simmo21 28 days
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simmo21 1 month
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simmo21 2 months
9 phrases only manipulative individuals use, according to psychology
The problem with this is honest people say these things all the time to do what's your point?
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simmo21 5 months
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simmo21 5 months
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simmo21 9 months
Thank you to the creator of this site it is well appreciated
False Allegations of Child Abuse in Custody Litigation (Part 1) - Family Lawyer Magazine
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simmo21 9 months
I am the father in Simmons v Wilson 2017 ..I'll post my comment here because we are not allowing bias to control in courts anymore without it being brought forth my comment is as follows :
Hello I am William Simmons , I want to thank you first for bringing up the issues you did here. What nobody knows however is I have never missed any child support payments they are all current as I speak . There were never any police reports of any incidents during our
Marriage you can look it up all day long nothing there . I love my kids dearly . I have never said one bad word to any of my four kids and the great thing about that I've got so many videos of me and the kids together to prove it before the divorce. When your ex wifes new husband is good friends with her attorneys (both in optimist club together ) and her attorney is good friends with the judge in your case ( district attorney and assistant DA ) for years before their current roles and I don't find this out till after the appeal it's clear why the case went the way it did. There is not one single person who would want to go up against their EX knowing their attorney is good friends with their spouse and that same attorney is good friends with the judge. The bias in my case is typical. If the court cared so much for the best interest of the kids they sure don't worry about the kids emotions losing a Dad who was in the kids lives for all of their youth the court would not accept any of my passed drug tests from the DOT nor did they accept any of the kids writings all four had written saying how much they wanted me in their life I had a good relationship with my kids I still have all of the letters I still have all of my passed tests . For me to be using drugs like the court stated look at all of my Facebook photos from that time period my appearance is never changed ... I go to work everyday never been a violent person so to read all of this about me just shows me how bad the bias really is. I paid their health and dental I paid all the child support and I got all the documents that back up everything I just said. But if a judge ignores it doesn't mean anything... Also I'm pro-se I was able to file my own appeal with no help which is not an easy thing to do ...unusual for someone who's supposed to be doing drugs all the time huh? judges have way too much discretion in custody cases and they don't need that much discretion there's no possible way a Judge can know what's in your kid's best interest unless they were there putting Band-Aids on their knees when they cut their knee , the judge was not there when they had an emotional let down from losing a baseball game I was there though. The judge didn't see my kids first steps nor did they hear their first words out of their mouth which by the way were "Daddy" . the judge don't even know my kids shoe size. The judge was never at any of the school events that I was at and I could go on and on there's no possible way a judge can know what's in their best interest ... Child abuse? Not even close.. what's odd is the missing info ....you will find a police report my ex filed in 2010 at the Local police claiming sexual assault hey I got the copy still .....but when they investigated it the status was unfounded. It was a false report but none of that is mentioned in the opinion they don't want to make the ex-wife look like a bad person so its not there . All of my friends read this opinion and think who are these people saying this because nothing in it about violence or drug use is what they see from my behavior daily . They see my constant attempts to talk to my kids with no reply due to the mother Alienating them for years . I still try tho . I haven't missed one single birthday ... My last talk to my kids was I love you .... then silence from them . Thank you again for the opportunity to speak . William
False Allegations of Child Abuse in Custody Litigation (Part 1) - Family Lawyer Magazine
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simmo21 9 months
Leave a comment it's says .....but you cannot
False Allegations of Child Abuse in Custody Litigation (Part 1) - Family Lawyer Magazine
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simmo21 1 year
The kind of universe that we'd expect he says? Say s who you? That's your one single view and does not mean everyone else would expect a universe like that . Bottom line is for the earth and the people on it to get from the start to present day the universe will need to be as big as it is if it is constantly expanding . What do you expect ?
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simmo21 1 year
So sick of this ... if China wants to penetrate our mainland we're going to penetrate theirs today okay you got that?
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simmo21 1 year
Cesare v. Cesare, 713 A. 2d 390 - NJ: Supreme Court 1998 - Google Scholar
Because of the family courts' special jurisdiction and expertise in family matters, appellate courts should accord deference to family court factfinding. As noted previously by this Court, the Legislature "has reposed grave responsibilities on Family Part judges to ensure the safety and wellbeing of women and children in our society.... We are confident that they can successfully balance the interests of society in deterring the evils of domestic violence and caring for families."聽Brennan, supra,聽145聽N.J.聽at 304-05, 678聽A.2d 667.
This above is exactly the problem .Too much believing in the judges to make fair decisions ......it hardly happens
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simmo21 1 year
China , your playing with a country that fought world wars with two different countries at the same time and won both . If you hit us, well hit you back ..... we will hit you harder ! Back the hell up
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simmo21 1 year
The most ridiculous thing I've seen
Why the laws of physics don't actually exist | New Scientist
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simmo21 2 years
Oh what a nice fairy tale
Lucky you! Accidents of evolution that made us human | New Scientist
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simmo21 2 years
Exactly .....think twice but they is no next time for them
3 arrested, 1 dead after attempted home invasion in DeKalb County, police say
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simmo21 2 years
Warner Robins meth ring leader pleads guilty
They tell the community what they want to hear . What they don't tell them is they cannot stop it
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simmo21 2 years
A miniature universe shows particles may emerge out of empty space | New Scientist
Oh how sweet can you whip up one universe out of it ? Or we supposed to wait indefinitely?
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