shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
"...Oi, werewolf." Sekibanki, antisocial dullahan that she is, has passed by the lycan; it's amazing she's decided to greet the other as well. Why not respond back?
Truly homogeneous were two beings eclipsed merely by visuals, umber locks resembling lupine furs trickling by one’s spine while another held cut strands of vermilion. Yet, both were indeed a part of the same incident, which had been covered up by only a single shred of time’s elder cloak. Yes, that same incident, involving alike youkai of relatively menial abilities. Alabaster curved stalactites had been bared then, crimson talons too desiring to tear at innocent souls, which, before such a malevolent force had imprisoned a lupa cranium, would not have been brandished at all. With such a passing of time noted, it is too dully noted that the identity of such a visage was too partially swept from her mind. 
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    “ Yes? You do seem familiar, miss. Might I know your name? ” Any company is welcomed warmly by the solitary wolf.
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
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 oh gosh i don’t know where to start with this, other than make a hugeee thank you to everyone, followers & mutual followers alike, thank you all very much. i’ve had this blog for over 2 years i think now? and i’ve met, spoken, written and have seen so many lovely people and have made treasured friends. i never thought that this little blog would still be going on today, that my writing muse is strong and that above it all this is amazing fun. it is and always will be a pleasure to write with you all, with the characters we love, from the fandoms we love. 
be it with silliness, serious or just casual posts and chats, know that it does mean alot to me that i’ve made these memories and i hope we can make many more to come together. 
thank you all for everything & for sharing this experience! 
ablackwing,  abrideoffire,  auspicis,  arielshepard,  azoriumcosmos,  anthexa, bashfulxhealer,  brxvura, calisvol, cirocchio,  corruptionofheart,  djinness,  drakedomitor, drakkina,  dualcorruption,  daughterofheaven,  excxssive,  exnatura,  etesiis,  elusiverose,  filialdecree,  finalheavenlockhart,  flawedpetals,  grishildr,  glassmemoir,  immortalcorrupter,  justgoforitbaby,  keyblxde, kodomotsuki,  krepusko, laceraalas,  lunaeterea,  lunariansage  masochisticsadist, madkxng,  maimedlion,  mxrchen, meowgito,  minamotomichi, millenniumpharaoh,  naivne,  n-o-x-c-r-i-s-t-a-u-x.  otwilightprincess, offourseasons,  originalheir,  paleae-hat,  parasiitic,  queenlly,  rapusodosu, raobikuni, rainfelled,  sawakool,  shadowoftheloupgarou,  svikinnar, spiritisms,  svedauth, soullessfishgirl,  tranquiscent,  thronelessking,   the-light-gun,  untamedkitsunen,  varomaour, virtualvenus, viewtokill,  wingsofhauntilly.  winkchain & everyone tbqh. keep on being rad guys! i’m routing for you!
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
“ Despite their beauty, they are indeed a pain. Though, I did not think someone would connect long nails to monsters. Personally, a cat's claws comes to mind whenever I see nails like my own. Humans do adore cats, I believe. ” 
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“ But, luckily my nails are only this length when I transform, oddly enough. Or.. truthfully, considering I also sprout wolf ears and a tail to match also when I transform, an increase in the length of my nails isn't the most out of place thing.” 
"Yeah, I guess not many like’em because monsters usually have them. But who says monsters are always ugly, huh?"
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"I guessed so, my sister has nails kinda like yours. She can’t open stuff sometimes because it makes her fingers seem kinda big. I guess it’s good my mom won’t let me grow mine out then."
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
   An ethereal tone's divine boon causes a furrowing of the brow, rouge lips would have too curled if such a curve upon her moonlit visage did not give an air of rudeness. So long ago, years fleeting in such a way that they were nearly occulted in her mind, that that a girl, not a wolf, first placed her feet on the glistening turf of Gensokyo. And in those years her paws padded underneath with salmon were nonexistent, for the ailment that does plague her now had not infiltrated that younger persona. In those child days, ones of rice paddies and silly games, she had heard so clearly that name "Amaterasu" coming from looming adults, along with other gods still foreign to her. No longer did she hear that calling so lucidly, partly due to her reclusive tendencies and partly due to the fact that she rarely conversed with these people residing in an adjacent village, who no longer were her human brethren. Now her core was no longer so innocent and pure, to be consumed by that unclean presence of her lycanthropy. 
