simp-for-mystery · 24 days
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Plz I need a second season
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simp-for-mystery · 2 months
Me: 😭😭😭
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Guess who got hit with a de-aging beam 👍🏻
Page one text:
Dick: Let’s see, you’ve met ✨me✨, Duke, Dami, Al… who else is around…
Dick: Oh hey! It’s Jason!
Jason: Uh.
Timmy: Jason………. Todd?
Dick: That’s right!! (Wow, good memory!)
Jason: Hi.
Dick: T-TIM?!
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simp-for-mystery · 2 months
Tim: We can't kill him! What would Batman say!
Jason: Batman's not here.
Tim: Excellent point, hand me the gun
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simp-for-mystery · 2 months
Dick gets hit with a deaging spell.
It'll wear off in four to five months, but in the meantime he's all of two years old, and he has fully imprinted on Tim.
Damian...feels a bit betrayed.
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simp-for-mystery · 2 months
Do it for the Plot
I like the idea of Tim and Danny meeting and just clocking each other as little shits TM.
Just causing chaos to everyone in a way that can't really be traced back to them like 'Who? Me? I was busy doing all of these other things I have no idea how I would do that?'
Danny helps Tim get revenge on the bats for all the shit he's had to put up with and being absolute trolls about the whole thing *chefs kiss*
Tim&Danny dragging Ra's body
Damian: "Wha-?"
T&D: "No one will ever believe you"
Danny makes them go invisible
Bats: "Where ya going Tim?"
Tim holding back a cackle:" Oh, it's my anniversary so it's date night!"
Bats: "Anniversary?! We didn't know you were getting serious with someone?"
Tim: "Serious? He's my husband of course I'm serious about him"
Bats: "Wait hold on-!"
Tim: "Gotta go! Can't be late I have to make sure the babysitter has everything they'll need."
Tim: "Bye bye~!"
(They planned all of it including their 'fake marriage', Danny went back in time with the help of CW who is a troll at heart, and made the legal changes including Dan and Dani as their kids (their de-aged) otherwise someone (Oracle) would have eventually realized that the license is fake. So they went back in time and made it legitimately real)
Danny being Ghost King means that Tim is now also royalty
Tim walking up to John Constantine:" I have your entire soul"
and then just turning around and leaving
John very much felt the very strong Death Energy claiming Tim: "I don't want to be sober right now"
Earth about to be taken over for the 5th time that year by higher beings
Tim walking up late with coffee in his hand: "Leave or I'll call my husband"
Higher Beings very much not wanting to mess with the High King of the Infinite Realms: ᕕ( ᐕ )ᕗ
The Phantom family relaxing with cucumbers on their eyes and face masks: "Did you hear something?"
The Bats & Everyone else:
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Just an Idea
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simp-for-mystery · 2 months
I said it's Tim before even being in the #'s 😭
Instead of asking his children to protect Gotham, Bruce's final request is "Please don't let your brother become a super villian"
And none of them are sure which one he's referring to.
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simp-for-mystery · 2 months
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paint the town red🩸(red hood tim)
(based on @mammutblog's red hood timmy design i haven't stopped thinking about since the first time i saw it)
print! | playlist | cosplay alert!
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simp-for-mystery · 3 months
Nightshade! Tim Drake
Set in a world where Tim is chasing Batman and Robin to take pictures of them, but accidentally enters Poison Ivys area of Robinson Park.
Tim, having the self-preservation of a wet paperbag on a stormy night, is not scared and instead excitedly takes pictures of every amazing flower and plant he can.
Poison Ivy comes back home to find a small kid taking pictures of her plants a talking at lightning speed about how amazing they are and 'did you know you are one of 5 species of your kind in the entire world?!'
Her plants are preening like smug cats and the kid is adorable. He becomes even more so when he talks to her with respect instead of fear and raves to her random facts about plants.
Eventually, Tim has to go home and Poison Ivy secretly sends her plants to ensure he gets home safe. Using her plants she discovers that Tim is left alone, his parents aren't around and decides to add child kidnapping to her lengthy list of crimes (shrug, what can you do)
Next time Batman and Robin come to stop her, they meet her new sidekick. Nightshade, a kid with a camera who has no superpowers but is able to make all of Poisons' Ivys plants, listen to his commands as if he did.
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simp-for-mystery · 3 months
Oh, 💯 % ! He's looking Tim dead in the eye, begging him to lie to him so he can live in a blissful state of ignorance (even a fake one he constructed) . Unfortunately, Tim is looking back with a look that says,'You know the truth and I won't lie'
Dick: Let's play two truths and a lie!
Tim: Okay, I have a higher kill count than Damian and Jason combined, I'm pansexual, and I'm toying with the idea of becoming a supervillain when Bruce dies for real.
Dick: I don't like this game anymore
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simp-for-mystery · 3 months
Tim: You haven't even guessed yet!
Dick: Is it a trick where you did two lies and a truth? Or where they are all lies?
Tim: No?
Dick: Then I don't want to!
Dick: Let's play two truths and a lie!
Tim: Okay, I have a higher kill count than Damian and Jason combined, I'm pansexual, and I'm toying with the idea of becoming a supervillain when Bruce dies for real.
Dick: I don't like this game anymore
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simp-for-mystery · 3 months
2 words
Protective. Team.
Give me Young justice after Tim brings back Bruce. Give me the team, minus Tim, voting and deciding the bats can't be trusted with their bird boy and just taking him.
Dick: Tim's been kidnapped!
Kon (having been waiting to start a fight): oh so NOW you care he's not in Gotham?!
Damian: Haven't seen Drake aroun-
Bart (waiting for this moment and zooming in): And you never will again if I have a say in it (does the finger point to eyes and to him before disappearing)
Jason: Has anyone seen replac-
Cassie(appearing with the lasso of truth): I will lasso you and force your deepest secrets to be public, try me.
So yeah, protective friends who got beef with the batfamily. They also maybe are gaslight gatekeep girlbossing Tim to stay out of Gotham but listen! IT'S FOR HIS OWN GOOD!
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simp-for-mystery · 7 months
your cassie looks like she can bench press her loved ones. just how buff is she ??? I love her ur honor
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the answer is 'buff enough to carry people like a sack of potatoes, and way way more than that'
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simp-for-mystery · 8 months
Fave trope in fanfics: Cass and Tim are ride or die (would and have killed for each other😌💖)
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Doodles right before I go to sleep
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simp-for-mystery · 8 months
Young Tim Drake: Mr. Wayne your dog is so nice, he hasen't left my side and he keeps lying on me.
Bruce *who got Ace trained as a psychiatric service dog*: yeah he's a good boy...... So Tim how are you feeling today?
Tim: I'm fine.
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simp-for-mystery · 8 months
Joker: Just one bad day.
Tim: That's ridiculous
Joker: That's all it tak-
Tim: A whole day???
Joker: What?
Dick: what?
Joker: The day thing is supposed to be really short, like its- its supposed to surprise you, your supposed to say Just One Day!!?? 'o' surely not!
Jason: Wha, how did you say that?
Tim: Dude, I'd only need like 5 minutes
Dick: FIVE??
Joker: W- I-
Tim: They don't even have to be bad
Joker: I dont-
Tim: Like, 5 really annoying minutes
Dick: Tim-
Tim: I'd kill all of you.
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simp-for-mystery · 8 months
Let's be honest, they would go from enemies to best friends In one night. No they won't explain how that happened
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Fav vigilantes
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simp-for-mystery · 8 months
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Titans of Tomorrow.jpeg Thats basically how that scene went
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