siiverstars ¡ 4 years
“It’s important to be humble, Guk.” He reminds him.
“I know, I know...” Jungkook replies, his eyes lowering to the ground in mere shame.
“But don’t confuse being boastful with being sure of yourself. Being humble doesn’t mean you let yourself be stepped on. When someone flaunts your weaknesses, you battle it with your strengths.” He added. “You did well, Koo.”
Jungkook shakes his head. “I don’t think I have any.”
Taehyung cups his cheeks and wipes away the tears falling. “No weaknesses? True. Strengths? Too many.”
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siiverstars ¡ 4 years
The hogwarts houses an unofficial study:
recently I made my friends take the pottermore quiz, They all had vastly different results and I wanted to share my theory on how they solved the quiz and what it says about the decisionmaking proces of each house.
1. Gryffindor:
The gryffindor lets their emotions guide them when making a decision. They have the opposite decision making proces to a slytherin. They are at times hard to predict for this reason. They are usually the fastest to solve the quiz because they trust their gut and have a lot of faith in themselves. This results in going with their first instinct when making a decision. They are incredibly curious, they go with which answer at first attracts them and can be impulsive.  When a challenge is presented, they HAVE to meet it.  
F.ex.  A gryffindor will choose the unassuming box with “I only open for the worthy’, because it sparks their curiosity immediately and challenges them.
2. Slytherin:
A slytherin takes emotion out of every decision. They will make an extremely logical and calculated response. They are focused on the immediate question without thinking too far ahead about the consequences of that action. Not because they are bad people but because their emotions don’t come in play when they think of the possible outcome.  (Doesn’t mean they won’t have them, but they usually won’t weigh them in when making a decision).
F.ex. often a slytherin will choose the power to read minds, which is one of the hardest powers to bear, because of the mental torment of knowing what people you love think about you at all times.  They won’t take how they feel into account, they won’t think of it when making the decision.  
Slytherins are opposite to gryffindors in the sense that they often won’t think of the danger they are getting themselves into when they choose a certain path, while Gryffindors are brave exactly because they see the danger, but will choose to face it (if not always for selfless reasons).  A Gryffindor will run towards danger, a Slytherin will wait for danger to come to them without blinking, because they are not easily scared.
3. Hufflepuf:
When hufflepufs solve the quiz their line of thinking goes: ‘how will my answer affect other people in this scenario?’ or ‘how will I feel about myself in a year when I look back on this decision’.
Their decisionmaking is very practical and grounded in the real - life consequences. Hufflepufs won’t go for the easy out, they think it through from as many possible viewpoints, to make sure their decision won’t unfairly disadvantage or hurt someone else.  They are the house that carries the most guilt, because their line of thinking shows them everyone that will be hurt over their actions, even in the most insignificant way.  This is a heavy weight on a person so they are the most cautious house, not because they are scared for themselves, but because they are scared for others.
F. ex. A hufflepuf will choose the box with a squeaking creature inside, because it might suffocate, die or suffer if it stays in the box. This is the outcome that will come to mind, not “which box sounds coolest”.
4. Ravenclaw:
A ravenclaw thinks outside of the box. The box isnt even there for them. They have come up with a possible outcome of the decision that wouldn’t have crossed your mind in a million years. 
They will always choose mystery because they can imagine a million amazing things to be contained within a mysterious item. They wont go for the ‘Sure thing’ because they are too enticed by ‘possibility’. They aren’t bound by the limits that other houses have regarding imagination, they aren’t bound by the same reality.  Their reality is more broad and they see more possibilities. 
F.ex. They will save a mysterious book of runes instead of a nearly perfected cure for dragonpox for that exact reason. 
It was interesting to see how the houses are each others opposites:
Slytherin: logical decisionmaking
Gryffindor: emotional decisionmaking.
Hufflepuf: grounded in reality making decisions.
Ravenclaw: imaginative, boundless decisionmaking.
But the Houses that are opposite also have something crucial in common:
both gryffindor and slytherin both seem more short term minded in their decisions and more egocentric, thinking: “how would this affect me/my loved ones right now”. 
 Hufflepuf and Ravenclaw are both focused on the long term consequence of their actions and the bigger picture: “what will be the consequences in the far of future for everyone”.  
As a final remark i would like to point out that this was just for fun, and it is perfectly possible that you are a member of a house without falling into these boxes I have sketched out.  And you don’t have to be!  I just hope some of you recognized yourselves, and for those that didn’t: I hope you’re happy too and just had fun reading this and disagreeing.  
And with that last part I have proven what a huge hufflepuf I am so… *shrug*
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siiverstars ¡ 5 years
Yohan stared curiously at him. “You didn’t dump him? Isn’t that some sort of turn off for you?”
“It is, but it’s not something we couldn’t work on. I like him too much to dump him for something we could fix, and it’s not like I dated him because he’s perfect. I dated him because he’s not, and I’m not either, but we could get better together.” Wooseok answered as he finished cleaning the rest of the room.
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siiverstars ¡ 5 years
gyuhao — safety net.
“you should give him a chance.” junhui tells minghao softly. it’s almost as if he’s walking on eggshells, clueless on the right words to say.
minghao scoffs. “mingyu? no. i don’t think so.”
