simstorydirect · 2 days
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It was mid-morning on Thursday. Just 2 hours ago, the hustle and bustle could be heard from every corner of the building, but now, only the steady hum of a laptop fan could be heard from the kitchen.
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Martin had decided to work from home due to his lack of interest in human interaction. Instead of focusing on the screen, his gaze was fixed on an empty spot on the wall. The chime of an incoming message burst the bubble he was in. With a quick, almost instinctive motion, Martin's attention shifted from the wall to the glowing screen of his phone. It was a text from Laila. "I did what you wanted. You can come back home now." Martin's eyes narrowed at the phrase, "I did what YOU wanted." A subtle but powerful indication of Laila's interpretation of the situation. For her, Martin's request to go to therapy was a checkbox, and she had just ticked it.
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One minute turned into two; two turned into three while Martin tried to suppress his resentment. Eventually, with a mix of wry humor and defiance, he replied, "Nine more times, and you'll get a free coffee." He refused to conform to Laila's expectations, especially when her desire to commit to solving problems was close to zero.
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A knot tightened in Laila's stomach as she read the words on the screen. She had hoped for a reply laced with approval, or maybe a hint of sympathy, or a flicker of hope that Martin might reconsider his demands. But instead, she got another stark reminder that she had pushed Martin's patience to its limits. Things are going to be his way or no way at all.
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simstorydirect · 2 days
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Over a Series of Weeks...
@cocoanmelaninsims @sheplayswithlifee @wannabecatwriter @percosim
@havenroyals @splodge86 @eslanes @xldkx
@nyrarachelle @spiderlilyart @ellemant @ladygangsters
@swiftviolets @weirdosalike @smok3inm1rrors @dresdendarlin @quesims
@digital-deluxe @keesimziaa @thewalkingplumbob @nymphdiariesdotcom @nightlifeseries
@miss-may-i @spnmoosejerk
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simstorydirect · 5 days
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@cocoanmelaninsims @sheplayswithlifee @wannabecatwriter @percosim
@havenroyals @splodge86 @eslanes @xldkx
@nyrarachelle @spiderlilyart @ellemant @ladygangsters
@swiftviolets @weirdosalike @smok3inm1rrors @dresdendarlin @quesims
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simstorydirect · 2 months
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The next day, Hex takes her troublemaking to a local spot. There’s a weekly maker’s space set up in Conifer Station, just one stop away from her home in Port Promise. She doesn’t know her neighbours yet, so she can cause chaos with little worry about being recognised.
Wandering around the various booths showing their wares, Hex’s kleptomaniac eye spots many things that would be good to steal. Many sims come here to express their creativity and sell their handcrafted items. Hex is only interested in things to sell, even if she isn’t the one who made something!
???: “Hey there, friend! You look lost! Can I help you?”
Whirling around, Hex glares at a sim that wanders towards her. Their pace slows when they see her tense posture, like she’s getting ready to fight or flee. What is it with random townies interrupting her when she’s trying to steal something?!
The townie bravely continues closing the gap between them, not perceiving the tense emotional state creeping through her whole body.
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simstorydirect · 2 months
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transcript below.
(trees rustling, ocean waves crash in the distance)
(Poppy walks quickly towards the flower field)
Poppy: Elia?
Elia: Look at you! You’ve grown along so nicely, little friend.
Poppy: (in distance) Elia?! Where are you?
(Elia rises from flowers)
Elia: Poppy? I didn’t know you were —
Poppy: There you are! Why don’t you answer your phone?!
Elia: Hello to you too?
(Poppy paces nervously)
Poppy: I have news.
Elia: Okay.
Poppy: Bad news!
(Elia reaches for flower, then abruptly stops)
Elia: Uh oh.. What’s wrong?
Poppy: Well. (sharp exhales) God.
Elia: Go on.
(Poppy walks ahead, Elia follows)
Poppy: Maybe you should sit down first.
Elia: Huh? Is someone hurt?
Poppy: Worse.
Elia: Poppy?!
Poppy: It’s the wedding venue!
Elia: That’s it?! You scared m—
Poppy:They.. They canceled on us. It fell through!
Elia: (confused) What?
Poppy: Apparently they double booked. “A new employee mix up.” Can you believe?! The next date isn’t available until like, two years from now!
