sheadawson1758 · 2 years
Family is more than blood (Jay Halstead x female reader)
Content warnings:will be under each chapter as they will vary
Summary:when Antonio’s little sister comes back from the rangers,she becomes a detective at the 21st district and everyone quickly loves her and her dark humor,leaving things from the past coming back up while new friendships and relationships form,some old ones come rushing back.how will the life of Antonio’s little sister tagalong be now that she is back in Chicago for good?
Part 1: https://sheadawson1758.tumblr.com/post/686552285859446784/family-is-more-than-blood-jay-halstead-x-female
Part 2:
Part 3:
(More parts will come)
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sheadawson1758 · 2 years
Family is more than blood (Jay Halstead x female reader)
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Content warnings:adult themes,ptsd,violence,cussing,graphic content,NSFW (kinda),drugs,guns
Summery:When Antonio and Gabby’s baby sister gets back from her third tour,Voight loves her instantly and asks her to come work for him,though nobody ever expected the new detective would change their life forever.
Your brother Antonio asked for you to meet him on a scene the moment you got back into Chicago,it was nothing new that called just screamed how much Antonio missed you.You hadn’t even thought about it seeing them chase a suspect and hit him with the front of your car making him stop.Your window had been down,as you stuck your head out into the hot humid air.
“I’m sorry I’m not reliable for you being a dumbass,didn’t your mother teach you to look both ways before crossing the street,an also didn’t she reach you not to run away from cops” you sassed.
As you got out of your car being pulled into a hug by Antonio,while Voight asked him how he knew you trying to hide the fact he was chuckling.
“This is my sister shea,she just got back from a third tour in Afgani-“ Antonio was trying to tell him as he was cut off by Jay.
“Tagalong?” His voice was laced with surprise and confusion.Having thought for sure the tour was still in the middle having not known yet why you were home though it seemed like you didn’t wanna talk about it.
Antonio was filling you in on the case back at the district after Voight asked if you wanted to work for him and you agreed,you needed that order still in your life.After Antonio told you about the victims all being decapitated his head hit his desk while Jays hand covered your mouth as soon as those words left your mouth.
“So no head” you blurted out looking at the pictures a bit surprised when Jays hand covered your mouth,in a tempt to keep you quiet while others looked shocked Antonio and Jay were just thinking to themselves are you fucking serious.
“Well that’s just kinky if you ask me” Lindsey laughed looking over at Jays hand over your mouth as he slowly let go.
“How was that kinky?” You question her “his hand is not a drink” as the moment you said that Adam had laughed and Antonio hit him in the back of the head.
“You shut up” he pointed out while,he got up walking over to his desk.
“So tagalong you got a name” Adam was seeming to tease you while he got up from his desk as well while you glared at him,it gained the attention from Voight.
“Yeah I do,it’s Shea and if you ever call me Tagalong again I will happily break your arm,then your hand along with your fingers and feed them to you” you threaten him while Antonio tells you that’s enough and pushes you forwards to his desk.
“You sit and calm down,Adam you sit and shut the fuck up” Antonio raised his voice which nobody had seen him that protective sense someone kidnapped Diego and Eva.
“Alright settle down we already have another case,or can you guys not get along” Voight looked between Adam and you while you just gave him a thumbs up he chuckled pointed to Jay.
“Does all your ex ranger friends act like mouse.” Voight asked him while Shea got up smirking.
“Nope but the hot ones do” she teased watching Lindsey looked shocked with her mouth open nobody’s ever talked to Voight like that.
“Look let’s just get this going alright?“ Kim told everyone while putting a picture of the suspect on the board.
“So a really well known heroin supplier,huge drug slinger in the streets of Chicago,he’s a convicted criminal an he was recently released”. Kim finished while Jay came up beside her confusing Voight for a momment adding a picture.
“He was also tied to the murder of a teenage girl,when I worked in Chicago justice before coming here we found her bloody clothes in a dumpster,but no body tying him to the actual crime,this guy is the devil brought back to life”. Jay stated but watched you grab your coat tripping over your own feet basically face first and getting up like nothing had happened.
“Then let’s go get this guy off the streets”. While Antonio followed you to his car,voight shook his head trying not to laugh he knew for sure you would bring a comedy relief for them all on dark cases without a doubt.
Showing up to the bar that,Matthew Garret would be at Voight had you as look out,just atleast on the first case he had thought,but he wasn’t sure if he should of been concerned or upset hearing your next words radioed in.
“Dam hank,you did not tell me our suspect was hot” your voice didn’t have any emotion and was hard to read sense you were focused on watching the suspect with Lindsey.
“Excuse me” hank radioed back clear annoyance in his voice at that comment.
“Yeah,I mean Lindsey is a great detective don’t get me wrong but she’s going at it the wrong way and he’s catch on.I know your in charge here but you gonna pull her out if you wanna catch this guy” you had hesitated for a moment. “Send me in”.
