simonxtolch · 3 years
Honestly she was surprised that she even found the place, a false back of a telephone box opening up after she passed the species check. She wishes that she had called the girls to go with her but at the same time so much was going on she wasn’t sure if that was the right thing to do. She still needed to apologise to Amara but she didn’t have the words and she was still hiding something big from Elena.
Amelia ordered herself a drink, curious when the bartender asked if there was anything extra she wanted in it. Catching her nervousness the bartender just winked and told her they had just what she needed anyway. So that’s how she ended up sat in a booth in a dim corner of Limbo, nursing a whiskey sour that had a strange golden sparkle to it. After a sip she realised what it was, quite literally liquid courage. Her nerves slipped away and with it her apprehension about being her true self while there. 
After a second sip the brown colour of her hair slowly melted away as a deep blue tone over took it. Blue bled into her skin tone until she had been covered completely, even the honey brown of her eyes now a solid black with an icy blue iris. She looked out at the crowd of people spotting more than a few having some the same as she had. She was so caught by the diverse mix of species that she jumped when a figure approached her table. @veilsstarters·
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“Sorry” Simon apologized when she jumped, obviously startled or at least caugh off guard by his sudden appearance. “I kind of lost my seat when I got up to go to the bathroom. My fault for not having someone to watch it for me. Can I sit?” he asked, putting his hand on the back of the seat in front of him, but not making any movements to actually pull it out and sit down. 
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simonxtolch · 3 years
“Sort of,” Kylie said, watching him closely. “Your bio dad is my bio dad. You’re my half-brother. Nobody sent me, but Dad told us recently that he’d had an affair … and when I took this DNA test your name came up with these adoption papers. I’ve been looking for you. I’m Kylie.” She stuck her hand out, knowing this was probably a lot to dump on him all at once, but she wasn’t without her manners.
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“I - what?” Simon blinked a little, reaching his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose for a moment. It wasn’t like it was impossible, Simon had never known his biological father, and the only thing he did know about him growing up was that he wasn’t dead. Still, this was a lot. “Simon, I guess you already know that, though.” he shook her hand, still very clearly confused by everything that was going on.
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simonxtolch · 3 years
Elena looked up at Simon expectantly as he spoke, her eyes widening as he asked his question. “O-oh,” she said softly, feeling her cheeks start to warm. Was it bad that she honestly hadn’t considered kissing him before now? She’d gotten so comfortable with their current state of casual dating, she hadn’t thought about taking it to the next level.
She did like him, though. A lot. And she liked dating him and spending time with him. And maybe if she took this further, her feelings for Caleb would fade away.
Tucking her hair behind her ear nervously, she nodded. “Um, okay,” she said with a small smile, turning more toward him.
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“Sorry if this is umm if it’s not the best, I haven’t actually done this in a while.” Truthfully he could count on one hand the amount of times he’d kissed someone. The last one had been well over a year ago. The werewolf took a look around, making sure that they were as alone as they could be in a public space, not sure how he’d feel kissing her if a stranger was watching them. 
Leaning forward he pressed his lips against hers.
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simonxtolch · 3 years
A helpful text
text to elena: here i’m sending you over a playlist. 
text to elena: (playlist url attached)
text to elena: it helps with relaxing the body and getting rid of headaches. i don’t know how it works, but it works
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simonxtolch · 3 years
BEEP (for Bri)
A text for help
text to bri: i feel like this is missing something, but i can’t figure out what it is.
text to bri: (audio file attached)
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simonxtolch · 3 years
♥ (whistles even more innocently)
If we kissed?
[X] Quickie.
[] Tongue.
[] Softly bite your lip.
[X] We wouldn’t.
[] Long and meaningful.
[] Let’s hit up the bedroom.
[] You remember last time?
[] Awkward…
[] Lol no.
Would I go out with you?
[X] Yes, definitely.
[] No.
[] I want to, but it wouldn’t work.
[] Maybe.
