shininginyourlight · 22 hours
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shininginyourlight · 3 days
"Woo, Ichiban!!"
He'd fumbled through a bit of his song. Honestly, Ichiban was a little on the drunk side, so he really didn't give a damn in the first place. Even if he had, though, his friends' support meant everything to him. He wasn't one to get all that embarrassed when it came to doing karaoke, but he knew they'd be able to help pull him out of that if he did.
Putting the mic back in its stand, he'd hop off the small platform where they all got to sing.
Heading back to his seat, Ichiban was quick to plop himself back down and pick up his mug of beer.
After a few moments and no one had gone up to the stage after him, Ichiban began to look around the room. Who hadn't gone? Saeko, Nanba, Adachi... They'd all gone. Seonhee had gone, hadn't she? Seemed like it was just down to Zhao and Joon-gi.
"Heyyyy, you two not up t'sing tonight?" Ichiban prompted, looking directly over toward where Zhao was sitting, and then toward where Joon-gi was sat near Seonhee.
"...Not tonight perhaps," The silver haired assassin responded first.
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shininginyourlight · 4 days
TOMBSTONE ( 1993 ), DIR. GEORGE P. COSMATOS change pronouns as needed. author's note: this meme is reposted, as i deleted my original meme blog it was on.
looks like we win.
tell him to get on his knees.
good shot, ______.
you go to hell! 
hurts, don’t it?
i did my duty, and now i’d like to get on with my life.
i already got a guilty conscience, might as well have the money too.
you’re so lovely, darlin’.
i’m at your feet, just at your feet.
what an ugly thing to say.
does this mean we’re not friends anymore?
touch that gun, i’ll burn you down.
don’t even carry a gun anymore.
i swear i’m gonna slap someone now.
is somethin’ on your mind?
just want to let you know you’re sitting in my chair.
well, i’m real scared.
you gonna do somethin’, or just stand there and bleed?
have you seen how everybody dresses?
happy hunting.
they’re shooting at us! they’re actually shooting at us.
prettiest man i ever saw.
i could stay awhile.
maybe you should see a doctor.
you look beautiful tonight.
drinks are on me! 
you’d die for fun?
oh, i’m always happy, unless i’m bored.
what’s your idea of heaven?
i wanna move and go places and never look back.
i’m rotten.
i’ve tried to be good, it’s just so boring.
i don’t have time to be proper. i wanna live.
do you see what’s going on in the street?
somebody’s gotta do something.
can’t have a murder without a witness.
aw, hell, who cares?
don’t do this to me! 
just did like i figured you would.
i’ve not yet begun to defile myself.
i will not be pawed at, thank you very much.
that’s my loving man.
how ‘bout if i just wring your scrawny neck?
your condition’s quite advanced.
get out of my sight.
how are you feeling, ____?
what’re you doing out of bed, _____?
that is a hell of a thing for you to say to me.
it’s nothin’ like i thought.
do you see what’s happening here?
you had to be so damned smart.
they got me good.
smells like someone died.
please don’t kill me, please.
you tell ‘em i’m coming, and hell’s coming with me!
they tried to take my watch.
you’re all ugly.
we gotta find a place to hole up.
i forgave you the moment you said it.
burn ‘em all.
i ain’t got the words.
i didn’t think you had it in you.
you look like somebody just walked over your grave.
my hypocrisy only goes so far.
i’m dying, how are you?
i was in love once.
there’s no normal life. there’s just life.
i’ll be damned.
i have nothing left.
what shall we do first?
may i have this dance?
