serashu-blog · 9 years
Hey guys! I don't think I can stick around in rp any longer. My personal life is far to busy to keep on track with what happens here. If Elias is still active during mid-sem break, or any of the breaks really, I may return for that period. As for now, I just want to bury myself six feet under with the amount of work I have to do. So, this kind of applies not only to Sera, but to Theodore and Tristan. 
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serashu-blog · 9 years
[ 眩し ] Indefinite Hiatus
With my super stress, I'm not sure how active I'll be. I'm hoping to be around on Thursday's since it's my day off. But for the next two weeks it's not possible as I have group meetings for our assessment that we've planned to do for 4 hours minimum, so if that is the case I'll be completely drained of energy and probably won't be on. An indefinite hiatus sounds best right now.
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serashu-blog · 9 years
"Hey," He smiles, looking up from his phone, "Sorry I disappeared for a while. But I guess you’re not so angry with me if the ice cream has anything to say." Leaning down, he presses a soft kiss on her cheek.
She smiled softly, reaching up to pinch his nose, "Who says I'm not angry?" A playful glare glazing over her eyes. Although the other's disappearance did worry her, she had a promise to withhold, "The ice cream was a peace offering," a grin softens her features, "but since you don't remember, I might as well eat it myself." Sera shrugged her shoulders, turning to leave.
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serashu-blog · 9 years
I have plans to try and be active over the weekend, but considering what uni is currently like Thursdays are more likely.
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serashu-blog · 9 years
(/crying) I've got so much to answer and reply to. What am I doing? What is life? (/despair)
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serashu-blog · 9 years
☠: Their worst habit.
☮: How they keep calm.
♥: How they show affection.
♕: Their most prized possessions.
★: Their favorite celebrity.
☼: Favorite season.
☁: How they feel about cold weather.
☻: Person who could without a doubt make them happy.
☹: A thought that makes them sad.
♫: Favorite music genres.
✍: A langauge they can speak.
✖: A trait they despise in people.
△: Views on lgtbq issues
ツ: A guilty desire of theirs.
☃: Would they build a snowman
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serashu-blog · 9 years
SARCASM: a sentence pack
"That went well."
"I hope you're happy now."
"Do you ever use your brain, or do you just think those five pounds are a built in workout for your neck muscles?"
"Remind me why I should care."
"Oh, gosh, you've insulted me! What ever shall I do? I'll be mentally and emotionally scared for years!"
"This is your bright idea?"
"Wow, you are just so incredibly funny."
"You keep on telling yourself that, sweetheart."
"Whose idea of a fun time is this?"
"Careful, keep having that much fun and it might actually start being good for your health."
"Yes, because your well-being is definitely my number one concern."
"I'll lose sleep over that. Definitely."
"Oh, no. Whatever shall we do? It's dark and we live in the 21st century!"
"Yeah, sure thing."
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serashu-blog · 9 years
ᴀᴅᴅᴀᴍs ғᴀᴍɪʟʏ sᴇɴᴛᴇɴᴄᴇ ᴍᴇᴍᴇ
"Oh no... He lives."
"Don't I deserve love... And jewellery?"
"Woo her, admire her. Make her feel like she's the most sublime creature on Earth."
"Just a curse. Have a nice day."
"And for all these reasons, I have decided to scalp you and burn your village to the ground."
"I would be honoured if you'd join me for the Hot Patootie Cha-Cha-Cha!"
"From now on, I give the orders around here."
"Wait until he sees the underwater bowling alley!"
"This is my costume. I'm a homicidal maniac. They look like everybody else."
"Don't torture yourself. That's my job."
"When he was asleep, I opened his skull, and removed his brains!"
"Are you in unbearable pain?"
"You've had your shots? Measles, mumps, rabies?"
"Malibu Barbie!"
"I tied him to a tree and pulled out four of his permanent teeth!"
"Marvellous news. I'm going to have a baby. Right now."
"How long has it been since we waltzed?"
"Look at her. I would die for her. I would kill for her. Either way, what bliss."
"I want you dead, and I want your money."
"All the important numbers: Police, Fire Department, Morgue."
"That's no excuse. Aim for a major artery. The jugular."
"Last night - you were unhinged. You were like some desperate, howling demon. You frightened me. - Do it again!"
"See you at the sawmill tonight!"
"Are they made from real Girl Scouts?"
"You have enslaved him. You have placed him under some strange sexual spell. I respect that."
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serashu-blog · 9 years
Will get on to doing those paras in my drafts. Starting Monday I'm going to be busy so I won't be on as often, maybe once or twice a week.
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serashu-blog · 9 years
Day 53/365: Park Jae Hyung - Better Man
"You make me wanna stand up tall  Clean up my act  Do what is right and be a better man  Change how I walk  Change how I talk  Even though this isn’t really me”
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serashu-blog · 9 years
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Its how men say hello
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serashu-blog · 9 years
Sera laughed softly, cupping a hand over her mouth as an guilty response. "Heh?" She slumped back into her chair, somewhat disappointed in the girls actions, "You didn't bother to rebel or anything?" She blew her now too long fringe from her eyes. Tilting her head, she followed Summer's eyes to the bracelet she was playing with, "So is that the piece of jewellery that got you into this mess?"
