sendin52 · 3 years
The Negative Extraterrestrial Alliance and Agenda
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By Mick Schrier For Get Wisdom LLC 05/06/2020 In my last article about the Mercenary Army Program (A.K.A. Secret Space Program), I stated that it was completely managed by a negative extraterrestrial alliance. Who are they, you ask? There are four main groups that comprise this alliance. Let’s dive in, but first let me reiterate that this information is all based on the channeling work done by Karl Mollison at Get Wisdom.
The top of the totem pole is the Annunaki. Out of the four groups, the Annunaki are the oldest civilization and most powerful. This is the same Annunaki which are written about in the ancient Sumerian tablets and they do indeed originate from the planet Nibiru. They are also referred to as the ‘Anakim’ in the Old Testament. Their civilization is about five billion years old and through advancing their science and technology, they have discovered how to prolong their lifespans to around one million years. They are a race of humanoid beings that tower around the twelve to fifteen foot range. They possess six fingers and toes, double rows of teeth, elongated skulls and red hair. These are the giants mentioned by the Native Americans and more recently in the Giant of Kandahar story. The Annunaki have been on Earth long before this iteration of Humanity and have manipulated us from the beginning. They downgraded our DNA in order to diminish our intuitive abilities, resulting in Humans being more easily controlled.
The next three groups of the negative extraterrestrial alliance came into the picture around the time of Atlantis. The Reptilian civilization has existed for roughly one billion years and originate from the Lyra star system. They have lifetimes of about four hundred years. The Reptilians are capable of shape shifting and are able to assume a Human’s form with only a sample of their DNA. Throughout history Reptilians have replaced many world leaders, wreaking havoc all along the way. They also hold positions of authority in the Mercenary Army Program due to their ruthlessness and aggressive tendencies.
Next up are the Arcturians. These beings have been referenced as Nordics, Tall Whites, Pleiadians, Inner Earthlings and many more. These are all covers put in place to misdirect where they actually come from, which happens to be the Arcturus star system. The Arcturian civilization has been in existence for around five hundred million years and they have figured out how to extend their lives multiple thousands of years. They have blonde hair, blue eyes and look very Human like. They have successfully passed as Humans in the past. Maria Orsic as well as Valiant Thor were both Arcturians. The Greys who we will talk about next, were actually created by the Arcturians.
The Greys are the most commonly depicted extraterrestrials. They are about four feet tall, have large heads, almond shaped eyes and only four digits. These beings are actually highly advanced artificial intelligence. They are completely mechanical and programmable robots with an organic layer around them. The Greys are responsible for most of the abductions happening on Earth. This is because they have no souls, but strongly desire them. They think that if they experiment with us enough, they will somehow figure out how to give themselves souls. This is futile, as it will never be possible.
This negative extraterrestrial alliance has been running the show here on Earth secretly from behind the scenes from the start. They have become fed up with Humanity and plan our compete annihilation within a few years. These beings are completely corrupted and devoid of spirituality. They don’t understand it, but Humanity’s connection to the Divine Realm has allowed us to thwart their plans many times. The negative extraterrestrial alliance have time travel technology, allowing them to go forward into potential futures and see which line of action would work out in their best interest. They have figured out that in order to successfully annihilate Humanity, we need to give up our free will and sovereignty to them. The way they plan on accomplishing this is by publicly introducing themselves and deceiving us. They will come in and offer false promises of assisting us. This will all be a ruse designed to coerce Humanity into willfully inviting them in, ultimately leading to our demise, not our salvation. It will be a cosmic Trojan horse operation. They will employ the good cop, bad cop scenario. The Human looking Arcturians will play the good guys and portray the Reptilians as the bad guys, when in actuality they are in cahoots. They are not to be trusted.
Fortunately the future is not set in stone, we are collectively creating it. There is a profound solution to this dilemma, partnership with the Divine Realm. This problem is far out of the scope of what we can accomplish on our own, we need Divine assistance. The Divine is more than willing and ready to help, but cannot do so unless we ask. The most powerful way to do this is through the Lightworker Healing Protocol. Ultimately we need to heal our perpetrators, this negative extraterrestrial alliance. If enough healing can be done for them, they will simply back away and leave us be. If we can do this, an unimaginably glorious future awaits us. We don’t have a lot of time and we need as many on board that we can get. To learn more about the negative extraterrestrial alliance and how you can help to save Humanity, I implore you to delve into Get Wisdom.
