selcouth-sonder · 5 years
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Italy and Greece.
Medium format film.
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
“When you start to notice the mystical, the mystical will start to notice you.”
— Dacha Avelin  (via crimsonkismet)
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
“Writing, to me, is simply thinking through my fingers.” - Isaac Asimov (via quotemadness)
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
You love a girl
Made of stardust,
Constellations splayed out across her skin,
A supernova at her fingertips.
You know she is the stuff of
Dreams, but sometimes nightmares too,
She’s a shooting star, burning too brightly,
Her wings jagged and tattered and broken.
You start to wonder if she’ll ever see herself
The way you see her,
Like a nebula ready to explode
In order to become a star,
Like a bird waiting to be uncaged
So she can soar,
Like a phoenix waiting to rise from the ashes.
You love a girl rooted in the Earth.
Her bones are made of iron and steal and sheer healing.
You love a girl who’s eyes are the colour of dirt
And haunted with ghosts,
With a lion’s mane matted in blood and tears.
You a love a girl weighed down with guilt,
Her golden body broken as she scrubs away
The blood that isn’t there.
You love a girl who’s shoulders sink with
The burden of her past, pressure that turns into oil
Letting her slip through your fingers.
You love a girl who is as scattered as a dandelion, the wind blowing her best parts
You wonder if you’ll ever be able to
Grab hold, pin her broken pieces back together
Before one strong gust blows them away forever.
Her hair flies away in the wind and you watch her turn her face toward the sun,
The halo of her silhouette making you wish
She’d just stay for once, instead of flying away.
Yet, you love her,
Even though you know
You’ll inevitably lose her.
Yet, you kiss her,
Praying it will heal her cracks,
Stop the hurt, keep her
Close to you.
Yet, she knows it won’t work,
And you cling to her wings
Because you know it won’t too.
So you stay like that
Wrapped together in the nighttime of
Your fears and dreams,
In hopes maybe this time her spirit,
Her soul stays with you.
Whispering into her ears that
You’ll love her in the times of chaos and war,
You’ll love her in the times of uncertainty,
You’ll love her in the times she can’t love herself.
You love her.
You love her.
You love her.
Stars cross, then uncross, and cross again.
Tides recede, then come back to shore.
Winds take you places and bring you home.
She goes and you stay.
She changes and you remain.
She leave
And yet still,
You love her.
— and even though she’s too fucked up to show it, she loves you too. Through it all, she loves you and you love her, and it still doesn’t work.
S.A.S. via imsadletshavesexx
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
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Enchanting Bookworm Inspired Digital Illustrations by Simini Blocker
NYC based illustrator Simini Blocker understands the enchanting world bookworms revel in. From Hogwarts to Neverland or King’s Landing, Blocker captures the spellbinding imaginative realms literature has introduced to us with vibrant colours, gorgeous brushstrokes and fitting quotes from our favourite authors. You can find her gorgeous illustrations on Society6 and Etsy.
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
“Slowly, I raised my own tongue to a language of my soul I didn’t understand. Untied my lips to empty the words in a foreign tone—rehearsed it ten times over. I waited and waited. As the story is yet to come.”
— inmostcave 
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
Hey Goblins, uh
Did you know, that you can make an AWESOME journal for your adventures ALL ON YOUR OWN from a cereal box and paper/scraps that you likely have at home/can get from friends or family/you may find around your environment?
They’re called Junk Journals and they’re my entire life.
Im gonna do my best to walk you through how to make one! First, get you a mini cereal box! I use boxes from those cool multipacks of cereal that you can find at Walmart!
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And then cut it out so it looks like this! (I already had one cut, so I’m gonna use that)
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That “nutrition facts” side is gone become your spine!
Next, find some paper to use to decorate your cover! I was lucky enough to be gifted a bunch of scrapbooking paper, so I’m gonna use that, but you can also use newspaper, paper from books/magazines, junk mail, napkins, paper towels (excellent texture), etc!
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Go ahead and glue that paper to your box (to cover the cereal logo) and cut it out! It’ll look like this;
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Next you need to find your pages! Again these can be anything! Junk mail, envelopes, receipts, food wrappers, magazine/book pages, scrapbook paper, computer paper, construction paper, ANYTHING. Just grab a whole bunch!
You’re gonna want to fold them in half and cut them to the size of one of the covers of your box, and layer other pages inside of it to make your signatures, like this!
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Each signature should be about 7-10 pages. You don’t want them too thick, otherwise the inner pages start sticking out when folded in half. You’re gonna have a LOT of these signatures, as you wanna fill the area in the spine as best as possible. For this one I’m using 7 page signatures. Here’s a pic to show just how much paper you’ll need
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Each of these signatures are 7 pages, 6 signatures have only filled about half of the spine, so I’ll need probably 6 more.
Next you gotta figure out how you want them in your journal. Personally, I like to sew them into the spine, but you can also keep them in the spine with rubber bands, so you can have removable pages! (Be weary that rubber bands may break over time! So you may want to always keep extra bands near it to replace in case one snaps. This is why I prefer sewing them in) I find it best to look up on YouTube how to sew in signatures, just because having someone walk you through it where you can see what they’re doing is easiest. If you can’t access YouTube, there’s plenty of text tutorials on how to sew in signatures online, or you can message me! I’m not gonna go too into detail, but here’s the jist;
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Okay so I’m a forgetful gob and I hecken forgot to take pictures as I was going along kahshshshsh
But essentially, I sewed in the pattern similar to the one I drew. The dots are where the needle goes all the way through to the back. I also like to use rubber band as an extra mode of support but you can do one or the other. I also like both cuz I can tuck stuff in em between the pages. Since I didn’t take more pictures; I’d really recommend looking up a how-to on YouTube or w/e if my badly drawn diagram isn’t clear enough (heh sorry about that)
Next, I glue fabric to the spine. It spruces it up quite a lot and holds the rubber bands in place, plus it give more support to the spine since there’s gonna be a lot of strain on it.
Only 10 photos per post, so I gotta post this and reblog it with the rest.
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
Florence and the Machine at last night’s Spotify event in Brooklyn. As Florence began to sing Sky Full of Song a literal storm began to hit, she never faltered and embraced the storm.
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
Anyone want to hear another wholesome story about my dad?
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
Anyone want to hear another wholesome story about my dad?
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
Wonder Woman was a great movie for equal opportunity eye candy.
Straight guys and gay girls can enjoy gal gadot in armor.
Gay guys and straight girls can enjoy a mostly naked Chris pine
Bi/pan people get to enjoy both
And if you’re ace like me, well. She threw a tank with her bare hands, and that’s as good as it gets
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
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Two girls beneath the stars
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
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Summer in York, Maine by Molly Braun
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
I can’t stop thinking about that picture of Terry Crews in that pink suit.
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selcouth-sonder · 5 years
Yeah I think I’ve found the artist I want to create my book cover she is AMAZING
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Patron’s last month got to see my whole process of how I created this Aelin piece to celebrate the release of KoA next month! They also got a full tutorial, process steps, Etsy discount code and more :) <3 
If you;re interested, feel free to check out my patron at https://www.patreon.com/JoPainter
The illustration was inspired by the UK cover for KoA! 
Character copyright Sarah J Maas. 
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