sidhiroy · 2 years
Ladakh Trip- A successful trip
What a successful trip would look like without trying its local delicacies. Incomplete right? One cannot travel without discovering its local culture and food and the same goes for Ladakh.
Being the perfect destination for adventure lovers, Ladakh is no lesser a hidden gem when it comes to its yum delicacies, highly influenced by Tibetan and Kashmiri food.
In spite of its rich culture and variety of traditional dishes, a majority of people overlooked its cuisine being only about thukpah and momos and missed out on the opportunities of a diversified menu.
 We bring to you a Ladakh tour package where we help you devour some of the most unique local dishes while making your Ladakh bike trip a trouble-free journey.
 1. Butter Tea- Butter tea to Ladakh is the Kahwa to Kashmir and the cutting chai to Mumbai, just as important to not go a day without it. This greatness of this tea comes from the fact that it keeps the body warm and hydrated just what you need in high-altitude areas. This butter tea is also called Gurgur or Noon chai by the locals. This salted tea is made by using yak milk and a large amount of butter with a type of Tibetan lea leaves.
 2. Khambir- Khambir is a Ladakhi bread that is mainly consumed at breakfast alongside butter tea. This thick crust fermented whole wheat bread is the most common local dish that one simply cannot miss out on.
 3. Chhutagi- It’s a traditional pasta-shaped flour cooked with local vegetables also known as dumpling soups. This interesting dish comes off as the most popular and loved one amongst the locals since it is a nutrients rich dish in itself and can be eaten at lunch or dinner.
4. Sku- Another Ladakhi savory that resembles just like its name. Similar to Chutagi, this stew-based dish is a staple amongst Ladakhis. Prepared with wheat dough kneaded into flattened balls with favorable vegetables like peas, carrot, potato, or mutton (for non-veg lovers).  A visit to Ladakh would be strenuous if you don’t give yourself up to this cold-relieving meal considering its warmth-providing ingredients.
5. Tingmo- Tingmo is a steamed Tibetan bun that is well-liked by the locals as well as the tourists. Prepared using wheat flour, yeast mixed with onion and garlic, this favorite tea-time snack is easily found on the streets of Ladakh package and can be enjoyed at Breakfast, Lunch, or Dinner.
Ladakh indeed reflects a plethora of food experiences that one must take by indulging in the above listings. So, next time you book a Ladakh group tour with us, makes sure to not pass up a chance of pampering with all the traditional delights.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
It is a spectacular 210km drive that takes you through the most beautiful forests of Dehradun. Sankri village is located at an elevation of approximately 2,000m. The trek takes you through the Govind Pshu Vihar National park and is possible in any season. The trek takes you through lush grasslands in summer. In winter, it gives you stunning views of snow-covered forests and high Himalayan peaks. There are many trekking routes to Kedarkantha. You can leave the trek from Sankri or Kotgaon, or Gaichawan Gaon.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
Kedarkantha Winter Trek-Capture A Trip
It is a spectacular 210km drive that takes you through the most beautiful forests of Dehradun. Sankri village is located at an elevation of approximately 2,000m. The trek takes you through the Govind Pshu Vihar National park and is possible in any season. The trek takes you through lush grasslands in summer. In winter, it gives you stunning views of snow-covered forests and high Himalayan peaks. There are many trekking routes to Kedarkantha. You can leave the trek from Sankri or Kotgaon, or Gaichawan Gaon.
By road: This 10-hour drive takes you through dense forests, which become engulfed by snow in winter.
Juda Lake (also known as Juda ka Talab) is a high-altitude lake between Sankri and Kedarkantha. This pristine lake is surrounded densely by forests, making it an ideal camping spot for trekkers on this route. Legend has it that Lord Shiva untwisted the locks to create the tiny lake. The road climbs steeply after crossing Sankri village. Along the route, you might see locals doing their daily chores. Winter is when the lake freezes and the surrounding area is covered in snow. Beautiful photos can be taken by stopping at streams that run through green fields during summer.
You will leave Juda ka Talab the following day to trek to the Kedarkantha Base Camp, approximately 4 km away. It will take approximately 3 hours to get to your destination if you walk at a moderate pace. It passes through pine and oak forests along steep ridges. In summer, the route will be dotted with shepherds' huts, but it becomes a magical white land in winter.
 Start the next day at a 6 km pace from the Kedarkantha base camp to reach the Kedarkantha peak at 3,800m.
This section is not easy, but once you reach the summit, it will be worth it. The 360-degree view of the surrounding peaks (Kala Nag, Bandarpoonch and Swargarohini) is amazing.After a rest, you can take photographs and then descend to the Hargaon camp (Horegaon), at 2,700m. You will reach this camp by evening. Here you will be staying.
The 6-km trek takes approximately four hours. Through dense pine forests, you will quickly descend approximately 800m. Winter will bring you through deep and soft snow. You can easily slide or run down the snow because of its steepness. Local hotels are available for overnight stays.
