Hello!! I just took your milgram friendship uquiz and it was So Sweet 🥺 Maybe it's silly to ask, but have you/could you post all the results? I got Mikoto and the description was really nice -- it suited him so well, I'd love to hear the others :') Either way, thank you for such a cute quiz!!!
aaaa thank you sm!!! that makes me really happy to hear, youre so sweet :’3 not a silly question at all, dw! i put all the different results under the cut, i hope they dont disappoint!!
your best friend is haruka sakurai! haruka is an anxious, awkward, and skittish, but ultimately kind guy. he has trouble socializing and getting to know people, so it’s very likely that you’re the only close friend he has, and he’s very grateful for that. you don’t laugh at him, or scoff at him, or see him as abnormal – you accept him as he is, and give him the attention he’s craved all his life. knowing you’re there, and that you have his back, means the world to him. he knows he’ll never be able to express his gratitude properly, but he tries to! he tries to be attentive, always ready to hear you out, and spend time with you. he gives you gifts, often small things, like cool rocks or flowers he found, or a colorful drawing he made – as often as he can, hoping they’ll convey even a sliver of the admiration he has for you. you’re just so incredible? he can’t believe you’re real at times. he can’t believe someone so kind, smart, talented and funny is his best friend. haruka is truly your biggest hype man – no matter what you’re doing he’s there, supporting you, eyes sparkling. he gets giddy talking about you to other people, because he’s just so incredibly thankful to have someone so comforting and unchanging in his life. he hopes you’ll never leave. he can’t be the best friend you deserve, but he can at least do his best to be decent, so you won’t leave him behind. he’ll probably need a lot of reassurance before he can start to accept that he’s your best friend, just as much as you’re his. haruka often wishes he could go back to the past, but having you by his side makes him think that he doesn’t need to, after all. maybe even someone like him is allowed to have hope for the future.
your best friend is muu kusunoki! muu is shy, affectionate, and a bit spoiled. she can be demanding and even a bit cruel, at times, but never to you. to muu, you are the one safe corner in her world, one of the few people in her life who haven’t hurt her yet. she’s very scared that you’ll slip away from her, like sand between her fingers, if she isn’t careful – so she can be a bit clingy. that being said, she won’t hesitate to be a little snarky and blunt, even to you; that’s just the way muu is. if she ever seriously hurt your feelings, though, she’d feel terrible. all muu wants is one good friend – someone who listens to her, and supports her. someone she can laugh with and paint her nails with and enjoy a normal friendship with, without gossip or pain or jealousy. she wants to make lots of good memories with you, and will probably try to bring you along on every expensive family trip or outing. she’s skittish, at times, and very much anxious and closed-off after the bullying she faced – but she’s getting better, slowly but surely. she knows you won’t hurt her, and would never hurt you, either. again – muu isn’t perfect. she’s very much spoiled, very much arrogant, and sometimes even cruel; but with your guidance, your normal, lighthearted presence in her life, even that can change. you’re her very best friend, in the whole wide world, and she truly loves you. she hopes you can stay the way you are now, together forever, for all her life.
your best friend is yuno kashiki! yuno is a cheerful, bubbly, kind girl – at least, that’s what she wants you to think. yuno’s smile is usually plastered on, as a means to reach an end, as a way to get others to dote on her. in actuality, she’s cold, calculating, and blunt, never letting anyone close enough to see her true self – well, except you. in some way or another, you have managed to see through the facade, and reach out towards the true yuno – who isn’t the same as the bubbly and cheerful yuno, but far from evil or cruel. the real yuno struggles with apathy and a feeling of emptiness, that she’s desperately trying to fill. the real yuno doesn’t need people to understand her, but deep down she’d probably like them to. the real yuno can be blunt and cold, but also kind, and she cares deeply for her loved ones. you’ve seen the real yuno; she’s your best friend, not all the other yunos she takes the role of when the situation calls for it. and she’s grateful for that. you’re one of the few people she can be transparent with – she likes to hang out with and have fun with you, but doesn’t feel like she constantly has to be smiling when she does. she doesn’t feel like an actress when she’s around you, and at the end of the day, maybe that’s all there is to it. maybe that matters more than anything. having even a single person who understands you like that is a privilege, and yuno doesn’t let important things out of her grasp. she’s not always entirely earnest and genuine – that’s something she also struggles with – but she does occasionally let you know that she appreciates you. you’re one of the few people in her life that makes her feel warm, and you don’t demand anything in return. the word “friend” doesn’t sound fake when she says it, not when it’s referring to you.