   Even if viridescent towers acknowledged a prowling lupa, her lips carried no fondness for this land, where one's only companions remained an infinite atmosphere of quietude occasionally ruptured by a gelid breeze's stroke. Gazing upon lost visages not familiar to her, twisted with colors of distress or the more Stygian hues of frustration, satisfied none of the fantastical desires within a hardened heart yearning for companionship. She was no more a prisoner than any adrift soul contained in this cage of emerald pinnacles kissing nimbus blankets. Restrained she was, by chains unseen, yet, not tethered by sentiments. Why she truly stayed in this forest was unknown. Perhaps she had grown used to it, too. Each of morn's arrivals brought great joy, erasing finally such troublesome layers of fur and lupine additions. 
   She did not wish for this forest to embrace her presence.
    And yet, she had unknowingly allowed it to. 
“ Yes, I do. ”
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“ I know my way around quite well due to that fact. Though, truthfully, I don't quite adore this forest.. I more tolerate it, and it too tolerates me. ”
   Gazing crimson matching rubies gazed once more upon an alabaster stature, inked with twirls of obsidian and similar reds. Where, she did wonder, had this divine hailed from? Lands unknown, far away and completely unlike her own? Or perhaps, somewhere much like her own. She would have to inquire the she wolf once they embarked on their journey out of these rustling stalks. Playfully taunting, they seemed to be, whispering malevolence as they challenged the shadow wolf's navigation. She would best those inanimate bets time and time again, for in those long years spent swimming in time's pools she had practically mapped out this forest's twists and turns mentally, though not perfectly, as more years would again have to pass for such a crowning achievement.
   Recalling thoughts from moments ago, that gaze does turn skyward, peaking at a sky still painted with a raven's hue and dappled with shining drops. Would morn's presence of primrose and orange grace them anytime soon? She silently prayed for such a gift, for even the added warmth of her swaying tail and thick tufts of umber lining to her ankles and wrists could not detract from how troublesome both were.
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     ’shadow wolf’ the entity thought,  it had been very fitting.
      Yes, a god hailing from yonder lands she had been, although her homeland hadn’t been quite so far over eastern waters. Fall, winter and spring had been the same though, thus little had been divided between Gensokyo and Nippon. Ruffles leaves upon the bamboo roots stiff rustled as winds embedded themselves, were there a clearing here the breezes would too disturb calm streams.
      Her kindred too inhabiting each pull which travels along uncertain riversides, for she had heard their mingled voices so countering, but not too overwhelming. One needn’t fear one single morsel, as this god hadn’t been once seeking wrath nor ruin by any means. 
     Songs announced the morrow, whilst she brought it. True enough canine eyes had found torii gates, nestled shrines and knotted shimenawa—- all sights the lupine had known. Abounding white fur stilled once breezes too became silent where gazes met once more, as her far gazing lingered evermore. At nightfall ‘neath a crescent moon would encounters be reached by a forest working as a maze. The she-wolf had illuminated her paths briefly before all flowers disperse at her touch, some scenes paling as she drew breath near. Full circle is the sun disk ‘pon an alabaster back, riveting in mist as sooner would dawn too approach once more.  
      Had that name been praised here too? Had arias drifted along certain banks to meet with familial ties? All that filled twin nostrils now were bamboo fragrances accompanied by mountainside ash, long distant had an overruling mountain had been far from here. Youkai weaving their own paths of course as evening parted clouds sprawled above which were to soon move onward march, easing bountiful winds as all came to peace. Only friendship remained, the she-wolf had deeply hoped, for all rooted into a most promising start however. Seasons remained the same yet unknown airs ebbed through these lasting hillsides and the forest itself. 
    “The pleasure is mine Kagerou. I am truly lucky to have you as my guide and aid, truly lucky." she is genuine in flowering positivity which is both fed and is feeded. Shuffling paws needn’t cease in their bubbling action, riveting forevermore for journeys endless as peeks were nonexistent.  
     ”Do you live in these parts? surely, this forest has grown used to you."
     now curiosity blossoms beside it. 
