siriusupremacy · 2 years
I think so much about the food people ate pre-Columbian exchange. Huge parts of cuisine extremely important on both sides of the pond just didn't exist.
You've probably heard a little about what was brought over from the New World, corn, potatoes, cocoa, cassava, peanuts, chili peppers, avocadoes, cranberries, pumpkins, and the like. Imagine cooking without chili! Without potatoes! Modern Indian cuisine contains enormous amounts of potatoes and we just didn't have those for the vast majority of history. The best of the nightshades all on one contiguous hunk of land. Hell, tomatoes! Almost forgot about those.
But we don't often look at what the Old World had. Wheat! Barley! Rice! A profusion of incredible grains, really, the finest poaceae has to offer. Carrots! Tons of rosaceous plants like apples and cherries and pears and peaches and apricots! Grapes! Soy and Bamboo! Okra and watermelon! All these things were simply never found in the Americas. The grains one is the wildest for me, the variety of grains available across Eurasia and Africa was truly astounding.
You know what binds together the food of all cultures across the world? Onions. Onions are fucking everywhere. There's probably onions growing near you right now. Allium Gang Unite.
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siriusupremacy · 2 years
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siriusupremacy · 2 years
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she reached for kaz’s sleeve. she was going to fall. he had his arm around her, holding her up. her mind split. half of her was aware of his bare fingers on her sleeve, his dilated pupils, the brace of his body around hers. the other half was still trying to understand what she was seeing.
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siriusupremacy · 2 years
MAGNIFICENT. this is my favorite one for sure.
Second Choice | R.B
Paring: Young!Regulus Black X Fem!Half-Blood!Reader
Summary: Regulus doesn’t talk much, but his actions do it for him.
Word Count: 1.8K
Inspiration: Click
Regulus Black was poison. He was the most robust alcohol and the deepest ocean. He was toxic, addicting, and filled with secrets. He was quiet, cynical, and secretive. 
He was the definition of everyone’s least favorite. 
Regulus wasn’t ever the favorite. He was never the first choice. He was never the symphony that brought a smile to people’s faces. 
He was a last resort. 
Until he met her. 
Keep reading
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siriusupremacy · 2 years
i dont particularly ship jegulus but these incorrect quotes are way too funny.
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siriusupremacy · 2 years
shitting on snily and remadora through bad patronus metaphors
lily's patronus is a doe. james's is a stag. equal and opposite, soulmates, cute together, blah blah blah. snape's patronus is... also a doe. snape doesn't desire a relationship with lily, snape only desires lily. james loves lily, and wants to spend his life with her, snape is obsessed with lily, and wants to spend the rest of his life loving her. he never once tries to initiate a relationship, as far as I'm aware, and only hates james because he's getting in the way of snape continuing to be obsessed with her. his worst memory is not the day james and lily got together, he doesn't care about them, they actually have a fight in his worst memory and he doesn't seem to care, snapes worst memory is the day lily left him. snape steps over james's and harry's bodies, indifferent, and weeps into lily's corpse as he would a fallen god, because he didn't love lily, he worshipped her. his patronus is not lily's perfect match, but lily herself.
this also goes for remadora vs wolfstar: sirius's patronus is a dog, remus's is a wolf. tonks's patronus is... also a wolf. unrequited love = unhealthy relationship. tonks devoted herself to remus, who could only offer a shadow of his true self, and give to her only what had not already been given. I always had this vision that tonks was going to end up leaving him and they'd have this cool moment where tonks realized that making her hair brown and being all sad and depressed and not herself because shes trying to be more mature to be like remus was not an act of love, but of obsession and desperation, and we'd get a snily parallel or something, and remus would realize that he didn't truly love her, because she didn't truly love him, and his mental breakdown in dealthy hallows where he runs away from his wife and newborn child is rooted in the fact that he'd felt love once, equal love, where those involved completed each other, and tonks mimicking him was not that, and being in the wrong relationship, especially while pretending it's right, is infinitely lonelier than simply being alone.