Giving her a dejected look, a small pout on her lips. Sera twirled a lock of her around her index finger as she fell into thought while nodding her head. "Well, if I'm honest," she paused, snapping out of her trance and returning her gaze to her fellow detention mate, "I didn't really do anything wrong. As an adult they would have thought my actions to be reckless, but I can assure you it was carefully planned." Leaning in closer to Summer she begins the tale of her events, "You see, back home I play a part in creating awareness on various matters, whether it be political or domestic, and I happened to get myself involved in some domestic violence while out on a walk here. I hit a complete stranger." She furrows her brows, her tone becoming more hostile, "He deserved it though. How can one be called a man if they beat and belittle their wife to feel more powerful?" By now she was fuming, a rant rather than an explanation as she forgets that she's giving the girl a lot more than what she asked for. Taking a deep breath, Sera calmed herself before continuing, "Sorry... Anyway, the academy staff received a complaint and now I'm here."
detention || summer & sera
Her eyes widened in surprise as she heard the girl’s voice coming from beside her. Summer had never been the most talkative, nor had other people ever really taken to talking to her, so this was a welcome, if unexpected turn of events.
“Ah, I’m really not a troublemaker, I promise!” Summer said quietly, trying and failing to meet the other girl’s eyes, “I was just late to class because I couldn’t find my favorite bracelet.” She looked down at the ground, twirling the said piece of jewelry on her wrist. Lifting her eyes slowly, she finally got a good look at the girl in detention with her, widening her eyes at just how pretty the girl was. Bright, smiling eyes with an adorable smile, cuteness that was offset by her long legs and slim figure.
“How about you?” She ventured to ask, “What did you do?”
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serashu-blog · 9 years
Adriel listened to the phone, calmly noting down any noise or unique giveaways. A loud din later, Adriel left his seat in the cafe. Sera was asking for help in Monaco, just exactly where he was. He also had already figured out, where she could be.
Sera had dropped her phone, running deeper into the secluded streets of Monaco. The sun was starting to set and the lack of lightening the further she went meant that she would be moving forward blindly, therefore not being able to clearly see around her. Turning into an alley, she is blocked by a brick wall. With trembling hands, she looks warily behind her. She begins clawing at the wall, making attempts to climb over it as her fear increases.
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serashu-blog · 9 years
At first she questioned the sudden smile on his lips, guessing that he had intentions or plans for the rest of the day. "The carnival sounds fine," realising she had not yet answered his question. Whether it was out of convenience that a carnival was occurring or not, Sera felt it would be better than a dinner that could turn out to be rather embarrassing. The silence over food was not something she looked forward to and carnival rides sounded more than thrilling to her.
Her attention diverted to the paper bag he picks from the ground. She stares curiously at the brown paper bag he's holding, wondering about its possible contents. "A confession, yes, but if you wanted a rose to last then a fake one is just as sentimental," she chuckled, going onto the tips of her toes to peer inside the bag. Her eyes formed crescents as she grinned widely, reaching toward the stuffed animal as he revealed it. "It's adorable," she almost squealed. Laughing at her own reaction, she hugged the plush alpaca, petting its head, 'Thank you~ I'll be sure to take good care of him...or her..." She purses her lips and squints her eyes, holding the toy out at arms lengths, "What gender is it?" Blinking up at the older male inquisitively.
With a shrug of her arms, she lets out a content sigh and links her arm with his. "Shall we go?" She nodded her head in the general direction of the carnival, feeling as excited as a child in a candy store.
He narrows his eyes at her statement and shakes his head, “Well, I was just going to text you to see where you are. You want to head to the carnival now?” However, the other seems to be having thoughts. Caelan runs a hand down her arm soothingly when her eyebrows crease, and she seems to be saying something but he can’t make out what.
He’s shaking his head again, but this time with his own smile. Seeing that she finally returned from her thoughts, he turns behind him. There’s a paper bag on the ground that probably went unnoticed by the girl. He picks it up but holds it so that she can’t see what’s in it - not yet at least. “The rose is not a present, just a part of my confession. And flowers die anyways. They’re pretty and meaningful but not much of a lasting present. So I got you this.” He pulls out the stuffed animal.
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"It’s an alpaca, since llamas aren’t that popular and finding stuffed animals of them is hard." He mutters the last part almost bitterly. But he holds up the cute toy and bumps it nose against hers. "But alpacas and llamas are cousins so close enough, right? Happy Valentine’s Day to you too."
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serashu-blog · 9 years
"Oh?" She looked at her surprised, "not even with your boyfriend?" Sure the teacher did seem to lack affection, or so she assumed, but the woman was more than attractive and Sera could imagine the countless confessions she would have received each year. Even if she did not accept them, she would have technically been involved in the festivities.
"Excited doesn’t seem to be the right word," she stared blankly at the authoritative figure. Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, Sera gave her a placid smile, "but I have to agree that it is amusing."
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serashu-blog · 9 years
It's as all fun and games until Haru Haru starts playing
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serashu-blog · 9 years
"Excited doesn't seem to be the right word," she stared blankly at the authoritative figure. Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, Sera gave her a placid smile, "but I have to agree that it is amusing."
"it’s amusing seeing everyone somewhat excited for this event." the teacher said as her eyes scanned the students running around.
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