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shininginyourlight · 4 days
THIS IS . . . LAUFEY. ft. lyrics from the artist's "this is" playlist on spotify.
it always goes like this.
i'm so naive to think you loved me for me.
guess you're still growing up.
were you surprised by me when you took me home?
i can't even tell who you want to know.
you must have felt so damn deceived when you made up a version of me that you thought you'd love.
i am not your aphrodite.
you took me for a fool.
you stole my youth.
i'm not your fucking goddess.
don't you dare look at me that way.
she's so perfect.
i loved you from the start.
what's a girl to do?
this can't be right.
i've never had a shoulder to cry on.
everybody's falling in love and i'm falling behind.
all i've had is coffee and leftover pie.
i should stop.
one day, i will stop falling in love with you.
i'm just trying to understand what i am to you.
i don't mean to cry.
no matter how long i resist temptation, i will always lose.
i've done the math.
there's no solution.
we'll never last.
it's kind of weird.
can i say that?
i'm scared of flies.
i'm scared of guys.
i wish you love.
i set you free.
i'm reclaiming what's mine.
this city is way too small.
i'm taking back my life.
it's like a game of monopoly.
i wish that you were here right now.
what have you done to me?
i'll just sleep until i fall dead.
i've lost all sensibility.
i'm shaking.
i want to run away with you.
i'd like to sleep in till two on a sunday.
maybe i'm just old fashioned.
i want a love like i've seen in the movies.
i hate you when you're talking.
i love you so much that i settled for less.
you were my everything.
honestly, life has been much better since i spoke to you last.
it's come to my attention that i don't show enough of what i think.
it's only when i drink, i open up.
i'm sorry i made fun of it.
it's not your fault it looks like shit.
you're my best friend in the world.
some things never change.
a universe without you would be thoroughly mundane.
i've made my rounds.
i'm giving up.
i wish it would slow down.
prettiest girl that i know.
how can i compete with her?
i can be a little much.
i don't want to go to sleep yet.
i don't know where to look.
i know i sound stupid, i do.
that's what love will do to you.
he looked so serious.
do you like museums?
at one point, i just stopped listening.
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shininginyourlight · 12 days
training turned tension starters
Or more specifically, “two characters who have been sparring or in combat training together and almost kiss at the end of their practice fight��. As requested ! Feel free to make any changes.
“Is that the best you can do?”
“I won’t go easy on you.” / “I’ll go easy on you.” / “Quit going easy on me.”
“Hit me with your best shot.”
“You need to do better if you want to meet your goal.”
“I’ve been wanting to kick your ass all week.”
“Is this necessary?”
“Try again.”
“You’re pissing me off.” / “If you’re mad, why don’t you use your anger? Beat me at least once.”
“Here, let me show you how.”
“Woah! [falls on top of __]” 
“Nice moves.”
“[pins __ to floor]” / “[pins __ to wall]”
“You’re…really close right now.”
“G–get off of me.”
“You’re heavy.” / “You’re crushing me.”
“Sorry–are you okay?”
“You’re really red right now.”
“…Do we always end up on top of each other?”
“Are you still panting?”
“I told you, it was an accident.”
“…Why don’t you just kiss me?”
“I’ll consider kissing you if you can beat me.”
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shininginyourlight · 12 days
Quotes taken from Team Starkid’s Black Friday :
❝ Don’t be scared. ❞
❝ You were all that I wanted. ❞
❝ There were riots over those things, literally, riots. ❞
❝ It’s just mania, like a spell. ❞
❝ You can get off your soapbox. ❞
❝ I’m done fucking things up, I just need this to work, okay? ❞
❝ Everything’s going to be okay, okay? ❞
❝ I do not get flashbacks, I remember bad things vividly. ❞
❝ I thought we were all gonna be here together. ❞
❝ This kid deserves to have one fucking thing that he asked for. ❞
❝ All I need is a break from the madness. ❞
❝ You still light up a room. ❞
❝ There’s no end to how much I love you. ❞
❝ All I need is a smile. ❞
❝ How does it feel to be a role model? ❞
❝ School’s supposed to prepare you for the workplace, and I have a job or is this a waste of my endless potential? ❞
❝ If I don’t support my drinking habit, who will? ❞
❝ You know, you got a real attitude problem. ❞