I give the movies a lot of flack, but I gotta say, the remadora images from dealthy hallows were spot on. the shot of their hands not quite reaching while war rages in the background is symbolic of how they never really connected, and just needed someone to comfort them in such a shitty time, and the picture of their corpses lying side by side, tonks's hand stretching for remus's, which just kind of lays there, is symbolic of how he didn't truly love her, while she loved him too much. coincidence? probably. I like to think that whoever was put in charge of the four seconds of their relationship we get portrayed secretly did not ship it.
oh and remus is 13 years older than her and had been through way more shit, so in my mind their dynamic is that of a teacher and a student with an idolizing crush. barf.
anyway love is not the same as obsession, I don't ship snily or remadora, and patronuses are cooler than people give them credit for.
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siriusupremacy · 2 years
Sirius: You may not know this, Moony, but I am a flawed person.
Remus: I do know that.
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siriusupremacy · 2 years
my parents: don’t worry sweetie you’ll understand when you move out and have a house of your own :)
me, in this economy: a what
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siriusupremacy · 2 years
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siriusupremacy · 3 years
Could you do a fluff Regulus x fem!reader where it’s snowing and they jump into the black lake with their cloths/uniform on and yk ✨main character vibes✨ and then afterwards they both have a cold
Sorry this took so long! thank you so much for this request, I think I made regulus a bit more softer than usual.  🌻
Meant To Be [ Regulus Black ]
word count: 2148
[ warning: fem reader, a little bit of soft Regulus, description of pain caused by temperature, clothes sharing, kissing, hand holding, nicknames such as “love” “princess”, description of sick/colds, medicine taking ]
Hogwarts wasn't as fun with only a small percent of the students left. Most Students were home with their family's, making memories and building snowmen.
You, however, had stayed for the Christmas break. All your roommates had gone home, even some teachers. It felt so quiet walking down the hallways, no gossip or news being shared. Snow had fallen from the sky, coating the Hogwarts grounds with sparkling white.
Luckily, your boyfriend Regulus had convinced his mother to let him stay for the break. You almost squealed at the news. Finally, you could get your boyfriend all to yourself, he was always covered in girls.
You weren't the only one who hated the encounters, Regulus was furious every time a girl would come up to him and completely push you aside.
So here you were, Hands laced together as you run down the empty hallway. You giggled as you heard Regulus ask for you both to slow down, he was curious about where you were taking him.
You flipped back, slowing your speed as you walked backwards. You smiled bright, eyes sparkling like the snow as you tighten the grip on his hand.
"I heard from a 7th year that if a couple jumps in the black lake together, they will stay together forever!" You explained, pushing him further along as you made it to the outside. You looked up at the warm sun, feet crunching against the snow as you basked in the glow.
"I'm sorry what? That's completely insane, you do realize that right?" Regulus said, eyes slightly wider as he thought about jumping in a cold lake.
"Oh Regulus, if we believe it to be true then it is!" You told him, smiling up at him as you pulled him closer to you. The wind pricked at your exposed skin, your hair getting tossed in every direction.
"Yeah, if you believe in fairies. But I'm not jumping in a frozen lake for you to proclaim some bogus myth" Regulus said while planting his feet, drawing you closer to him as he cupped your jaw.
"I'm not letting you jump in a frozen lake, I already know I'm gonna spend the rest of my life with you," Regulus told you, leaning down to press his lips to yours. You smiled with closed eyes, pushing into his kiss as you held onto his forearm.
"I know our love is forever, but we might as well make it official" you whispered, slipping from his hands as you dashed towards the doc.
You heard Regulus call out for you, immediately running after you as you reached the wooden steps. You almost slipped on the ice, sliding down the doc as your arms sprawled out around you.
"Hey! Be careful!" Regulus yelled, now on the doc as well as he couldn't help but laugh at your attempt to stay upright.
"I love you," you told him, letting your feet slip off the edge of the icy wood as you fell back into the cold lake.
Water engulfed your body, the temperature sending stabs to your body as you swam up to the surface.
You broke free just as soon as another splash ruffled the water, Regulus had jumped in after you. You giggled, watching as his head popped up over the waves, his hair flat against his face.
"You jumped in with me!" You yelled, he didn't reply instead he went under the water. His arms wrapping around your waist as he lifted you into his arms.
