Silver and Gold Master List
[All of them contain AO3 links within their respective posts, and obviously this list is subject to changes.]
Silver and Gold (Finished)
Silver and Gold 2–Enemies of Old (It’s finished, just not on here. But it will be rewritten eventually.)
Silver and Gold 3–Memory Loss Lane (Finished, too, but not on here. This will also be rewritten eventually.)
Silver and Gold 4–Not Just a Tournament (In progress; on hold until further notice)
A sort of ask comic with my OCs and the Ninjas (On-going)
Tales of Silver and Gold (On-going mini story series)
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Hello (again)!
Welcome to my Ninjago side blog! In case you didn’t catch the blog description, here is where I’ll be posting my Ninjago fic series Silver and Gold since I have a lot of books for it. 😂 The fic series was originally on the Lego message boards in which my username there was fawn447 before the boards were taken down. So if anyone from there’s been looking for me, here I am! 😊
I was in the slow process of heavily revising/rewriting Books 2 and 3 but I am currently on a sort of hiatus since I want to focus on other things in life. I also was writing Book 4 but stopped for reasons explained here. Eventually I will pick everything back up, but for now it’s on hold. I’ll be posting updates regarding that here and as a separate posts, so be on the lookout for that (even though it probably won’t be for a long time). 
Right now the first book Silver and Gold is revised and finished and is also on AO3, so feel free to check it out! I also have an on-going mini fic series called Tales of Silver and Gold that’s also on AO3 that contains different scenarios that have to do with Silver and Gold. I have also finally put together a masterlist so everything is now in one place.
On top of that I also have some edits with my characters here:
• Destiny and Janet’s ninja suits in Book 1
• The girls’ suits in Book 4 (or at least their first ones here)
•  My blog icon
• Character aesthetics for Destiny and Janet
• An ask comic I wanted to try my hand at (kinda sorta counts as an edit of sorts)
So, if you have any questions feel free to ask them as long as they’re within reason! 😊
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So just finished book 1 and I have to say it was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!! I loved it so so much!! And I'm curious, how did you think of these characters?
I’m so glad you liked it! 😁
Hoo boy. I hope you like long stories ‘cause this’ll be a while. Also my thought process was kinda all over the place now that I look back at it. 😂
So back when Season 2 ended and there was that giant hiatus, I was thinking “I wonder if there’ll be a water ninja” since there was the four elements and all that. And then I was thinking “what would happen if there was someone else similar to Lloyd and could rival his power?” So thus Destiny and Janet entered the concept stage.
I really liked the name Destiny so I gave that name to her, and my sister picked the name Janet. Janet was kinda inspired by my sister so I made Des and Janet sisters and went from there.
Since Janet is basically the more level-headed one, I had Des as the one with the temper, so Janet more or less helped me figure out Des’s character and whatnot. For their suits since there was already a Blue Ninja I had Des as silver, and to show that Janet had a connection to Lloyd I had her as gold. (Here are their suits in case you haven’t seen them.)
For Blake, I wanted to play around with the idea of the Overlord coming back but not him exactly. So originally I had Blake as his son but much much later down the line I thought “well that’s stupid and more or less impossible.” Thus he became his successor instead. And for his name I basically came up with it on the fly and it fit so I went with it. I also wondered how things would go if he also started having feelings for Des, so I played around with that.
Then there was the matter of the sisters’ backstory. I wanted to start with their parents so I had their dad teach them to fight. Since I had to figure out how to get the girls on their way to Ninjago City, I had something happen to their parents (which we’ll be going into more detail with in Book 2) that led Janet and Des to think their parents were gone for good. It also led them to not trust other people very easily. (On a side note, I wrote something about their first time in Ninjago City in Tales of Silver and Gold if you’re curious about that).
By the time Season 3 came around I more or less had the sisters and Blake figured out, and that’s kinda the time I had first started writing Book 1 (on the Lego Message Boards, actually. I was fawn447 there). As the series went on I began to tweak things about Janet and Des like what Des’s actual element is and how Janet can wield the four elements. And we won’t be touching upon that bit until we get to Season 4 territory.