❝ Don’t you fucking laugh. ❞
❝ I’ve had practice selling hope. ❞
❝ I’d say you did your best, but I’m not a liar. ❞
❝ Don’t write, don’t call, don’t ask. ❞
❝ That’s called a bribe, and it’s illegal. Or it should be. ❞
❝ Oh shut up, I hope you fucking die. ❞
❝ You don’t see me pushing my problems onto everybody else. ❞
❝ Well, they knew what was happening, they just didn’t care. ❞
❝ And that’s why you disgust me. Not because you are naive, but because you are weak. ❞
❝ You see a deal, I see a meal. ❞
❝ We’re not liable for anyone who dies. ❞
❝ I hope you have your finances in order. ❞
❝  You never should settle for the lifetime that is handed to you. ❞
❝ If you should find that you’re about to get the short end of the stick: Take what you want, return what you get. ❞
❝ Do you have a death wish? ❞
❝ It’s something I can’t resist. ❞
❝ A principle I plan to die for. ❞
❝ Feast or famine. ❞
❝ This is not the type of place where you can haggle. ❞
❝ You don’t gotta cry so much no more. ❞
❝ I’m not frightened, I’m annoyed. ❞
❝  Oh, I don’t know if you wanna fuck with me. ❞
❝ And this town, oh, sure is a special place, you understand? And you, little ____, are the most special person in it. ❞
❝ We all know that love is highly overrated. It’s a two-way street, you gotta give a little up yourself. But why should you give when you can get? ❞
❝ We beat the the Nazis and Communists, and now people are cannibalising each other over some fucking weird little monster? ❞
❝ Take one step closer and I’ll rip your fucking throat out with my teeth! ❞
❝ It’s my fault she’s dead. ❞
❝ You say you killed your family? I hope I killed mine. ❞
❝ You’ve got to forgive yourself ‘cause if you don’t, how’s anyone ever gonna forgive me? ❞
❝ You and I were meant to  be something more than a faded memory. ❞
❝ The light has left your eyes. ❞
❝ There’s an alternate reality where it’s only you and me. ❞
❝ Feel my heart and mend what’s broken. ❞
❝ I’ll never let you go. ❞
❝ You wanna send me to the Twilight Zone to have a sit-down with the devil? ❞
❝ We are trying to stop the birth of a god. ❞
❝ Yes, I am the divine prophet. I have gazed in to the face of God. He has chosen me to usher in his reign and give him life. ❞
❝ I’ve met God, he had nothing nice to say about you. ❞
❝ She has the lying tongue of a snake! ❞
❝ You will adore me. ❞
❝ I demand your love and worship too. If I don’t get it, I will end you. ❞
❝ I will destroy everything in my path. ❞
❝ You’ll kneel before me. ❞
❝ Never forgive or forget. ❞
❝ Do you want to play with me? ❞
❝ The prophet shall bathe in the blood of the unfaithful! ❞
❝ The people have been abandoned by everything. ❞
❝ And now you come into my house, to make demands of me? ❞
❝ You thought that you could outsmart the very thing that runs through the blood of your kind. Sick with greed and a lust, for that you will give up your will and your pride. ❞
❝ Your minions may do me no harm for I cut through them with a blade of truth. ❞
❝ Return is no longer an option for me. ❞
❝ Take me to the ponies and I’ll murder you later. ❞
❝ Only my ashes will see the sea. ❞
❝ Friday is black for me. ❞
❝ I can show you the path, but only you can walk it. ❞
�� Wake the warrior, kill the prophet, save the world. ❞
❝ If I fail you one more time, the punishment won’t match the crime. ❞
❝ I failed you once, and I will fail again. ❞
❝ She’d poke at each of my wounds to see what I’d say. ❞
❝ You’re not that cute, are you? In fact, you’re real fuckin’ ugly. ❞
❝ No one wants to talk to you. ❞
❝ The only man that’ll have her now is Jack Daniels. ❞
❝ My God awaits. ❞
❝ The earth is looking’ good and ripe. ❞
❝ You think you can stop the birth of a god? ❞
❝ You have two choices, abandon your god or burn here with him. ❞
❝ I feel like if we can survive today, we can survive anything. ❞
❝ Tomorrow will come. ❞
❝ Tomorrow won’t come. ❞
❝ What if tomorrow comes to break the dawn and take the night away? ❞
❝ What if tomorrow comes to break the dawn and there’s no one to stay? ❞
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shininginyourlight · 13 days
"I... appreciate you all being here," Kiryu offered quietly. He felt a warmth within him, to have so many people he cared about there. It'd been a long time since he'd felt a similar level of ease, even with the lingering possibility of conflict due to some of the parties within the room clashing. Everyone had been doing well so far, so he could only hope it would keep up with the new arrivals.
