sha-ka-re · 3 days
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that's basically how Rapture went
[ID: Three screencaps from Star Trek DS9 with tumblr textposts overtop. The first screencap shows Julian Bashir looking down and speaking with a concerned expression. The textpost by @kalgalen reads "you're not ascending to godhood you're just dehydrated." The second screencap shows Captain Sisko staring ahead with an optimistic or speculative expression. A reblog from the first post by @podcastwizard reads "outta my way gayboy i'm boutta liberate my divine self from the mortal shell." The third screenshot shows Captain Sisko unconscious on a biobed with people standing around him. another reblog by the same user reads "hopital" /End description]
(id by @sadfransisko)
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sha-ka-re · 3 days
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a simple feeling
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sha-ka-re · 6 days
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sha-ka-re · 6 days
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me after watching 28 straight days of Star Trek with my eyelids taped open
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Star Trek's crazy ass 28 day total runtime leaving everyone else in the shade
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sha-ka-re · 6 days
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sha-ka-re · 6 days
I’m up to date with disco— the theory @unimatrix69 and I have is that this show was the one that had to “grow the beard” for the rest of other modern trek to be made, same way that tng did. I think that’s why it gets a lot of flack, cause yeah, the first few seasons are weird and messy, but it’s genuinely good now, and without it, we absolutely would not have snw or lower decks. The reason snw was so good right off the bat was because they were able to be a bit rocky with disco. (I don’t really count Picard because imo that’s an elongated cinematic universe situation, just the way that it’s made and paced). It is a shame because I think a lot of folks were understandably turned off of it by its first few messy seasons, but without those, we absolutely would not be having a trek resurgence. Obviously nobody is obligated to watch it but I think it’s worth at least reading the synopsis of the first few and starting where it gets good cause it does do a lot for the franchise! the characters really are delightful and they have a great dynamic.
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Please sate my curiosity.
There is one episode of Star Trek Discovery left. If you are a Star Trek fan in ANY capacity, please answer this. For the purpose of this poll, "drop" means that you stopped watching and do not intend to continue. If you do intend to continue but simply aren't caught up, choose the second to last option.
I am asking out of scientific curiosity. This is not intended to spread negativity about Discovery, or encourage anyone to do so by interacting with this poll. I'm simply curious as to, truly, how many people have stuck out Discovery up to this point and what the general fandom temperature is on each component.
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sha-ka-re · 11 days
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sha-ka-re · 19 days
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sha-ka-re · 21 days
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And though you are not sentient, Spot, and do not comprehend, I nonetheless consider you a true and valued friend.
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sha-ka-re · 23 days
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(In Purgatory’s Shadow)
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(Doctor Bashir, I Presume?) the way these were aired practically back to back.
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sha-ka-re · 1 month
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Guess who's been watching Discovery
(screencaps from Trek Core)
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sha-ka-re · 2 months
*Sisko passes u the Joint*
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sha-ka-re · 2 months
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Penis Sex: Reloaded
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sha-ka-re · 2 months
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experimenting with funky shapes, look at him go!!
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sha-ka-re · 2 months
why are all the star trek games based on war and ship command and galactic fighting and war. i want diplomat simulator. i want skyrim for star trek. i wanna talk to a bunch of aliens about their farming rivalry and then go to the planet where everyones an italian mobster. i dont give a shit about upgrading the torpedoes on my battle cruiser to level up and destroy other ships in the New Online MMORPG. i want my entire ship to malfunction because an alien laid an egg in the nacelles and then i want to fix it by raising the alien as my own and then tossing it into space. what’s so hard to understand.
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sha-ka-re · 2 months
Okay so, got here from a book on animal behavior but: Vulcan stand-up comedy as a competitive activity.
Because most Vulcans don't actually pretend they don't have emotions, it's all about self-regulation, right? And good comedy usually hinges on manipulating the relationship between our faculties of recognition and surprise in various ways, you can get pretty scientific with it.
So Vulcans go to the comedy act, and the idea is the comedian is trying to make you crack up, and the audience is trying to not even crack a smile, and if you do laugh, you lose. Like all in good fun, but Vulcans are both really competitive and really aware of how dangerous that urge can be to a society, so this could actually be classified as highly orthodox Surakian practice.
So of course the comedian has to actually be funny, or there's no challenge and the game is boring.
Which means the really good Vulcan comedians (most of whom tend to extremely dry delivery of their bits) are going to go around playing to packed houses, which mostly sit staring stonily back at them, with occasional breaks when someone loses it and reacts.
And after a show you'll have Vulcans walking out discussing with great approval how very humorous that was, with varying degrees of muted smugness or chagrin depending on if they won or lost.
I bet there are human comedians whose grandest fantasy is being good enough to do a set in Vulcana Regatta and have people going around bragging about not laughing at them.
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sha-ka-re · 2 months
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Something about having an universal translator, and learning to understand without it
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