shesashesalady · 10 months
Aziraphale was about to confess too before Metatron and his coffee came into the bookshop;
Okay, hear me out. In 2x02, when they’re talking about “how people fall in love”, Crowley talks about sudden rainstorms,
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which is an obvious reference to how he fell in love, about 6000 years earlier (poor demon thinks everyone falls in love the way he did)
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Aziraphale doesn’t get it and answers “seems a bit unlikely”. He didn’t connect the dots, he doesn’t think Crowley loves him that way. All he knows about falling in love is what he read in books. Of course he fell in love with Crowley too, but I’m pretty sure he did in ‘41 when Crowley saved his books from a bomb, and that’s a bit hard to recreate, so… balls.
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That’s his idea, you make two people dance together and they magically fall in love, which is so in-character I want to scream. Now let’s get to 2x05. We know Aziraphale always tried to avoid organizing those meetings, but he’s suddenly so excited about it he is WILLING TO GIVE AWAY HIS BOOKS. Why would he do something like that? There’s no way it’s actually to make Maggie and Nina fall in love. At that point, Muriel doesn’t even care anymore about it, they all know the truth about the miracle is about to be revealed, so there’s no point in being so persistent about Maggie and Nina’s relationship. He’s an angel; of course he cares about humans being happy, but I don’t think he cares so much about two semi-strangers’ love life that he’s willing to give away BOOKS for the off chance that the Jane Austen method will actually work on two humans he knows nothing about. So, my conclusion is, he’s organizing that night for him and Crowley. They are the ones that he hopes realize they’re deeply in love with each other, and that is something worth giving away books for. Which explains why he’s so excited but also a bit scared when he asks Crowley to dance with him.
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It explains why he ignores the fact that Crowley is trying to tell him that something important and dangerous is about to happen, just so they can have a little dance. It also explains this reaction when he sees Gabriel and Beelzebub being in love with each other
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and the way he looks at Crowley while they’re talking about them.
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I mean, I know he always stares lovingly at him, but not like that, right? That’s a face that screams “I’m so going to tell you I love you when all this is over”.
So, my point is:
Fuck Metatron.
That’s my point.
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shesashesalady · 11 months
Why I love the Good Omens 2 ending
Alright, this is going to be a very unpopular opinion at the moment (or maybe it won’t, I don’t know), but I thought the ending to GO2 was perfect and I loved it.
My favourite part being, Crowley finally putting his foot down and telling Aziraphale no.
We’ve seen him disagree with Aziraphale a million times: holy water fight, bandstand, soho street quarrel, you get it. But without fail, every single time, Crowley has been the one to chase his angel and apologise. When they fight they dont talk and without Aziraphale there is no point to anything: see post bookshop fire pub breakdown.
Does this mean Crowley was always in the wrong? No. Not even close.
But they exist together, one intrinsically good, the other supposedly bad. That is their dynamic, has been for 6000 years. Aziraphale is always right (he isn’t) and therefore Crowley must always be wrong. 
So, what do I love about this scene? Yes, its gut wrenching, I was an absolute wreck while watching it. But I love it.
Crowley is right, Aziraphale doesn’t seem to understand exactly what he is offering, but Aziraphale has good intentions and is clearly devastated that Crowley doesn’t seem to get it. That isn’t enough though.
Aziraphale has taken Crowley’s loyalty for granted (not on purpose, obviously), but again that dynamic is highlighted: ‘I am an angel, you are a demon.’ In this scene even, it becomes clear that to some degree Aziraphale still associates Crowley with Hell: ‘You’re the bad guys.’
On top of that, Aziraphale is asking Crowley to change a fundamental part of himself. Crowley is a demon, the being that has come to know and love Aziraphale, he is a demon. From Crowley’s point of view, Aziraphale is asking him to turn a blind eye to everything he’s had to learn after being cast out, become again, part of what they both (as a group of the two of them) fought so hard to be free of.  