Daigo nodded his head carefully. He did seem a bit out of his element. He wasn't sure he should hold himself like he used to have to all the time for the sake of the Tojo Clan, or if he could just be himself. He hadn't really been able to be himself around anyone but Majima and Saejima in years.
"We're appreciative of your invitation, Kiryu-san. I apologize. We should've called ahead of time, to not conflict with you entertaining other guests."
Kiryu shook his head.
"You're welcome here. I wanted you here. That's all that matters." Haruka probably would have her own argument there, but also she knew well that Kiryu was too stubborn. Too stubborn about masking up. Too stubborn about turning away visitors. Haruka was relieved enough that he'd relented on having visitors wash their hands. Kiryu just didn't want this to turn into an overtly depressing visit because of all the precautions they had to take.
Fuck it, he didn't care. He just wanted to enjoy his time.
Kiryu's gaze fell to Majima. He nodded toward him with a warm acknowledgment. Soon, though, he'd look to the rest of the room.
"Excuse me. This is Majima Goro, Dojima Daigo, and Saejima Taiga. Old friends." The trio would receive polite nods their way, while Kiryu made his way through with making it clear who everyone is. Izumi and Shiro were pointed out as Kiryu's daughter and son, the newer orphans were introduced by name. Then there was Yuta, said to be Kiryu's son-in-law. Lastly, there was the boy sat beside Kiryu.
"And this is Haruto, my grandson." Kiryu's large hand was placed on the young boy's shoulder. He'd still been peering up at Majima, but with the familiar touch, Haruto urged himself to stop staring. Likely told before how it wasn't polite.
"There," Kiryu breathed. "Hopefully that's the last for today. I don't think anyone wants to hear me do that again."
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the room to what they entered was crammed to the neck of people. some kids that must have been new orphans that haruka took abroad, carrying on one of kiryu's many legacies ; there was also quite a few adults, some that looked like they were there more to help out, and others that looked like visitors ... just like themselves.
glancing around the room in search of kiryu, majima found a familiar couple first, ichiban & zhao. ichiban wasn't the kind of character that majima would want to hang around with, but zhao on the other hand, he could see himself and the other being able to be friends easily ; though, he was still kind of annoyed zhao decided to intertwine with his fight with kiryu. ichiban was way too loud for majima to deal with most of the time, & that was saying something considering he wasn't the quiet type himself.
eye searching still, he finally found kiryu, sitting amidst everyone, though no one was getting in his way too much, allowing the dragon some much needed rest. majima wasn't sure who the kid was sitting next to him, but he could see some resemblance in the boy to how haruka looked when she was that age, maybe that was haruka's child, majima did hear something like that.
that meant kiryu was a grandad technically ... despite being the oldest here, majima definitely felt like he missed out on so much in life ... he always wanted a child, he didn't care what gender as either way, he'll shown them the ropes of a yakuza, & even if they didn't want to be a yakuza ? so long as they didn't want to be any copper, majima would have supported them fully in whatever they wanted to do.
sucks a bitch had to go and ruin that for him.