Mercenary Army Program- https://getwisdom-posts.tumblr.com/post/612858600579383296/the-mercenary-army-program-aka-secret-space?fbclid=IwAR2yAoJvLBd26fTPiC611S9nCIzRhlHNjsWmaSRCrI5WrhcatdPWlFiuZlI
Get Wisdom- https://www.getwisdom.com/
Native Americans-https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends/ancient-race-white-giants-described-native-legends-many-tribes-005774
Giant of Kandahar- https://www.thexplan.net/article/378/The-Giant-of-Kandahar-And-The-Lost-Race-Of-The-Nephilim/it
Maria Orsic- https://www.gaia.com/article/maria-orsic-vril-ufos-nazi-germany-secrets
Valiant Thor-https://www.disclose.tv/valiant-thor-the-benevolent-alien-with-an-iq-of-1200-307285
Fed up with Humanity-https://vk.com/@577990260-et-is-getting-tired-of-you
Trojan horse-https://www.britannica.com/topic/Calchas-Greek-mythology
Lightworker Healing Protocol-https://www.getwisdom.com/about-the-lightworker-healing-protocol/
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sendin52 · 4 years
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Why I Don’t Meditate
By Denny Hunt
For Get Wisdom LLC “And when you meditate what you are doing is creating, in effect, a vacuum and that will want to be filled.” That is something I really did not know when I learned to meditate and received a mantra to use for my meditation exercises which I did regularly in the mornings and evenings for many years. At first I felt I was getting some benefit in terms of calmness and daily functioning, but then after a few years I noticed what might be called a plateau, where not much was going on.  There were no new insights, no discoveries and no great abilities that expanded my awareness or psychic powers. It became very boring and eventually I stopped altogether. Later I found out that many others had somewhat the same experience and for some it was worse. I was aware of the admonition from some of the more strict Christian faiths that warned against meditation. They seemed to lump it all together with witchcraft, ouija boards and casting spells which didn’t seem very intelligent to me. What could be the harm of a mantra and sitting quietly with one’s own thoughts? Part of the problem it seems is that our mind is part of non-local consciousness that is not restricted to the walls of our skulls as the materialists and many others in our educational system and culture would have us believe.  The seemingly obvious barriers to what is mine and what is yours in the amorphous worlds of thought do not necessarily follow the rules we might assume. Meditation, by its nature, is a kind of opening up, willfully setting aside energetic barriers and relaxing one’s defenses and for some of us that can end up being an invitation to others who occupy the dimensions where thought resides. As we have discovered, when it comes to our own minds, there are realms of consciousness that are not well understood. One is that we have what is called a deep subconscious that is not accessed by our conscious mind and is not even accessible via meditation or even any of the forms of hypnotherapy.  Also we have our higher selves which serves as a love connection and a lifeline to God, our Creator, which we are only dimly aware of and serves as silent witness and occasional guide in rare circumstances, as when we have a pang of conscience.   Even without meditation, the world of thought is actually a difficult place to safely navigate, but it is also true that without meditation many of us intuitively keep energetic barriers up, especially while we are awake because it can contribute significantly to our awareness and survival.Even with advanced spiritual healer training these concepts are either entirely overlooked or poorly understood. The unfortunate fact is that the world of thought and what is naively called higher awareness is also occupied by dark malevolent spirits and extraterrestrial psychics who actively seek out those who meditate and are not careful about their energetic barriers. They are often looking, and offering at first encounter, a friendly and loving handshake, where they often pose and identify themselves as an ascended master or a benevolent 5th dimensional ET psychic. They are savvy and know what most of those who do meditate would like to hear and what they would like to feel. This is rather easy for them.  Their goal, in most cases, is to corral their new friends into a dialog of spiritual platitudes and benign pronouncements of love and acceptance.  For most this is a rewarding experience that engenders trust and a willingness to engage again and again. Sometimes their willing prey will give in to darker agendas and/or end up being a source of energy for their new psychic parasitic friends.  This can be in development for years depending on the situation and circumstances.Unfortunately, this also happens to channelers and others longing for contact with other worldly beings and who wish to be an emissary for benevolent extraterrestrials or a divine being like an archangel.  There are benefits to meditation.  And there are risks.  We have been able to explain both in a way that is helpful and non-threatening.  We have also discovered an alternative to meditation which is what I do now that I am a bit more educated about the subject. It is called the Lightworker Healing Protocol.  You might find that it’s just what you’ve been looking for. 
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sendin52 · 4 years
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by Denny Hunt for GetWisdom.com
Karl Mollison is a research scientist and psychic medium and has discovered the means through which a tiny percentage of people throughout history have successfully made direct contact with God, Creator of All That Is. With this ability, he has done what any reasonable person in such an unusual and surprising situation would do: ask endless questions! Why is God invisible to us? Why is there rampant evil in the world? Are there dark unseen forces working against us? Why has God not intervened to stop it? Why do good people suffer?
His quest to find the secrets of the Universe led him to real answers for human suffering in the form of a Lightworker Healing Protocol. This protocol is basically a high level prayer to God, for healing; not just any healing, but deep healing from dark spirit infestation, karmic healing from past traumas, and well as emotional and physical healing. The direct contact with God in this case was, and continues to be, in service to healing and not just satisfying curiosity. This fact alone gives some credentials that should be considered seriously before judgment is passed.