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
“ How kind you are, miss. ”
   Genuine smiles do bloom to such a notion. Truth, was it? Always, a heart imprisoned by loneliness did fully embrace compliments and company alike. Secondly, digits tipped with crimson flattened the aforementioned hanafuda fabric, beading with white and dripping into azure and black trim. Over time's current, such seemingly menial origins had been all but blurred in one's cranium. Ah, she would always remember her initial visit to this realm of fantasy and illusion. Beneath a full moon's watch she did her handiwork, stitching each exquisite thread to its proper destination. Her circular amulet had been a gift from a dear friend, one whose calling and visage too had been swept by a clockwork sea.
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“ I tailored this dress myself, actually, a very long time ago. ”
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Smiling the rabbit waved her hand lightly. “There’s no need to thank me at all for telling the truth.” She said lowering her hand back down before tilting her head a little. “Where did you get a dress like that?”
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
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Caught outside in the rain. By umigarasu.
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
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   ( hello everyone! ;v; i'm hopping on for a little bit to finish some replies before i get back to studying. this blog is also turning a year old tomorrow so i need to do something for that too.  i'm just going to try and finish whats in my drafts and whatnot, but also feel free to like this post if you want a little starter and i'll write you one. )
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
"That's a really beautiful dress."
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“ Oh? Thank you very much, miss. ” Rosy hues flourish faintly upon a pallid visage — compliments were aplenty tonight, were they not? Though not without appreciation, they certainly weren’t something the loup garou was used to with her loneliness.
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
 “ I'm glad you think so! It feels nice to know that someone else appreciates them. ”
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“ Your nails are very pretty as well! The tips give them an elegant look. And I must agree, they do get in the way quite often. That's why I wanted to cut them, actually. It's so difficult to do certain tasks when you have nails this long. ” 
"They’re so pretty, though!"
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"I tried to grow mine out like that, but my mom won’t let me. I sharpened them though!" She puts out her own hand, and while her nails are short, they have curved tips to resemble claws. "…But don’t they get in the way sometimes?"
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
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“ Aroo? ”
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
"Woah, your nails are so long!"
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“ Aren't they? It takes a lot of effort to keep them this way.. I've been wondering if I should cut them, actually. ”
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
  Almost sentient were these beguiling statues covered in emerald, perhaps even mischievous with such mystifying tricks. 'Twas aptly named ,this Bamboo Forest of the Lost, which cruelly wrung invisible threads of crimson around unsuspecting necks, tugging them along like a bijou lamb fleeced in snow to no shepherd. Or, perhaps these intertwining paths with no distinguishable route were all the offspring of a divine ruse? Lupine knowledge knew not the answer to such a plausible query. Deities were always up to some form of trickery -- perhaps here too.
  Buoyant among a sea of obsidian, a response swims its way upon those chilled breezes (nearly becoming spiraling gales at this point) to reach a tufted ear twitching, its source seemingly skyward. Gelid effects wavered the tone, albeit its irritation was evident enough. It was a timbre often heard betwixt these jutting shoots. Orbs of carmine gaze upwards, yet meet only a painting of white gems and a full circle of alabaster. Was someone toying with her? Ivories slightly pierce rouge lips at the notion. Yet, in further dissection, it seemed that perhaps a head with crimson locks rounding pallid cheeks had answered her inquiry. Or, the forest was again playing its juvenile tricks with the distance. Hopefully a disembodied head was not her conversational partner. 
“ I? I know of no such person.  ” Her words too barely float on such rough tides.
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“ My name is Imaizumi Kagerou. I'm the secondary guide of this forest. 
      If you would like, I can come to you and escort you to your destination. ”
  A navigator she was not, by professional standards at least, yet since she had taken residence in the hovel she deems to be her abode, guiding others and memorizing the tantalizing paths were her only pastimes. Calculating, a vermilion view still locks itself on the sky, the bobbing head no longer its focus. No, instead it causes the wolf of shadows to wonder if a storm was bubbling amidst the horizon. Ashen blankets seemed to overturn nimbus ones, slowly but surely crowding in the darker sky.