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❝ kiryu-chan ! ❞
it was out of his mouth before he could stop it, just as haruka made mention that there was a little bit of room left, he could feel the stares across the room, it felt like a standstill ... oh yea ... no one here was used to how obsessed he could be over kiryu. he hadn't even took in kiryu's appearance fully, whilst he looked like he built some weight back, there were other factors of his treatment that had taken its toll upon him ... his hair which was so full before, looked like it was declining, that he was losing it all.
majima didn't know if kiryu cared much about his hair, or genuine appearance, but considering he styled it consistently over the years, only allowing it to sit in its natural state of late, majima imagined kiryu took pride in his hair at least, which means this whole process must have been even harder for him when he started to lose it. as much as majima doesn't like his hair long, he's still very particular over his as well, he couldn't imagine losing it all again, recalling to when they gave him a full buzzcut in prison.
❝ oh ... yea, right. ❞
cutting the silence, majima went over and took a seat cross from kiryu whilst daigo, & saejima went to sit nearby ichiban & zhao as the space around kiryu was pretty limited as it was. majima stared intently at kiryu, noticing the boy next to kiryu was looking at him with the utmost curiosity in his eyes.
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shininginyourlight · 19 days
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@rotinthedark sent: Look, I'm okay! I've pulled all nighters before. (sterling) lack of sleep starters | accepting
Uh-huh. Sterling couldn't help but grin slightly to himself, carefully observing Seb.
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"Can't blame a guy for lookin' out, man. You're just looking a little rough there." Not like he could talk much. He wasn't doing too hot himself, but really was anyone under 30 in this town doing well mentally? Probably not.
It didn't help that Sterling was pretty sure Sebastian didn't like him much. Fair enough, he guessed. He still wasn't just gonna ignore the guy if he was looking like he was on the edge of crashing and burning. Now that feeling he knew too well.
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shininginyourlight · 20 days
PROMPTS FOR SUSPICIOUS CIRCUMSTANCES *  assorted dialogue for eerie situations, adjust as necessary 👻
where have you been? i've been looking all over for you.
where did you find that?
that wasn't here before.
that's it! i'm leaving!
i came back for you.
do you do this often?
if you didn't do it, who did?
i think we're being watched.
did that painting just move?
the locals say this place is haunted.
follow me, and stay quiet.
we need to get to the bottom of this.
something weird is going on.
i don't like the look of this.
this is the last time i listen to you.
i think you should see this.
there's no service in here.
where did it go? it was right here five seconds ago.
did you hear that?
this place is cursed.
they say someone died in here.
i'm not staying here another second.
do you smell something?
get in here! now!
we're supposed to be the only ones here.
those were footsteps.
someone else is here.
last one out's a rotten egg!
who made that noise?
i don't believe in that stuff.
the light's not working.
my battery is dead.
we should split up.
it's too late!
you came back for me?
is that blood?
no way. i'm not doing this alone.
we need to stick together.
hello? is anyone here?
i'm getting out of here!
the locals don't like this place.
looks like we're stuck here for the night.
that place looks creepy.
i don't like the look of this place.
who made that noise?
i don't believe in ghosts.
i'm getting the hell away from this place.
do you get the feeling we're being watched?
that's impossible.
i'm not going into the creepy basement alone.
what is wrong with you?
hurry! get inside!
there's no such thing as coincidences.
i'm not going first. you go.
any volunteers?
not sure we're supposed to be here.
come on! it'll be fun!
remind me never to come with you.
the door's locked! we're trapped!
hide! in here!
no way. i'll stay right here.
you keep watch.
i can't take another second of this.
are you thinking what i'm thinking?
when did this happen?
it's getting dark. we should camp here for the night.
i've heard stories about this place.
i'm not sticking around to find out.
this is bad. this is very bad.
i thought i lost you!
we need to put an end to this.
do you believe in ghosts?
we shouldn't have come here.
let's try the back door!
oh great. a creepy basement.
you go first.
this was your idea.
i don't want to die!
don't be such a scaredy cat.
where does this door lead?
come out, come out, wherever you are!
how did i let you drag me into this?
remind me never to come back.
that was quick thinking.
so that's it?
nothing's going to happen! trust me!
i can't believe you talked me into this.
you owe me big time.
they told me to stay away.
this isn't what i signed up for.
you never told me this would happen.
trust me. i'll get us out.
i think we're stuck.