your best friend is kazui mukuhara! kazui is relaxed, easygoing, and generally easy to get along with. he’s also very good at lying. or, rather, acting – he’s good at pretending nothing’s wrong, and good at acting like someone he’s not. at the end of the day, though, he has a kind heart, and values friendship. kazui doesn’t care for the things that are dubbed as most “important” in society – getting a job, finding a wife, having kids… what kazui values are the small moments, and the fleeting, lighthearted connections you make along the way. he doesn’t need a lot of friends, just a couple good ones, and having you around is more than enough. kazui isn’t someone who’s good at expressing his love for another person, not in a way that properly conveys his feelings, but he is good at showing it. it’s in every lighthearted jab, sarcastic quip, ruffle of your hair – he does love you, his best friend, but he doesn’t really feel the need to say it. he simply enjoys your company. if he could choose one thing to keep all his life, one thing guaranteed not to change, he’d probably pick you. having someone around who understands you, and who enjoys your company as much as you enjoy theirs, is a very important thing. the most important, maybe, he muses. kazui is also a dad friend, even though he’ll jokingly punch you on the head if you say it to him – he can’t help but be worried about the people he values, and although he denies it, he enjoys being depended on. kazui is a good liar, at the end of the day, and there are times where not even you will be able to completely see through him, and know what he’s thinking – but one thing you can always be sure of is that he values your friendship more than anything. he hopes you’ll stay in his life for a long time to come.
your best friend is shidou kirisaki! shidou is calm, observant, and very, very kind. he’s caring by nature, always doting on someone without realizing it, like a worried mom – especially to you. there are things shidou doesn’t talk about, some things buried deep within his heart, a kind of guilt that can’t be shaken off, no matter how much time passes. he doesn’t speak about it, but it’s there, and if you’re close to him, you’ll see it. he doesn’t speak about these things, but he does trust you. you are a constant comfort in his life, bringing some color into his monotone world. shidou doesn’t feel like he deserves such an untainted friendship, doesn’t think he deserves someone who’ll stay with him even after all that he’s done, yet there you are. and he can’t bring himself to push you away. selfishly, he wants to be happy, even after everything. he wants to have a good friend to talk with, who knows him, who will judge him properly and still stick around. shidou is, again, very doting without realizing it. you’re sad? he’s by your side to hear you out. you’ve had an argument? he apologizes almost immediately, or at the very least communicates to reach an understanding. you’re sick? he goes full mother hen/doctor mode, tending to you like you’re dying (it’s just a cold, shidou). shidou is kind, and he’s very happy to have you in his life. just this one good thing is enough, he thinks, just this one good thing is enough for me. if something happened to you, he doesn’t know what he’d do. probably break, or repeat the same sins he already has, over and over again. so, please – take care of yourself, won’t you?
your best friend is fuuta kajiyama! fuuta is snarky, irritable, and very determined. he wants you to think he’s cool, strong, and edgy, but he’s actually more like a very angry chihuahua. more than anything, though, fuuta is kind. he just doesn’t want to show it. you’re fuuta’s best friend, his ride or die, the person he feels closest to in the world – which is why it’s absolutely vital that he bully you and bicker with you as much as humanly possible, to cover up all those gross, tender emotions. he never takes it too far (or, well, he tries to), but there’s nothing he loves more than starting stupid fights about stupid stuff, and making fun of you. he likes competing with you, and will literally never shut the fuck up if he wins whatever dumbass competition he started. on the other hand, if you win and start gloating, he’ll call you immature. the right way to handle having this loser as a best friend is simply to bully him back – and he expects you to! if you don’t, he’ll probably feel bad and distance himself. he wants to be able to bicker with you, and watch dumb movies, and kick your ass in mario kart. but deep down, he truly, truly cares for you. definitely more protective than he lets on, too. if someone else were to bully you, he’d get defensive and annoyed – god forbid, if someone made you genuinely sad? his lil 165 cm ass is FUMING. all in all, fuuta isn’t good at showing his appreciation for you, but he hopes you know it’s there. he really, really hopes you know, because if you don’t he’ll have to say it, and that’ll end with him red in the face, hands sweaty, stammering out a timid “you’re my best friend” like he’s proposing. fuuta is kind, too kind for his own good, but he’s so afraid of being seen as a coward that he’s closed himself off, in an attempt to make himself look tougher. if he ever shows his more vulnerable side to you, don’t make fun of him, for once – you’re the only one in the world he trusts enough to show it to. fuuta is kind, and pathetic, and deeply respects and cares for his best friend – and he’ll deny it til his dying breath.