Now, it seems, we are about to experience an event being called “disclosure” where allegedly the world’s governments will finally admit to contact with extraterrestrials or the ET’s themselves will make their presence known to humankind.  There are many scenarios and claims about this thing called disclosure.  Karl has asked many questions about this in his channelings with Source Creator.
This is one of them:
Pres. Ronald Reagan, in a speech to the United Nations to encourage greater cooperation among nations, proposed the idea that if the world were faced with an extraterrestrial invader, we would come together to protect the common interests of humanity. This has been remarked on a number of times as perhaps a telling slip because he has been rumored to have been told there was a large fleet of vessels built by the U.S. military and capable of space travel, so he was aware of the long-standing collaboration of the U.S. government with extraterrestrials. Photos of his typed speech text show this comment was crossed out, which has been attributed to someone in his inner circle editing the speech beforehand, but he rewrote the remark by hand just prior to giving the speech and then delivered it in public. Was this done at the behest of the Extraterrestrial Alliance to test the waters about making disclosure of an extraterrestrial agenda, or was it perhaps divine inspiration to encourage planting a seed about the extraterrestrial presence being a reality?
“Writers have disclosed that Reagan was told about the Secret Space Program, that creation of many spacecraft developed with the cooperation of the presumed benevolent extraterrestrials was a reality, and that the purpose was for protection of the planet from hostile alien invaders that could become a serious problem. So Reagan was primed with the party line, so to speak, that this Secret Space Program, which you know to be truly the Mercenary Army Program, was not only a helpful adjunct but critical to the future of the world, so he took this to heart and felt quite strongly that it would benefit the world to truly be aware of this. That was the reason for its inclusion in the text of the speech to begin with, as it was a divine suggestion to have this stated openly in order to make people aware, finally, of the reality of the extraterrestrial presence in the world.
So the fact he mentioned this, was not a desire of the Extraterrestrial Alliance at that point in time to make people aware that a Secret Space Program existed, and was far advanced, because they knew it would raise too many uncomfortable questions. This was a divine inspiration for him to include this comment because it was capitalizing on his humanitarian desire for world peace, and the fact that it was edited out was truly an attempt to avoid disclosing, even through inference, top secret information. The impulse for him to override this normal crosscheck to avoid a mistake was divine and the purpose, as you saw intuitively, was to instill the idea of an extraterrestrial presence in people’s thinking. Everyone who heard his speech and everyone who hears a replay of his speech today, is given a divine impulse to pay attention to its true meaning—that there is an extraterrestrial presence, the extraterrestrials are real, they are here, and it is a threat to the world that warrants the world coming together with a common purpose and goal of seeing these interlopers be removed.”
I like to use deductive logic or the law enforcement approach when they are investigating a crime; it is a method of inquiry where I consider motive, means and opportunity. It doesn’t always give me the right answer, but I can sometimes save myself some false moves along the way and also end up with the most plausible answer.
Let’s look at some of the more popular disclosure narratives and see what we come up with.
1) This version of disclosure deals with the possibility that the world’s governments, one or more of them, will finally admit that there are ET’s and they know about them and have interacted with them and obtained technologies. Disclosure will result in the dissemination of free energy technologies with the result being that the state will no longer be able to control the population in terms of labor slavery, taxation, monetary controls, and victimless crimes, etc.  It is kind of utopian speculation about what humans would do if they had free energy and transportation devices that unshackled them from the fascist oligarchs that run the world. A new type of technological freedom will spread all over the world. Manipulative governments and multi-national corporations would subside into the past and become irrelevant. Sober anarchism with the credo - do no harm would rise to the top like cream. In some versions, some form of dimensional ascension would follow.
2) In this disclosure narrative the claim is that ET’s are all benevolent and if they weren’t, they would’ve already eliminated humans so they could occupy earth unhindered.  Perhaps they are just respecting our free will while we work out the kinks. Enjoying the hapless humans as if it were a spectator sport. Rooting for them from the sidelines. Except if we get too far off, like using nukes, they would step in for more direct guidance. They are going to show up because the cabal has gone too far with their enslavement plans or population reduction plans and their disrespect for nature.  When they present themselves, they will let us come to our senses and accept their guidance and assistance. In some versions, some form of dimensional ascension would follow.
3) There are bad ET’s, good ET’s and some ambivalent/observer ET’s and they are all part of what some claim is this large collection of ET races that occupy this part of the galaxy and they are going to make themselves known to humans on earth due to a variety of factors depending on the version within this category of disclosure.  Then the onus is on humans collectively to decide how to navigate within this mass of competing agendas where some ET’s want us dead, some want to exploit us, some want to trade with us and some want to help us. Most of these narratives are quite complex because obviously there are factions of humans who will align with different factions of ET’s and then there might be a political free-for-all where the spiritual aspect is also in play and potentially influencing outcomes. Many proponents of narratives within this category are channelers and/or contactees who portray themselves as academic or providers of lofty and higher-level spiritual concepts. They often fancy themselves as teachers or those in possession of esoteric knowledge. In fact, entire religions and cults are often found within this category of disclosure explanations.