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shininginyourlight · 20 days
Lack of Sleep Starters!
pronouns and context can be changed as you see fit.
When was the last time you actually got some rest?
Alright, that's it. You're going to bed, and I'm not taking no for an answer.
Look at you! You're spilling coffee.
You have bags, and I'm not talking about the Gucci kind.
Jesus, have you been awake the entire night?
It's 4am. You need sleep.
You're safe here. You can rest now.
I promise, I'm fine. I just look tired a lot, thanks to... the tiredness.
Look, I'm okay! I've pulled all nighters before.
This isn't the first time I've gone without sleep.
I'll carry you to bed if I have to.
Do I need to baby you?
Huh? What? I'm awake, I swear!
You just ran into the wall. It's time to lie down.
Go. To. Bed. That's an order.
I made a nest for you. You can sleep in that, if you want.
Can I get an extra pillow / blanket?
Want me to tuck you in, too?
I'll check in on you in an hour. You'd better not have moved.
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shininginyourlight · 1 month
If there was a time for a scolding, it definitely wouldn't be now.
Instead, Daigo had been the first to make a move toward the door that led into the sitting room. Sliding it open, the extent of how full it was would be revealed.
Haruka had returned to the room to stand by her husband, Yuta. There were at least 4 children, all relatively unknown to Daigo and Saejima. A couple of them looked to be trying to be polite and sit around the table, while the other two were sat by two of their other guests that sat closer to the wall. Those two were ones Daigo and Saejima did recognize: Kasuga Ichiban and Zhao Tianyou. Another pair looking to visit with Kiryu, apparently.
To top it all off was a couple more adults, that being the previously met Izumi and a young man with glasses. Finally, there sat Kiryu at the left side of the room. He looked worse than the last time Daigo and Saejima had seen him, but a little better than the last time Majima had visit him. He'd gained a bit of weight back since that last time, but his hair appeared thinner than before.
Kiryu sat with his back against the wall, looking as though he was moments away from falling asleep. Catching sight of the familiar faces, however, his expression brightened and his eyes would widen. Always a man of few words, he wouldn't be the one to speak first.
"Oh, Dojima-san! Majima-san, Saejima-san!" Kasuga had similarly brightened at the sight of them, sitting up from his spot with a short, quiet noise of irritation from Zhao. He'd apparently been leaning on Ichiban, and being jostled hadn't exactly felt great.
Haruka definitely hadn't been lying. There was a lot going on.
"There's a little room left," Haruka offered gently, gesturing to the empty spaces in the room. "I'll make up some fresh tea." Carefully moving past the three men, Haruka moved back into the kitchen so she could do just that.
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it was a young woman that answered the door, not one that majima recognised. that was right though ? a lot of the kids that kiryu raised at this place, they would all be young adults right now ? that made majima feel old as he could remember back to when he had kidnapped haruka ... an experience that would make it difficult for the two of them to ever see eye to eye. majima still didn't know how kiryu managed to convince haruka of all people to invite him, & the others.
daigo stepped up as majima found himself distracted in thought, but it didn't take long for him to notice the familiar face poking out of a room. she seemed surprised as she walked over to them, telling izumi that she would handle things from here. the confidence in this young woman ... she was definitely a strong one with all the shit she's been through, kiryu's got to be proud of her. it's as if haruka's kiryu's very own blood. at least, that's what majima would consider kiryu's children to be like ... strong like he was.
majima remained silent as haruka and daigo spoke together, he could see the discomfort haruka had by just being in the same vicinity as majima. he really did ruin things for them, didn't he ? as he looked to the side, noticing a dog house ... there was no dog however. the gate wasn't shut either though, maybe it was running around the beach or something.
cramped ? it was maybe a good thing they booked that hotel then, kiryu did raise a lot of kids here if majima remembers correctly with what he's heard. he knew that most of these kids had their lives torn apart by the yakuza at some point, & that's basically how they became orphans ... he was likely the result of some being orphaned, if not here, there was definitely others ... all three of them had that guilt on their conscience.
