(No. 11, it goes without saying, is Mama Jones.)
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Marc Jacobs' 'faux fur' garments actually use the coats of Chinese canines: Humane Society report
 It's a faux fur fakeout — Marc Jacobs jackets being sold at Century 21 department stores actually contain dog hair. Even if the labels say otherwise, the “faux fur” garments sold by the retailer are made with the fur of cuddly Chinese raccoon dogs, a breed that’s often skinned alive for its soft coat.
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#BarkJacobs = @MarcJacobsIntl
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Conservative billionaires used a secretive funding route to channel nearly $120m (£77m) to more than 100 groups casting doubt about the science behind climate change, the Guardian has learned.
The funds, doled out between 2002 and 2010, helped build a vast network of thinktanks and activist groups working to a single purpose: to redefine climate change from neutral scientific fact to a highly polarising "wedge issue" for hardcore conservatives.
The millions were routed through two trusts, Donors Trust and the Donors Capital Fund, operating out of a generic town house in the northern Virginia suburbs of Washington DC. Donors Capital caters to those making donations of $1m or more.
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How Donors Trust distributed millions to anti-climate groups
The secretive funding channel known as the Donors Trust patronised a host of conservative causes. The Guardian reports.
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Hillary Clinton’s Resignation Letter. [via]
Dear Mr. President:
I hereby resign as the 67th Secretary of State, effective upon the appointment of my successor. 
It has been an honor to serve in your administration and to represent our country around the world. I am proud of what we accomplished together on behalf of the American people and in pursuit of our interests and values. And I am more convinced than ever in the strength and staying power of America’s global leadership and our capacity to be a force for good in the world.
It has been a privilege to lead such a dedicated and skilled team of Foreign Service Officers and Civil Servants at the State Department and USAID. I am deeply grateful for their service and sacrifice on behalf of the country they love.
On a personal note, it has been a pleasure to work with you and your team. Thank you, Mr. President, for your friendship, and for the opportunity to serve in your Cabinet. 
With gratitude and warm regards, I am
Sincerely yours,
Hillary Rodham Clinton
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Burger King has revealed that some of its burgers were contaminated in the horsemeat scare, as the tainted food crisis threatened to undermine the confidence of consumers, and major retailers tried to protect their reputations.
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Large amounts of horsemeat were found in some burger samples manufactured at the Silvercrest plant in County Monaghan, which supplied Aldi Ireland.
Both Tesco and the Co-op have already dropped Silvercrest as a meat supplier.
Aldi UK has suspended its contract with British firm Dalepak after traces of horse DNA were found in its burgers.
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Report: Most of the 360 chimpanzees owned and supported by the NIH should be retired
From The NY Times: "Health Agency Moves to Retire Most Chimps Used for Research":
The report, approved by the N.I.H. Council of Councils, is the latest step in a process that began more than two years ago when the agency began to review its use of chimpanzees in research. Its recommendations will be open to public comment for 60 days, and in late March, Dr. Francis S. Collins, the N.I.H. director, will decide whether to put them into effect. He has already accepted early guidelines that propose significant reductions in the use of chimpanzees in behavioral and biomedical research.
This is good news. Let's hope these changes are put into full effect.
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U.S. Envoy to Libya Is Killed in Attack
As a person who may not agree with religious doctrine, I certainly respect those who do, but I have to say this pushes even my buttons. We may not be angels but if there was a place where we actually tried to see the promotion of freedoms, was Libya. Then to be repaid by this wicked killing and all for a stupid friggin video that does not represent the USA, makes me wonder if these people (yes I use the term these people) have no civil judgement at all. And makes me question their beliefs further.
It really begs the judgement of a religion whereby it cannot differentiate between an act by an individual or organization and punishing a  entire country or people.  Now maybe I'm sensitive as it's 9/12.  And Im well aware of our own short comings but watching a group of what was thugs get way with using religion as an excuse for violence  is not acceptable.  It is so immature and only shows how childish religion is treated and used. How can a belief be used as an excuse for violence because a small group didn't like a cartoon or a video and the result is a fatwa or killing , its totally ridiculous  and childish and shows no sign of modernity but just gives people  justification to think they are a bunch of barbary uncivilized thugs.
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Third time’s the charm, as the saying goes. And Layla is counting on it. Layla is the third Vicktory dog (dogs seized from the property of NFL quarterback Michael Vick) at Best Friends to move in as an office dog at the Parrot Garden. She’s hoping her own happy ending will turn out as incredible as it did for the two before her....