Elia: But..
Poppy: I know. I know! I’m scrambling, it’s all fucked! The flights, the hotel, the catering, the everything!
Elia: So.. I’m not getting married where my parents did?
(Poppy looks down, defeated)
Poppy: No.
Elia: I-I don’t know what to say. (attempts to hide the sadness in her voice) That.. Really sucks.
Poppy: I tried everything, I even offered more money! They wouldn’t budge. I’m so sorry, Elia.
Elia: I know you must;ve. It’s not your fault.
Poppy: Look at you, you’re heart broken! (groans) Those assholes. Screw you Windenburg Chalet Gardens! 
Elia: Hey, no.. It’s—
Poppy: Don’t say it’s fine. It’s not fine. Any other bride would be freaking out right now. I’m more upset than you are!
Elia: What, do you expect me to yell at you? Throw a fit? It won’t change a thing.
Poppy: It’d at least be better than the sadness I see now.
Elia: It is what it is.
(Poppy sighs)
Elia: Well.. What do we do? Do I call it off and elope?
Poppy: No! No way. 
Elia: Hard to believe we can do anything now. We’re at square one.
Poppy: Give me a few days and I’ll fix this. We can still have a wedding, a damn good one at that!
Elia: (doubtful) How?
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simstorydirect · 3 months
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(transcript below)
(DAISY): Max?
(MAX): Daisy? Hi!
(DAISY): Hey! Are you alright?
(MAX): Yeah, I just got into some stupid shit with Jade. Don’t worry about it. What are you doing with your hair today then? Anything fun?
(DAISY): Nah I work here since like…two weeks ago? 
(MAX): Oh swear? Congrats!
(DAISY): Thanks babe. I’m really glad I ran into you, have you got a minute? It’s important.
(MAX): Oh yeah, of course.
(DAISY): Good. Let’s talk round the corner. It’s quieter. 
[They walk round the side] 
(MAX): So what’s up?
(DAISY): First of all, I apologise in advance cos this is a lot  and I know we're not mad close or anything but I think you need to know. I have an aunty right, who just got out of pen and I was catching up with her on the phone and she mentioned her cellmate passed away and when she was describing her I realised that she might have been actually talking about your mum?
(MAX): …What?
(DAISY): Yeah so, I looked it up with her and I was right. I know it’s not been that long and I totally get it you’re not in the mindset for it but she’d really like to meet you. It might be a way to get…like closure? I don’t really know, sorry I know I’m rambling.
(MAX): No, no you’re fine. Can I have your aunt’s number or does she have an email address?
(DAISY): Yes! I will text it to you now. If you need someone to be there with you when you- like I said I know we’re not close but still.
(MAX): Thank you Daisy, I need some time to sit with all this but if I need someone there I’ll let you know. I really appreciate it. 
(DAISY): Good. [Hugs them] I really hope this goes well for you.
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simstorydirect · 3 months
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The Royal Year (4/∞)
↬ HM The King's Birthday
King Louis V was born Prince Louis Arthur George of Danforth on February 7, 1946. His birth, following an Allied victory during the Second World War, marked the start of Sunderland's contemporary era. Despite his persistent shyness, Louis is considered to be one of Sunderland's more successful monarchs and is on track to be the longest reigning should he surpass the 63-year rule of his great-great grandfather King George. Per the King's Wikipedia page: Louis’s reign has coincided with major political events such as the continuation and resolution of the Saint George Sovereignty Crisis, the further decolonization of Sunderland’s former imperial territories, several amendments to Sunderland’s constitution, and the recognition of Sunderland’s Dominion Realms as distinct societies. Louis’s reign has also seen an increase in social liberalism with the legalization of same-sex marriage, the decriminalization of abortion, and the rise of multiculturalism. As monarch, he undertakes dozens of state visits and official tours each year. Since his inauguration in 1971, Louis celebrated his Silver, Ruby, and Golden jubilees in 1995, 2010, and 2020 respectively. Despite streaks of unpopularity and press criticisms against his personal character during the early decades of his reign—in particular, after the publication of his extra-marital affairs and the subsequent estrangement from his wife—Louis’s personal popularity recovered by the turn of the century. Support for Louis and the monarchy as a whole has remained consistently high since the death of his eldest son James, Prince of Danforth in September 2017. As a cultural figure, Louis is noted for his stoicism and aloof disposition; his personal opinions and political beliefs are largely subject to conjecture.
