simplehealthit-blog · 2 years
Content Bytes - Week Eight
For this week's reading, we read 4A: Recovering Community: Designing for Social Justice from A Person-Centered Guide to Demystifying Technology
Starting off the chapter the author is talking about what happens when we move from something we're familiar to, to something that is new to us, "We have moved from use to design." and that we're all designers in our own way but only a few get called designers. I enjoyed reading in the chapter the way designing is bringing workplaces together. The sentence in the chapter "Makerspaces, Tinkering Studios, Fab Labs, and other creative spaces have become increasingly commonplace as workspaces bringing people together to engage in conceiving, designing, and developing new artifacts." really caught my attention. I believe as more workplaces get involved together it can bring more diversity.
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simplehealthit-blog · 3 years
Content Bytes - Week Seven
This week I read Chapter 11 of Own Your Education. When I started the reading I felt a lot like Beth. Before I enrolled back into school I thought I had my time planned out to balance both work and school together. I soon realized that plan wasn't going to work because I didn't know the school schedule yet and when I was supposed to turn in assignments yet. It was actually fascinating getting that challenge of finding a new schedule since I was used to the same old routine everyday. I believe time management makes a person essential. A good quote I once received that I use everyday is, "early is on time, on time is late, and late is unacceptable." Something little I do that I use this quote, is anytime I'm invited somewhere I'm unfamiliar with. I tend to leave earlier to make it to the place early in case of parking or getting a sense of the area. That way I know where to park or in case I get lost looking for the address I already have extra time to look. Before I never used my calendar/reminders app but that's essential for me now so I don't forget about an event. I would normally only use my calendar at work to keep in line on what I was supposed to do for the day. Now I use it even outside of work and it's helped me remember important dates, or if I had to do something after work.
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simplehealthit-blog · 3 years
Content Bytes - Week Six
I decided to download my account information from Instagram. Once I opened the folder with my information, I was surprised to see a lot more folders in there. I thought it would maybe have 5 folders, but it turned out more. Some of the folders that really surprised me were Ads and Contents, Messages, and Media. What surprised me also was that some folders had folders within them such as the media folder. I sort of had guessed social apps had some information on our accounts, but I didn't think it would be as how the folder looked. I tried to download my Facebook account information but it said that it would take longer. When I get my Facebook information, I'm wondering what kind of information I'll end up seeing since I've had that account the longest.
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simplehealthit-blog · 3 years
Content Bytes - Week Five
This week I read chapter 9 & 10 from the book Own your education. Chapter 10 stood out to me because it’s something I work on every day and use daily as well. My job revolves around fixing issues, sometimes the issue is a quick fix and sometimes it takes some research. What I have found working in this job field is that there’s more than one way to fix the same issue. When I’m stumped on an issue, I must use my critical thinking skills to ask the correct questions such as how the issue start happening, is there something that triggers the issue, etc. Working with critical thinking at work has helped me use it daily. Such as Jordan, when things weren’t explained to me correctly or things seemed too hard, that exact thought went through my head several times, “Maybe I just won’t do it, it doesn’t make sense.” It was the easy way out of doing things that seemed too difficult for me to do. Getting the hang of critical thinking has helped me solve not only issues at work but personally as well. Sometimes you don’t want to ask the question you want to ask so blunt but using critical thinking skills you can ask other questions to get the answer you’re looking for.
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simplehealthit-blog · 3 years
Content Bytes - Week Four
I watched the video about mobile phones empowering women in developing countries, and liked the points they made. I feel like they’re able to connect with each other and become one as a unit. The example they made of when women are going to sell their crops and knowing the price that way they cannot be taken advantage of. When I was in school, I had a classmate that wanted to create an app like Uber for her country where the drivers would be woman and the riders could only be woman to feel more secure. As in her country women don’t feel safe and get taken advantage of daily. I feel like being connected they can also warn each other of dangerous events that had happened nearby, such as a robbery, abduction, murder, etc. that way they can be in the know.
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simplehealthit-blog · 3 years
Content Bytes - Week Two
I watched the Ted talk video that Kentaro Toyama led about technology in developing countries. One of the points that stick out early to me was that technology takes up space because they don’t have the right resources to maintain or teach students how to use them. My thought was to show people in developing countries how to use technology to help them advance as well, but they do have a point. Without someone there to teach them that technology can be a waste. A great point that I liked from the video was the power of networking, ever since school, i was watight to network, meet new people, and never burn a bridge. That helped me alot because it helped me get new jobs, meet different people in different social circles, and get me out of my comfort zone.
This video did change the way I see technology, again I was a believer we did need more advancements in technology to get further in life. Kentaro did put up a chart showing the US poverty started increasing when companies were pushing their products everywhere. I can see how networking with others and helping them overcome the challenges their facing will help, and in return add a new person to your circle so whenever you’re running into issues, you have someone new to reach out to.
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simplehealthit-blog · 3 years
Content Bytes - Week One
I decided to watch the video We are Our Stories: Is Technology Rewriting Our Values? Something that resonated right off the bat was when the speaker was talking about the women wanting to use technology “technology for communicating with their families near and far.” Being from an immigrant family, for the longest the only view my parents got of my grandparents were from pictures. As technology grew and Facetime became a thing, it helped them talk and see them in real time, instead of seeing a still picture of them and hearing their voice through the phone.
Another quote that was said that I really liked was “I’ve learned that the quality of your phone or connection does not equal the quality of your person.” Nowadays I can see having the newest phone release gets people on their pedestal and look down on people just because they dont have the latest and greatest. Overall, I related to this video as I had to teach alot about technology to my family, and it has taught me how to talk with people at my job. Using different IT terms instead of the ones I’m familiar with, as others might not know what that term means. 
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