Janet’s own element which is wind didn’t really come to mind until Season 4 came around, and then Season 5 aired and I had to figure out how to work with that (which I did, thankfully, and I’m so excited to write that. I don’t like going against canon so I basically work with it while making sure my characters make sense).
I hope that answered your question! Pretty sure I started rambling since I got excited writing this so sorry about that.
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What's your favorite season of Ninjago?
Ooh that’s a good question. I think it’d have to be Season 2. There’s just so many amazing things about it and we’d be here all day if I listed them all. But the score was amazing, the Final Battle was epic, the team coming together to stop the Overlord and bonding with Lloyd; it was awesome. It’s one of the seasons that got me into the show in the first place. (The other reason is parts of Season 1 that my sister showed me.)
I remember watching the last few episodes when they aired and I was just astounded and rooting for them the whole time. Those were good times. 👌🏻
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Hey! I'm the one who asked you who your fav Ninjago character was, and I decided to answer your question to me. My fav I honestly have a hard time deciding between Jay and Kai because they are both soooo funny and interesting. Btw, if you could have any elemental power what would it be? Mine would be earth.
Hello again! 😊
Mmmh I think it’s a cross between ice and water for me. They just seem really cool.
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Hey! Just discovered your story and loving it so far! Believe it or not my friend and I made a Ninjago story too where there is a light ninja who is related to Lloyd and she gets with Cole in the future and a wind ninja who is related to Morro! But yours is so much better! Btw, who is your fav character in Ninjago? Keep up the great work!
Ahhh I’m so happy you like my work!! 😆 And your characters sound cool, too!
Also a bit of a note, I have Book 2 already written but it needs some major editing. So the story’s not over yet!
My favorite character would have to be Zane. His mannerisms and the way he talks always caught my attention and he’s so sweet! (I’d also like to know who your favorite is. 😊)
You have any other questions go ahead and ask them.
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Reblog from my main blog.
Tumblr media
“… Despite what happened back then, we should help people. If we’re going to do this, we need to be in and out.”
Name: Destiny Stone
Nicknames: Des, Water Girl (by Kai), Sil/Silver (by Janet)
Personality: Protective (especially of Janet), has a good heart, very stubborn, carries guilt heavily, has a temper so she clashes with Kai a lot, not very trusting of people, and she likes to tease the others (in a nice way).
Backstory: After an incident that seemingly killed her parents, she and her younger sister Janet took to the streets in order to survive and never looked back. Shortly after coming across Ninjago City, their nightly heroics draw the attention of the Ninjas. What more, Sensei Wu and Misako had also discovered the existence of a ninja with a connection to Lloyd, which leads them to send the boys to get Destiny and Janet.
After some convincing and a bit of a struggle, Destiny and her sister go with the Ninjas. She reveals to them that her element is water, something that Sensei Wu and Garmadon doesn’t really sound right to them. So she is deemed the Ninja of the Tides for the time being. Destiny and Janet train with the team to hone their elements and start to form a bond with them. And although Destiny butts heads with Kai quite often, the two eventually get along and begin to see each other as possibly more than friends.
But when a new threat named Blake corrupts her and her sister, her developing feelings for Kai turn into resentment. Des and Janet are taken to the Dark Island, and the team goes after them to get their new friends back and to stop whatever Blake has in store for the sisters.
[Her story: on AO3; on Tumblr]
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Blog Update.
I just finished putting AO3 links into the chapters for Silver and Gold in case you prefer that format. Also navigation should be a little easier.
Once again, if you have any questions, feel free to ask! :)
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I'm not dead, trust me.
Soooo it's been a while since I've put any work on here. Life kinda sucks and distractions are plenty. I guess this is a blog notice or update of some kind since I apparently forget to do those. Also, just a reminder, I used to be fawn447 on the Lego Message Boards.
~~ As I've mentioned before a while back, Book 4 is going on hold since I'm the very slow process of rewriting Books 2 and 3 so as to avoid inconsistencies. I have no idea when I'll get to Book 2 since I'm in the middle of another fic rewrite.
