shinrascomputer · 8 days
Lucas' cheeks turned a little darker red at that and he looked away, embarrassed now. A small shrug was the only reply to that. Reno's comment was not, honestly, the first made about him getting some form of chew toys to help him- he even had a few in his desk. But he wasn't about to pull them out and embarrass himself any more than he already had so far.
"I only have a spot in the labs, honestly." He admitted with a huff. "Just a room that they put aside for me to use when it happens, but I don't really want to uhm... Go there. I can't think of anywhere else we can do it, though."
Not that he wanted to go into the labs, but at least if something happened, there were ways there to keep him more controlled and away from Reno so he wouldn't get hurt. That was Lucas' largest concern, was that doing this, Reno would get harmed in some way.
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He shouldn't laugh. He shouldn't laugh. Don't laugh, Reno, do. Not. Laugh.
He snorted very abruptly and briefly before taming it, clearing his throat. "Shit, sorry sorry, just...maybe Tseng should work with you on some, uh...discreet chew toys??"
He chuckled again, before patting the kid on the shoulder. He should be sensitive on this issue, and he was, but he couldn't pass that up.
"But uh....you sure that okay, for you to show me? Like, I know Tseng's one thing, but...no point in your getting in trouble. Though you ARE right. It'd help a lot if you had partners that could have your back with this." he reasoned. He really should bring it up with Tseng first, but....this would be another time he'd just ask forgiveness than permission first.
He smirked at Lucas then. "How about tonight once I'm off the clock? You gotta place Tseng reserves for you to be in that state if you're unstable? It should probably be somewhere private so no ones bugging us. Otherwise, I'll figure a place out, and you can show me whatcha got, and what sorta pup I'm gonna be dealing with, yeah?"
Teasing aside, he really should get some experience with this. No, Lucas wasn't his partner. No, he wasn't the Chief. But, he did feel responsible for Lucas. He showed the kid the ropes, and he tried to keep him in line just a little more than his own self to make sure he had stable footing in this place. So how could he go on not knowing how to handle such an important side to him?
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shinrascomputer · 8 days
"It's just me and Dad. Mom told him to leave her alone and that she didn't want me around." Lucas said simply, looking at Sephiroth. "I mean... You're not doing any tests right now, you're just waiting to do tests... Right? Oh- I know. You can draw some of the monsters and stuff that SOLDERs fight. I see them all the time in books and stuff, I wanna know what you've fought. Can you show me? Please?" He asked, moving a little closer in excitement.
"I didn't know any of the scientists had families," Sephiroth mumbled, but of course he wouldn't have known. He wasn't a person. Just an experiment, a pet, a toy. He stared at the crayon in his hand, confused and unsure what to do. "I'm supposed to be undergoing testing...I don't think Professor Hojo would like it if he found me coloring."
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shinrascomputer · 8 days
"If you ever want it, I can do it." Lucas said, as if the offer was a simple thing, and not like he was breaking into top secret files. Which, considering his job, was probably a simple thing that he did on a daily basis. Lucas' gaze didn't move from the other's gauntlet as it was explained, and he reached out, fingers gently brushing against the metal.
His hand fell as Vincent stated he wouldn't be shown what was under it. "Well... Now you've just got me even more curious on why and what." He pointed out. "I mean, I don't exactly see ordinary people every day in the labs, but I also don't see people with cool ass gauntlets walking around either." He pointed out.
Lucas brought his hand up again, but hesitated this time. "So... Dad did this to you." It wasn't a question, but a statement. Lucas knew Hojo was not a good person- he'd see it first hand. But still, seeing anyone that had been in the labs always caused his chest to ache, knowing that Hojo had been the reason for it.
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He considered the offer for the other to dig. He couldn't stop this young man, Lucas, from searching about himself. So long as he wasn't crossing lines of unnecessary confidentiality, and wasn't putting himself at risk in an idiotic fashion, he wouldn't say a word. But the idea of getting unsolicited answers that he could never get from Hojo, about himself...? It was both deeply appealing, and very dangerous. He couldn't place why it felt so dangerous, he just...knew it was.
"I'll consider the offer, thank you. For now, I have no need for any more information."