& usami now ? haruka had got married ? usami rung a bell to majima, he couldn't exactly recall where though, maybe some yakuza from somewhere, that's all he's ever known, as the former chief advisor of the tojo clan, though, he might not look it the way he acted at times, he had a lot of intel, he had eyes everywhere one could imagine, even some men in international locations ... the old majima family, it was huge ... if anyone told majima forty years ago that he'll have one of the biggest & most powerful families of the clan, he would have laughed them silly.
❝ 'ey, daigo, you think i should really be here ? i could feel haruka's discomfort there ... ❞
he spoke as they were allowed in, & were directed to the wash room, majima started to wash his hands as he waited for daigo's response.
uh ? majima-san ?
oh, that was right ... daigo didn't know of that incident between majima and haruka ... saejima didn't either as he stared at his oath brother wondering what was up.
❝ me n' haruka ... we don't exactly see eye to eye ... i might've kidnapped her when she was just a kid, pretty small ... she was kinda terrified ... ❞
shaking off the excess water into the sink from his hands, he awaited the responses he was going to receive from the both of them.
was all he got from daigo.
eh, figured as much.
saejima ? what the fuck ? his oath brother did know him the best, he probably had some kind of inkling forming in that brain of his why majima was kind of anxious of coming.
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❝ damn, i kinda expected a scoldin' ... at least from ya, daigo. ❞
daigo only shook his head in response as they heard the noise from the other room, the others in the building must have been told that they had visitors. majima looked in the direction of the noise, not sure if he should go in or not ... but daigo, & then saejima made the move towards the door, gesturing to majima to follow them, somewhat giving him their support, the three of them had really bonded over the years, they knew how to deal with each other.
here it goes, he wondered if kiryu would be through these sliding doors as they opened them to reveal the crowded room.
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shininginyourlight · 1 month
tumblr legit just won't save kiryu's tags this is the worst
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shininginyourlight · 1 month
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tumblr you better actually save these tags or i'll end you
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shininginyourlight · 1 month
"--Got it." A voice spoke from not far behind the door.
The door to Morning Glory would slide open, where a young woman looked up at the unfamiliar trio of men before her. She was short, with big doe eyes looking up at them in confusion. It wouldn't take her long, though, apparently to get why they might've been here.
"Are... you here to see Uncle Kaz?" She asked tentatively. Not far behind her, it was clear as day that there were a good few people in the room not far behind her. The question must've set something in motion, though, as there was a bit of rustling after she was heard.
"Pardon the intrusion," Daigo spoke up first and bowed slightly. "We were in--" Before he could get the rest of his words out, though, Haruka would poke her head out of the room to get a look at who'd just arrived. Her eyebrows raised in surprise, having not expected them to come around so soon.
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"Ah, Izumi, I can take it from here." Haruka assured and stepped out of the room. Izumi took a few steps back, though she'd look to the trio of men briefly to offer a polite smile. She would go back into the sitting room, while Haruka took her place outside of the room. She shut the sitting room's door behind her, giving the four of them just a touch more privacy.
"Um, welcome." Haruka smiled polity, albeit with a bit more discomfort to her than Izumi had displayed. "There's always usually a few people visiting, so it's a bit cramped. I hope that's not a problem."
"We're the ones who came unannounced, Sawamura-san. Please excuse us."
"Usami, actually. But, it's okay. Calling me Haruka is less confusing," she offered, chuckling a bit. "The sitting room is a bit hard to maneuver through right now, so if you wouldn't mind," Haruka turned to step further down the hall a bit, then opened another door, "going in through here to wash your hands before joining everyone?"