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This is a political distraction one of many the GOP will use during the election season all trying to score brownie points and really not serving the people but merely serving their own interests. This was an effort to track down bulk ordered weapons bought in the US and shipped to Mexican drug cartels. The real issue is why are the NRA supporting bulk weapon sales that they know are going to drug cartels?  Well if you continue to follow this operation you'll fall down a murky hole of money and GOP politics.  Yes this operation which ended in a tragedy was to highlight American made and sold weapons were getting into the hands of gangs a drug cartels and effectively fueling the drug wars.  But this error which has put the spot light on the Justice Dept. is a smoke screen so we dont start asking questions about where the guns come from. The NRA bankroll many GOP candidates who are making huge sums of money from this war. This is the real stand off throw mud at the other issue so they are too busy looking at the real one.
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“Fox & Friends” finds both big ratings in the morning and dismay from Democrats.
If this ragged end of right wing news is the only place Romney will be interview I say forget about it.  Do not raise to their bait if they want to throw raw meat in the morning to a mangy right wing stalwarts let them.  The more you leave them to rant amongst themselves the more ridiculous they will appear.  Who care their viewers are never going to support or vote for Obama much less believe an opposing view.  Don't legitimize this show and Mitt Romney will look like he only wants to get interviewed by a Supermarket tabloid!
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I would like to know if the average American is dumb or just doesn't care.  This election is witnessing a massive deluge of money being spent by super rich individuals and often their super rich corporations.  Who cares you ask well they are drowning out the voice of the average working American.  Who cares? They care as you/we stand by they are buying their way even further to the White House and that means more pollution, more unemployment and a reduction further of of wages/benefits.  There is a coordinated effort by the richest of the rich to buy GOP candidates and to negatively overwhelm DEM candidates with so much money they cannot even be heard.  What makes this even worse local candidates are being pillared almost 100% with money from out of their own States.  And because of the new law its all invisible and could come from overseas!  This money is being targeted to local and State level politics as this get less attention and most people don't care what happens to people in other States.  As a result its changing the whole fabric of society for the working people.  Our rights are being eroded Unions have been demonized even though people enjoy weekends of and work benefits forgetting its was Unions that gave it to them.  The average wage is unlivable yet costs are going up everywhere some with no tangible reason other than greed like Tuition! If Americans don't stop and see how they have become so self centered and stop blaming other people like immigrants etc their standards of living will drop to the levels of what we used to call the Third World! Now this isn't an idol threat its actually happening now.  If you are one of the deluded Americans who is a working American who votes GOP because you think you will become rich well you're  an idiot and need to take your head out of your ass!  That dream is not a dream anymore but a delusion!
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A proposal by Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo would restrict the controversial process known as hydraulic fracturing primarily to a struggling area near the Pennsylvania border.
Now this is something you don't hear me say often!  I give up!  Yes, I have come to the realization that Fracking is here to stay and frankly there is nothing we can do about its future.  There is by far hundreds of millions of petrochemical money involved so stop this energy exploitation.
Now this doesn't mean give up on wear we drill and what we put into the ground!  That is the future question. That is where our energies must focus on. 
But more importantly we have to realize an endlessly stalled economy means this domestic energy will have a positive impact on which aggrieves  me to say we need. 
What we need now is a Presidential Energy Policy that recognizes the need for energy independence and the environment.  So we know this new energy is cleaner that coal but is by far not clean.  Its has serious pollution issues.  So if we are to dirty our world in the short term we have to use it for a cleaner one in the future.  Use the benefits of this resource to invest in the future of clean energy.  Liberals and environmentalists will support with restrictions the development of this energy if we are given assurances of a clean future.  They will understand using a dirty fuel to get to build a future clean one will be the price to pay.  But the left support is wary thats what happened in the 70's everyone forgot!  If Big Energy wants to keep their subsidies well they are going to have to use it on renewable energy development thats the deal!  You are never going to get them to give up the subsidies and politicians are paid for so at least we can give them what they want with restrictions and oversight  make mind boggling wealth keep the subsidies but provide us with a mix of energy that is mostly renewable and clean.  Thats the deal.  A realistic one as the political area will never be fair as the money in energy is huge and let be fair it's going to change soon.  As a liberal and an environmentalist I want to open up this question.  Short term pain for long term happiness. Can it happen?
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