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“ It seems as though it will rain soon.. ” Words mainly to herself, yet they would be important for the nukekubi to heed. Lightning flashes were not something one should be caught up in. Bated are her breaths, for she wished harm upon no soul. She would even delight for this vexed soul to be safe at once. In a circuitous twirl, leaves from afar woods in Shizuha's choice palette rush by in a whirlwind, delivering a few damp slaps to a now shivering tail. The crow's tabloid never was accurate with its seedy weather forecasts. 
      Sunny rays and warm temperatures? Truly laughable.
She hadn’t meant to get lost, of course, that’s just what happened; the crunch of leaves and shoots under heavy boots quickly found themselves as lost in the beryl woodlands as she had found herself. A bother, surely, but Sekibanki was a stubborn character and wasn’t eager to throw the metaphorical towel in so quickly. Still…
  It was disorienting. Horizontal ground melted into vertical stalks that played the mind like a puzzle, though the pieces (no matter how you turned or smashed them) couldn’t quite fit like they were supposed to. The corals and florid reds associated with the harvest season only further agitated her. Crunch, crunch. Something from afar made a noise, though whatever it was had been muffled by the dense growth. Crunch, crunch. Wait, wasn’t she just here? Yes—there’s the shiny stone she had overturned as a landmark at least ten minutes ago.
  Speaking to nobody was a part of the nukekubi’s nature. It was a characteristic trait that especially surfaced in these times that left her mouth dry in anticipation and irritation. Throwing open her arms (a graceless motion; in her patience that would wane like the moon, she had no time to pretend to be refined to an audience of nobody), Sekibanki allowed her head to drift off her collar and float up. She couldn’t get further lost going up, could she?
…Is that the ground? Are those shoots, or are they blades of grass? The starry sky which, at last check, nursed a full moon in its arms seemed to have been smothered under the leaves and jade trunks, offering no guidance.
  Sekibanki was hopelessly lost, her woebegone crown fluttering about without a body and without an aim. In her troubled state, she barely even heard the voice that had called out. A chilled wind brushed through her hair, and unlike the werewolf, she did shiver, and it affected her tone directly, teeth chattering though she aimed to suppress it. A testy reply, a girl haughty by nature frustrated by the paradigm she had been swallowed by.
“I do.”
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 "And who comes here?”
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
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 “ A blood moon.. I hope this won't have any odd effects on my fur. ” Perhaps tonight it is best for her to stay within her home.
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
             ☾   headlesshorror;
  Foliage tatters drift in hues of sanguine and pumpkin, kept ever aloft by autumn's chilled fingertips. This ravaging decay does contrast towers of jade shoots, who, sturdy and statue-esque, ever climb to kiss the sky with their tufts of emerald whilst change does paint finer details on different canvases. Perhaps this lack of variation and palette does perplex untrained minds who so casually stray amongst these undefined paths cluttered with alike colors. It is this change that portrays the Bamboo Forest of the Lost as a standstill island in the sea of time, as even as the days passing the incident with Issun-boshi's descendant do pile up upon one another, little difference or affect seems to have been had on a forest so eerily silent. An aura of aggression no longer enthralled youkai docile by heart, serenity once more gracing Gensokyo (temporarily) as it should. A gust tangles itself into umber locks that trickle by a palpitating core, seemingly whispering its difference to lupine ears. 
  Casting waves of tranquility upon an earthen spectacle, it seems the moon's pallid caress wavers ever so slightly. What disturbance could disrupt these gentle ripples? Another soul with its destination forgotten?  Seemingly announcing a presence further eclipsed, gyrating pieces of green twirl into a flurry, sweeping gelid blankets. Were it not for the less-than-favorable fur coating the loup garou's body, or her layers of hanafuda fabric, she may have shivered. 
  Silence was best shattered, after all, wandering bodies do need some guidance to return to their path. And if an immortal adorned with strands of silver was not present to do so -- the werewolf was feasible in her entirety.