His face came next to yours, his face pales from the cold as he held onto you tighter.
"You little menace," Regulus said while letting out a laugh. You hardly ever got to hear Regulus's laugh, he was always so quiet and shy. It was nice to finally get loose with him, it felt like you truly were going to live forever with him.
His lips met yours, kissing you with his cold thin lips. You smiled, letting your eyes shut as you leaned closer to the kiss. He pulled away quickly, leading you towards the doc.
"Okay, we must get out now. I don't want you catching a cold" Regulus tried to sound persistent and firm, but when he saw you laugh he couldn't help but take a moment to laugh with you. This moment with like a dream, it all happened so fast that you couldn't even process the cold nipping at your wet clothes.
"Regulus it's freezing!" You yelled out when your adrenaline ran out, your arms wrapped around yourself as you try and find warmth.
"I told you! Your so demanding," Regulus muttered, looking around for your shoes before he saw them wash away down the lake.
"Oh you love it," you teased, kissing his cheek with your shivering lips as you look for your shoes as well. When you saw them halfway past the water, you shivered on impact.
"Come on, I'll get you new shoes," Regulus said, leading you to the castle as you crept along with the snow. Your feet froze, pale and raw as you make it to stone.
Regulus looked over you, sighing before shaking out his hair and picking you up quickly. You wrapped your arms around him instantly, afraid you'd fall.
"Regulus, this is unnecessary," you told him, but you secretly loved it. Regulus rarely ever went out of his way to do affectionate things in public, and though there were no people around to witness, it still made you feel loved.
"No, it's my responsibility as your boyfriend," he proclaimed, striding down the hall until he made his way to the entrance of the Slytherin common room.
"Future Husband," you corrected, your head leaning against his chest as you felt the bumps every time he took a step.
Regulus grinned to himself, opening the door with his foot as he plopped you on the nearest chair.
"What jumper do you want to wear?" He asked, peeling off his wettened tie and shirt as he slipped on a clean white long-sleeve. He went off to the bathroom quickly to grab you a towel.
"The green one," you say, ringing your hair out with the towel as you shiver. Regulus glanced over at you and gave you a look, his lips in a thin line.
"Well, that's real specific isn't it," Regulus said, holding up 3 different jumpers, all in green. You laughed, pointing to the one in his left hand.
He tossed you his jumper, turning around so you could undress without staring eyes. Later on, he tossed you his sweat pants, which were way too big for you.
Both of you had gotten dressed in warm clothes, Regulus had insisted you wear 2 pairs of socks to make sure your feet won't freeze. He looked at you, his clothes were abnormally large on you, he absolutely loved it.
Regulus led you to his bed, helping you under the covers as his hands wrapped around your waist. He pulled you closer, kissing your forehead. You smiled at the feeling, relaxing back into his chest. You felt warmth wash over you, you interlocked your fingers with his before falling fast asleep in comfort.
The morning after you woke up to the sun shining through his window, Regulus pressed against your side. His head buried into your neck as he pulled you ever so closer.
"Morning," you mumbled out, your eyes opening slightly. His room was dark, it usually smelt like burning wood and men's cologne. Your nose was clogged, making you twitch it as realized how sore your body felt.
"Morning, princess," he muttered tiredly, his voice was raw. You heard him clear his throat, realizing that you both had been sick from the lake jump.
"We're sick," you declared, rolling over to face Regulus. His nose was slightly red, his eyes looked tired. You brought your hand up to his cheek, rubbing your thumb over his smooth features.
"I don't get sick," Regulus said while his hand rubbed the small of your back in a comfortable manner. You giggled, your head resting on his shoulder.
"Why are you all stuffy then?" You asked, closing your eyes as you adjusted to the feeling of being awake. You had to force yourself to open your eyes, blinking back sleepiness.
"I'm not, your hallucinating because you're sick," his words were almost convincing, but you heard him hold back a sneeze. You pulled out of his grasp, sliding to the edge of the bed.
"Where are you going?" He asked, sitting up as he rubbed his eye with the palm of his hand.
"Getting supplies to heal you," you explain, going into his bathroom. Regulus flopped back down on his bed, closing his eyes with a flustered expression. He felt silly having someone care for him.
