Alice was in a full-on bustle, turning the oven on before grabbing him a cutting board and knife, and then hurrying over to the massive refrigerator to start digging through it. She emerged victorious a few minutes later.
His proclamation made her blink. “Really? That’s incredible! Did you own a restaurant, or help in a friends’ or something?”
It wasn’t like he needed the money – obviously – so he must have taken the job because he enjoyed it. She was shocked his family had let him.
“I’m a bit jealous. My family doesn’t even really like me using the kitchen. My father acts like it’s insulting for me to do things for myself. What sort of things did you like to cook?”
It was hard to keep himself in check when he was excited, and Russo had a brief moment of regret that he’d let that slip once she burst into questions; but it was sweet, and he wasn’t used to people caring about the simpler parts of him. The human parts. 
He could lie.
“My late sister-- she was a private chef. I helped her. I was supposed to... take over the business, but that didn’t quite pan out for me.” His smile was sweet, delicate, waxing emotional as he spoke of his sister. “I hate to sound stereotypical, but I preferred traditional French cooking, back when I used to do it. See, I grew up in a fishing and farming town, so I was raised with an appreciation for the simpler products of nature. A fresh fish, a house cheese, fresh vegetables.”
He couldn’t help a deep sniff of the herbs in front of him. “...Well, you’re cooking now, Alice. Does it make you happy?” 
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Alice smiled back at him. She was doing a lot of smiling, wasn’t she? An almost obscene amount. It was hard to say if it was due to having someone with interests in common – a rarity at her father’s godawful parties – or if it was the novelty of sneaking off with someone.
“Come on, then. Dinner’s been over long enough that the kitchens should be cleared out.”
Sure enough, as she led him around the estate and to the back doors, there was only one person inside, putting away the last of the dishes. Alice motioned him to stand back out of sight until the lady left, then slipped inside, depositing their goods onto the counter.
“Did you want to chop up the herbs and greens while I get the prosciutto and provatura? Oh, the oven needs pre-heated too…let me get you the cutting board…”
Russo looked at home here, and at the very least was impressed by the kitchen itself; the equipment was all in great condition, and there was certainly a lot of it. He moved to slide off his coat to hang it up on a nearby chair before he rolled up his sleeves-- his arms were very well muscled.
He took the herbs in question, then the cutting board and the knife, after a quick wash of his hands. 
“...I used to be a cook, you know.” He probably shouldn’t have divulged that much personal information, but honestly Russo was... excited. 
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Alice took the leaf offered, slipping it into her mouth and concentrating. She nodded. “It must be parsley. I think we have everything we need, now, so shall we head back? If I can manage to locate the door again.”
The last part was said in dry humor, and it wasn’t until Alice had, indeed, found the door again that she realized she was now trying to make him laugh the way he’d made her.
Balancing the handful of medium-sized tomatoes against her, herbs in one hand, she looked over at him with a smile.
“Thank you, I don’t think I’d have ever managed to find all the herbs without your help. There’s several back doors into the estate, if you’d rather avoid the party altogether and visit the kitchens instead?”
Russo had done his best to lighten her burden and take as many handfuls of ingredients as he could, but one of them had to reach out for the door. She still pulled a laugh out of him at her fumbling, an excited one at that.
It wasn’t until they were outside that he grinned down to her. “You know the place better than I do. Lead on, Alice.” 
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He had a nice laugh, she decided. He seemed the sort to not laugh much, too, which made it all the nicer. Alice caught her lips wanting to smile at the sound of it.
What a truly bizarre way she was spending the night – sneaking into a greenhouse with a man she’d known an hour at most, to prepare an Italian dish with marigolds.
Alice could barely bumble her way around in the dark. Quite suddenly, she found her hand on his, and realized they were extremely close. Looking up, she caught the soft gleam of his eyes in the dim light. An awkward giggle escaped her lips. She quickly pulled back.
“You, er…you first. Sorry. I didn’t realize you were right beside me. I’ll taste the parsley if you make sure this is mint?”
Russo could easily think of a scenario where he would’ve used the moment to his advantage; or at least another man might have. As much as he’d been weak for women and intent with charms, Armand Russo had never been that sort of man. 
Instead he gave a soft smile and a little laugh in the dark, then plucked a little leaf of his to press into her palm. “Here you are. Try it-- if it’s spicy, it’s likely coriander.”
He took the mint and lifted it under his nose-- it was all he needed. “This is good, yes.” 
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Alice went in after him, feeling her way along the wall and squinting down. The tomato plants were easy to find, at least, and she was unable to help a rather triumphant whisper of ‘Marigolds!’ when she saw Russo had located them.
But trying to discern different herbs in the dark proved quite the feat. Alice was left reaching out towards each, trying to feel the shape of the leaves, and, when that proved not to be helpful, picking a small leaf to smell.
“I think it’s over here…somewhere…have you found the parsley?”