“Oh hell no” Jay radioed back while Voight got out and got in Antonio’s back seat talking to you before you went in but not before telling you to take off your dog tags before you went in and held his hand out to hold on to them until then.
“Yeah no” you sassed back getting out and putting your hair down. “That isn’t gonna happen and you ever try to ask me that again,or hold your hand out expecting me to hand you them and ill make sure you won’t ever be able to use your hand again and I may break your legs” you half threatened having already started to see Voight as a father figure how he treated you the moment he met you.
Voight was surprised at how well you were undercover,Matthew seeing more comfortable around you then he had at all with Lindsey who was now outside with Voight asking why he changed who was in there with Garret at the last possible second but he had told her to hush while listening in.
“So what’s a beautiful girl like you wanting to get in the drug business for” the smirk in his voice made Jay wanna throw up.
“Oh trust me,not get into I am way to far into it but I did hear you have china white and I have many clients wanting that,so how about fourty/sixty” you put on a pretty convincing flirty tone which made him smirk.
“Yeah I think we could work with something like that,how about you meet me later,at our storage place” he reached across the table grabbing your hand,his hand was warm and rough.
“I don’t see why not” you flirted getting up walking out to the others while it left him in confusion.
“How did you make him like you that quickly”. Lindsey asked you while everyone was on their way back to the district.
“It’s called I met along of men like that in Afghanistan from the other side,you don’t push and you play it calm and cool like you don’t care how the deal turns out”. You tell her while you pull your coat on as everyone is walking back upstairs and sitting down at their desks.few hours going by before you got a text of coordinates.
“Really what moron uses coordinates anymore these days” you said surprised while Antonio laughed.
“Me and other older people who are not as well known into the new day and age of technology like you and mouse are.” Antonio half jokingly teased.
“Look this ain’t gonna go right if he sees everyone,so let me go ahead and wait like fifteen minutes out” you explain to them while Voight shakes his head.
“No that place is surrounded with cameras we will have to be farther out but we have a tracker on you so we don’t be far behind and we will hear everything you do.” Voight explains.
You knew Voight was right the moment you walked up the the unit,they had cameras everywhere and everyone had guns expect for Garret.
“Well our little partner showed up” he came close to you while the team was able to hear and see everything though you didn’t wanna take off your tags still,voight had you put on another necklace with a camera in it.
Jay threw up in his mouth in disgust watching Garret lift up on to the tags around your neck with a finger.
“Shea Dawson hm” Garret smirked and Jay couldn’t help but wanna go in there and take his head off watching your hand fall on his chest and head the smirk in your voice.
“Don’t wear it out trust me,it’s much better be called out in the bedroom” you half teased.
But that comment,that one took the cake and angered Jay more then anything.He had always been in love with his best friend,his little tagalong who went everywhere with him and mouse in Afghanistan making jokes and making everything seem better then it had ever actually been.
“Oh I bet it does” Garret smirked walking back to a bag opening it.”let’s see the money” Garret stated while tossing the drugs on the hood of your car.
The second you turnt your back he hit you over the head with something and you couldn’t realize anything to what happened next and woke up to compete dark,but you heard tires you knew you were in the trunk of a car,but you didn’t have your radio anymore but you did have the camera in the necklace hank gave you right above your dog tags,so they could see what you see.
When they got to you,Jay and Antonio were panicked asking if you were okay over and over being so overly sweet though voight smacked them both over the back of the head.
“Do you need to go to med kid” voight asked helping you out if the trunk all the way.
“No I’m fine,my ego is hurt but I’m fine” you fake smile rubbing the back of your head while Jay came behind you looking to see if your head was bleeding though it hadn’t been,it was enough to knock you out.
The moment had passed the second one of Matthew Garett’s guy came from the unit and pressed a gun to the back of Voight’s head leaving everyone pointing their gun at the new suspect.
Voight couldn’t help though to smile at the new girl he saw as his daughter when she gasped and sarcastically full of sass spoke.
“Oh no he didn’t” you gasped covering your mouth as if you were praying in a way.”this bitch is dead as fuck thinking this is a smart plan.”
Jay had put his gun to the back of the suspects head which made him lower his gun and arrested him,everyone heading to Molly’s after work and Voight asking Shea why she doesn’t feel right taking her tags off,though Jay and Mouse both had when they got back.
“I guess in a way it’s to keep the memory of everyone who didn’t make it and didn’t get to come back home to everyone they loved alive but it’s also because of grief I suppose they gave everything while I wasn’t able to because they pulled me out thinking I couldn’t handle my job over being injured in the field and then thinking I have ptsd” you opened up completely that night to Voight and the rest of the team,your new family.
“But I guess Antonio helped me out in a way when I came back,because I was looking for a family again,and a home-and you guys gave me that and that’s something else I will always care with me no matter where any of this all takes me.This kind of family may not be blood,but it doesn’t make it any less of a family.” You tell them while you faintly smile seeing everyone else smile and even Lindsey finally give in and smile back to you.
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