4) There are basically some good ET’s and then there are some bad ET’s and they are both going to appear in some fashion and for some good reason so that we can select which ones to partner with for spiritual/economic alignment and protection. This is a compelling narrative because it is very similar to our alleged history of good vs. evil and prosaic myths of spiritual conquests of light over dark; the good guy/bad guy stories that we never get tired of reading, seeing or hearing. In some ways this is a subset of #3, but I list it separately because of its obvious appeal and the likelihood that this narrative will gain prominence as things unfold. It also works nicely with the savior stories that we find in legends, myths and religions.
Most of these scenarios will put humans in an observer role.  We might have a role in what happens, but it will be along the lines of voting, where whoever gets to count the vote ends up deciding what actually happens. We are constantly checking our beloved smart phones to see what is supposedly happening and what is likely to happen next. One of these versions has to be true, right?
The last one we’ll consider is what we have learned at GetWisdom.com, i.e., the channeling work of Karl Mollison, where he is channeling departed people who have returned to the Light and/or Creator.  In this narrative we are told that there are no benevolent ET’s in contact with humans on the earth plane. They are all evil and have, as their next goal, the elimination of humans once and for all.  There is no particular reason to get rid of us, other than the fact we are unruly and considered high maintenance given the return on investment.  
These evil ET’s upon finding us here on earth again—yes, we were here once before and what we call the Divine Human Free Will Experiment failed the first time around—they set about to genetically modify us such that we would have a poor connection to our higher selves and no connection to our deep subconscious. This made us the perfect hosts for disincarnate evil spirits which infect us humans, AND for the ET cohort that currently runs the earth to control us in the manner they see fit. This cohort is comprised of the Anunnaki, the Arcturians (creators of the soul-less alien grey biological robots) and the Reptilians.  They have a tenuous and strained alliance to control the earth along with all the humans, which they use as a food source, entertainment, and as an energetic host for the evil parasitic entities that infest them and almost all humans on earth at this time. They are atheistic beings with ancient civilizations, incredible technologies and psychic abilities that dwarf most of what us humans can even imagine. Even their soul-less robots can make us fall in love at will and convince us of outlandish things with mind control capabilities and technologies that are quite beyond anything we could currently comprehend. The robotic alien Greys have a peculiar interest in us because they think they can crack the DNA code which will enable them to reincarnate.  This situation has perhaps bought us some additional time. One of these alien races has been engaged with us almost from the beginning of our Creation.  We were created on earth by Creator and the Divine Realm based on the DNA of four races of higher dimensional ET’s, including the Pleiadians and the Sirians. These higher dimensional ET’s have a hands-off policy and are letting this Divine Human Free Will Experiment play out in accordance with the Divine Realm’s rules for this earthly adventure.
So I would claim that this GetWisdom.com version of things is not really a disclosure narrative, because it does not rely on the government or the ET’s doing anything as we see in the other descriptions, 1 through 4 above. In the examples above, either the government(s) are going to admit or reveal something to the general public or the ET’s or some faction thereof are going to present themselves or let themselves be “discovered.”  What is claimed here is not a situation where we are going to wait to see what happens. In other words, we already know what is happening and why.
You could say, we are pre-empting disclosure.  We are giving you the low-down before it really happens. The problem with our version is that it appears to be uniformly bad news.  There is no silver lining in this advance warning. We’ll get to that later. For now, let’s look at these other disclosure narratives and see what they have to offer and whether they can pass the smell test.
1. There seems to be one consistent thing throughout human history; there is always the state or a controlling religion or an upper class oligarchy running the show. What would be the motivation for any of those to reveal something like free energy technologies? How would they be ‘forced’ or compelled to do something like that? How would they benefit?  Some in this camp have claimed that there will be some sort of event where there is a solar flash which results in a higher state of consciousness for humans; an ascension story that goes along with the disclosure.  Perhaps that is how these oligarchs come to their senses and decide that everyone should get access to free energy technologies. Does that pass the smell test?  Where do the ET’s fit in? Do they stand idly by as us humans get intergalactic toys, limitless abundance and somehow a more mature and egalitarian mindset in the bargain? I think there are some compelling aspects to this disclosure narrative, but you kind of have to ignore some other truths when looking at the current state of affairs and the seeming trajectory of human history.
2. If the ET’s are all benevolent what were they doing when the Soviet government was killing more than 60 million of their own people? Or what were they doing when the US dropped nuclear bombs on Japan? Or when Mao Tse-Tung was exterminating his population of Chinese citizens?  Or when the gas chambers in Nazi Germany were running at full tilt in 1944?  Is this just part of the free will experiment as defined by these same ‘benevolent’ ET’s? For me, this is the weakest disclosure narrative of them all. I am surprised that there are still so many people who believe that all of the ET’s out there are benevolent. Some say that this is like a hostage situation where these benevolent ET’s are not going to make their move because the evil human government would do even more damage to humans and the environment.  That doesn’t make sense to me. Does it make sense to you?