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simstorydirect · 3 months
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[[ transcript below ]]
gemma: looks like someone learned a new trick
theo: you kind of disappeared for a second ... are signal blockers messing with your magic? lame
gemma: question my magic again and i will curse you. my nieces are asking for my attention ... guess we talk in the wedding?
theo: are you coming then?
gemma: yeah, do you think i woud pass the opportunity to wear formal?
hey, never forget that i'm here for you. deal?
theo: i won't. deal.
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simstorydirect · 3 months
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this night is sparkling, don't you let it go
i'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
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simstorydirect · 3 months
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Emil: I… Flynn: I know, but as we agreed on, Ams is not his Vami, and from all I can sense and see, he loves our son. Emil: I know… it’s like seeing how you look at me. -they smile softly at Flynn.- I can still worry right? Flynn: Hey worrying is my deal. Emil: We're married, we share all deals. -they chuckle, loving how Flynn could ease their worry, while at the same time tell him that his worries were valid.- So we just wait and see? Flynn: Yes, and of course, if we finally get to meet their Vami, then we might know more then. 
They pulled Emil with them to give the two down there some private time. They had invited Ams Vami several times but they could never make it, which of course had them both wondering. They just hoped that Ams' feelings for their son was not something forced on them, but they both agreed that from what they could see, his feelings were genuine. They had watched that relationship grow so slowly from when they were kids and best friends, until now, when they were both teenagers. 
Emil: I always thought Rylan would be first. Flynn: I doubt he has time, and funnily enough, people seem to think that he and Min are a couple off the ice as much as on the ice.
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simstorydirect · 3 months
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Esther's Residence | Parkshore SimDonia | 6 Days Before the Wedding
With all that Bria is doing to make this wedding perfect, Esther decided to be the one to host Olivia's bridal shower at her home (convenientelly when Donny was out of town on business). Ladies from the nobility, close friends, and of course Olivia's new extended family from Simerica were in attendance.
After the party, Bria also gave Olivia something special to be worn on her wedding day.
Bria noticed something about Esther's outfit immediately. She couldn't help but say something...
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Bria surprised: Esther! That's a... nice dress you have on there.
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Esther: Thank you! As soon as I saw it, I just knew it was perfect for this. It's completely my style.
Bria dry chuckles: Right... your style...
In case you're wondering, this outfit was something Bria has been forced to wear thanks to the Queen's new wardrobe rules for royals. Seeing it on her very traditional and matronly dressing friend is... jarring lol Right now, since these events don't count as royal engagements and are private, Bria is allowed some wiggle room.
From this scene
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Grayson: Hey...mom. You look... nice?
Bria: Thanks. But, you don't have to lie to protect my feelings. This obviously isn't my styling work. It's apart of my new "Monarchy-Approved" wardrobe.
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simstorydirect · 3 months
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262. Chapter 9, Episode 16
Yea that's Janae Price as Megyn's customer. Didn't feel like using a deco sim this time lol
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(Pink text = Megyn)
Megyn (narrating): The next few weeks continued on as normal, just as we promised.
Megyn (narrating): Both of us continued to work during the day, so we wouldn't see each other until the evening.
Megyn (narrating): In the meantime, we celebrated Eva's birthday while enjoying the warmer weather.
Megyn (narrating): For some reason though, I just couldn't shake the situation between us [her and Jayden].
Megyn (narrating): I stayed awake thinking about him... I just couldn't get him out of my head. I thought about all the things he did for me, how kind and silly he is, and the fact that we're both estranged from our parents and struggled to find a place we could truly call home...
Megyn (narrating): It was the fact that he kept me awake at night that began to intrigue me.
Megyn (narrating): Why can't I get him out of my head? Am I... this anxious?
Megyn (narrating): I haven't met a lot of people like him, but... something about him seems different than everyone else.