~~ Book 1 is already finished on my AO3. I'll be putting links to each chapter in the ones already on here. (Book 1 AO3 link; Book 1 Tumblr link) To those from the Lego Message Boards who are familiar with it already and to new readers, there have been some changes and additions to it that I hope you guys enjoy.
~~ I have also started a mini story series called Tales of Silver and Gold. It's mainly about my OCs and some "what ifs" that I've thought up. So far I just have one up but I'm hoping to do more in the future. (AO3 link; Tumblr link)
~~ Another thing I've started for kicks is a bit of an ask comic series for my characters. You're also free to ask the rest of the team about Silver and Gold stuff, too, if you'd like.
And I think that's it! Got any questions, feel free to ask and I'll try to answer the best I can!
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Taken from my Instgram story.
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Ninjago OC Day--Part 3
(Silver and Gold; AO3 version) (Tales of Silver and Gold; AO3 version)
(Destiny Stone profile) (Janet Stone profile)
Good liar
He can be nice when he wants to be, but he always has a soft spot for Des.
Patient up until a certain point
By the time Book 3 comes around he starts to take everything with a grain of salt.
Being made of the dark matter, he can use the dark matter within himself to make weapons.
He can also corrupt others of his choosing, but he can only gather enough for a few instances.
he can also produce dark shockwaves
and he can fight pretty well.
and pick out a person's weakness (this counts as an ability, right?)
Mr. Mini Dark Lord (once by Janet)
Backstory (a rundown of some points)
At some point the Overlord made him and deemed him his successor. He was to track down the Gold Ninja and extinguish the "light" that would be harbored within him or her. He then travels to Ninjago and begins his mission. But he still had to complete his development.
(point of Book 1; post-Season 2) He soon identifies the Gold Ninja to be Janet and utilizes her powers and Lloyd's to speed up his development in the times that Des, Janet, and the boys would encounter Blake. He had concealed his identity during these points.
Somehow he catches the attention of Destiny, who finds herself having a small crush on him, which seems to bug Kai. As Blake gets to know her, he finds himself developing feelings for Des.
Eventually he corrupts Janet and Des and takes them to the Dark Island, where he will fully extinguish Janet's light. He teaches Des the "proper" way to use her powers via the Dark Waters. The more time he spent with her, the more his feelings for her grew. When Janet breaks from the corruption enough to flee, he does his best to keep his cool and support a distressed and angry Des.
At some point when the team finds the sisters and saves them, Blake loses his patience and aims to finish Janet, but she unlocks her full potential and claws out his right eye. He's ultimately defeated by her and isn't heard from again.
Until we get to post-Season 3 which is Book 3. Upon meeting an amnesic Destiny in Chima, he explains to her how he survived and ended up there. By this point he now sports an eyepatch over his right eye. He's trying to reform so he tells Des about his deeds and her team. Despite what he did, she sees him as a friend and they form a new bond. And Blake realizes that he still has feelings for her, but he knows she has Kai so he doesn't make a move.
The team eventually finds Des and Blake and are quick to pin Des's memory loss on him. Blake does try to assure them that he's trying to change but they don't believe him. But they have to put all that aside when beings of dark matter threaten Chima and Ninjago. And they also sense Blake and are trying to hunt him down.
So while the Ninjago and Chima gangs are working together, the Ninjago team comes to trust Blake again. While the gangs are undergoing the Trial of the Phoenix, he remains behind only to be swept up in the Dark Matter threat.
The final battle ensues and, with Lloyd and Janet's efforts, he's able to be saved and the threat is eliminated. Of course, Blake is very weak in the aftermath. After the Ninjago team heads home and deal with Grand, the team splits.
During Season 4, he's being looked after and is doing a lot better. Des often comes by to see him despite her grief over Zane. When he finds out that Des, Janet, and the boys have been missing for a while, he does his best to help out.
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Ninjago OC Day 2019--Part 2
[Once again this might be long-ish so I'll put a cut]
Janet Stone
(Silver and Gold; AO3 version)
(Tales of Silver and Gold; AO3 version)
(Destiny Stone profile) (Blake profile)
Protective, especially of her older sister Destiny
Good at reading people
Good heart
Not very trusting of people due to something that happened with her family
Element--Wind; also controls earth, fire, lightning, and ice for reasons still unknown (Wu and Garmadon and basically everyone else are still trying to figure out how, but it has to do with Lloyd)
True potential--Unlocked
Due to her connection with Lloyd they can both speak to each other telepathically.