[] Nope, you’re like family
. [] You’re cute, but probably not.
[] Just simply not my type.
[] If I knew you better.
[X] Already did.
[] I don’t know.
If we took a picture together, we’d be…
[X] Hugging each other.
[X] Just chilling.
[X] Holding hands.
[] Kissing.
[] Acting dumb.
[X] Normal picture.
[] You holding me from behind.
You are…
[X] Cute/Pretty.
[X] Good looking.
[] Sexy.
[] All of the above
You + me + room = …
[X] Movies.
[X] Cuddling.
[X] Hanging out.
[] Kissing.
[X] Playing games.
[] Everything.
[] Wouldn’t let you in.
You should…
[X] Hit me up.
[] Be mine.
[] Marry me.
[] be studying
If we got married, I’d…
[] Divorce you.
[] Make kids.
[] Take your money and bounce.
[] Smash every day.
[] I would cheat on you.
[X] Be faithful.
[] Kill you in your sleep
[] We wouldn’t
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simonxtolch · 3 years
“No, sorry, I was just comparing you to your picture,” Kylie said, reaching into her purse to pull out the adoption record she’d found during her sleuthing. She held it out to Simon. “This is you, right?”
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“My picture?” Simon asked confused, why would she be comparing him to a picture of any kind. When she presented the form from her purse he looked over it. His adoption papers or a copy of them at least. It was all there though. Name Before the Adoption: Simon Kelly Kaplan. Name After the Adoption: Simon Kelly Tolch. Date of Birth:  February 2, 1998. Age: 7 months. As well as his adoptive parents names and signatures and the rest of the necessary filled in information. “Why do you have this?” he asked, “Did my parents send you?” he added the question, wondering now if they were still looking for him, even though he’d done enought to make them believe he was dead. 
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simonxtolch · 3 years
“I don’t want you to let go,” Elena told him with a small grin, looking up at him. She was much steadier now, but she liked the feel of his hand in hers. It felt warm, secure. She trusted him completely to not let her fall, and even if she did, she knew he’d catch her. There was a safe feeling she’d come to associate with Simon, and she enjoyed it.
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“Then I won’t” Simon gave her a reassuring grin. They made their way around the rink, repeating this a few times, before the announcement to clear the ice came over the speaker. It was only just for the zamboni to come out and clean the ice, and while the others left the ice and went about either returning their skates or heading over to the concession stand, Simon helped Elena to sit down on the benches nearby, sticking to the bottom row. “Hey, we’ve been going out for a while, right? I was just wondering if - could I kiss you?”
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simonxtolch · 3 years
“Of course. I can go grab you some or you can come to the kitchen with me if you want to.” Briana wished she could make him feel better. She knew that feeling, one of abandonment, of being left behind. She’d struggled with it for centuries. There was nothing she could give him that would be able to fix the way he felt. Sometimes people leave and they leave a hole that only they could fill. 
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Simon nodded, following her towards the kitchen and finding a place to sit down. “Everyone leaves.” he swallowed, “Maybe it’s god’s way of punishing me for Marcus.”
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simonxtolch · 3 years
She knew what he was worried about. That he would shift. “I’m a vampire with mental health issues. You think I didn’t reinforce everything just in case I had a bad day?” Briana gave him a soft smile. “So the sheets might get a little torn. It’s fine. There are plenty.”
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Simon nodded a little in response, not that anything she’d said had required one, more of just a sign that he’d heard her. “Do you have any water?” he asked, even with knowing how dumb the question was.
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simonxtolch · 3 years
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A shake of her head at the question, red hair spilling around her shoulders. “Only since she turned me, two years ago.” Which wasn’t long, retrospectively. In human terms, or in vampire terms. “So it seems.” It was almost unbelievable that there were humans in town who still didn’t know about the supernatural, even though the town was almost overrun with them. More than any other place that Suri had been. Though, she supposed that wasn’t exactly an extensive list. 