Spend the final day on your trek exploring Sankri village and the beautiful forests of Uttarakhand. Before you head for Dehradun (around 200 km), make memories.
These are the Best places to celebrate new year , for this you can contact Capture A Trip.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
You can take out your bike or rent a bike and set out for a journey you will never forget for your next Ladakh bike trip.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
Ride Across Ladakh-Capture A trip
If you are looking for a trip of a lifetime, Ladakh is the destination for you. One of the most beautiful regions in the world with deep cultural and spiritual roots, the small kingdom is surrounded by snow-capped mountains, breath-taking mountains, mesmerizing fields, and beautiful valleys.
You can take out your bike or rent a bike and set out for a journey you will never forget for your next Ladakh bike trip.
 Ladakh is the only Indian province to have a Buddhist majority. Set in an extremely arid region, its colourful, meandering valleys are home to spectacular mountain landscapes, crystal clear lakes, sharp-edged coniferous forests and no end of historic monasteries.
It is a paradise of a place for a traveller a place of tranquillity solitude and beauty. Ladakh package is a place that captures people's heart and soul with every step they take.
You can either go to Ladakh by yourself or you can book Leh – Ladakh tour package through various websites to make your trip hassle-free.
The journey begins with this little town of Manali. Manali experiences a tremendous climate change towards the north side of the town so this gives you a wonderful experience itself. This place best serves as an ideal starting point for people who are visiting Ladakh, however, there are other places in Himachal where you can visit which are equally attractive.
When you will be riding from Manali to Leh, you will find the last petrol station at Tandi, a village in Lahaul district, until you reach Leh, so make sure your vehicle has a full tank of petrol and you are carrying some extra litres with you.
During your ride to Ladakh via Manali, you can either ride through Rohtang Pass or take the shorter route through Atal Tunnel. After entering Lahaul valley in In Himachal Pradesh, you will come across various spots like Tandi, Jispa, Sarchu and via Baralacha Pass you will enter the region of Ladakh.
Highlights –
Ride through high altitude passes of Himachal and Ladakh
A thrilling drive to Rohtang Pass
Cross the Bara-Lacha La Pass to enter Ladakh
Explore various monasteries on your way to Ladakh
Drive to Khar dung La & Chang La Pass
Ride to Pangong Tso lake.
 Ladakh is on a higher altitude, where the sun can be burning your skin sometimes. The high altitude can also cause high altitude sickness which has its own symptoms like dizziness, nausea, headache and more.
Here are a few things you should carry while riding to Ladakh-
  For protection from sun and UV-rays:
Sun Glasses
Sunscreen Lotion with high SPF (30 or above)
Mustard Oil (for applying in nostrils as it can become dry and painful due to dry and cold winds of Ladakh)
Lip Oil or Lip Balm
Gloves for bikers.
Thicker jackets and Mufflers
Caps or Hats
Water/Wind proof jacket.
                                                                                                                            To have a pleasant and safe ride, make sure you follow the following steps-
 ·        Keep yourself Hydrated
·        Keep a Healthy diet
·        Do not ride all the way to Leh, Take Pit stops to acclimatize
·        Avoid drinking or smoking
·        Avoid Over- Hydration
·        Do not eat unhealthily, eat high protein and carbohydrates
·        Do not get exposed directly to the sun
·        If you are suffering through sever acute altitude sickness, do not go any further
·        Do not stay at high altitude passes for a long time
·        Do not stay under-dressed as you can catch cold and fever.
  Ladakh can be a journey of a lifetime for you if you do not ignore such minute details.
Break away from your busy everyday life to explore on an epic bike packing adventure in Ladakh group tour with Capture A Trip. A destination that offers the perfect combination of active recreation, spectacular landscapes, fascinating history, and rich culture. Life is on these backcountry roads, with scenic mountain ranges, northern desert plains, and preserved traditional villages.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
Spiti valley in winters can be difficult to get there and that weather conditions can make things tricky. But the views, the people, and the culture make up for all of that. And if you manage to book your winter Spiti tour package in time, you'll experience something truly breath-taking.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
Winter Spiti - A Destination That's Worth the Hardships
People often take for granted the beauty that surrounds them all the time. And while it’s not always easy to find, some places are worth the hardships. spiti valley packages is one of those places.
Spiti valley in winters can be difficult to get there and that weather conditions can make things tricky. But the views, the people, and the culture make up for all of that. And if you manage to book your winter Spiti tour package in time, you'll experience something truly breath-taking.
 The Hardships of Getting to Spiti Valley
The Spiti Valley is a remote region in the Lahaul and Spiti region of India. Hardships like isolation, weather conditions, and inaccessible roads make it hard to reach this part of the world; but if you do manage to find it, it's worth the effort.
