shythecosmicwanderer · 9 months
Hi hi, I don't quite know what I'm doing with this, so it may just be nonsense lol.
Call me Shy (I know it's an adjective, but it's honestly a nickname that stuck and now what I go by online lol), I'm a college student with way too much time on their hands and like all things history, mythology, and cryptozoology. Space is also cool! As is the concept of the multiverse!
I find these concepts so interesting that I ended up thinking up a character that's basically the multiverse incarnate doing what they can to keep everything in balance. I'll probably do a lot of world building, lore, and things of that nature regarding the "Cosmic Wanderer" as I refer to them as right now here.
Might talk about other stuff I find cool, like video games, anime, etc. Don't really know how active I'll be however, motivation has been kinda lacking lately.
Other than that, feel free to ask me anything, as long as it's sfw and not harassing a group or person that is!
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