As the young man spoke further about the factor of eye color, he felt a sick curl in his stomach, one that started his head aching as it sometimes did when he thought too deeply about certain memories. He shut down the thoughts as best he could, though, and tried to answer. "It is natural, I assure you. Yours, I can't say, unless you have pictures from your youth before whatever procedures you went through. Granted, I'm sure you're aware that a great many procedures offered by ShinRa and it's R&D department have been noted to have an affect on ones eye color, SOLDIERs being the most notable example. I suppose that could be your cause."
Somehow, he wasn't confident in that possibility applying to Lucas, however.
He followed his gaze to the gauntleted arm, before looking down to it, flexing the claw-like edges of it, though if one looked close enough, they would find the length of the fingers of the gauntlet weren't much of an exaggeration. It was simply a convenient distraction for the reality underneath.
"The gauntlet, no. What it covers...yes." he answered. "Excuse me if I'm not willing to show you exactly what that means, however."
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shinrascomputer · 15 days
"Shut Up" Kiss starters
"You talk too much." 💋 "Just… stop talking." 💋 "This is getting us nowhere. Let me show you instead." 💋 "Enough words, more action." 💋 "Shhh, don't say anything." 💋 "You know what? Let's just…" 💋 "I've been waiting for this moment, no more interruptions." 💋 "Save your breath." 💋 "Words won't fix this, but maybe this will." 💋 "Stop overthinking it and just…" 💋 "I'm tired of hearing excuses. Let me show you how I feel." 💋 "For once, let's communicate without words." 💋 "I don't need to hear it. I just need…" 💋 "I don't want explanations. I want…" 💋 "Actions speak louder than words." 💋 "Quiet now, let me do the talking." 💋 "I've heard enough. Let me take over." 💋 "No need to explain. Just…" 💋 "You don't have to say anything. I understand." 💋 "I love you. That's all that matters." 💋
[GRAB] The sender gently grabs the receiver's face and pulls them close. [PRESS] The sender presses their lips firmly against the receiver's, silencing them. [INTERRUPT] The sender interrupts the receiver's speech by initiating a kiss. [HUSH] The sender places a finger over the receiver's lips before leaning in for a kiss. [SILENT] The receiver's kiss renders the sender momentarily speechless. [CALM] The sender's kiss calms the receiver's nerves, quieting their speech.
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shinrascomputer · 15 days
Ive been habing thoughts about Lucas and how he acts with each person. This got LONG. So its going to be under the cut
Lucas trails along behind Reno like a lost puppy when he first joins the Turks. Reno is happy, and jokes and he's so relaxed and open about everything and Lucas is so confused how anyone can just, be like that. And at the same time he's so happy to be around that kind of energy after the labs.
Someone whose carefree and laid back, who makes stupid jokes when its not busy. But who clearly knows what he's talking about and is serious about his job. Lucas has that lack of filter eventually, but his first two years as a Turk (between 03 and 05), he doesn't really make the jokes or speak his mind. Reno is the one I think that really breaks him out of that quiet and hesitant shell. And then he becomes a total gremlin
His boss, the one who brought him into the Turks, (and with some writers, his babysitter when he was a teenager). Also probably the only man who scares him more than the labs do. Lucas admires Tseng for different reasons than he admires Reno. He might be Reno's shadow, but he's always eyeing Tseng. Tseng embodies to him what it means to be a Turk. To wear the suit. And knowing that he can do his job so well and seem so calm is terrifying.
When Tseng sets it up for him join the Turks for his hacking skills, he makes it clear that he is in Tseng's debt through his actions, rather than words. He'd jump in front of a bullet for Tseng without a second thought if needed. There has only ever been a handful of orders that Tseng has ever given that Lucas backtalked him on, and he's one of the two people in Shinra tgat Lucas calls "sir" or by their title. That doesn't mean he idolizes Tseng as this perfect Turk at all- everyone has flaws and Lucas does see some of Tseng's at times working with him, but he still holds him in very high regard despite everything.
The hardest one to think about. Lucas met him when he met Reno. Rude doesnt talk much, is a very imposing figure, and Lucas,,, Doesn't know how to even approach Rude when they meet. The man os always hiding behind his glasses and doesnt even crack a smile. It's nerve wracking not to know what someone is thinking, and even worse when the person is dead silent all the time.