In addition to those hardships, there are some other factors that make this place particularly interesting. For instance, the people who live there have been living for centuries as nomads, and they still practice their traditional rituals today. In addition to that, the valley is home to many monasteries and temples as well as an abundance of wildlife.
If you're interested in seeing something truly unique and fascinating, then this is a good place to visit—just be prepared for a few complications!
 The Beauty of the Landscape
When you look at the landscape in Spiti Valley, you see a place that's both desolate and stunningly beautiful. The valley is a wide-open space of snow-capped mountains and rippling streams, with ancient villages dotting the area.
It's hard to imagine how each person could see something different when looking at this valley. But what makes it so special is not just its beauty but also its history.
Spiti Valley was once home to Buddhist monasteries and settlements dating back thousands of years. One such monastery, Key Monastery, has been visited by several prominent Buddhist monks over the years, including Dhankar and Gue. You can still visit some of these monasteries today if you're interested in learning more about the region's fascinating past.
Make sure that while you book your winter Spiti valley tour package, you check the itinerary well and it has all these monasteries.
   The Different Activities You Can Do
The people in Spiti Valley are some of the most welcoming and friendly in the world. This means that you'll have a lot of time to spend with them, which is fantastic! They're also very open-minded, so it's easy for you to learn about their culture.
Not only do they want to show you around their area, but they'll help you with your plans as well. And don't worry about any language barriers, because they speak English or Hindi.
  There are a few things that you might find interesting when exploring this beautiful valley:
n  Go trekking on the trekking routes through plain mountains
n  Visit the monastery and see how people live their lives
n  Have a meal at one of the local restaurants
n  Visit a local school
n  Observe nature by walking along the river
 The Food You'll Eat
One of the great things about Spiti Valley is that there's a diverse selection of food. There are Tibetan, Nepalese, and Indian dishes served at most restaurants and hotels. For the adventurous, you can check out the Chinese food served in town.
But if you're just looking for a simple meal, don't worry: Most restaurants will offer Indian dishes that are both delicious and affordable.
And while it might be tempting to grab a quick bite at one of the many restaurants in town, it's best not to forget about what comes along with this place: You'll get amazing scenery and cultural encounters with locals all around you!
 You can book your Spiti Valley winter tour packages from www.captureatrip.com, a leading travel company in India today.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
The Manali – Rohtang tour package will cover the Northern state of Himachal Pradesh. Manali is a town in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, located about 544 kms from Delhi, the capital. It lies at an elevation of 1,740 m (5,709 ft) above sea level, in the Beas River valley. The name Manali literally means “jewel box” in Hindi and Urdu.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
Weekend Trips from Delhi-Capture A Trip
Himachal is not just a place; it is a feeling. It's the beauty that can be felt in every breath of air. The mountains, the valleys, the towns are filled with life-giving freshness. There are hardly any places on earth where nature has been so benevolent to man as she has been here.
There are various weekend trips from Delhi that you can choose from.
Manali - Rohtang
The Manali – Rohtang tour package will cover the Northern state of Himachal Pradesh. Manali is a town in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, located about 544 kms from Delhi, the capital. It lies at an elevation of 1,740 m (5,709 ft) above sea level, in the Beas River valley. The name Manali literally means “jewel box” in Hindi and Urdu.
It has a reputation as a backpacking centre and honeymoon destination. Set on the Beas River, it’s a gateway for skiing in the Solang Valley and trekking in Parvati Valley.
Rohtang Pass is a mountain pass which is 51 kms from Manali town. Rohtang Pass connects Kullu district to Lahaul and Spiti Valley. The pass it at an elevation of 3,978m.
The drive from Manli to Rohtang pass is very mesmerizing. The mountain ranges start coming up close the higher you go.
Rohtang Pass is a must visit when you travel to Manali as it has one of the best views to offer.
 Kasol- Kheerganga
Kasol tour package is perfect place for people who are looking for an alternative to the crowded, mainstream tourist hubs. Kasol has earned a name as one of the hippie destinations of India.
Kasol lies in Parvati valley and is just about 30kms away from Bhuntar.
 The trek to Kheerganga takes 5-6 hours. From Kasol, the trail goes through the forests of oak and rhododendron trees, which are full of flowers in spring season. After crossing the forest area, you will reach Kheerganga Hot Spring, which is believed to have medicinal properties.
If you are a traveller and want to explore the Himalayas, Kheerganga is one of the best treks for you. The trekking route passes through dense forests and meadows. You can also see few waterfalls on this trekking Kheerganga.
If you are looking for Kasol- Kheerganga tour package from Delhi, then you should check out the trip packages curated by Capture A Trip.
 Tirthan Valley
Tirthan Valley is a beautiful and pristine valley, nestled in the foothills of the Great Himalayan National Park. This eco-sensitive area is home to wildlife such as: leopards, bears, tigers and monkeys.