Harbors the Flame of the Phoenix
can summon a gold sword
Goldie/G (by Destiny)
Backstory (a rundown of some points)
(post-Season 2) She and her sister Destiny had been wandering around Ninjago for a few years due to an incident with their family until they came across Ninjago City. They decide to make a home for themselves there and take it upon themselves to safeguard the city at night, catching the attention of the team, especially the boys since the sisters had been beating them to several punches.
Wu and Misako discover info about a ninja of gold who has a connection with Lloyd, and Wu suspects it's one of the sisters. So he sends the boys out to find them, which they do after a struggle.
They convince the girls to come with them and it's revealed that Janet is the Gold Ninja. She and Des are trained and come to trust the team and form a bond.
That is until they're corrupted by a new threat named Blake, whose had his sights set on Janet because of the "light" she harbored.
The sisters are taken to the Dark Island and the team goes after them. During this time, the light within Janet enables her to fight off the corruption.
Eventually the sisters are saved, Blake is defeated, and Janet unlocks her true potential in the process.
During Season 3, Janet and Des's past catches up to them and she discovers that the Overlord is also after her power. If he can't have Lloyd then he'd settle for her. She and Des also find out the fate of their parents.
Janet discovers she and Lloyd can telepathically communicate which helps out a lot when Lloyd is captured.
She's devastated when Zane sacrifices himself and attends his funeral. After the funeral however, they lose Des to a Traveler's Tea portal made by Grand.
After Season 3 she and the team have to push their grief aside and interrogate the Grand trio and try to figure out where Des is. When they do, she goes with the boys, Nya, and Wu to where she is, which is Chima. (don't eat me alive, all right?)
After getting a brief grasp of their surroundings they find an amnesic Des and find out Blake is alive.
They're pulled into the situation that is Dark Matter beings threatening to plague Chima and Ninjago and work with the Chima group.
Eventually they undertake the Trial of the Phoenix, which tests your character and every aspect of yourself. Janet is the only one to overcome her trial and receives the Flame of the Phoenix, the only source of light that is powerful enough to extinguish to Dark Matter beings.
The final battle ensues, and with Lloyd's help she's able to utilize the Flame and save Ninjago and Chima. The team returns to Ninjago but have to deal with Grand. After that, the team splits.
In Season 4, she helps Lloyd piece the team back together and joins the tournament. (There's more but that's to be written)
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Ninjago OC Day 2019
[I wanted to do this last year but I found the date too late so here we are! This'll probably be long-ish so I'll put a cut. Also I have more than one character so I'll separate them and put links to them as well as their stories.]
Destiny Stone
(Silver and Gold; AO3 version) (Tales of Silver and Gold; AO3 version)
(Janet Stone profile) (Blake profile)
She has a temper so she clashes with Kai. Often.
She's also protective, especially of her younger sister Janet.
Likes teasing the others but in a nice way; she calls Kai Spike
Has a good heart
Carries guilt heavily
Very stubborn
Not very trusting of people due to something that happened with her family
Element--Unidentified; assumed to be water (despite Wu and kind of Garmadon's suspicions)
True potential--Unlocked
Water Girl (by Kai)
Silver/Sil (by Janet)
Backstory (a rundown of some points)
(post-Season 2) She and her sister Janet had been wandering around Ninjago for a few years due to an incident with their family until they came across Ninjago City. They decide to make a home for themselves there and take it upon themselves to safeguard the city at night, catching the attention of the team, especially the boys since the sisters had been beating them to several punches.
Wu and Misako discover info about a ninja of gold who has a connection with Lloyd, and Wu suspects it's one of the sisters. So he sends the boys out to find them, which they do after a struggle.
They convince the girls to come with them and Destiny tells Wu that she controls water, which makes Sensei think "hold on, something's not right here." So until her exact element can be figured out, he deems her the Ninja of the Tides. She and Janet are then trained and come to trust the team. She butts heads with Kai but after they get along they start to have feelings for each other.