You grabbed a cloth, running it in warm water as you squeezed the excess out. You did the same to another cloth, dipping it in cold water. You left the bathroom after a few moments, going back to Regulus.
You climbed atop of his bed, your fingers coming to comb through his hair. He grew it out over the school year, much like his brother. His hair was jet black, waves spinning out everywhere.
"Hi," you whispered, placing the warm cloth against his pale skin. You pressed it firmly against his forehead then moved to press it against his cheek. The cloth left red imprints, you smiled as you dabbed his face.
"This is silly," Regulus commented as you switched to the cold cloth, pressing it against his warm skin. You let the cloth rest against his forehead, smiling down at him.
"Taking care of you isn't silly," you replied blankly, moving the cloth to his cheeks. You walked to the bathroom again, grabbing some cold medicine.
Regulus groaned as he saw you leave the bathroom with the medicine in your hand, you rolled your eyes. Pouring the liquid into the small measuring cup, you pass him the cup. He eyed it, giving you a long frown.
"Drink," you told him, walking over to the jug of water that sat by the window. Ice cubes swam in it, never melting. You poured him a generous glass as he drank the medicine.
He made a small face, making you giggle. Passing him the water, he held you out the medicine cup.
"You're sick too," Regulus said, placing the glass down on his nightstand. You made a small face at the thought, pouring yourself some medicine. You downed it quickly, gagging at the bitter taste.
You reached for his glass, taking a sip as you washed down the remaining taste. You took the cold cloth from his face, pressing it against your own. You flopped down beside him, exhaling in relief from the cold compress.
"My mother never did this for me," Regulus whispered in a small voice, you opened your eyes, casting your vision to where he laid.
"Well now you have me, I'll always take care of you Reggie," you told him, leaning over to kiss his cheek. You placed the cold compress back against his forehead.
"I'm so lucky to have you," Regulus looked like he was about to cry, his voice was strained and his eyes were red. You stroked his cheek, a gentle smile forming.
"You deserve me Regulus, it's not luck. I'm meant to be with you," you avowed, leaning down to capture his lips against yours. Every time you kiss him, it feels like the first time again.
Slowly pulling away, your eyes squinted slightly as you stare into his dark ones. His hand found yours, overlapping his fingers over yours.
"You're my soulmate, every life I'm given I promise I'll find you," Regulus promised and he meant it. He rose on his elbows, tossing the cloth to his bedside table. His empty hand coming to hold your face. He pulled you into a heart-stopping kiss, every ounce of love he offered you poured into this kiss.
"Not if I find you first," you exhaled, resting your forehead against his. Regulus stared lovingly into your eyes, a small smile embedded on his face.
"Come on, I wanna sleep for a little longer," he said, relaxing back onto the bed. He brought you down with him, holding you close. His chin propped up against yours, you lean into his shoulder. He smelt like home, your hands still encased with his.
"You promise you'll find me in our next life," you asked, sleep slowly starting to take over your body. You stayed awake long enough to hear his answer.
"Always," Regulus claimed, hearing your breath even as you slept. He smiled to himself, kissing your forehead. He let his eyes close, contempt with having you in his arms. Regulus fell asleep shortly after you did, finally happy about having someone that he cared so deeply for.
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siriusupremacy · 3 years
sirius: i love tattoos
regulus: yet you don’t approve of mine
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siriusupremacy · 3 years
Filippa: Oh my god.
James: I didn't know what to do!
Filippa: oh my god.
Filippa: I usually have one foot on reality and even I'm freaking out right now.
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siriusupremacy · 3 years
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─ the atlas six layout
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siriusupremacy · 3 years
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siriusupremacy · 3 years
Reblog this sigil to attract love into your life
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siriusupremacy · 3 years
Wylan: Got called gay in the Slat earlier
Kaz: Tell us what happened
Wylan: I got called gay in the Slat.
Kaz: yeah but why?
Wylan: I was making out with Jesper.
Kaz: In the Slat?
Wylan: Yeah it was in the Slat
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siriusupremacy · 3 years
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just a special set of these two treasures cuddling around
Refs: 1 2 3
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