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it wasn't that long, maybe a month & part of a week when he got a mysterious call from a number he didn't recognise. to his surprise, it was haruka, inviting him, & the others to okinawa to visit kiryu. majima could tell by the tone of her voice she wasn't too pleased about it, but didn't allow it to show too much in her words. majima kept the conversation short so that it wouldn't annoy her too much, they could at least be civil with each other, it wasn't much, but it was something.
in a few days later, majima, daigo, & saejima were all on a plane headed towards okinawa. instead of his usual get-up ... which was on him much less these days provided they now worked a security company, & majima had to dress much more professionally, as well as hiding his ink as despite everything being made right for them again, there was still those who would be judgmental of going to former yakuza for business ; he was dressed in a pair of shorts, & a buttoned up short sleeved shirt, purple in colour with a pattern decorating it, the others dressed similar.
the plane ride didn't take long provided they were just moving along japan, an hour was roughly all it took, but still, it drained majima, he wasn't used to travelling by air.
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❝ we should go home by sea i think next time. ❞
majima-san, we've already paid return flights, besides, i remember you puking over the side that one time we went out on a boat fishing.
daigo reminded him of the time they went on a boat, that was the last boat ride majima ever went on. sighing, he agreed it would be a bad idea, the plane wasn't too bad, it just left a ringing in his ears.
they got their luggage, and found the taxi they had ordered to take them to sunflower. they didn't want to make any of the kids or kiryu himself to come & get them, so they would show up randomly, hopefully be a nice surprise to kiryu that they accepted the invitation, & were able to make time to visit. they had the whole week available, even booked out a hotel just in case haruka didn't want them there for too long.
finally arriving at their destination, majima got out, looking around ... he could feel the heat here much more than he could in tokyo, they were right next to a beach which he didn't exactly care for, but daigo had made sure to pack them plenty of sunblock after fussing about how warm this island could get.
walking to the door, he knocked.
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shininginyourlight · 1 month
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yo, hey hi hello i'm still here
i should probably post memes or something to make an effort, because I just don't have much to do around here rn
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shininginyourlight · 2 months
"Understood," Yennefer nodded her head carefully. She'd give him a moment to remove his hand from his wound. Only from the light of the opening of the cave could she really see the extent of it all. She spotted the blood, the how the wound appearance, but not much else. The shadows encompassed practically every surface, but that was fine. This was all the light she needed.
Reaching out her small, lithe right hand, she lightly touched the wound. Unfazed by the feeling, she instead stared it down as she recited the Elder needed to do the healing.
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"Ilysh kwe’s perthe. Hul kwe’s kov," she spoke just above a whisper. Finishing the incantation, she carefully brought her hand back to herself and watched as the wound would start to close on its own.
"...There you are. You'll still likely feel better off after some rest, and after getting some water in you." Hydrate, replenish, and all that. Nevertheless, at least the wound was closed, bleeding effectively stopped, and the muscle beneath the surface had been taken care of, as well.
𝐛𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐬 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭. they come with the pain. swallow is a bitter medicine to swallow , but long years have meant him so used to it now. it's hardly a cure-all , but it'll help things along. stop the bleed-out anyone else might suffer. help muscle and skin knit themselves back together much more quickly , and yet as a consequence his eyes darken somewhat. maybe in the limited light of the cave yennefer might not see it , but how pale he looks , the veins that seem all the more prominent just beneath his skin ... those are not easily missed.
he knows it's unlikely to be beyond her talents , healing. geralt would simply hate to make assumptions , and he can't recall the last time he asked for help if a perfectly good solution was already in hand. but yennefer offers quite freely , likely with a want to get out of here. he doesn't blame her at all , damp and unpleasant as this cave is. and so the witcher stares back , just for a moment , as if considering whether it's right to accept her help. something deserved.
geralt nods , eventually , but the small mutter of please that sits on the tip of his tongue seems to get stuck in his throat with a discomforted huff. his hand still pressed to the wound , he relents in that effort to take off his gloves. pulls them from hands shaking with adrenaline with a tug of his teeth , to feel if blood still seeps from that angry wound. a little , but not as much as it had , and it stains his palm and the splay of his fingers. ' it'll trouble me a day or two , otherwise. ' practicality. he'll let caring go for sake of practicality. @shininginyourlight
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shininginyourlight · 2 months
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