Tirthan Valley is a beautiful and picturesque place, which has been recently developed as a tourist destination. With its breath-taking views, spectacular mountain ranges and crystal-clear water, Tirthan Valley tour package offers something for everyone – from adventure enthusiasts to nature lovers. The valley can be reached by road from Kullu or Manali Tour Package in approximately 3-4 hours.
  Chopta - Chandrashila
Chopta is one of the most important tourist destinations in Uttarakhand. It lies at an altitude of 2,036 meters (6,694 feet) above sea level and is surrounded by snow clad mountains with deodar trees. Chopta has many ancient temples which are dedicated to Lord Shiva.
The drive from Delhi to Chopta is about 420 kilometres.
A drive to Chopta is a great experience for everyone. Anyone who has ever been to the Himalayas will feel like home as the journey has amazing views to offer. On reaching Chopta you are rewarded with forested ways with pine trees, couple of cascades and crossing towns.
The Chandrashila peak is situated about 4,000 metres above sea level. A trek of five days and four nights takes one to the summit.
It is a great place for trekking in summer also. The biggest attraction of Chopta - Chandrashila tour package are the views of the mighty Himalayan peaks with snow-capped tops all around, with Kedarnath temple in the backdrop. The sunset view from here is marvellous.
 Bir - Billing
Bir is a small village in Himachal Pradesh, there are so many enthralling and unique activities to do in Bir. Bir is at a distance of 490 kms from Delhi.
Widely known as the 'Paragliding capital of India', Bir billing tour packages offers some of the best flying opportunities for paragliders and adventure seekers. Apart from this, you can enjoy trekking through beautiful valleys or horse ride on rolling hills.
Bir is also known for all the quirky cafes it has, as they offer delicious food and an amazing view of the Dhauladhar.
This place offers best flying conditions from October to March with distinct difference in temperature and wind pattern.
 McLeod Ganj - Triund
McLeod Ganj is situated in the lap of Dhauladhar ranges of Himalayas, which is about 7 km from Dharamshala amidst the beautiful Kangra valley.
Situated at an altitude of 2400mts, McLeod Ganj is blessed with cool air and pretty landscapes. The various monasteries and temples make it an ideal place for those who visit to seek peace and solace from the hustle-bustle of daily life.
The town of McLeod Ganj, Himachal Pradesh is famous especially and foremostly for being a spiritual getaway and pilgrimage for the Buddhists. With its scenic view of snow-capped mountains, it attracts followers from all over the globe to meditate, pray and follow the Buddhist traditions in peace. McLeod Ganj tour package also offers various adventure sports like trekking which further makes this place more appealing to tourists.
As the name suggests, Triund is a place that offers the most stunning views of the Himalayas. The Triund trek package takes you through all kind of landscapes - from dense pine forests to barren lands with snow-capped peaks in the backdrop. Triund Trek is one of the most popular treks to go over a weekend from Delhi and Chandigarh. It is perhaps the easiest Himalayan trek to do on your own.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
If you are not a trekking person then you should go with a manali rohtang pass trip this is also the best option for the ones. You can directly contact “capture a trip” to better know what's good for you.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
KEDARKANTHA TREK Blog – Everything you should know before going
KEDARKANTHA TREK - THE THINGS THAT YOU MUST KNOW ABOUT This Snow Himalayan Trek Kedarkantha Trek! I feel goosebumps and butterflies just thinking about the name. After much thought, I decided to embark on my first Snow Himalayan Trek. It was my 50th birthday gift. I never imagined that one day I would trek up the Himalayas. The Himalayas are more than just snow-capped mountains. They are also a place that evokes emotions. The trek was memorable because it took place at 12,500 feet above sea level. It was a beautiful journey through pine forests and breathtaking views of the Himalayan range. A layer of white snow made the trip even more special.It was something I had always hoped for, but it never came true. Just recently, I returned from a snow family vacation in Himachal Pradesh. I booked the Kedarkantha Trek without doing any research. I was able to see the videos and read a few blogs, but the Kedarkantha Trek was beyond my imagination. The 360-degree view of the snow-capped Himalayas and tall green Pine trees, snowy ascending tracks, a row of trekkers in colorful jerseys carrying their luggage, the tok-tok sound made by ponies, streams flowing through rocks with cold water, even though there was so much greenery, everything looked like a black-and-white painted landscape of a hilly area.Story of KedarkanthaKedarkantha is sometimes mistaken for Kedarnath. Talking to locals, I learned about the popular Kedarkantha story. It is a must-read for all those who want to trek Kedarkantha. Kedarkantha is the name of the place where Lord Shiva's throat (or throat) can be found. Locals believe that Lord Shiva meditated here before heading towards Kedarnath. Trek to KedarkanthaMany blogs and vlogs are available on Kedarkantha Trek, giving all the details. The trek's difficulty was a major concern of mine. The difficulty level of the trek is subjective. A great trek for beginners to kedarkantha. However, most