“minghao, don’t do this to yourself. i just want to see you be happy.” junhui says softly. “mingyu? he takes you out on art museum dates even if he’s not too interested because, in his exact words, ‘happiness looks so lovely on you’. he buys you your favorite foods and showers you with sweet words. he writes tracks for you and sends you mixtapes of his recordings. he watches you paint and paint for hours and yet still believes you’re the artwork. he holds your hand and lays his head on your shoulders, and you let him. he looks at you as if you’re all he can ever ask for. minghao, you deserve that.”
“don’t you think he’s just used to doing those things for someone?” minghao questions defensively, tired of having this topic brought up. “don’t you think he just misses doing those things for wonwoo?”
junhui tenses up visibly, and minghao almost regrets it as soon as he said wonwoo’s name. “w-wonwoo...” junhui says, trying to form coherent sentences. perhaps the idea of wonwoo and mingyu stops him from finishing so.
“maybe wonwoo isn’t fucking with you.” minghao says, hoping it’s enough to suffice as comfort. “maybe he genuinely moved on that quickly, maybe he genuinely loves you now.”
“but gyu? god, junhui. if only you can feel how pathetic i feel. how can i even amount to even half of wonwoo? i never can. mingyu... he just needs someone to receive all the love he can’t give to wonwoo now. he’s so fucking sweet to me, but everytime he is, i just feel like he’s trying to see someone he’ll never find in me. everytime he holds my hand— i allow myelf one second of bliss, junhui. one second to feel like i’m wanted. then, i remember that all i’ll ever be is someone who’ll fill in the place wonwoo left. i remember that all mingyu needs me for is to give him the warmth he can no longer get from wonwoo. so immediately i detach our fingers and gather the little pride i have left, yet the next time he intertwines them i oblige so easily.”
“i know it’s important for you to see me happy, but let’s be real here, junhui. maybe a part of you wants mingyu to be taken so you can be assured wonwoo won’t have anyone to leave you for. not me, junhui. i won’t let myself be a safety net for anyone.” minghao says, before leaving immediately.
the next day he sees mingyu, all his words remain forgotten at the back of his mind. he neglects the little pride he has left for the bliss mingyu gives.
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siiverstars ¡ 5 years
“The way I grieve for you is not loud. It is not a cry in the dark, a wail to those who love me, a breakdown made of tears and apologies and ‘why is this happening to me’s. Instead, my grief is a silent killer. It suffocates me in the night. I feel it poison my lungs every time I draw in breath. I feel it wrap its cold dark hands around my barely beating heart, squeeze until it needs to gasp to restart and yet it does not speak. My grief is silent, so others think it doesn’t exist. They look at the unbreakable mask I wear on my face without realising my insides scream. They wonder if I ever loved you the way you needed. Sometimes they think I am a heartless thing that never loved you at all. They think I never deserved you and refuse to understand the truth of the way I grieve. They refuse to look at me, the same way Icarus’ father refused to look at the sun ever again because a part of him blamed Apollo for never understanding that Icarus loved him, that he let him plummet and die in the water. No one ever told him either, that when Icarus fell, Apollo went insane with grief. I know, because every night I see the sun God drown himself in the horizon, to learn the painful process of destroying and resurrecting himself in the myth we naively call Night and Day that we take for granted as the sun setting and rising All this so that one day he can defy Olympus’ rule of never resurrecting a mortal for Icarus, the only mortal who ever dared to loved him enough to fly close to him but drowned instead, in the ocean’s deep. [If he ever learns to resurrect mortals the way he resurrects himself Apollo’s favourite sight would always be Icarus rising the way he does every morning, whole again from the sea. And my favourite memory seared in my mind by my aching, ever destroying, never ending grief the kind of grief that Apollo and I know intimately will be your sleep warm body softly breathing next to me.]”
— Nikita Gill, Why the Sun Rises and Sets: A Mythological Retelling/ Truths about Grief
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siiverstars ¡ 5 years
““You’re not allowed to want me.” “I’m not planning on it.” I lied, I lied, couldn’t you tell? I wanted you, the heat and flicker of your hands devouring me, the way every inch of my body seemed to melt when you pressed your lips between my shoulder blades. I wanted you, oh how desperately I wanted you. Boy made of fire, made of want that burned like a quickly dying flame. I would have donned wings and flown to you again for even the chance to feel you break me open. “You can’t fall in love.” “You’re not my type.” I lied, again and again. I was enthralled with you, the way you tasted like summer days and one night stands. There was something so addictive about you, about the way your hands were rough tugging on my hair, my skin, nails digging moons and shooting stars into my flesh. I would have become a galaxy at your fingertips if you wanted me to. “You’ll have to leave eventually.” “Only if you ask me to.” I’ve learned, since then, that it was never meant to be. Fate wrote our stories, threw us together as a warning: don’t give up your life for the boy who burns so bright. But I would live this life again just to feel your gasp of breath like a warm wind on my neck. just to feel your fingers graze my hips. We were destined to collide and tear each other apart, destined to crash and sink and destroy ourselves. Or maybe that was just me, I can’t remember. “I don’t want you anymore.” “Please don’t do this.” Don’t forget about me. For all the angels and stars that find their way to you, for the centuries to pass and lives to decay, don’t forget about the boy who only wanted to kiss the sun one last time.”
— fates written like a tragedy
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