Surya - The Slow Poison!
Yeah, barring with the predictable header, I am talking about the Surya from “Na Peru Surya- Na Illu India” (My name is surya, My home is India) Telugu film. 
Like one of the lines from the film says , “ Loosing your character means loosing your life.  It’s like dying before actual death.” The characterisation of surya easily goes under one of the finest characters ever created for a mettle star like Allu Arjun. His one and only emotion is his country, India. But in the process of getting  more closer to his core emotion of patriotism , his path is deviated towards love , family emotions and clash with local baddies (wish they were pure and honest like his love towards the country). Surya on paper would have been intensely terrific and the storyteller Vamshi garu who is the writer also did his best on paper and excelled in portraying surya as an angry young man/solider on silver screen. Rajeev Ravi garu the co storyteller used a particular colour palate (Creamy Golden Green) and many ECU (Extreme Close Ups) shots on Surya, which majorly created a great impact. Specially when Surya talks to his God Father( Rao Ramesh) in Army, the top angle shot is one among  a few,  sort of rare angles we seldom come across! 
Surya’s hobby is  playing guitar and thats how he charms his love interest too. More than Surya’s music skills the musical world around surya did elevate him a lot , especially the SIREN back ground score throughout surya’s journey , oh wait I could still hear it! 
Coming to the world of surya, he shares a very interesting bond with his God father and his psychologist apparently his father (Arjun Sarja). Surya in army were the best moments and the moment he shifts from there , the best moments are,  all the times he is with psychologist. Not knowing whether surya should call him father or sir. No surya is not a patient in the film, to acquire patience he has to travel and get back to his unwanted bondings. In this process our patience is tested too. Because we all love angry soldier surya rather than his reformed version, just like surya himself in his journey. 
Surya’s action world is really octane and convincing too , yes he had undergone such intense training and he is capable of anything. Beyond that he is an army man! One more reason which highlights surya even more. 
Surya is an honest person and very close to reality (when his internal conflict is concerned) . We all do have a surya in us , but only difference is he is a soldier and we are not. Surya is the person who do not change his character to get what he wants, there might have been many people who have compromised on many things to get what they want in her/ her life. I understand that. 
Surya is a slow poison for me who clears so many inhibitions in me. The way he finally gets what he wants also induces even more confidence on his thought process and his definition of fulfilling the dreams.
To all those who would love and relate to surya will definitely love his world and his journey. I do agree patriotism comes from actions rather than screaming it loud that I love my country. That is exactly what this surya did in his country with hiccups and jerks. No journey is smoother, indeed! 
Just imagine a film with the length less than 3 hours , there must be many equations and deviations right? Yet surya will be a proud soldier on celluloid uplifting the real importance of the Soldiers at the border.  
Yes Surya! I will definitely research and remember more things about the Indian army at Kargil alongside our  Kapil Dev 1983 WC history. Really man,  you are a cool dude. Hail you O SAINIKA! 
Live Love Cinema : Sirisha
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Welcome Cinema!
Writing is my utmost treasured interest to step into. But I always feel insecure when I think of writing something. Finally today on the occasion of #105YearsOfIndianCinema . I have decided to start my writing process. Whatever I feel so and whatever stories I want to tell to the world. 
I am Sirisha Akshintala, a storyteller, who is in search to find many from the world and in verge to tell a few, to the world. I am also an avid cricket enthusiast who follow it very closely and yes I do play some cricket, a mediocre all rounder! :(
I will be expressing my views about Cinema and Cricket as often as I can. 
Finally welcoming you all into my random ramblings by welcoming writing into my cinematic life! :) 
Live Love Cinema : Sirisha 
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