shizukasobsessions · 2 hours
Bald-ize Valentino in human version🥺🥺 just for me🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏
You hurt me. You hurt me, but I'll do it. Just for you, my little shnookums.
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shizukasobsessions · 2 hours
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"Neverending punishment" Dance suits design by: @/notherpuppet a small tribute of her beautiful work.
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shizukasobsessions · 4 hours
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these two are so fun to write about
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shizukasobsessions · 4 hours
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Day three of radioapple week!
Blood 😋
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shizukasobsessions · 4 hours
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Al kept vox’s old head after he upgraded 👁️👄👁️
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shizukasobsessions · 4 hours
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me (sick as hell, nearly forgot to take his tylenol): hmm i want to make something
my brain: toxic yuri radiostatic
me (without a second thought): on it boss
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shizukasobsessions · 7 hours
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AU in which Vox is the one who confronts Adam. Alastor finds him badly injured, he does not want to let Vox die and secretly keeps him somewhere safe to recover, where they end up bonding again (Vox has a more human form when weakened/vulnerable)
Alastor hides Vox in his room eventually to make it easier to care for him and his wounds. Vox begs to sleep next him and Alastor reluctantly agrees, as long as he ‘doesn’t try anything weird’. They are cozy and sad together…
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shizukasobsessions · 7 hours
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traditional housewife Alastor and salary man Vox
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shizukasobsessions · 7 hours
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Radioapple Week Day 2: Enemies / Pining
Yet again, I'm quite late but I've had a busy day XD
These drawings were sorta inspired by fanfictions like Of Saints and Sinners, where Lucifer forms an accidental collection of Alastor's things, and Finders Keepers, in which Alastor is a bit of a kleptomaniac (a lot, actually) and collects trinkets from different hotel members, including Lucifer who ends up finding him out. I just love the idea of mementos of your closest people, and in this case specifically the irony of keeping a memento of someone you claim you hate pfff
I think for all of this week's prompts I'll attempt to do both of them, tying them together in some way, one that at least makes sense in my head XD
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shizukasobsessions · 7 hours
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RadioApple Week Day 3: Blood
Sip sip, straight from the tap 🤤🍯
on twitter
Day 1 - Late Night | Day 2 - Pining
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shizukasobsessions · 13 hours
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shizukasobsessions · 13 hours
Sal's rambling #9
Vox knew things about Alastor that he was sure that no one in Hell knew, Vox had been Alastor's best friend and as such had been privy to certain information.
Vox knew that when Alastor had been human he had a daughter, Sarah. But Alastor had never told him everything about his daughter, as much as he enjoyed and valued his friendship with Vox, Alastor didn't trust anyone with his daughter's secret. He would never let anyone harm her. Not now, not ever. She had been born from an affair with a British woman, Alastor had loved the woman in his own way and had agreed to marry her. For him it had been the perfect way to keep his cover as a serial killer hidden. What Alastor hadn't expected was to get attached to the woman and the spawn that she carried. Alastor's mother had been over the moon when she found out that she was becoming a grandmother and had made it her mission to spoil her grandbaby. Then Sarah had been born of course she hadn't been named that, in fact, neither of them had picked out a name for her. It had taken them a week to decide on a name and even then it hadn't been Alastor or his wife who had named her. It had been his mother. "Look at her, she is her daddy's little princess." It had been easy enough to name her Sarah after that and his mother was correct, Sarah was his little princess. He would slaughter anyone who would so much as look at her wrong. She was his world. He wasn't even that broken up when he and his wife divorced and she moved to France to be with another man, so long as he had his daughter then everything would be fine. As she got older, she began to mimic her father more and more, instead of wearing traditional women's clothing, she wore trousers and suits. She also wanted to be a radio host much like he was and he couldn't have been more proud. But as she grew older he noticed that there was something other about his daughter, a glint of red in her eyes that became more and more pronounced as she got older, her canines were sharp like that of a large cat and more often than not he found her doing things that no human should be capable of. So he became more protective of her. Then one day he found her covered in blood standing over a mutilated body with a feral look in her eyes. Hidden behind her legs was a small child that was sobbing, in Sarah's hands was a knife. Alastor didn't think twice about taking the knife from his daughter's hand and moving her away from such a gruesome scene even by his standards.