blogs claim it to be easy. It is recommended that you have previous trekking experience. Kedarkantha, at 12500ft above sea level, is a great Himalayan Trek for beginners.Trek RouteDay 1: Dehradun to Sankri VillageThe base camp for the Kedarkantha trek is Sankri, which is approximately an 8-10 hours drive from Dehradun. After having breakfast, tea, coffee, lunch, and bio breaks, we left Dehradun at 8 a.m. We arrived in Sankri by 6 p.m. You will see the River Yamuna running through the route, bright, happy mustard fields, twists, turns, and tall pine trees as you travel. You will feel the majestic Himalayas from the route. We stopped in the middle a few times to have lunch and spent some time on the river banks. We felt like children again as we soaked our feet in the river.Sankri is a small village that grows crops for local consumption. It is located at 6000 feet above sea level and serves as the base camp for Kedarkantha Trek.SankriDay 2: Trek from Sankri, Juda ka TalaabSankri, at 6000 feet above sea level, is the starting point of the trek. After a healthy breakfast, we started our trek from Sankri at 10. The weather was pleasant, but it was sunny.The climb to Juda Ka Talaab's base camp was easy, thanks to the deodar and pine forest, muddy trails and breathtaking views of snow-clad mountains.Frozen lake, also known as Juda ka Talab, was 2700m high. It left us speechless. Juda ka Talab is surrounded by thick layers of snow and tall pine trees. This makes it a great place to take photos. Juda ka Talab is located approximately kilometers from our base camp. To reach the base camp, it took us approximately 5 hours and 5 km. We reached the base camp at 3:00 p.m. and were starving to the core. We were advised to rest and adjust to the snow and temperature. On the second day, we saw Juda Ka Talab while hiking up towards Kedarkantha Base campsite.After a hearty and filling meal, we explored the area and took pictures. Although we were exhausted at the end, we were excited to get up the next morning.It was extremely cold that night. Although it was impossible to determine the temperature, it felt like -10°C. The tent accommodation was twin/triple sharing. We had to cover ourselves with two blankets, even though they had provided them.At Juda Ka Talab campsiteDay 3 Juda ka Talaab - Kedarkantha Base CampAfter breakfast, we started our trek the next day at 9 a.m. from Juda ka Talab Base Camp. Juda ka Talab could be found just a kilometer from the base campsite towards Kedarkantha Base campsite. The trek became very difficult because it was sunny. The route becomes slippery and slushy when the sun shines. It was difficult for some of the trekkers to get their gaiters and spikes. As a result, they fell a few times.The surrounding scenery was stunning with its majestic mountains, deep snow, freshwater streams, and not-so-green tree. It was visually stunning, even though it looked all black and white. This is the most difficult point for first-timers, as it becomes steeper and more exhausting. As we got closer to the base campsite, the trek became more enjoyable. It was both a mixture of excitement and nervousness. I thought a lot about whether I would be able to do it. I also wondered if my lungs could support me (asthmatic), if my knees could support me (first snow trek at 50, no joke) and many other things. It was only 5km, and we were almost at the Kedarkantha Base campsite. It was 4 p.m. Even though we were exhausted, there was still enough light to take photos. Three times we were energized by the first glimpse of Kedarkantha Peak. The temperature began to drop. The tents were placed on the snow.Because the dinner was early, we were not allowed to take a break. So we sat around and played games, danced, sang, and did everything possible. We all got to know each other by then and started building our morale for the summit.The guides gave us a briefing about the summit trek while we ate dinner.Takeaway
You can find most of the accommodation options, including homestays, budget hotels and rented accommodations, here. These rooms are comfortable and have bathrooms.
You can easily find vegetarian and non-vegetarian foods. You can also find a variety of seasonal and local fruits here.
Trekking gears like shoes, trekking poles, winter wear, etc. You can hire them.
You can find everything you need: backpacks, woolens and shoes, clothing, Tibetan handicrafts, food, and other knick-knacks at the market.
It is located approximately 5km from Sankri and about 9000 feet above sea level.
You will see the beautiful frozen lake. Safety reasons for walking on the lake are not considered.
Your trek company will provide you with Gaiters or Spikes. These protect you from getting slammed on the snow.
Keep your waterproof gloves, caps, and thermals close at hand. It can get hot and sunny during the day and cold and nail-biting at night.
This pit stop offers tea and Maggie points.
You will find temporary washrooms closer to the tents.
The summit base camp is located at approximately 11000 feet above sea level. It takes 4km to reach it.
From this point, the gradient becomes steeper.
Take a look at the jaw-dropping views from the Himalayas.
There are very few tea points.
Don't treat the trek as a simple one. You can do the snow Himalayan Trek for the first time, but previous trekking experience and fitness are required.
You can trek from Dehradun-Dehradun for Rs 7000 to Rs 9000, depending on the accommodation and travel. Services you use.
It would help if you had lots of woolen clothing.
Hydration is essential for the entire trek.