But they do get along. I feel that Lucas does warm up to Rude over the years, in part because of Reno talking him up. In the first bit he barely gives a small smile in greeting and just kinda nods and goes about his day. But after a year or so, he says hello, he remembers Rude's coffee order. Its the small things. Their relationship gets very strained after the plate fall. Lucas knows its not any of the Turk's fault, but Rude pushed the button and Lucas has that knowledge constantly in his head every time they're around each other.
Adding him bc in my head, Rufus counts.
Rufus is the big boss, the head honcho, and damn if Lucas doesn't hold this man above everyone else. Will he ever admit that? Fuck no. Rufus is what he asipres to be. Someone who really said "fuck you I'm doing what I want in life" and accomplished exactly what people didn't think he could. Lucas knows he doesn't have the guts to do what Rufus does but he damn well respects the man for it.
When he first joined the Turks, Rufus was a spoiled brat to him. But he very quickly learned that that impression was wrong. Rufus wasn't a spoiled brat, he wasn't given the position out of nepotism completely and he knew what he was talking about. Someone who was competent, confident, and willing to put his foot down. Rufus is the only other person Lucas will call Sir, or by title. He'd jump in front of any danger for Rufus in seconds, to give the man a chance to keep going, he's got no hesitation. And if he's maybe starry eyed while near Rufus on occasion, you're completely wrong.
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shinrascomputer · 15 days
"My dad- yeah. He told me lots of stuff about you. He said you're super strong. And super smart-" Lucas paused as Sephiroth took the crayon, head cocking to the side. "Why would you get in trouble?" He asked, confusion causing him to wrinkle his nose. "I colour all the time, I only get in trouble if I'm distraction for everyone."
Lucas studied him curiously. "I think Dad talks about you before. He said there's someone who was coming in, and he was a really really good soldier." He paused, thinking for a moment before moving to sit back down.
He stared at Sephiroth for a moment before holding out a crayon. "Can you colour with me? Until you gotta do your tests?" He asked. "I know the tests and stuff can be really boring."
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shinrascomputer · 16 days
muses who have been on the streets, or kidnapped, or whatever/missing for several years, and they're taken to a police station and "would you like me to call anyone for you?" / "no. Nobody's looking for me" and the police (or social worker, or whatever) has to say, "... actually, someone named (name) reported you missing 7 years ago. They were very concerned. They call every year, I think they'd like to know you're here." idk idk. muses who are looked for. muses who do not stop looking.
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shinrascomputer · 16 days
I have spent all day fighting this stupid summer cold that suddenly kicked me in the chest and lemme tell you
Fighting it when even a small cough causes chest pain bc of the stupid air bubble its horrendus. Im not a guy to get a cold and be down and out for the entire weekend but jesus christ. If I sneeze or even cough slightly it feels like someone is punching my lungs like one of those practice bags at the gym
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shinrascomputer · 16 days
Bruises and Bruising
“Where did you get those?”
“Is that…. somebody’s hand?”
“Is that… a bootprint?”
“It’ll look worse before it looks better.”
“Come on. Let’s get it wrapped up.”
“Do you want some painkillers?”
“Let me guess, I should ‘see the other guy’?”
“How’d you get a black eye?”
“I know you don’t do it on purpose, but I wish you’d stop coming home bruised.”
“I like the new look. It suits you.”
“Ouch, that looks like it hurts.”
“Talk to me.”
“You shouldn’t end up with bruises because you disagree with them. You know that, right?”
“Will you tell me how it happened?”
“Come and sit with me.”
(send ‘+reverse’ to reverse the roles, or specify which muse is which!)
[sit] – sender comes and sits next to a bruised receiver. no words, just warmth.
[care] – sender provides physical care for receiver’s bruises (ice pack, wrapping them up, etc)
[shower] – sender takes one look at a bruised and bloody receiver, and goes to run them a shower. hot showers fix everything.
[offer] – sender has something they know receiver will want, and because receiver has had a bad enough day as it is, sender gives it to them. it’s the little things.
[stay] – sender offers receiver a place to stay, so that – wherever they got these bruises – they don’t have to go back.
[concussion] – sender checks receiver for a concussion, because it’s very possible receiver has one.
[home] – sender has no physical way of helping receiver out of this situation, but they offer out their hand anyway. just to hold onto (and to not let go).