3. This might be the most intelligent and thus compelling of all the disclosure narratives competing for our attention and ultimately, belief. It seems to fit the ‘as above, so below’ credo from ancient and wise esoteric principles except for what seems to be only a few minor problems. Some of the more popular proponents of this disclosure scenario will explain that humans have been relatively unmolested by negative ET’s and that these ‘enemy ET’s’ will only present themselves in response to humans expanding into space and asserting ownership claims beyond the earth.  They couch the problems that will confront humans as simply ones of lacking knowledge as opposed to moral or spiritual issues.  The existing problems remain obscure in terms of their causes and the possible cures.  There is the enigma of “out there” representing a place where the answers reside because there is already an established ET community waiting for our mutual discovery.  So some of the big questions related to this ET and disclosure issue remain unanswered. Who can we really count on to have the power to see that truth and justice prevail? There is a danger not well defined and a promise equally obscure and we are left clinging to a source that is, at least, recognizing that there might be a problem.
4. This is the one that might emerge as the leader due to the conditioning that humans have already received over many thousands of years. We call it the savior programming. The probable timeline might look something like this: humans muddle through the next several years with earth’s governments falling into abject idiocy in their attempts to create the ideal Orwellian society to serve the ruling elite, with each turn exposing their hand and their intentions for the global population.  This continues until a crisis like a hot world war breaks out or a ‘citizen’ revolution or a pandemic similar to the current COVID-19 one takes a more significant chunk of the human population out of commission either through death and/or economic destruction and then that would be the turning point for disclosure. Then, the ET’s arrive with a developing offer to assist in a planet-wide recovery, either with or without the cooperation of various so-called governmental institutions (such as the US, Russian and/or Chinese intelligence/military’s) cooperation. That might be what everyone will call disclosure.  Some alien race appears to save us from this mess. Maybe these benevolent ET’s are working with a human faction of white hat operatives to assist?  From that, any number of explanations and demonstrations may follow for the sake of convincing the skeptical. The demonstrations of prowess in technology and healing might make a convincing case that some sort of alliance would be the smart move and the need for this alliance would likely involve an evil ET cohort that may be portrayed as the backing for the old elite and Satanic power brokers and their controlling influence on all of the institutions that have failed human kind. There are other plausible scenarios that could be used that would be equally as convincing. Take your pick.  
All of them in one form or another have been nurtured in our media, in Hollywood movies and in the great science fiction novels and our legends and myths going back to before Biblical times. The fact is that the ET’s have been operating on our planet all through history, without helping us in any way, but rather causing untold harm. Who else is carrying out the countless abductions of humans through deception or without their consent? If it is the dark ET’s who already have the Earth in its grip, would they allow benevolent ET’s to displace them when they have humanity as hostages? Do we want an alien war in our midst?
The unfortunate fact, and this is being demonstrated as I write, is that a majority of the earth’s population can be made to believe and do some things that are demonstrably self-destructive and damaging to their long-term survival.  We have been dumbed down to the point of being easy targets for any number of disclosure scenarios.  This is a green light for any of the above described disclosure schemes. Almost any of them could be made to work.
Disclosure, in practically every one of its forms, is a psy-op.  There is really no clearer explanation.
Right now, the price of disclosure is the final, successful and terminal blow to humanity and the Divine Human Free Will Experiment. The second great failure, if you will. The Divine Realm tells us that the purpose of disclosure is to lull us into a false sense of security, to trust ET’s who have been corrupting and subjugating us for centuries from behind the scenes, and allow them to operate out in the open. This is a modern Trojan horse deception, and if we accept their offer, we will be choosing sides with the interlopers. Because the Divine Realm must allow free will, this will mean the undoing of humanity.
This outcome can be changed, but it will take many more people involved in REAL healing and not lip service to benign and empty platitudes, or political schemes of any kind or appeals to our imaginary space brothers or any of the other scenarios predicated on our savior programming installed eons ago.
One of the most telling questions you can ask yourself right now is “Why am I here?” Do any of these disclosure narratives attempt to give you that answer? Is that question even related to the idea of disclosure? If there are ET’s, irrespective of whether they have positive or negative orientation, does that have anything to do with why you are here?
What we have been told by the Divine Realm is that you are here and I am here and everyone else is here to solve the problem of evil and that we are using an extreme version of a free will environment to do that. We are here to heal our perpetrators; the ones who have subjugated us for thousands of years. That sounds even more outlandish than all the disclosure narratives combined, but I am convinced this is true.  It is really the only truth claim that can be used to make any sense out of what we are seeing.
