simp1hours · 19 hours
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simp1hours · 13 days
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Old drawing. Still had me when I saw it lmao
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simp1hours · 16 days
Hella spooked Illinois?
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Here ya go, Doll~!
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simp1hours · 19 days
Pairing: None
Tags: Hurt/no comfort, Murdock
Warnings: Blood, vomit, amputation, abduction, family death
Written for a discord friend. Mind the tags.
August lifts Murdock’s chin with the blade of his axe. Rust scrapes the stubble. He eyes the man chained to the uncomfortable metal chair, which he’d bolted to the floor in advance, along with the table his wrists are cuffed to. He knows who he’s messing with and he doesn’t want any games this time… No more games. Murdock bares his teeth in a facsimile of a grin.
“I bet you thought it would be easy, didn’t you? I bet you thought she was just another victim. Bet you thought you’d just dump her body like any other and that would be the end of it, didn’t you?” He hisses. Murdock gives his captor a placid smile as the blade leaves his chin.
“And which one was this?” He croons.
August spits. He braces his hands on the splintering handle of his father’s old axe. It had been too long since anyone sharpened it, this would be a messy job. He’d hoped it would be. Murdock watches him, and while his face remains cool and relaxed, he’s starting to sweat. He doesn’t know how to get out of this one. The bolts are too strong for him- he’d already jerked his arm out of socket trying to wrench himself free while August hunted down his weapon.
Was this it? Was this how he’d die? An axe splitting his skull in two, or maybe buried into his neck? It would be fitting. He would accept that death. There was honor in it, for him. His captor gives him a look he could only characterize as blackout rampage, and he’s shaking with rage. Murdock braces. He takes a breath in, closes his eyes, and he hears the swing of the axe.
A scream splits the air, so loud it rattles the night birds from their perches in the trees outside, and it just keeps going. Is it his own? Murdock can’t tell because he can’t process anything through the molten lava pain his hand just plunged into. When he jerks it through the cuff, his wrist slides out like butter— and his hand stays behind. A towel presses firmly into the stump, and August drops the bloody axe to tie it tight. He doesn’t want Murdock bleeding out before he can suffer for what he’s taken from him.
The pressure lights Murdock’s sliced nerves on fire even further, and the sensation of metal spikes driving themselves straight down the meat of his arm and through the centers of his bones makes him vomit across the table. Through his delirium he hears the scrape of an axe head across the floor. Murdock thrashes in his restraints with renewed fury, but they hold. Oh, do they hold.
“No no nononononoNO!” He shrieks.
The axe comes down hard, but it isn’t enough to sever his right hand fully. Murdock can’t even scream for this one, the pain is too much to move- to breathe- to anything. He makes eye contact with his hand, hanging on by a few shreds of muscle and a flap of skin, spewing blood. His blood. It’s all over the table and dripping into puddles on the floor. He’s still gaping at it when the blade makes second contact and his hand flops apart from his wrist. Murdock vomits again, and promptly passes out.
August wraps this wound, too. He doesn’t want to kill Murdock, no no. That would be much too easy. He wants to see this man suffer. He’d never take another life without hands to do it with. He’d never take another life chained up in August’s cellar, either. Maybe he’d keep him on a leash and collar like a dog- he wouldn’t be able to get it off. August wiped Murdock’s blood off his face with his sleeve and dropped the axe. He considered cleaning up the mess and moving his sister’s killer.
But no, he thought it might be better to make him wake up in a puddle of his own vomit and blood and have to face the hands that had stabbed May to death, separated from his body. So he pulled the chain on the light and bolted the shed door shut behind him. Maybe he’d bring Murdock some finger food for breakfast in the morning.
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simp1hours · 20 days
Long hair dark
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simp1hours · 21 days
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of course I made my grad cap damien themed, why wouldn’t I? (i have autism)
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simp1hours · 21 days
shoutout to everyone who wants to infodump but cant string together coherent thoughts to form sentences and instead just look at you like this
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simp1hours · 22 days
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As a robot Bing does the exercise to keep himself -and others- entertained, he'd go on for hours if it weren't for GG forcing him to stop
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simp1hours · 23 days
I just saw some idiot on TikTok say "Markiplier hasn't uploaded anything in 3 weeks. Long time viewers will know this isn't normal." BITCH THIS MAN JUST CAME BACK FROM NOT UPLOADING FOR A MONTH THE FUCK YOU MEAN THIS ISN'T NORMAL. This Man Who Owned Five Ovens habitually erases himself from all of existence for weeks at a time. This Short Ass Motherfucker could be in fucking Korea getting blood drained from his eyes and won't be back for 2 more weeks. This Squirrel King is the same asshole who promised us four times to upload something every day and broke that promise the very next week.
The fuck you mean "long time viewers" BITCH LONG TIME VIEWERS KNOW HOW NORMAL THIS IS. Long time viewers know him uploading every day ISN'T NORMAL. If we get a couple month of content it's awesome! But those are so few and so far in between. Do you really think this isn't normal for the man who legit had people impersonating him on his own channel because he took a hiatus for like half a year. That lucky flannel having motherfucker disappears constantly, then reappears with some unbelievably AMAZING FUCKING QUALITY CONTENT LIKE WHO FRAMED MARKIPLIER OR A DATE WITH MARKIPLIER OR FUCKING IN SPACE WITH MARKIPLIER.
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simp1hours · 23 days
Decided to revisit/redraw this Grim Reaper Anti concept I had a while back that I think was originally inspired by tabs
Enjoy :]
Og drawing and progress shots under the cut
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227 notes · View notes
simp1hours · 24 days
Baby where'd you go, With you went my soul..
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simp1hours · 25 days
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They're so married it's embarrassing
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simp1hours · 27 days
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Random crossover: Actor and Marvin
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simp1hours · 28 days
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517 notes · View notes
simp1hours · 28 days
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sorry i can't stop drawing
here's dark with long hair
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simp1hours · 29 days
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I still need to do some refining on the design on him, but I've been want make some spooky design of the iplier
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simp1hours · 29 days
Guy who doesn't understand that killing is murder: we can just kill him, right? That's legal
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