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shinrascomputer · 17 days
Lucas wasn't used to someone just being curious- and not trying to get something out of it for their curiosity to be sated. He stared at Reno for a moment, dumbfounded at his questions. The concern that it hurt- hell the sympathy that he suffered from emotions. That was a shock for him on it's own.
"Uhm... I mean, kinda? Having your body just like, awkwardly shift about and shit with stuff... It does cause like, awkward movement and I'm sore after." He admitted, rubbing the back of his head with a small awkward smile. Lucas shrugged a little at the second part.
Emotions were... Hard to deal with. He couldn't play it off like that was easy to handle. Being in a job like the Turks, knowing if he got set off with something the wrong way, then he could go and change forms. It was something that stunned him, even dealing with it for years. Being connected to a behemoth and being able to shift forms like that was crazy.
"I mean, maybe I could show you sometime- not if you don't want to. But I mean, someone else knowing that side might help, maybe?" He suggested, cheeks turning a light pink. "It's why I always chew on stuff, and why Tseng keeps taking all the pens away from me."
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As suspected...'course it was Hojo. Fuck, that dude was just bad news. Sure, he was 'a useful asset to the company', but sometimes assets really are just asses. Disgusted, twisted, and unnerving asses. He would be thankful the Turks' weren't subjected to enhancements, if it weren't for the very fact that, technically, Lucas was a change to that tradition. It made him hate Hojo more.
He gave the kid a little space, but only little, enough not to be in his face anymore, but not enough to make him think he was trying to get distance out of some stupid fear. He wasn't afraid of this information. He was smart enough to keep aware and wary from now on, but he wouldn't be the first enhanced person Reno had to face down, if it came to that. Turks were trained for this anyways. But...as a kid? That science bastard did it against his will, probably without his awareness, and now Lucas has to be careful of his emotions. Well, Reno wasn't much of a help with emotions himself...might have to point him to Rude or Tseng for that.
"Damn, man... That's gotta be frustrating. Can't even get emotional without being worried about that?" he remarked with sympathy. He could tell Lucas was likely feeling all level of things over sharing this. He chose to share it, he wasn't forced, so perhaps he wanted it out there, but it didn't seem to make it any easier. Was he ashamed? Worried? Embarrassed? Reno couldn't piece that together just yet.
"Does it hurt, when it happens?" he asked, not exactly pushing, but certainly damn curious.
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shinrascomputer · 17 days
Lucas paused as he considered the other's words. A similarity, because of his father... Could Hojo have lied even worse than he already had? Lucas had dug into his files, he had dug through everything to the best of his abilities. But what if everything he dug through was done by his father's hand, he wondered suddenly. But he didn't voice those thoughts, simply focused on the rest of Vincent's words.
"I can try to find some things for you, if you'd like." He offered. Perhaps he would need to dig through his own things again, now that he was older and had more skills. "I didn't think it was natural... Sorry, sounds rude to seem to hesitant to believe you it's just that, I have this colour because of tests, I was told." He explained quickly, lest the other get upset.
Another pause followed the words. "Is.. The gauntlet also a side effect?" He asked softly.
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The young Turk wasn't wrong, he certainly did need to work on that poker face. A Turk must utilize their entire mind body and spirit, and control over it in as many areas as possible, to ensure they can get the job done swiftly and efficiently, and if needed, quietly.
To his remark dismissing whatever he found strange in their similarities, he narrowed his gaze just a bit. "Feel how you must, but I'd advise you to keep wary...given our shared connections with Hojo, I'm one to believe there's only so many coincidences..."
Even speaking that, Vincent was still conflicted on just how deep those similarities went. His instincts were laying the ground work, but his actual mind refused to put it together just yet.
But then the young man spoke of the pull, one he, too, felt. And he sighed slowly. What Hojo did to him...what didn't he do to him...?
"Hojo did a great deal, the depths of which only specific personal are permitted to know, and that list is very short. To be completely honest, I still have yet to understand the exact why's or how's myself, though I keep learning...suffice to say, where I smell one beast in you, I myself have many. That's all you'll be permitted to know." he answered one curiosity, before considering the young mans next question. "The red hue is natural. Strong genetic trait in the Valentine line, few other family lines have such a color, to my knowledge. The gold in my left, however...a side effect." he rolled his left shoulder subconsciously, flexing the golden gauntlet.