The child clung to his daughter's legs and refused to let go, in any other situation he would find it worrying, but his daughter had just murdered someone in a truly horrifying way and he needed to protect her. He also got in contact with the Voodoo priests that his mother was friends with. "Nephilim, Nephilim, Nephilim!" Alastor wasn't religious, he had never believed in God, but even he knew what a Nephilim was. He also knew that his daughter was in danger should anyone find out. It was then that he threw himself into the Voodoo lessons that his mother had taught him as a child. He wouldn't allow anyone to take advantage of his daughter, he would kill them first. But he also knew that she would need training, he couldn't help her. Not as he was, he could offer advice and guidance but that was it. But he did start taking her hunting with him, showing her how to track prey, Alastor had morals, he never targeted an innocent person and he always went after the scum of the earth. Something that his daughter had taken to heart. Much like before she followed hin her father's footsteps. If the police weren't going to keep the streets clean then they would. Eventually, it would all come to an end when he was shot and killed. It was his biggest regret leaving his daughter alone. She had been only nineteen when he had died, just a few weeks shy of her twentieth birthday. He took to Hell like a duck taking to water, he knew that his daughter would end up in Hell, given that she had followed in his footsteps. Less than two years later she arrived in Hell with all the grace of a bomb going off. He didn't know if he was relieved that she was with him once more or concerned that she was in Hell and there was a big possibility that Hell was not ready for her. Earth hadn't been. So he kept her a secret and one that he guarded well, until one day she brought home a blonde-haired girl with gold eyes and a rubber duck clutched in her hands, Alastor knew that their peaceful life was about to be over.
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shizukasobsessions · 13 hours
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Are you in pain?
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shizukasobsessions · 13 hours
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I want to see him become a kitten
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shizukasobsessions · 13 hours
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shizukasobsessions · 13 hours
Back in Alastor's time the child mortality rate was sky high but so too was the great depression so a lot of children probably had to resort to desperate means like crime and canibalism just to survive but still died young.
Suppose Alastor enters hell and his dad instinct just kicks in when he just impulsively takes in a feral bitey child off of Pentagram's streets...
Then another and another and another...
And suddenly the whole Overlord thing just becomes necessary to provide a good life for his growing family.
The Radio Demon is a great if terrifying good father figure but woe upon those who would harm a single child on the streets of Pentagram's Pride Ring.
The Radio Demon was clearly the demon to approach about sponsoring the Happy Hotel, Charlie Morningstar thought.
Okay, hear me out. Out of all the children that Alastor had as a human only one survived and that made his already shattered mind even worse, the death of his mother coupled with losing almost all of his children?
It causes him to snap in ways that would make even the hardest sinner demon shiver. He tries to keep his daughter out of his business, but she is his daughter and as such has the best and worst qualities of him. Not limited to his stubbornness and his capacity for violence. I have part of a backstory for Sarah already planned out and part of it is, that she fought in an underground fight ring to help ease Alastor's burden, despite being a teen she was one of the best fighters. There is a lot about the great depression that we don't know, crime rates were sky-high, coupled with the already staggering high death rates of infants and children, it wouldn't be all that shocking if one or two corpses went missing. This of course plays a factor with Alastor, because these parents are killing their children, he has lost the majority of his and out of them all he only has his eldest left alive. So finding out that these people are having children for the sole purpose of killing them or selling them as cattle? Well, they don't live long. So when he lands in Hell and sees all of these children that had wrongly been thrown into eternal damnation? Yeah, that doesn't sit well with him and he had always wanted a big family but never got one. It also makes him wonder if any of his children were already in Hell. But he never gets to find out because he is so busy trying to build up a reputation for himself. Then his eldest arrives in hell with all the grace of a bomb going off and it eases something in him, and it eases something in him. he may not have all of his family there with him, but he has her and that is what matters. But then they start finding children unattended and as much as he will try and deny it, he keeps bringing them home. Sarah had been a wonderful older sister for those few short years that her siblings had been alive after all. All the while he begins to heal, those fractures and cracks that had formed in his mind were slowly being patched up with bloody stitches and spite. He would need to pull himself together if he was going to be a father after all. So that is what he does. What he doesn't know is that by doing what he is doing, he is changing things. All he cares about is taking these children off the street and trying to give them a better life. All the while his princess is there with him, making sure that no one harms her siblings. She is her, father's daughter after all.
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shizukasobsessions · 13 hours
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A little drawing inspired by Of Saints and Sinners by @morningstarwrites ! The writing is so good that I was quickly sucked in. Honestly, I can't wait for June 7-
I am very new to procreate still, this being my second piece there, so I ask you not to judge 🙏
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