Do not lie
 Note: If you are not a trekking person then you should go with a manali rohtang pass trip this is also the best option for the ones. You can directly contact “capture a trip” to better know what's good for you.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
Himachal Pradesh is a state of beauty that delights visitors with picturesque mountain stations with charming villages with snow-covered mountains, green valleys, a variety of species of fauna and flora, unspoiled natural beauty and a wealth of hiking trails. It's a must-see destination for those who love nature as well as adventurers and backpackers. This is our top pick of the best spots to go to during the " abode of Snow'.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
The Top 10 Places to Visit in Himachal Pradesh, India
Himachal Pradesh is a state of beauty that delights visitors with picturesque mountain stations with charming villages with snow-covered mountains, green valleys, a variety of species of fauna and flora, unspoiled natural beauty and a wealth of hiking trails. It's a must-see destination for those who love nature as well as adventurers and backpackers. This is our top pick of the best spots to go to during the " abode of Snow'.
On the banks of the Parvati River is a picturesque town called Kasol which is also known as the 'Little Israel India'. It is a peaceful and laidback place. Kasol is well-loved by hippies and backpackers and for great reasons. The beautiful landscape of mountains covered in snow with lush valleys, stunning waterfalls, and unspoiled treks make Kasol a dream for trekkers and nature lovers and the variety of delightful cafés, affordable accommodation options and a laid-back atmosphere makes Kasol an ideal place to explore on a backpack.
If you're in the area It is worthwhile to explore the small hamlets in the area including Chalal which is well-known by its Trance as well as Psychedelic events; Malana, known for its Malana Cream (cannabis); Rasol and Tosh and Tosh, both of which are brimming with lush greenery and peace.
Also known as also the Queen of Hills, Shimla is a beautiful colonial hill station with stunning views that will be waiting for you in every corner. A great place to stroll, Shimla showcases some of the finest colonial-era structures such as the Viceregal Lodge and it's Town Hall, Gaiety Theatre and the Christ Church. Shimla's location at lower slopes of the Himalayas amid the lush greenery and snow-covered mountain ranges makes it the ideal spot for hiking and outdoor pursuits. The attraction to this city as the Queen of Hills increases manifold when winter arrives The entire city is completely covered in snow, an unforgettable experience to be remembered!
At an altitude of 1,900m is an unassuming town called Kasauli. It is a small town in terms of tourist attractions or commerce, nor population. But that's precisely the reason its appeal and beauty lies : its unadulterated air, tranquil and serene ambience, and the abundance of nature is what draws tourists. The locations you can go to are Kasauli Club, the Baptish Church, Christ Church, Kasauli Brewery, Monkey Point, Nahri temple and Kasauli Club.
In the upper regions in the upper reaches of Kangra Valley Dharamshala is blessed with one of the most beautiful weather conditions found in Himachal Tour Package. The town is surrounded by snow-covered mountains of Dhauladhar mountains, and the lush deodar and pine forests The town is filled with architectural and cultural attractions as well as a large variety of cafes, restaurants and shops that cater to its large diverse Indian as well as Tibetan communities. The suburbs of the town, like McLeod Ganj (India's Mini Tibet), Dharamkot, Sindhbari, Ramnagar and Naddi are worth exploring. Additionally, with an abundance of hiking trails with waterfalls, scenic valleys and waterfalls and valleys, the town draws travelers from all over the globe.
Spiti Valley
With an altitude of 3,810m, Spiti tour package is a secluded village in the mountains of the cold desert. Although it's relatively isolated, many travelers from the spiritual and adventure world are slowly arriving in Spiti to visit its numerous Buddhist monasteries that are scattered across the region, and to take part in exciting activities including mountain biking, trekking, whitewater rafting and wildlife viewing. Furthermore the area is surrounded by numerous high-altitude communities, including Tabo, Kaza, Dhankar, Kibber, Komic and Langza that can be explored during your journey to Spiti.
Manali Trip
At an altitude of 2,050 metres in the River Beas valley, Manali Tour Package is a picturesque mountain retreat that attracts hundreds of tourists each year. The stunning landscape of the lush deodar and pine forests and snow-covered mountains, picturesque meadows, valleys and waterfalls draws adventurers and nature lovers alike. Additionally, the ancient temples and Tibetan monasteries are a magnet for spiritualists.
Within the Kinnaur district in Himachal trip is a small but charming village called Chitkul that is the last village to be inhabited close to the border between Indo-China. There's not much to see or do in Chitkul, but the picturesque landscape that consists of the lush greenery, the snow-laden mountains , apple orchards and its peaceful vibe makes it a perfect spot for those seeking to commune with nature, peacefully and in silence. It is particularly interesting to see the charming houses with slate or wooden roofs and an ancient temple which houses a deity that dates back to 500 years that is the patron saint of town.