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simstorydirect · 3 months
Got got
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nissanissa HE PUT A RING ON IT!!!
nissanissa They got me!! They got me good!! I had no idea!! Who else knew about this???
drbossbabe Meeeee!!! I've been waiting all night for this post! CONGRATULATIONS to you and my brother!!! He only smiles that big when you're around. I remember when we got home from Sulani, he wouldn't stop asking me about you! I knew he was sprung even then. And I knew you would love him too if you gave him a chance. Aren't you glad you did??? Welcome to our family!!
mrspierson2u Another wedding! I am here for all this love in the air. Congrats, girl! He's a cutie.
mercedesn I DID miss something!! OMW!!! That's amazing! CONGRATS!! Wow!
nurseharper Oh ho ho! This is the big one! It couldn't have happened to a nicer gal. Cheers!
delperro AHHHHHHHH!!!
delperro Sorry the twins are being wild as always and I dropped the phone. Congratulations!! So happy for you! And welcome to the club!
nissanissa Thanks everybody!! I can't believe that happened!! I'm so happy!! He had me literally crying in the club!! He's gonna pay for that!! 😏
mrspierson2u Hey...you have the whole floor to yourselves. Make him pay all night. 🤭
themelanyp OK the chat is closed! Goodnight everyone! Comments turned off!
mrspierson2u Girl hush you're gonna have your own payments happening 😂
mrspierson2u 🤣 I love you missy. Can't wait for our visit.
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That concludes the surprise portion of our BFF extravaganza, but the weekend's not over yet! They've got more shenanigans to get into. Stay tuned!
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simstorydirect · 3 months
Selvadorada Liberated, Princess Missing!
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In a rescue and liberation invasion early last night, the combined Simsdom, Newcrest, and nearby Brindleton forces landed on the beach in Selvadorada, infiltrating the occupied royal villa, and arresting the Windenburgian forces.
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Lower ranking Windenburg soldiers were rounded up from all the villages, and are being transported to Brindleton, where the dorms of the Brindleton University have been converted to hold PoWs until the end of war. Higher ranking officers and leaders have been boarded onto ships to be taken to Glimmerbrooke, where they will be housed at an undisclosed location for their protection. The allied force that liberated Selvadorada has been tasked with staying behind to protect it from further Windenburgian raids, and to help the smaller villages get back to normal as quickly as possible.
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Among those in leadership that were arrested last night include Lucien and Felicity Castellano, Lord and Lady Frankvan in Windenburg, and their two young sons. Reports say Lady Frankvan will not be separated from her sons where she will be housed in the Empire, but Lord Frankvan will be held elsewhere for questioning.
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Lord Frankvan was expectedly incredibly angry at having lost his powerful position, and seemed to be taking all of that anger out on his wife, who, to us, looked positively done and refused to acknowledge him, focusing all of her attention on her two sons, being escorted ahead of them by Imperial Soldiers.
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(The young Castellanos- Otto, left, and Oskar, right- being led to the Imperial ships that will take them to Glimmerbrooke)
The invasion was not as easy as it all seems, however, and there were some losses sustained. The most recognizable names include Eduard Humphrey, Earl of Sawborne in Newcrest, serving as a colonel in the Imperial army...
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(Earl Eduard Humphrey of Sawborne)
...and His Royal Highness, Prince Consort Rauli of Selvadorada. HRH is reported to have jumped in front of a danger that was about to harm his wife, Queen Anaid, and son, Crown Prince Ramses, when the Windenburgian forces attempted to retaliate against their hostages during the invasion. Unfortunately, Simsdom Medical Soldiers were unable to reach the Prince in time...
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(HRH Prince Consort Rauli Montero of Selvadorada)
... and finally, HIH Princess Rosalind Ivanov, fiancee to the Crown Prince, along with her lady's maid and secretary, Lady Itzel Aguilar, and Windenburgian officer, Viscount Giovanni Castellano of Foreker, are all unaccounted for. Lord Foreker is the younger brother of Lord Frankvan, and both are high ranking officers in the Windenburgian Military, so many are worried that His Lordship kidnapped the Princess to use for ransom when he saw things going downhill during the invasion. Imperial forces have begun a search and rescue mission into the jungles of Selvadorada, but the terrain is difficult to transverse, so the mission is moving slowly.