“Oh so you’re like a baby vampire? I don’t think I’ve met any vampires that are actually still close to the age they look.” He slid his feet into his shoes, having learned to get one without laces a while ago, and kneeling down momentarily to pull the the back from against the back of his heel. 
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simonxtolch · 3 years
James rolled his eyes.  “Look kid, I don’t care about that.  Mostly came here to get ya to put that shit out.”  He nods to the joint.  “You’re stinking up the whole place.”
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Simon looked down at the joint, watching the smoke coming off the end of it for a moment. “Right, yeah sorry. I always forget most people aren’t all that used to the smell.” he took a final hit off of it before putting it out and back into the case with the others. 
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simonxtolch · 3 years
“Ready,” Elena said with a smile, standing and wobbling a bit before finding her balance. She moved to take his hand, pulling him up beside her. She tugged him down to her in order to kiss his cheek, starting to walk carefully toward the rink. She clung to his hand tighter as she stepped out onto it, not wanting to fall.
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Simon let them go at Elena’s pace as they made their way out onto the ice. He took a moment to adjust himself when he stepped onto it, but once he had his balance he focused on making sure Elena maintained hers. “If you want me to let go just let me know” he told her after they’d made their way around the rink a few times.
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simonxtolch · 3 years
The witch gave a little pout, though it lasted for just a moment.  She raised a brow, half tempted to look in the dresser anyway.  If only to find something embarrassing to tease Simon.  Lizzie hummed as she glanced around the room.  Dropping down to her knees, she partially crawled under the bed to search.  “Hot or cold?” she called from below.
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“Oh you are so cold right now” he laughed “you might as well be hanging out with Santa and the elves making toys.” Under the bed was too easy of a hiding spot, especially when it was clear underneath. 
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simonxtolch · 3 years
“Come on.” She said softly. With her arm around his shoulders Briana guided Simon through the house towards one of the multiple guest rooms. “Here. You can use this room. It’s only on the first level and it’s close to the studio if you want to go out and use it.” She explained as she opened up a door. “Bathroom is just next door. Do you want something to eat? I have food in but we could order something if you want. What do you need?”
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"Okay" he nodded as she mentioned the proximity the guest room had to the studio and that he could use it if he wanted, "thanks." He added, more than grateful for it all, even if he seemed less than enthused at the present moment. "Oh no, that's okay, I don't really have much of an appetite. I umm I forgot my weed. You don’t - there’s nothing valuable in here is there?" he asked, giving a look around the room. “I don’t really know what will happen when this current high wears off.” 
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simonxtolch · 3 years
“No, no. I came with Briana.” She hadn’t even known that Wildemount existed before that. And honestly, Suri didn’t feel ready to leave the safety of the other vampire’s shadow. She still felt like there was so much she needed to learn. So when Briana had said she had to come to Wildemount, Suri had been all too willing to follow. “But it’s actually really great here.” She replied, shrugging a little. “I’ve never been somewhere where there were so many supernaturals before. It’s— kinda nice.” 
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“Have you known her long then?” he asked, after she’d confirmed that she’d come to town with Briana. It was always hard to tell how old vampires actually were, what with the not aging and immortality thing. “Yeah, there does seem to be something about this place that draws people in.”
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simonxtolch · 3 years
She knew that feeling. She knew that feeling all too well. She had lived with it for centuries and had been almost drown in it time and time again. For herself Briana struggled to ignore it, for Simon she couldn’t bare to let him think it for a second. “There’s nothing wrong with you.” She told him firmly, reaching out to pull him into her home. Closing the door she hesitated before wrapping Simon in an embrace. “I promise you. Take it from someone with multiple things wrong with them.” She pulled back and smoothed his hair out. “Do you want to stay here?”
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Simon didn’t say anything in response at first after he’d been tugged inside the house and into an embrace. He didn’t have time to even think of returning it, though he felt partially like his arms weren’t properly working at the moment anyways, as she’d pulled back from it. “Yeah” he nodded “I don’t know if I  want to be alone tonight.” 
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