And then she and Janet are corrupted by a new threat named Blake. The sisters are taken to the Dark Island and the team goes after them. Des is taught by Blake how to control the Dark Waters there, and the trust that she had put in Kai is easily placed in him due to the corruption.
When Janet fights the corruption enough to flee, Des feels immensely betrayed since Janet's the only family she has left. Eventually the sisters are saved and Blake is defeated, and Des and Kai gradually move into a relationship.
By the time Season 3 comes around, she and Kai are officially an item. Since the sisters had been traveling a lot, he asks her if they can tag along on the field trip but Des politely declines. She does promise that she'd be all his when she got back. Unfortunately while Janet and Des are traveling, their past catches up to them in the form of a man named John Grand.
When Lloyd is captured by Grand while he's out in the Toxic Bogs, Destiny and Janet rescue him, and Destiny unlocks her true potential.
Like her sister, Des is devastated when Zane makes his sacrifice. She attends the funeral like everyone else, but afterwards, she's sucked into a Traveler's Tea portal made by Grand.
(After Season 3) Destiny wounds up in Chima and loses her memories in the process. (Don't eat me alive, all right?) Laval and the gang find her and are basically super confused with what she is. They do, however, try to help her out and stuff.
When Eris introduces her to Eagle Spire, she comes across Blake, who is trying to reform. But since she doesn't remember him she sees him as a friend, and he eventually tells her about her team and what he did. A bond begins to form between her and Blake despite his deeds.
When the team finally finds her, they find Blake also and instantly assume he's to blame for her memory loss. But they have to put their distaste toward him aside when Dark Matter beings threaten Chima and Ninjago. So they work with the Chima gang and eventually come to trust Blake.
They soon undertake the Trial of the Phoenix in order to stop the Dark Matter threat. Des's trial triggers the rest of her memories to return, but she fails her trial. The final battle ensues, and the Dark Matter threat is eliminated. The team plus Blake return to Ninjago but have to deal with Grand. After that, Des splits from the team due to feeling terrible about forgetting Zane's sacrifice.
In Season 4, her relationship with Kai has become strained since they barely talk anymore. Destiny has taken a job as a lifeguard and is convinced by Janet to meet with her and talk. She and her sister join the boys in the tournament, and Skylor and Des kinda butt heads.
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Fic Update: Not Just a Tournament
And also an Author's Note II
If you’ve been reading my Ninjago fic you’ve probably noticed I haven’t updated it in forever. I’ve been occupied with other things and all that so I’ve decided to put this on hold. For starters, I have to figure out a pace and a schedule. I've been all over the place and it's nuts. Secondly, in case you don't know, I'm revising and reposting my Ninjago fic series Silver and Gold on AO3. (Book 1 Tumblr version; Book 1 AO3 version)
I realize that since all three books (technically two since the first one's done already) will be revised, things are going to change. So to keep with continuity I'm setting Not Just a Tournament aside for now. This probably sucks for those of you that remember this fic series from the Lego message boards and have been waiting forever, but it'll all pay off in the end.
(First chapter) (Next chapter) (Previous chapter)
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Tales of Silver and Gold
Chapter I--Strangers in a Strange Land
After wandering Ninjago for quite some time, siblings Destiny and Janet find themselves in Ninjago City. It seemed like the perfect place to start over and keep each other safe, all battle damage aside. Maybe they might have a good life here in the shadows.
But when they begin to take it upon themselves to safeguard the city at night, the citizens take notice--even the heroes of Ninjago.
[Takes place post-Season 2 and before "Silver and Gold."]
[AO3 version]
With every step they took, their feet ached more and more. Their legs burned with every passing minute. Fatigue threatened to take hold of them in every way, shape, or form.
Yet neither of them said a single word.
The shorter of the duo, a girl with green eyes, glanced over to her older sister. Her attention seemed permanently fixated on the path ahead, never wavering. The green-eyed girl knew that the night they were forced to escape had never left her sister’s thoughts. Frankly it was the same with herself, but at least she didn’t let it haunt her dreams.