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shinrascomputer · 17 days
"That's literal bullshit." Lucas shot back with a low wheeze that sounded like an attempt at a laugh, even as he grimaced with their pressure on the wounds. "I'm glad you're okay. Really- Rufus. I wouldn't be able to handle it if you were like this..."
it's reno's turn to consider slapping lucas, if nothing else to keep lucas awake. he needs the little bastard to stay awake. they just put pressure on the worst of the injuries and kept a close eye on things... maybe it would be okay.
rufus grits his teeth, pressing down on one of lucas' wounds. "i'm fine." rufus forces out, he's far from it, they're all far from it. he's frustrated, though it's hard to pinpoint WHO the frustration is actually directed towards.
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shinrascomputer · 17 days
"Half my body is energy drinks. The other half is weird science shit. Im a ball of chaos." Lucas joked tiredly, fighting a yawn as he shifted and curled into her, cheek pressed into her shoulder.
Lucas didn't like touching- he didn't like any contact, but he was tired and cuddly. It was enough to make him smile, as he felt another person beside him, and their warmth against his own. "If I do phase through the floor, that's just gonna be something cool to add to my list of skills."
She snickered as she kicked off her boots and climbed into bed with him and made herself comfortable, throwing an arm over him with a tired smile. For anyone else she'd put up more of a fight and insist she'd be fine on the floor, she slept under her workbench once so everything is better than steel flooring but she could never say no to him.
Unless it was him insisting on staying awake when he needed sleep.
"I swear if you keep drinking those energy drinks you're gonna just phase through the floor. I love ya but not enough to drag your ass outta whatever ether you end up in."
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shinrascomputer · 17 days
"What do you mean I'm the only person?" Lucas looked shocked at that, staring at Rufus for a long moment. "I mean, compared to my mess of curls, your hair has got to be so much more interesting than mine is." He admitted before getting out of the car.
He glanced back at the two large cats and smiled gently. "I mean, why can't we take both?" He suggested.
"it's good you got diagnosed so young, though." rufus hums. his son got diagnosed at a young age, but he was NOT about to bring up lucia to lucas, it's a little too early for something like that and he just can't risk it. "you're the only person who thinks my hair is cool." rufus snickers. he doesn't mind.
"we can sit inside. i'll bring umbra in, pryna can stay in the car, just lock it." not that anyone would try stealing his car with her inside, but he'd rather not run that risk.
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shinrascomputer · 17 days
"Not really." Lucas laughed softly as she took the phone. "If there was a case that able to do that, I'm pretty sure every Shinra staff member would have one. But if I ever find one I will give it to you. Who were you trying to call, if I can ask?"
"That works against bullets?" A raised brow, with some amount of amusement lining her expression, but she takes it without much ceremony. She takes a moment to key in the number, pause to listen to the ringtone, then grimace when it heads straight to voicemail. With a sigh, she hands the phone back. "Typical."
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shinrascomputer · 17 days
Lucas studied him curiously. "I think Dad talks about you before. He said there's someone who was coming in, and he was a really really good soldier." He paused, thinking for a moment before moving to sit back down.
He stared at Sephiroth for a moment before holding out a crayon. "Can you colour with me? Until you gotta do your tests?" He asked. "I know the tests and stuff can be really boring."
"I don't know." Because Sephiroth had no idea who the other boy was or who his father was; how was he to know if he was looking for him or not? The further barrage of questions, however, seemed to answer the question of who the other boy's father was; it could only have been Professor Hojo.
Sephiroth looked mildly surprised and confused.
"I wasn't aware that Professor Hojo had a son..." he offered through his confusion, and it was really the only thing he could think of as a response.
"Oh... I'm here for an examination. My results from training were unsatisfactory."
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shinrascomputer · 17 days
"Not many places." Lucas nodded, a wide smile spreading across his lips at her excitement. "I mean... Maybe a lot, depending on what you consider that to be. You gotta have a card to get into them all." He explained.
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"Oh, that would be awesome!" Grinning, she clasped her hands together. It looked like the alien had asked the right person!
Ready to follow the stranger, Perrine was now standing close beside him, and glanced up with a head tilt, which caused her lavender antennae to wiggle. "Uh, 'for visitors'? Does this mean there are places I'm not allowed to visit?" she asked, a strange glow in her eyes.
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