The key to doing this and the chance we have to do such a thing in the face of such overwhelming odds, is our ability to form a partnership with our Creator and with all of the beings in the Light (or Heaven by some accounts) or what we call the Divine Realm. That is our origin and birthright and that is the secret weapon, if you will, that has enabled humans throughout history to survive such horrendous tragedies in history.  
But now we have to do more than survive. We have to heal our perpetrators to the point where they will take their evil away from earth. This will give us a respite and a chance to heal ourselves. This will create a future, for the first time in human history, where we can thrive and grow and reach our full potential as Light Beings incarnated as Divine Humans.  This reality is not currently conceivable to us.  We can only dimly see what this might be like.  Words will fail to do this reality any justice whatsoever, but that is our potential destiny.  
Remember at the beginning of this article where I wrote, “secrets of the Universe led him to real answers for human suffering in the form of a Lightworker Healing Protocol. This protocol is basically a high level prayer to God, for healing”?  This is what we can use to heal these sociopathic ET’s and their complement of dark discarnate spirits that also infest us.  We are love-based beings. Most of us know this intuitively. In our natural state we do not fight and create wars and willingly kill each other. This is an external disease that can be eradicated once and for all. Even the most extreme cases and most depraved beings can be healed enough to save humanity from the consequences of disclosure and its inevitable fall-out.
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sendin52 · 4 years
Boiling frogs and lighting candles. More disclosure preparations from the mainstream -
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If you think this is a good thing, think again: Let's take it to the next logical step. OK there is going to be a coming out party and some are curious about who is "invited" Right?
These are the kinds of questions that are routinely answered at GetWisdom.com
In view of the postings by other channelers warning about dark extraterrestrial intrusion in human affairs, but without offering a divine solution, what can we share with others about our perspectives concerning their messages?
There are many ways you can alert people to the possibility of false messages coming forth to warn about dark extraterrestrial doings, that it is only a useful warning if it is coupled with a real solution that is stated, and not a big promise there is some group “out there” who can be relied on to swoop in and help. The critical element is always to consider the nature of one’s helper. Is it a legitimate offer? Is it being given without an ulterior motive? Is it tendered by a source of power and influence sufficient to the task of righting a wrong and seeing to the best interests of the ones seeking help? Does that source of help have sufficient power and influence to take on the difficulty at hand and rein things in without causing adverse unintended consequences just as harmful for humanity?
We have told you before that the powerful forces gripping the Earth will not let any positive well-intentioned physical beings come to the rescue. This would mean an outright war in the skies and on the ground of Earth itself, while holding all of humanity as a hostage to be annihilated in increments to deflect such a force from taking any action with any meaning, to stop the Extraterrestrial Alliance and force them to withdraw. So one needs to look very carefully at what is being offered. If it is only a vague promise, a feel-good solution, it is likely to be a corrupted message supporting the Trojan horse of the Dark Extraterrestrial Alliance, to promote a false savior to lull people into greater complacency, and to invite a further direct influence of these extraterrestrials out in the open. And further, to influence human intentions and actions under the false assumption these extraterrestrials are smarter and can do a more effective job of running the world, being as humanity is up against powerful dark extraterrestrial forces, so you need a higher level extraterrestrial guidance to help you save the day. This is all a ruse and a lie. If you embrace their solution you will be in a march to the ovens and will be no more.
You need not name names here, to promote a warning. In actuality, as you will see, more and more channelers will come forward with similar pronouncements because they will be maneuvered and manipulated to look into this matter and then sound an alarm as well, about dark extraterrestrial influences and that humans need to be on their game and will likely need help from higher sources. This will not be a recommendation to embrace the divine, but again, a false friend in the form of an extraterrestrial race promoted as benevolent, but this, too, will be lies and will lead to human destruction. So a kind of generic warning would be the best way to be proactive and give people an alternative view to consider so they are not simply passive and putty in the hands of these manipulators.