Her hand squeezed her sister’s, and brown eyes finally looked away from the path. “We’ve made it this far for this long. We can do this, Des.”
Des gently squeezed back, and she mustered up a small smile. “Together, right?”
“No matter what.”
In silence they continued onward, letting the breeze speak instead, and the green-eyed girl couldn’t help but close her eyes. She concentrated on its tender strokes, feeling the essence of freedom it carried.
She remembered the late nights of meditating as she focused on the wind. Her sister would be nearby practicing how to move the water of a small pond. The sound of the water trickling and the breeze gliding by her ears added to the crickets, and all the while she hoped her parents wouldn’t catch them out there.
“You’re doing it again, Janet.”
Janet’s eyes shot open, and the breeze halted instantly.
“We can’t do that anymore, remember?”
“Oh like you don’t practice?”
Des stayed quiet.
“I can hear you at night sometimes.”
“I get antsy.”
Janet scoffed at the weak defense.
After a few minutes the duo finally reached the city they had seen earlier. Skyscrapers towered over them, and shops of all kinds made for some variety. People hustled and bustled all around them, most of them not paying them any mind. But although the sisters were awestruck, they could see traces of some kind of disaster.
Some buildings had missing or shattered windows, while some had chunks missing. Lampposts were either knocked down, bent, or untouched. Streets and sidewalks were cracked, and construction workers were deeply focused with repairing the damage.
“What happened here?” Destiny wondered.
“Probably an earthquake,” Janet replied.
Suddenly exclamations rang out as a roar sounded in the air, and the sisters flinched into their battle stances almost immediately. A shadow passed by overhead, and the girls looked up to see a golden creature zipping off and turning a corner.
“Thank goodness for that young man and his friends,” a woman said as people continued to cheer even after the creature was gone.
The sisters exchanged a look before brushing the event off and easing down, and they continued on their way. They wandered the streets for what felt like hours until they came across a secluded alleyway. Habitually they both glanced over their shoulders before disappearing into its shadows. And the first thing they did was drop to the ground.
Destiny leaned her head against a wall, and she lazily looked down the way they came. Not too far from where they were was a giant crater smack dab in the middle of the city. It didn’t look insanely deep, but it made up for that with its size.
“Think we’ll be fine here?” Destiny asked.
“Anything that’s not close to Delshir is fine by me,” Janet replied from next to her. “Let’s just hope no one pays us any mind. At all.”
She looked over to Destiny, who was still analyzing the crater. Her brown hair was definitely coming loose from its bun, and Janet was sure her sister wasn’t getting enough sleep. Her jacket and pants were definitely showing some dishevelment, and her sneakers almost looked old. And in no way did Janet think that she herself looked any better.
“You look terrible,” Janet stated.
“Yeah, well so do you,” Destiny replied without missing a beat.
Janet laughed breathlessly. “Well let’s make sure we don’t look like hobos before we start scoping out the city.”
Surprisingly they had covered a lot of ground in the day (after they had fixed themselves as best as they could, that is). Some parts of the city were closed off due to extensive damage, but the parts that they could scope out were recorded into their mental map. But eventually they had to call it a day and head back to the alleyway they had deemed “home.”
“It’s not too bad,” Janet concluded, enjoying the free sample of food from a stand.
“So far,” Destiny added. “We still have parts we’ve haven’t been to yet. And we just got here.”
“I’m not willing to let my guard down just yet, either, but so far this place is showing some kind of promise.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
The two remained in silence as the sounds of the night carried their own conversations. Their only source of light was a nearby lamppost, but they remained against the wall and as far away from the light as possible.
“Wish I knew what that golden thing was,” Janet said.
“The people here didn’t seem scared of it, so it’s probably something good.”
Instantly they shot to their feet and pinned themselves to the wall. A dog barked in the distance, and shouting followed afterwards.
“Hey! Get back here!”
Laughter rang out moments later, and four men with bags slung over their shoulders darted by. Both girls looked to each other. Instinctively they wanted to go after them and stop them, but each of them shared a voice of fearful caution.
“We can’t,” Destiny blurted.
“I know,” Janet replied.
