest source of time. It's motivation is infinite. Only limited by our capacity.
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seeithappen-blog · 12 years
For all I know, complacency is the death of all motivations.
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seeithappen-blog · 12 years
When there are mistakes, there can very well be mistaken mistakes.
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seeithappen-blog · 13 years
The Slender Decay
When, where and how are not relevant anymore. Just why. If anything. Never had the moment to express to you how I have really felt. Never felt like accepting it. Never thought I'd need to. And now it has hit me with crushing valences. The old paper we scribbled on, the things we said, the things that are etched clearly in my mind, tell me everything you felt, but never hinted at how I felt. And I can't come out with clear conscience.  Not anymore. But wherever you are, and I know you are there, please know you have a home in this heart. And will always.
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seeithappen-blog · 13 years
The Sketch From Charcoal
Anything can be taken or I can willingly give things up, but what remains are these thoughts. And wherever we go, we have these thoughts. No one needs to wait around for them. Letting go does not always  include feelings too. If you need assurance, here it is, without preaching, in you. The sketch of thought is thicker than you think.
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