Crowley has always loved Aziraphale because Aziraphale saw through Heaven, knew deep down that drowning the entire population and justifying it by calling it ineffable was really fucking weird. He loves Aziraphale because his angel loves books and food, has his own thoughts, is funny and a bastard.
Aziraphale wants them to leave Earth together, but Earth is what made Aziraphale and Crowley who they are, defined how they exist and interact together.
To Crowley, Aziraphale going back to Heaven is like going back to square one.
So, he tells him no, and means it, punctuating his answer with an emotional (and very rough) kiss that really seemed to be saying ‘this is what you’re choosing to leave behind.’
If Aziraphale chose Heaven over him again, Crowley was not going to make it easy.
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shesashesalady · 11 months
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In another life, I would have really liked just doing laundry and taxes with you.
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shesashesalady · 11 months
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Zelda Fitzgerald, from a letter to Francis Scott Fitzgerald, April 15th 1919
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shesashesalady · 1 year
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shesashesalady · 1 year
“I’m like, ‘Okay, she’s a doll. She’s a plastic doll. She doesn’t have organs. If she doesn’t have organs, she doesn’t have reproductive organs. If she doesn’t have reproductive organs, would she even feel sexual desire?’ No, I don’t think she could,” Robbie said. “She is sexualized. But she should never be sexy. People can project sex onto her. Yes, she can wear a short skirt, but because it’s fun and pink. Not because she wanted you to see her butt.”
Margot Robbie said Ace Barbie Rights with her whole chest.
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shesashesalady · 1 year
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shesashesalady · 1 year
he’s just “some guy” to you, to me he’s a middle aged man that i have an unhealthy obsession with
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shesashesalady · 1 year
my five year plan? read a lot of books. visit museums. walk through woods. stand in a river. adopt a little kitty. drink lemonade while sitting in a rocking chair on my porch.
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shesashesalady · 1 year
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The council will decide your fate now 🐰✨
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shesashesalady · 1 year
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— Carol Rifka Brunt in Tell The Wolves I'm Home
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shesashesalady · 1 year
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for @rojaswarren What do you think the song's about? What do I think the song is about? What do I think the song that I wrote is about?
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shesashesalady · 1 year
the hate show eddie gets when he's completely justified in his anger towards billy will always be something i will never understand. his opinions, ideas, comments, views being treated as irrelevant & unimportant for years, being forced to move to bass (dare i mention that the only reason he agreed in the first place was out of his genuine desire to appease billy), having his parts literally re-recorded by billy without his knowledge or consent, not even being allowed to write said parts, his only moment to shine during the pittsburgh concert and make his grandmother proud being stolen by billy are all very understandable reasons for his deep-rooted resentment. in a cruel twist of fate watching the love of his life, who happens to be billy's wife and mother of his children, choose her marriage with billy, who eddie deems an unworthy husband and father, over him, reiterates and confirms his deepest fear - that compared to billy, he will always be the second choice. never seen, never heard, never appreciated.
the worst part is that i really don't think eddie truly hates billy the way we're led to believe. all he's ever wanted is the approval and praise of a man who couldn't care less about giving it. when billy does give him that approval at the chicago concert, albeit forced and wholly ungenuine, eddie is quick to tell him "i love you, brother", and while we inwardly cringe at his inability to read the room, it's completely logical that he can't. eddie reacts instinctively, rushing to thank billy for the praise he's been craving all his life. the fact that he has a black eye due to billy himself, who had punched him just an hour or two ago, the fact that any shred of true camaraderie and friendship that might have existed between them is completely and utterly ruined because of eddie's one-night affair with camilla doesn't occur to eddie. in that brief moment before billy brings him back to reality with a few hard-hitting words whispered in his ear, his biggest dream has come true.