“But we need to.”
“I know.”
The longer they stayed in contemplative silence, the further away those men got. And it was beginning to eat away at them.
“What would Mom and Dad want us to do?” Janet finally asked.
Destiny stared at her feet for what felt like ages. “. . . Despite what happened back then, we should help people.” She looked to her sister. “If we’re going to do this, we need to be in and out.”
Destiny’s fingers hovered over her jacket zipper for a few moments before slowly pulling it down. Tied around her torso was a black suit, and a silver belt harboring a pin with two intersecting crescent moons could be seen.
“You have yours, right?” she asked.
“I wasn’t gonna leave without it,” Janet replied. “Let’s make this quick.”
                                                       * * * *
The group of four men were huffing and puffing by the time they found a safe spot.
The shortest of them looked behind his comrades. “Too easy, eh?”
“No sweat, boss,” the buff one agreed, and the man bearing a nasty scar simply nodded slowly.
“I’d like to see the police try catching us,” a lanky one sneered. “Or better yet, how ‘bout those high and mighty Ninjas?”
As if on cue, something dropped down in front of the alleyway, and instantly the men whirled around. The light of a lamppost outlined a masked figure in black with balled fists, and the only speck of color was a glint of silver.
“That can’t be one ‘o them, can it?” the shortest asked.
Another pair of feet landed behind them, and the men could just make out a smaller figure in the dark also masked.
The lanky one scoffed. “Hah! Only two of you? This is insulting!”
In perfect sync, the figures assumed a stance, and the taller one taunted them with a hand motion.
The short one rammed his fist into his palm. “Divide and conquer, boys.”
Brown eyes studied the buff one and lanky one’s footing, and it didn’t take long for Lanky to lunge forward. The figure swiftly sidestepped him, and Buff managed to grab the figure from behind in a heartbeat. But the figure grabbed Buff and flung him over their head with a grunt.
Meanwhile with the other figure, they were blocking and returning punches left and right. Shorty came in for a swinging punch that the other figure easily swatted away, and the figure was quick to deal a hard punch to the face. The impact was enough to send Shorty stumbling right into Lanky.
Several swings and kicks later, the men found themselves back to back, and both figures were closing in on them. Green eyes locked onto the pair of brown ones, and before the men knew it, all four of them were seeing stars.
The taller figure exhaled as they stretched their arms. “That felt . . . nice. And we’re not rusty.”
“We’ll talk once we get these guys taken care of,” the other said.  
It wasn’t long before the police finally managed to track down the men responsible for the robbery. They had found all four of the robbers tightly tied together with a plug, and the bags of stolen goods were right next to them.
As the officers were taking them in, a group of five boys in suits were running towards the scene.
“We came as fast as we could,” one in red and black said. “Is everyone okay?”
“Aside from the nasty bruises these fellas got, nobody’s hurt,” the officer said.
“Bruises?” one in blue and black questioned.
“Figured someone took it upon themselves to catch these guys and well . . . you know.”
“Heh. I guess they beat us to the punch. Heh heh.”
                                                         * * * *
Now hidden away from the city, the girls sat in their alleyway catching their breaths. As they did, Destiny couldn’t help replaying the event in her mind. Wearing the suit her mom gave her, fighting for what’s right alongside her sister, feeling exhilaration from the night; she almost forgot how much she missed it.
“Y’know, I don’t have any regrets,” Janet admitted simply.
“Neither do I,” Destiny replied. “But I’m pretty sure that was just a one-time thing.”
The next day, they scouted and mapped the city again. For breakfast, they were lucky to find another stand selling free samples, and the sisters split the food amongst each other.
“You heard about the robbery last night?” a man asked.
“Who hasn’t?” another countered. “Those guys have been messing around here for months! About time they caught them.”
The girls shared a side glance before casually moving away from the conversation, and Janet had to swallow to keep her nerves at bay.
“. . . stopped last night by some mysterious forces.”
They stopped in front of a display of TVs where other people stood crowding around them. Speaking on the screens was a woman with brown hair picked up in a ponytail.
“Sources say that this group of robbers has been plaguing the streets of Ninjago City for months and have been difficult for authorities to catch. Until last night.