Russo couldn’t help a little laugh at the absurdity of all of it, if even to himself. He had a handful of leaves and was roaming around in the dark-- some of his kind had the ability to see well in it, but not quite him. “I think I did. It’s either parsley or coriander, I’m having a hard time figuring it out-- can you take a taste and tell me if--”
His hand reached out for another plant but found her hand instead. He’d nearly bumped into her in the dark, but caught the shining of her eyes and the pale flash of her dress. 
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Alice noted the touch to her arm, and the way he was going to say something, but they’d reached the greenhouse. Alice nodded, releasing his arm to look more easily, and realizing a moment later she’d held his arm the entire walk – which was. Rather embarrassing.
Alice made a point not to think too deeply about that. Instead, she said, “We’ll need marigolds, tomatoes, and then for herbs, mint, parsley, and oregano. But marigolds are first on the list. They must be…somewhere…”
“Good, good.” He made a mental list, a finger absently wagging to tick each off before Russo was already sneaking inside. 
He was quick, and he was thorough, but his voice was soft over the night air, carried over the spaces between them. “Mint-- I’m having a hard time finding the mint. Is there anything by you?”
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"Do you work at Dick's? Because you're sporting the goods!"
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“...I don’t get it.”
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His family must really be something, if they were given a tour of the kitchens and dance hall. As far as Alice knew, only the gardens had been opened to the public to tour.
Her smile withered quickly at the question. Alice looked back ahead of them.
“My father. He won’t allow me to leave the country. Or the city, for that matter. All the staff are loyal to him. Or at least are loyal to his money. I tried to get a passport once, and magically, word got back to him and the form was ‘lost’. Burned, more likely.”
“I’m sorry,” Russo offered after a moment of contemplation. He lifted a hand to rest atop hers in his arm. “I...”
But they were there at the greenhouse then, already smelling richly of fertilizer and herbs. “Marigolds, yes? Shall we take a look?” 
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He lit up so much talking about it that it drew another smile to Alice’s face, just from watching him.
“They have roses, too? And oranges? I’d love to visit someday. I’ve always wanted to visit France…especially Paris, but I suppose that’s rather normal. I haven’t been able to leave the country before.”
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“What’s your favorite part of Versailles, then? Or…to make it easier, your top three.”
Russo’s expression was deeply wistful, speaking for a deep fondness and what was likely homesickness-- it was, but it went deeper than most could imagine. Russo was at least thankful he didn’t wear everything on his sleeve.
“The gardens, as we’ve said. The private rose garden was certainly a sight to behold, with terraces and some lovely bird ponds...” he sighed. “Then? The kitchens. They were tremendous. And the dance hall. I’m not normally weak for architecture, but the ballroom was a sight to behold.”
“...Why haven’t you gone, if you want to so badly?” 
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Alice hid a chuckle behind her hand as they walked, rolling her eyes. But she paid close attention. It took longer to process than English, but she caught everything – at least she was sure she did.
“You learned English when you were young, because it was seen as prestigious but also because lots of people in Versailles spoke it. So you’re from Versailles? That must be wonderful! Such a historic place…and all the books gush about the beauty of it. They said the royal gardens at the palace of Versailles are some of the most breathtaking in the world! Is it true? Have you seen them?”
Russo smiled at her, impressed by how easily she could understand the language; her comprehension made more sense from her reading, but she must’ve been very well read. It reminded him of someone dear to him, and the softness showed in his smile.
“I was born in Antibes-- that’s by the sea. I moved to Versailles when I was a young man. And yes, it’s stunning there. The architecture, the people...”
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“The gardens are the most beautiful. The greenhouses, the roses, the orange glade...” 
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Alice had to chuckle at that. “Yes, well, so is English. We’ve stolen so many words from other languages that I can’t imagine how difficult it is to learn it. You speak it effortlessly. You must have practiced for a long time.”
Though he still had the accent, and it was lovely. It didn’t even make it all that hard to understand him.
Alice blinked at him, switching back to French. “Do I practice my accent in the shower? I suppose I practice it whenever I speak. How did you learn?”
Russo chuckled-- her face seemed to light up the dark for him, that smile sweet and remarkably innocent.
“Learn French? My mother taught me when I was very little.” The sarcasm in his tone was easy to pick out, as was the grin on his face. “English? I was encouraged to learn when I was small. England was close, and many people spoke the language in Versailles. It was a sign of class, but... honestly it just made everything easier.”
“Did you... understand all that?”
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Alice understood the joke, and ended up laughing. He didn’t seem the type to tell jokes. Clearly, Russo was more comfortable in his native tongue.
Alice felt sheepish. Why, though? There was no reason to feel embarrassed about her love of literature, surely. Even if people tended to laugh at her for it.
“I, er. There’s a lot of lovely classical literature that’s come from France, you see, and the English translations left a lot to be desired, or I couldn’t find them at the libraries. But there were no shortage of books about learning French…and I wanted to learn it anyway. Might as well take out two birds with one stone.”
Her cheeks felt a little flushed. “I…haven’t really gotten a chance to speak it with someone before, let alone someone from France. I just know I’m going to forget a word and end up saying something…uh…rude. So please forgive me in advance.”