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sendin52 · 4 years
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Don’t be shy, learn about mind control and then think about it while you still can. https://d.tube/v/overlogg33/QmRXiZfcqfvPvASRUSff79XcCEkBkvS597dYBMSmiztgry
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sendin52 · 4 years
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Dispatches from the War: COVID trauma-based mind control
from John Rappoport "Can we get control of an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against fundamental laws of nature, such as self preservation?"  (CIA interdepartmental memo, Project ARTICHOKE, January 1952)The covert operation called COVID, which has been planned for years, is all about trauma-based mind control.The trauma combines fear of a germ with the sudden psychic shock of the lockdowns, the masks, the social distancing, the economic destruction.For many people, this trauma is paralyzing on a subconscious level.As in: HOW CAN THIS BE?  AM I LIVING IN A DREAM?The government and media messaging about the "pandemic" was immediate, and it was launched as a wall-to-wall campaign.  News reports, ads, public service announcements, talk shows, newspaper articles, press conferences, etc.  No room was permitted for counter-opinion and evidence or intelligent discussion and debate.  The messaging flood plays a major role in the trauma effect.In a state of subconscious paralysis, people obey.  They follow orders.  They sleep-walk.  They even, on top of the layer of paralysis, actively defend the powers-that-be.A nation asleep.  A world asleep.---This would be the time for a political leader to step forward and address the people, in order to wake them up---first, by directing them to look around and see the unconscionable economic and, therefore, human wreckage.This leader, this president, would describe in sufficient detail the horrendous situation: job loss, business closures, bankruptcies, suicides, murders, broken families.  The national engine of production, shut down.  The "cure worse than the disease."  Far worse.Then the leader would rally the nation with a plan for recovery.  This would be a further wake-up call.  For example, for a start, the creation of a million jobs, to repair the crumbling national infrastructure.  Roads, highways, bridges, canals.Trauma and paralysis need "a reverse vector."  Supplied with great energy and conviction.We see none of that.  Political leaders are mainly timid and brainless---when they aren't forcing more restrictive measures on the people.Perhaps the political leader with the most swagger and counter-consensus attitude---in the still most powerful nation in the world---is Donald Trump.  Is he waking up the country?  Is he stepping to the podium and laying bare the economic devastation that has been leveled at the people?  Is he voicing a plan for recovery?No.WHAT IS WRONG WITH THAT PICTURE?Most people see, in his maddening and conspicuous lack of real leadership, nothing unusual, because they are still in the middle of the trauma and the shock.But there is "plenty of unusual."  A leader who doesn't lead.  A leader who, in a time of crisis, when leadership means so much, doesn't step up.THAT is unusual.  That is madness.Now, add this: the Stockholm Syndrome.  People under rule by edict and force will often develop an attachment to their oppressors.  Loyalty.  Even a perverse love.Why?  Because they see no other option.And because, on a subconscious level, the whole surreal world they are now living in makes no sense at all unless their rulers are doing the right thing.Therefore, their leaders must be right.  They have to be right.The governors and mayors have to be right.  Even the president, in doing nothing substantial, is right.Of course, the loss of job and business and money is also paralyzing in the extreme.  The government prescription seems to be: WAIT.  Keep living on Welfare and bailout until the money runs out or until the crisis is declared over.All in all, many people are subconsciously asking this question: would I rather wake up and therefore see the mass insanity all around me, or would I prefer to stay asleep and follow orders and pretend that is the best course of action?  They choose the second option.Waking up means the individual is living life at a new and different level.  It means seeing the truth.  It's the first step to coming up with a strategy for dealing with the reality that has been imposed.Not waking up means living in a state of conformity, accepting official statements and orders, following those orders, fitting in, acting normal, adjusting, behaving according to stimulus-response.Re quarantine, isolation, social distancing, wearing masks:  "We did not know what the Russian [brainwashing] procedures were, but it seemed that they were producing some peculiar changes of attitude. How? One possible factor was perceptual isolation and we concentrated on that."  (Donald Hebb, Sensory Deprivation: A Symposium Held at Harvard Medical School. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1961)John Q Citizen would say: "But I have to believe the quarantines, the isolation, the lockdowns, the distancing, the masks...they're all happening so we can contain the virus.  If I stop believing that, things would look very different.  And I don't want thing to look very different."Re the use of fake official science as mind control: "Brainwashing is a system of befogging the brain so a person can be seduced into acceptance of what otherwise would be abhorrent to him. He loses touch with reality...However, in order to prevent people from recognizing the inherent evils in brainwashing, the Reds [Communists] pretend that it is only another name for something already very familiar and of unquestioned respect, such as education or reform."  (Edward Hunter, Brainwashing. New York: Pyramid Books. 1956)Re the recruitment of citizens to operate as contact tracers in a wide-ranging program: "Brainwashing is defined as an observable set of transactions between a charismatically-structured collectivity and an isolated agent of the collectivity with the goal of transforming the agent into a deployable agent."  (Thomas Robbins, Benjamin David Zablocki, Misunderstanding Cults, 2001)COVID IS A MASS MIND CONTROL PROGRAM.
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sendin52 · 4 years
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sendin52 · 4 years
What happens when you die?
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sendin52 · 4 years
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sendin52 · 4 years
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COVID-19 How can I cure thee? Let me count the ways. http://orthomolecular.activehosted.com/index.php?action=social&chash=0777d5c17d4066b82ab86dff8a46af6f.167&s=22ad7ccf822c82830e63d31f1d1778ed
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sendin52 · 4 years
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sendin52 · 4 years
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What happened to Marilyn? The UFO connection.
Two links you might check -
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sendin52 · 4 years
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Time for Wisdom   https://youtu.be/f61DCOcvgtM
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sendin52 · 4 years
Urgent information on Covid Vacc!ne
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sendin52 · 4 years
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sendin52 · 4 years
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Are you a MAP (SSP) Abductee?