Bir Billing
Despite its small dimensions, Bir Billing is the most popular destination for paragliding around India. Also known as the Paragliding Capital of India', Bir Billing is a place that has a pleasant climate all year round and an amazing scene that attracts adrenaline junkies and adventurers from all over the globe. It is a place that offers breathtaking views of the rolling beauty of the Himalayan mountains.
Dalhousie is a popular year-round vacation destination, but is even more beautiful during the winter months, when the whole hill town is covered in white sheets. With mountains with cascading waterfalls and lakes, and beautiful oak and pine trees, avid adventurers are able to visit Dalhousie to take part in outdoor activities like hiking or canoeing, river rafting, kayaking , and camping. In addition, the tranquil atmosphere and natural beauty attract those who are nature-lovers and peace lovers alike.
Khajjiar is a small slice of heaven in the midst of dense deodar forest, lush meadows and the snow-capped Himalayas. The 'Mini Switzerland' of the Indian subcontinent, tourists can take a trip to explore the stunning surroundings, be close to the diverse wildlife in Kalatop Wildlife Sanctuary. Kalatop Wildlife Sanctuary, and participate in outdoor pursuits like forest treks Zorbing, horse riding, and paragliding in Khajjiar Lake. Khajjiar Lake. A must-see is the Khaji Nag 12th century temple. It is dedicated to the Lord of Serpents (Khaji Nag), the temple is distinguished by its gorgeous design that is a blend from Hindu as well as Muslim styles.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
Amidst the top of sought-after tourist destinations within India, Manali is amidst the mountains, offering stunning views, beautiful streams, fairytale-like fog that surrounds small cottages that are hidden from view and the lingering scent of freshness and pines. The raging influx of tourists has led to the over exploitation of the town of Manali as a destination for tourists however the areas around remain relatively undiscovered. But, this is an area that you should put in your bucket list.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
Manali: A Quick and Handy Travel Guide
Amidst the top of sought-after tourist destinations within India, Manali is amidst the mountains, offering stunning views, beautiful streams, fairytale-like fog that surrounds small cottages that are hidden from view and the lingering scent of freshness and pines. The raging influx of tourists has led to the over exploitation of the town of Manali as a destination for tourists however the areas around remain relatively undiscovered. But, this is an area that you should put in your bucket list.
You must see
Solang Valley - Solang Valley is tranquil and can be most easily accessible via the road. The drive to Solang is breathtakingly beautiful. Once you're there, take a bite of Chinese dishes at the roadside shacks and take in the stunning views.
Old Manali - Swaying eucalyptus gorgeous roads with sweet little eateries tiny markets with a quaint atmosphere and cafes serving the best continental cuisine at a bargain price The tranquility in Old Manali is only disturbed by the twittering of birds and the sound of flowing waters of Kullu River. Kullu River.
Rohtang Pass - a beautiful and popular tourist spot within Manali Tour Package which attracts over 25 lakh tourists each year. When it is wintertime, the hills surrounding The Rohtang Pass are completely covered with snow, and it's impossible to access the area. This is why the pass stays closed in winter (from the month of October) and usually opens in May.
Naggar Castle - Located in Naggar Town, amidst breathtaking forested hills The Naggar Castle is a magnificent historic edifice. It was once the home of the Raja Sidh Singh of Kullu, the castle is a blend of European and Himalayan architectural styles. Fireplaces, elegant staircases as well as stunning wood and stone work decorate the interior of the castle.
Manu Temple - this religious building is visited by hundreds of people each year. Legends say that Manu has saved the Vedas as well as the seven sages from the flood of destruction and later created Manali their home. A visit to the temple that is revered will surely leave you emotionally and spiritually refreshed.
Things to Do
Trekking in the Manali package is a true pleasure for those seeking adventure to the hills with jagged edges. An ideal base camp for trekking, Manali's Mountaineering Institute offers several types of high altitude hiking as well as climbing options. Yoga-Trekking is an additional unique idea that blends spirituality with physical health and is gaining popularity for both spiritual and adventure seekers.
Skiing - An exciting experience for those who love adventure while exploring Manali in the Himalayas, they can enjoy some extreme skiing in the snow-covered mountains surrounding this hill-station. Do you want to experience something that is even more exciting? Consider heli-skiing, or ski-skiing yak to make your experience memorable.
River-Rafting River-Rafting - River Beas comes across as an ideal place for those who love adventure to enjoy thrilling rapids amidst grades II and III of rapids. Inspire your adrenaline with water-based adventure activities like kayaking, canoeing and of course white-water rafting.
Zorbing is an original sport that involves a person who is dropped into a massive transparent plastic zorb ball that is then carried down a hill. It's a must-do activity that shouldn't be missed in Manali.
Himalayan Caravan Adventure - From trekking to mountain biking, paragliding, jeep safaris, and rafting, Himalayan Caravan Adventure offers you an array of adventure activities. Through custom tours and tailor-made holiday packages, this firm is a magnet for adventure-lovers all year long.