your best friend is mahiru shiina! mahiru is affectionate, bubbly, and loving, almost overwhelmingly so. it’s impossible to be in any kind of relationship with mahiru, platonic or romantic, without knowing that you’re loved. she’s very vocal about it. mahiru loves to love – that’s the very core of her identity. she wants to experience fun things, things that make her heart race, sad things, emotions too heavy for a name. more importantly, she wants someone to experience these things with her. that’s why she feels so giddy to have you, her best friend, someone who doesn’t get weirded out by her, and doesn’t try to push her away. she wants to do everything with you, wants to be the best friend she can be, so she gives and gives and gives until she has nothing left, and then she just kinda.. retreats into herself. mahiru wants to be loved, but she doesn’t really know how to be loved – or love, for that matter! the last time she loved someone this strongly, they died. if the same thing were to happen to you, she’d… well. best not to think about it too much. what mahiru needs isn’t someone who will reject her, or tell her that she’s wrong, but someone that can show her how light love can be. how light love should be. mahiru’s perception of love isn’t wrong, exactly, but it is skewed, and she needs someone who can show her a different kind of love. the love you feel when your best friend laughs until their stomach hurts, the love you feel when your best friend shows up at your doorstep with your favorite snacks in hand, the love that surrounds you when you’re with people who accept you. mahiru wants to be the best friend she can be, and in her own way, she is. she’ll never leave you, will always be there to comfort you, and will support you no matter what. she’ll laugh with you over bad jokes, cry her eyes out at the sappy romance movies you watch, and tease you if you ever get a crush on someone – all around, mahiru’s love, when you strip away the flames and ashes, is very light.
your best friend is kotoko yuzuriha! kotoko is a cool, confident, determined girl, who won’t hesitate to take what she wants when the right moment strikes. she’s not as scary as she seems (although still very intimidating), and with people close to her, she allows herself to relax a little more. her smile is softer, somehow, and her shoulders aren’t as tense, and her eyes look almost tired. this side of her is something even her best friend will rarely see, though – kotoko prefers to be scary and guarded, ready for an attack at any moment. she has a strong, good heart, with good intentions, but she is a bit… misguided, in some ways. kotoko loves violence, especially when she can justify it, and there are times when her eyes don’t look sharp or tired, but scary, in an animalistic way you’re afraid to identify. still, she has a soft spot for you, and will be more open with you than most others. with you, she has no problem discussing her ideals, and her views, and her deepest desires. if she’s allowed you to come that close, you probably agree with her in some way, anyway. kotoko can be snarky, sarcastic, and scary, but she very much respects you. she’s likely very protective, even if she might not show it, and you probably contribute to her ideals, in some ways – she wants you to be safe from the evil people in the world, and that just gives her a greater reason to eradicate them. you’re a stable presence in her hectic life, and although she can’t let you come too close to her (as much as she wants you to), she respects and values the friendship you share. she’s your fang, at your service, ready to eradicate anyone who tries to – hey, don’t laugh, she’s being serious here!
your best friend is mikoto kayano! mikoto is…. hard to pin down, exactly. at first glance he’s a very normal guy, with a standard job, always all smiles and jokes, coming up with nicknames for people he meets at the drop of a hat. from first impressions alone, you’d think he’s a completely ordinary person, but the truth is.. a bit more complex. even you, his best friend, might not understand him completely – but you’re close, and the closest by a long shot. mikoto has a tenderness to him that’s hard to fake, but there’s something else, too. something deeply ingrained. something hard to shake off. something almost ominous. something that flashes in the corner of his eyes, something that breaks in his voice, something odd about him. like he was hit a little too hard over the head as a kid. he’s hard to understand, but mikoto’s affection for you is undeniable. he hangs out with you whenever he can, joking around and dragging you out to get boba with him, throwing an arm over your shoulder and tickling you. your friendship, too, seems very normal. it might actually be the most normal thing in mikoto’s life, ironically enough. mikoto seems very ordinary, but you know better, although you try to ignore the signs (a bruise. a trash can overflowing with cigarettes, even though he claims to be a casual smoker. an ominous, dark stain on one of his shoes). even so, you stay. you’re his best friend, wholeheartedly, and whatever secrets he has, whether he himself is aware of them or not, he’ll surely open up to you someday. mikoto is hard to get a read on, and more than meets the eye, for sure – but at the end of the day, he’s simply your best friend. a little silly, but well meaning. more stressed than he lets on, even though he’ll laugh it off if you ask. a nice guy whose smile rarely reaches his eyes, but when it does, you swear you’ll spend the rest of your life engraving it into your memory. he’s mikoto.
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geto meme batch bc i love one man <3 + this week’s episode broke me like a sad flimsy piñata
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IN HONOUR OF CAT DROPPING here’s a compilation of some old kazui memes bc i’m too lazy to make more <3 i love one man!!!!
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(i’m one week late but) IN HONOUR OF SEASON 2 DROPPING….. some 2006 gang sillies :3
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another jjk meme batch!! except it’s mostly sashisu
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jjk got me so fucked up i made a uquiz abt it so i’m shamelessly plugging it here </3
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more jjk sillies <3 i’m making these to distract myself from leaks
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jjk meme batch bc the manga is making me sad
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more csm sillies for my soul
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csm part 2 is my favorite romcom
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very normal abt heathcliff limbus company
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it’s finally finished. my magnum opus. csm woman enjoyers come get ur food
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i binged csm after forgetting to watch the new episodes consecutively every single week since episode 5, made some sillies as protocol demands
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current mood
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ok last batch. time to despawn until its not my fault drops
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