of course, this isn't meant to excuse some of the things eddie has said or done. he's very flawed, as the writing is very quick to point out, and the magnitide of his flaws and wrongdoings is amplified through his bitterness and jealousy, which ultimately influences his decision to leave the band. but as a final nail in the coffin, as if eddie hasn't gone through enough already, the show, led by its surprising pro-daisybilly agenda, decides to punish eddie in a move that can only be described as "every tongue that rises against billy dunne shall fall" and strips him of his original book ending, in which he becomes a successful record producer. instead, he is given by far the most unsatisfying and saddest ending of all the band members. graham, while no longer working in the music field, gets what he wants most - a happy family. daisy and warren continue their careers and collaborate together, even having children of their own. karen becomes the frontwoman of a punk band. billy gets to enjoy a long, happy marriage with camilla, and goes on to pursue a renewed relationship with his second love daisy, aided by his late wife's blessing. eddie, on the other hand, hopelessly tries to replicate, or at least re-live, the six's success through mediocre bands, but to no avail. locked in his bubble of shame, he doesn't attend the funeral of the only woman he has ever loved, in fear that his presence there is unwanted. it's as pathetic as it is tragic.
he looks at julia dunne, a carbon copy of her mother, and talks, talks, talks to the camera, hoping that it will give him closure. it doesn't. nothing ever will.
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shesashesalady · 1 year
i do believe Todd's love language includes physical touch but he had a weird relationship with it when he first met the poets. like, all his childhood, he saw Jeff being covered in hugs and kissed whenever he'd come back with a really good grade or be 1st in whatever competition he was in. so without really paying attention, their parents created a weird dynamic where Todd thought that physical affection was something you needed to earn, to deserve. and like, he doesn't even realise it, it's just what he saw his whole childhood, so it's how it works in his brain
obviously, when he was a little kid he was so excited to bring home brilliant grades and medals and trophies too, so he'd get plenty of hugs and kisses from their parents, too. but it never came :( his grades or any other achievements were never good enough, he'd only get a "that's great, Todd. now go tidy it up, would you ?" and an occasional shoulder tap
so, imagine the surprise when he would get hugs from the poets without doing anything special ?? when Charlie would randomly affectionately ruffle his hair or kiss the top of his head, when Meeks or Pitts would gentky squeeze his shoulder out of the blue, when Knox would wrap his arm around his shoulder when they were just walking and talking ? when Neil would hold his hand everywhere and cover him with cuddles and kisses when they were laying in their dorm ? (he didn't expected much from Cameron but he'd get a genuine shoulder tap from time to time). he wasn't entirely comfortable with it at first because he felt guilt, like he didn't deserved it, but that went away real fast and he fully embraced physical affection surrounded with people who love him <3
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shesashesalady · 1 year
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shesashesalady · 1 year
I just rewatched Dead Poets Society for the first time in a while and it made me ✨ FEEL THINGS ✨ and now I’m sad so here’s some happy headcanons:
The movie ends with the play obviously
After they graduate, the DPS continues to get together as much as they can even as some travel a lot or move away
Neil and Todd are “roommates” and the others visit them frequently, staying overnight from their travels
They have DPS meetings on Fridays no matter how many are there
They mail copies of the poems to the ones who couldn’t make it
They even tracked down Mr. Keating and mail him copies of all their poems (he treasures every single one ❤️)
Todd and Neil write most of their poems about each other, they won’t admit it, but everyone knows
When they’re a few decades older Neil and Todd finally realize and confess their feelings. They tell Mr. Keating first a few months before he died and he’s proud as can be
Then they tell the rest of the Dead Poets and they’re all like “I KNEW IT! TOOK YOU IDIOTS LONG ENOUGH!”
When gay marriage is finally legalized all the Dead Poets are in their 80s or 90s but none of them care
Neil and Todd get married obviously
They don’t care about a ceremony, just wanting the other Dead Poets there while they sign the papers
They do write vows for each other in poetry form though and it’s BEAUTIFUL
The others are all screaming and crying their support ❤️
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shesashesalady · 1 year
the dead poets fandom in percentages
60% - really hilarious, relatable memes that totally apply to the characters. super cute anderperry content and other ships. LOVE
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