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(Princess Rosalind Ivanov, left, Lady Itzel Aguilar, no picture available, and Viscount Giovanni Castellano, right, all marked as missing. Rescue efforts are in progress)
Our condolences go out to the families who lost someone on this mission, and our best of luck towards finding the missing Princess. Overall, however, the Empire considers this a win- recovering Sovereignty for Selvadorada and restoring the Royal Family back to power, as well as capturing a high ranking Windenburg officer to who may be able to provide intell.
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simstorydirect · 3 months
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Transcript Below!
[Bishop] Hey Em, you said you had mail for me?
[Emory] Um, yeah. It’s from Del Sol University.
[Bishop] Oh! I’ve been waiting for this!
[Emory] Really? You’ve been waiting for a letter from a school?
[Bishop] Uh, yeah it’s for a program.
[Emory] A program?
[Bishop] Mm-hm. Holy shit I got in!
[Emory] Got in?
[Bishop] Yeah! I didn’t think I would since I applied so late.
[Emory] You got into a program? You applied to a program? Since when are you going to school?
[Bishop] It’s not a school program, it’s a college credited internship. They only allow a few
high school graduates a year!
[Emory] And you’re one of them.
[Bishop] Yeah! My dad found out about it from some of his colleagues.
[Emory] Your dad told you about it.
[Bishop] Yeah, he wanted...he wanted to support me. You, um, don’t seem very excited.
[Emory] I’m just confused. You never mentioned this.
[Bishop] Uh, well yeah my dad and I worked on my application. If I had needed your help I would’ve mentioned it.
[Emory] I thought Jax and you were staying here next year?
[Bishop] Well we were but when my dad mentioned this- it’s only for new graduates, if I took a year off I wouldn’t qualify.
[Emory] I’m just surprised neither of you mentioned it.
[Bishop] I haven’t told Jax about it yet.
[Emory] (Yelling) You haven’t told Jax!?
[Bishop] I-I haven’t found the right time to.
[Emory] The right time? The right time would’ve been before you applied! Definitely before you got accepted!
[Bishop] I didn’t know I was gonna get accepted. I thought I should wait because if I didn’t get in then it would be a big fight over nothing.
[Emory] So you knew he’d be upset.
[Bishop] Um-
[Emory] Obviously you did if you wanted to wait to tell him!
[Bishop] I-I just wanted to- I didn’t think you’d be this mad.
[Emory] You think I wouldn’t be mad that you’re screwing over my son?
[Bishop] How am I screwing him over?
[Emory] He’s spent months making plans for next year that involve you! And you couldn’t even bother to tell him?
[Bishop] I was going to, I’ll tell him right now!
[Emory] No! His birthday is this weekend and I don’t want him to be in a shit mood because his boyfriend is a selfish prick!
[Bishop] I-I’m sorry.
[Emory] Whatever, just please don’t say anything.
[Emory] I can’t believe he went behind Jax’s back like that.
[Griffin] I just feel bad for Jax, it’s gonna crush him.
[Emory] It really is. (Sighs) I wish I didn’t know, I feel bad for keeping it from him but if he found out now he’d cancel everything and wallow in self pity.
[Griffin] He really does shut down with bad news or just becomes a huge dick.
[Emory] Yeah.
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simstorydirect · 3 months
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The Demon’s Witch: Chapter Two Part Eight
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simstorydirect · 3 months
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Wade: Before I start, I want you to know that there’s no pressure involved in what I want to say. It’s just my truth.
Maia: Yeah, okay.
Wade: I love you, Maia. I love being around you. There’s no denying the connection between us. This time I’ve spent with you has been life-changing, and I can’t imagine a future without you. You mentioned that you’ve never seen a happy relationship before. But that’s the past. We can rewrite those chapters – the things you’ve experienced before don’t have to apply to us. But I know you’re not ready to talk about it, so I’ll leave it at that. I just wanted you to know how I feel.
I can see tears forming in her eyes.
Maia: I need to tell you some things about my mother. I’m not trying to hold it back from you. But I’m still trying to process it all myself. I love you too, Dub. But - I need you to be patient until I figure it out. I don’t want to scare you off.
Wade: You won’t scare me off - but, of course, as long as it takes.
Maia: Thank you.
Maia gets up and walks to her side of the bed. I can only imagine what’s holding her back from thinking about our future, but just as I promised - I’ll give her all the time she needs to sort it out.
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