Are You a MAP Abductee?
by Denny hunt & Mick Schrier for getwisdom.COM
Granted, this is an unusual question and one rarely considered by most who may be described within the following categories.  We have to start somewhere so let’s define our terms. MAP stands for Mercenary Army Program and it is also more popularly known as Secret Space Program. MAP has been determined to be a more accurate term for what is actually going on.  The trappings around the term Secret Space Program are a perfect set up for confusion, disinformation and also provides ample red flags that become very obvious once we get an education about this topic.
The first red flag is the word “Secret.” If the Secret Space Program is the human government’s link (military or otherwise) to everything extraterrestrial and exists for noble purposes including the protection of earth from negative ET’s then how does secrecy serve this purpose?  That is a question worth consideration.
The other red flag is the testimonies themselves from those who are likely members.  The descriptions of their experiences fit more closely to the idea of abduction, various manipulations and deceits to garner their participation and cooperation.
In fact, most of the discoveries along the way reveal what may be viewed as a very dark agenda for anyone involved.
If you feel that you might be easily triggered, this might be a good place to stop reading.
These are the signs to look for if you suspect that you might be a MAP Abductee.  
Tired in the morning, like you’ve been out working all night.
Unexplained marks on your body. Injuries that cannot be accounted for.
Loss of time. Especially childhood memories of chunks of missing time.
Military affiliations: parents, uncles and aunts and/or grandparents in the military, intelligence services, defense contractors, civilian working in classified military installations.
You yourself are in the military.
Extraordinary interest in anything related to space, ET’s, Astronomy, the occult sciences and exotic military arts.
Unexplained PTSD symptoms.  
Unexplained symptoms of Dissociative identity disorder (DID), previously known as multiple personality disorder (MPD).
Fragmented memories of being on a space ship or among ET’s/non-human entities.
Waking night paralysis.
Frequent sightings of UFO or lights that seem to interact with your unspoken thoughts.
Sightings of UFO or lights that instill fear or give you the feeling that you are being watched or studied.
Some or all of these may be present. Some extreme cases are known where the abductee may have only one of the signs noted above, but actually is very involved as a MAP Abductee.  In some cases, the abductee has had multiple lives as a member of the MAP. This is not a new phenomenon at all.  It goes back thousands of years.
One thing that you may have heard is the term “20 and back” and this has been verified through the channeling work of Karl Mollison.  This entails time travel and regression where the subject is taken out of their lives to serve a term of twenty years and then returned to the same time, location and age with the illusion that nothing has happened.
The common scenario is that the abductee is taken in childhood, pre-teen or as a teenager, then serves the 20 years in a training of sorts that may include rather harsh tests of loyalty, endurance and reliability to do what is commanded. They are often implanted with memories of having some noble function or duties.
Many if not all of the females are pressed into some type of sex slavery role and as their memories are accessed this is often not made known until quite late into the investigation or not at all. Also many of the female abductees are impregnated and their babies are harvested early term and sometimes their memories of this are enmeshed into narratives about saving humanity or some other human-like ET race that depends upon their cooperation for sharing their offspring and DNA.  Genetic material from males is also taken for use in this breeding program. This purpose of this program is to create ET Grey/ Human hybrids.
Almost all of these so-called screen memories for both the males and females serve as cover for some very dark doings and manipulations including trauma based mind control of the abductees and unfortunately other innocent victims that serve as expendable training tools.
Our studies into these MAP Abductee phenomena include channelings of the victim’s higher selves, direct questions to Creator and deep subconscious Holographic Memory Resolution sessions using the channeling work of Karl Mollison to access the client’s deep subconscious.
The emphasis in this work is healing and not a fact finding mission or for the purposes of digging up salacious stories which are already what we mostly find when looking into the subject of those involved, real or imagined, in the Secret Space Program. Unfortunately, most of what one will find on the internet, YouTube and even in some allegedly well researched books is disinformation.  This is by design because for the dark alien agenda, the MAP phenomena must remain a secret in order for their long range plans to be carried out in the fashion they prefer: namely, the ET’s running the show here on earth intend to use the MAP members to operate as a militarized cleanup crew to kill their fellow humans after the death and destruction currently being wrought upon humans is largely completed. MAP abductees are also regularly cloned. They are used as a template to create programmable robots that look exactly like the abductee, in order to expand the cohort which will be used as minions for the ET’s planned final solution.
You can learn more at Get Wisdom.
Mercenary Army Program- https://www.getwisdom.com/?s=mercenary+Army+Program
Multiple Lives- https://www.getwisdom.com/?s=multiple+lives+
“20 and back”- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR8bM_3cres&feature=youtu.be
Karl Mollison- https://www.getwisdom.com/karl-mollison/
Trauma Based Mind Control- http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
Channelings- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wn6xb60woYA&feature=youtu.be
Get Wisdom- https://www.getwisdom.com/
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sendin52 · 8 years
Denny Hunt’s Channel
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