His shoulders lowered at the mention of books, a visible softening at what she was saying. Her blush was... sweet, a delicate pink. She made him think of a Turkish delight, dusted in sugar powder but hiding a complicated, overwhelming rose beneath it.
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“No, no. I understand-- French is an unforgiving language, two many words too similar. It’s always been this way.” His smile widened. “You did well on the accent for someone who doesn’t speak it much. Do you do that in the shower too?” 
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Alice tilted her head a bit, raising an eyebrow. “You sound like you used to go to parties that were much more fun. I’d much rather hear someone playing piano in person.”
She had to assume they were parties with friends, or family.
“That’s…really kind of you to say. I don’t really sing, unless you count shower performances. And usually not the kind of songs that are altogether too popular.”
Alice paused, wondering if she should even mention it. It felt like she was trying too hard to get his attention, even if it was true. But when would she get the chance to practice French again?
“I like to sing in French, too,” Alice said, before switching to the language, “So I don’t get too rusty. But…it’s been a while, so apologies. I’m probably rusty anyway.”
She might not have been actively trying to impress him, but by the look on his face she certainly was succeeding at it. Russo beamed, his eyes glimmering as his arm tightened in hers. “Very good! Only just a little rusty.”
His look turned coy as his language shifted to, clearly his more native tongue by the flow of it. “Do you know what we call French Fries in Paris? We call them... fried potatoes.” 
“Where did you learn French, Madamoiselle?” 
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“The book it was in wasn’t exactly instructional, so they might have been romanticizing,” Alice admitted, smiling as he laughed. “But you’ll have to get back to me if it’s true.”
Alice let out a giggle. “Unfortunately, no. That’s poppycock. Well…mostly poppycock, anyway. Most plants need carbon dioxide, the same as we exhale. So, I suppose singing does help, technically, though just breathing near them would have the same effect.”
She smiled up at him. “Though I can think of much worse hobbies than singing in a garden. Do you like to sing, Mr. Russo?”
Russo tried not to think too deeply on the science of it all, largely because his biology was... a little skewed nowadays. That and he’d always been a little dull for those sorts of things.
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“Only when there’s nobody listening,” he teased, “I... used to sing sometimes at parties, play the piano and such, but that’s not really decorum anymore. We have professionals on recordings now.” A pause. “What about you? You do have a lovely voice.” 
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Alice relaxed at that. How refreshing to hear someone felt the same.
“None taken, I assure you. My father’s parties are expensive, beautiful, and dreadful, and usually stocked with expensive, beautiful, dreadful people. There are so many fake smiles one might think they’ve stepped into a denture factory.”
She snorted. “I’d much rather talk about flowers and herbs. Oh…speaking of basil, I’ve read that if you grow it alongside tomatoes, the tomatoes end up having a natural basil flavor. Is that true?”
The look he sent her was... empathetic, surprising for him. “I like parties, yes, but... admittedly too much pomp and circumstance gets droll. I can only feel disingenuous for so long, really. I don’t know how people do it all the time.”
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Before he could dwell on it too long, though, Russo was laughing. “Is it? I don’t know-- but I’d love to find out, now.” 
“Do you know if it’s true that singing to plants makes them grow taller?”
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“So could I,” Alice agreed, taking his arm. “You know, I think I might know where some are. There’s a greenhouse and garden on the west side of the estate, where the gardeners start seedlings and get flowers ready to plant for the next season. And I know there’s tomatoes.”
It was sometime during the next few minutes of walking that she began to feel silly. She cleared her throat.
“I, er…I’m sort of surprised at myself. I’m not usually the type to go running off with someone. I…also don’t usually warm up to someone so easily. It’s nice to be able to just talk with someone. Without them trying to get something out of me, at least.”
Russo seemed comfortable with her on his arm in the dark, creeping through the manor grounds. Still he looked at her with a skeptical smile. “Well, I’m flattered in that case. I... don’t usually go running off either, but I think it was...”
“Well, I mean no offense, but I’m a little tired of parties where I don’t really know anyone. Apparently I’d much rather talk about marigolds and how to grow basil.” 
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“I’d love to serve them at tea time and tell Lorina we’re having marigold-stuffed tomatoes and rose and marigold tea.”
The offer surprised her, enough so that she blinked at him, suddenly snapped out of it.
“Oh! Oh, right now? Are you…are you sure? You won’t be missed at the party? I won’t be, but…”
Alice glanced back at the manor, seeing everyone still chatting and drinking through the windows. Then she looked back at him, a mischevious gleam in her eyes.
“Come on, then, before they notice.”
His smile widened as hers did. Of course he wasn’t supposed to go wandering off to find marigold greens with a girl he didn’t know, but... well, Russo was getting a little bored of parties with humans. He hadn’t really gotten to talk about his gardening much, and everyone inside was too drunk to feed on.
So he offered an arm for her. “Wonderful. I could use a walk.” 
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