“Officers said they received a call stating that the men were just sitting there tied up in the open, but the ones responsible for catching these fiendish crooks were nowhere to be found. Talk about mysterious!”
Both sisters faced forward and speed walked away as silently as possible, Destiny sneaking a glance over her shoulder.
But no matter where Destiny and Janet went, everyone was talking about their late night act.
“Okay, now I’m starting to have regrets,” Destiny muttered.
“At least they don’t know who we are,” Janet replied. “Not yet, at least. . . .”
When night came around, the girls had put themselves further into the shadows of the alleyway. Destiny (after some convincing) was sound asleep against Janet, whose eyes were trained on the alleyway’s entrance.
It’s only a matter of time before last night blows over. That or someone finds us.
But we’ll be fine. I hope.
A shout from down the street filled the air, and Destiny gasped awake before messily dragging herself to her feet and standing in front of Janet. Her eyes were only half open, and her sister rolled her eyes at her poor stance.
“Firmer stance, Des,” Janet said, and Destiny grumbled to herself.
Gesturing for her to stay, Janet carefully made her way along the wall to the mouth of the alleyway. She felt something jolt down her arm and stop at her hand, making it tingle, but she balled her hand up to shove the energy back.
She slowly peeked behind the corner and. . . .
Nothing appeared out of the ordinary. At least to her knowledge. It wasn’t too late for people to be out and about, so maybe the noise was just—
Another shout, this time in protest.
“Well?” Destiny hissed.
Janet ducked away. If this turned out to be a false alarm, then maybe they were just a tad bit paranoid. 
She sighed. “We’re going to have to do ‘it’ one more time. But after this we go back to laying low. We don’t need another Delshir.”
So once again they clad themselves in black and darted through the city under the cover of shadows. Once they did find the source of the sound, they ended up having to ward off a trio of bullies messing with a kid.
“Who are you?” the kid asked once he deemed the sidewalk safe again. “Are you the ones who stopped those bad guys yesterday?”
The girls exchanged a side glance before nodding, and the kid gasped.
“Really? Wow! Wait ‘til I tell my dad!” His expression suddenly became crestfallen. “That is . . . if I can find him.” He seemed hesitant and ashamed. “I wandered away from him while he was talking to the lady at the cash register. Can you help me find him?”
Janet nodded, and the boy kept close to the sisters as he tried retracing his steps. Every now and then he’d scan the area for those bullies, but Janet and Destiny would silently reassure him that he was safe.
Once they reunited him with his father, the sisters vanished from the area faster than you could say “dragon.”
But destiny made sure they spotted more trouble the next night.
“Lots of stuff happens by the main square, apparently,” Janet commented. Both she and her sister were atop a building overlooking the square and eyeballing the situation down below.
“So, we’re back at it, Goldie?” Destiny asked.
Janet snorted, and she was stricken with a memory of herself as a kid running around the house with a gold bandana wrapped around her head. I practically lived in that thing. “Well there’s no point in avoiding it anymore. And I know neither of us would be able to stand by while someone picks on somebody else.”
Destiny unzipped her jacket, and her belt and pin glinted in the moonlight. “In and out.”
“Unseen, Silver. And you’re calling me G, not Goldie.”
It seemed like every other night after that had trouble, but the sisters put a stop to it every time. And every night, unbeknownst to them, they stayed one step ahead of the Ninjas no matter how fast they jumped to solve the problem.
And every night, Sensei Wu would watch the sisters from afar.
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Tales of Silver and Gold
Author's Note
This whole collection of mini stories has to do with my Ninjago fanfic series called Silver and Gold. I'm pretty sure most of these will be "canon" to my fanfic series, but I'll probably just have fun ones for kicks, too, like maybe some "what if?" scenarios.
They probably won't be in chronological order, so they'll take place at random points in the series. Hope you guys enjoy these! :)
(Next chapter) (AO3 version)
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Silver and Gold now has some chapters up.
Finally got my AO3 account running. Just have the one story for now. I’ll be putting more on there in the future. As I post them I’ll be putting links to them on my Master List, so expect that to be updated occasionally.
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