Food and Drinking Places to Eat
Casa Bella Vista - Amidst the stunning views that surround Manali is a cozy café called Casa Bella Vista that serves mouth-watering Spanish and Italian food. Enjoy freshly baked, freshly tossed thin-crust pizza from the wood oven with the refreshing taste of a pint of chilled drink or your preferred mocktail.
Cafe 1947 is a quaint and classic Italian cafe believed to be the very first music venue situated in Manali and is situated along one of the banks of River Manalsu. Relax and enjoy your meals, read a book or play your favorite tunes or even kick off an unplanned gig. Cafe 1947 will surely be one of your most memorable moments in Manali.
Dylan's Toasted Roaster - Originally referred to under the name Double Vision, the cafe featured a wall devoted to Bob Dylan's picture. Bob Dylan's music enthusiasts were so impressed that they came up with a unique name for the café and thus it was named Dylan's Toasted and Baked.
Khyber is a multi-cuisine restaurant, Khyber serves delectable Chinese, Continental, Indian and Mughlai dishes. Drinks are priced reasonably and the tables can be a great location to sit and relax.
Johnson's Bar and Restaurant - Johnson's Bar & Restaurant is an adorable Italian establishment located in Manali. The restaurant is home to a skilled Italian chef, delicious food, and a bar with a wide variety of liquors, wines exotic cocktails, as well as shooters.
What to do when you need to go
If you want to escape the scorching heat or simply enjoy the cold winter months, we've got you covered. the monthly breakdown of the Manali trip climate to help you make plans in advance:
September through March – The monsoons bring to the end of September, and winter sets in around October. The temperatures in winter can drop to -1 degree Celsius. Make sure you have enough woollens on hand to keep you warm.
The month of December runs from December to January. It is a great time to experience snowfall as well as the stunning clear views from the mountains surrounding, which is a favorite among honeymooners. This is the perfect time for adventurers who are looking to ski.
From March to June, The season of summer begins from March, but the weather remains nice. The temperatures in these summer months generally range between 10 and 25 degrees, meaning you may still require lightweight woolens at night. This is the best moment to take part in activities outdoors like paragliding or rafting, as well as mountain treks and trekking within the Solang Valley. It is also when the region's floral flora is at its peak, giving it the most natural beauty.
July through August Monsoons from July to August in Manali aren't easy because the area experiences significant rainfall. This could cause the formation of landslides. However, since a large number of tourists do not prefer traveling during this season hotel prices are likely to decrease.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
Meghalaya is a state in India which has a diverse geography and offers a host of adventures to explore. From mountain peaks and waterfalls to ancient monasteries and wildlife sanctuaries, it really has it all.
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sidhiroy · 2 years
Meghalaya - The Land of Adventure
Meghalaya is a state in India which has a diverse geography and offers a host of adventures to explore. From mountain peaks and waterfalls to ancient monasteries and wildlife sanctuaries, it really has it all.
Meghalaya is a state in Northeast India. It's known for its breath-taking natural landscapes, culture, and adventure sports. It also offers plenty of opportunities to explore the rich heritage of this region. There are plenty of things to do in Meghalaya, so it's one of the best places for adventurers. Here are some reasons why you should visit Meghalaya.
So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags, grab your camera, and head out on an adventure to Meghalaya.
When you book your Meghalaya trip, make sure you are taking a tour to Nohkalikai Falls. Nohkalikai Falls is one of Meghalaya's most popular waterfalls and for good reason. This picturesque waterfall is located on the Umngot River and is known for its five tiers of cascades that plunge into a deep pool of water. Visitors can enjoy the view from a distance, or they can take a walk to the top and get up close and personal with this beautiful waterfall.
Another must visit place that you should have on your Meghalaya tour package is the Mawsmai Caves. These caves are some of the oldest man-made caves in India and offer an incredible opportunity to explore the many different types of rock formations found in these mountain caves. These caves were once home to both Buddhists and Hindus, as well as those who practiced animism, together making it one of the state's most important historical sites.
When you book your Meghalaya group tour from Capture A trip, you are sure to experience the below listed things-
1. You’ll experience a rich culture and an abundance of natural beauty
2. You'll have a chance to explore some of the most picturesque waterfalls in India
3. You can find handmade crafts from talented artisans
4. The cuisine will blow your mind with its versatility
5. You can enjoy breath-taking mountain views
6. You can explore wildlife sanctuaries
7. There are plenty of opportunities for adventure sports
8. And so much more! Read on to find out what they are!
 Capture a Trip is a platform that simplifies the process of booking your perfect holiday. Browse through our trips to Meghalaya to find what you're looking for, and we'll take care of the rest. Guaranteed authentic holidays, transparent prices, and personalized travel advice from experts in the know. Visit www.captureatrip.com now. We also take Meghalaya group tours and packages for all of our travellers. 
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