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     “ Who goes there? ”
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
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Gray Wolf In Snow by Stephanie McDowell
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shadowoftheloupgarou · 10 years
  Prying divine orbs do indeed seem to shower these two beings, with motives unclear as a fog-laden eve. These lupine forms (one more so than the other) stood at a point quite a distance even from the nearest shrines. Do amphibian spheres muddy with gray observe the two? Or perhaps, someone who's presence is best shuddered at, with strands of amethyst trickling by similar vermeil hues? It is not for a lowly youkai to know, yet she feels their gaze as though their breaths were hot on the back of her neck. It is enough to cause the she-wolf to shiver slightly, despite how she so elegantly dodged cold's bony appendages with her layers of fur and fabric.
  Oversight the offspring of naiveté, where her courtesy had flown off to 'twas a enigma. Ne'er an inquiry hatched of any designation belonging to this kindred adorned by a snow-dusted coat licked with a poinsettia's spiraling calligraphy. Would she blend in with winter's sheets sprouting with elder glaucous flora carrying crimson beads upon their holly shoulders? -- fatuous inquiries swim in a infantile heart of lupine core. Unlike she, who's Stygian shades of auburn twirled with a skyward sea's beacon upon cloth, and dappled upon flicks of pomegranate -- these frigid blankets would never conceal.
  An alabaster spotlight's visage laughs at the conclave spectacle. One would had even said the light gasping sounds between intervals resembled that of a lunarian monarch. Toyohime, perhaps?
       "It is no trouble. Helping others is my pleasure." It should be her only one. Friendly faces did not come to make idle chatter with a faux portrait painted with snarling ivories accompanied by bloodthirst. No, fright occulted many optics.
  Amaterasu, was it? An appellation oft passing betwixt mortal lips in the village populated by humans so relatively placed. From what she had gathered from the typical assortments of colloquy, (how boisterous they were!) the aforementioned label also stuck itself to one deity from the outside world. Had fate brought her the zenith of the morn? To illuminate a deep of shade so tucked away by viridescent stalks looming? Her lupus-kin hailed herself as such. But conclusions were not to be vaulted towards, correct? 
  Pallid grins bloom again. Behind pursed walls of rouge, white stalactites bar words unspoken, swearing that auburn ears are indeed hearing the laughter of Yorihime, now. Yet, the epithet of the most clever youkai had never been hers to claim, and she did not covet it anyhow. She had yet to announce her own name.
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       "My apologies as well! I seem to be having quite the streak of forgetfulness as of late. My name is Imaizumi Kagerou, though people tend to just call me Kage-chan. I do not mind either one."
     Surely around these tempting jade shoots brushing afar regions and misguiding unknowing peoples through never-ending groves, a fire must burn bright in assurance to aid those unfortunate souls. Wayward forms perhaps set on their defined ends once meeting ashore foliage that filled airs coiled; this forest’s knowing too peered aloft the she-wolf’s back whence she padded yon. Not quite before had the ivory beast came across one landscape whole beneath an eerie lit moon, one not so malevolent- yet mischievous. Ash had naught settled upon her damp snout, thus their had been no threat nor fear of the shadows at bay.  
     Stumbling along worlds naught belonging to her nor had they bore the same scent, but one so familiar and kindred to that of Nippon’s boon. Steady too were appendages dawning aside lush fields of greenery golden, now befallen midst bamboo stems shooting forth from the homely soil below. Forests too collated within her own homeland, yet they needn’t altered into their own persona. Each rustle and quiver were but a whisper between leafs- the lupine heard them, just barely however. Crimson nails flake across fabrics dainty beneath this peculiar serenity, where darkened lobes ever contrast to her own fleece of alabaster flickers so slightly.  
     with darkened hairs falling loose & eyes carmine;      amaterasu had always encounters the most brilliant of strangers.  
     “No— I am not of youkai. I am a deity.”
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     Flames of her instrument drummed with ivory tendrils ruffling as the she-beast shook her cranium through words adrift. Gentle are words layering ashore riverside banks that meet with the dampened soil below; their union is one natural and limitless. Eyes almost doe-like whence they soon drifted across ‘pon the evening youkai’s pallid portrait. Differing so evidently from fellow kin of creator entities, kami whom sew each and every stone and breeze. Had the matron trespassed on the gods of these lands? their presences are known for they lay witness even now. 
     ”Ah! Thank you so for your kindness stranger, for you      know this forest better than I."  
      there she was forgetting introductions from a kindly face.  
     ”My apologies,I am Amaterasu.”
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