sirjustice234-blog · 4 years
How its told
In the metro-dome thing, we u see 1 strolling against the wall on the pavement it means they love solitary lives and food as can leave in Canada or Russia if their character were aint bad on food and its known that way as that i 1 signs and more which may bring animosity against ya and u know not. Other signs from the above attract the attention of other nations, and when accepted and can live larges u can come out and in at intervals but when u do something bad on the way like wanting this and that woman kinda, u r chained so u change ya character or the going out privilege wont be extended to you again. Most African and 3rd world leaders don't like the former case, reason 4 ya derailment in ya activities
And even paints can be made with yogurt or cuddled milk when maize seed placed inside the mixture with much water in the boom process and even wedding cakes or picnic/birth cakes.
While walking along the narrow paths in the tea bush plantations, u can just pluck few leaves say 100 per person, lets say u r 10 as well as with sisal plantation then marshal up and make many in the boom process and even can set a mini-tea processing unit to process the same to make u rich overnight dude like with KS state has 1 and many i know not. Plucking as walking and Christ with king of the jew to bring out the above reality another version. Click the link below 4 more as even Negros were eying the same with coffee, tea, pyre thrum, maize, sugar cane and sisal by making much out of buying personal plots that harbors the same and that's the confidence of their coming here as last rescue, so think twice if u want to manipulate them as they can be well ahead of u as have searched 4 tea markets in their nation and dense nations like Brazil and Nigeria to sell to and learn ya dialect to compose music to get ya share as they go back. So the govt to reduce land on tea to plant food crops as a 10 hecter farm when plucked and made artificially as explained below takes care of all Kenya export or other nations which import buy small quantity and make their own factory to employ her citizens by making much leaves out of the few bought
The countries in the below link can boost of top producers yet not as they can be lazy to tilt as make artificial one in the boom process b4 mixing with real ones to sell to other nations to make them a head in-terms of Forex yet no handwork but gimmicks which if those nations sold to have learnt can do the same with buy less and making artificial 1 to mix, still selling to her customers at the no mixed type price, lest all the tom harry and dick knows about it to make theirs at home to reduce the extra-profit of no-work getting into the above people pockets, currently whats happening dude with like SA, India or Nigeria, dem poor if the client nations learns the same
So the govt should take rapid measures fence the plantations where the start of the plantation beyond the fence is even 3-5 meter to deter hand plucking that make dubious business people rich ahead of others destroying the nation with the women they marry and kids out of such practices dude
Much yogurt mixed with water makes the gadget body not appear thick and vice versa, when the above or cuddle milk is placed on a floating cabinet or big like super drum and in the dark u rinse ya face with face towel b4 hurling to the mixture and boom a big yacht formed dude or cut banana placed into the mixture above and u sprinkle cold water with copier syringes and boom the same formed or inserting spare-parts of the yacht or photo in the mixture above.
Buy Russian TV to show shakiness as overtaken economy now u bring your own brand around in the link below, lest they change their rude posture or change will change them as per now as their dirty ways marked/truckled of thwarting others progress far from their spheres, control ya waters dude as my message                       
We were fighting me against ya and vice versa, so don’t send folks to ambush me that i ought to have opened 1 a/c 4 that time to post never to return to it, like sometimes i do 4 some days b4 resorting to the above as they see an additional writing. Its me not u and why u see that yet 4 like 5 years u have refused to accept the fact that if u guess the email  of tumblr a/c u cant return to it. Looking 4 places to eat at, stop dude, me i will hurl u with stone lest police shoot me even in their post which when i report the same they have placed women with big 4heads which dont know where they are going. Look 4 ya types dude, u big 4headed women, i can be ya client in prostitution but not in matrimony dude period.
They came to ya door, Congo blooded men who still think Kenya IS RICH and they will manipulated the negro women as they have purported and what u like is what u like so competing with ya. Bringing kids they played part to up-bring while disrespecting ya and at that time have a sad face as if they talked to God, if u fail to hearken to their plights, kinda, u risk going to hell and they are here to help u get out of the same which as below is a big lie. Lazy people of no definition dude but the above is pure jealousy gimmick. They think at that time u live good, so after get ya poor story they immediately belittle ya which again is u show signs of maneuver, they show you their risk watch “SA“ in Swahili to signal u of organized theft in SA as i have explained it in sirjustice199 where a friend inducts u, with u if u do the same they have organized a shoot out 4 ya cause if they eliminate ya in the country it will be known is the Big man friends which can be catastrophic so they wanna do it the SA way dude liaising with some Chinese, Indian and Russian people. Big shame dude, your kids we mark, once all go well they are point of elimination either via frustrations or killed in other unknown ways dude.
Yeah, he has refused, yes i have refused and who is you dude, who now wants may food and kinda stay at my premise. Shoot me from the back or hurl grenade at me, you gays of no shame. Even that SA i want to make poor not to be thinking of getting to it like with how to make artificial oranges, fruits, eggs that don’t spoil the teeth, making electric poles and AE generator and Pay TV as u can google new African countries with home made such as 2goinvoice online source they get the same by placing money online as explained above. They monitor ya cash in pretense, u r lazy of little income but deep down want to send kinds to ya house. Very bad character indeed. If u can understand judgement is done in Minneapolis, get their, and if still not then playing insane to get buy or needs killing as king of the jew come in handy to solve that puzzle dude. Memorandum building in Clinton ave Minneapolis-  Jesus alluding in swahili Mfalme wa yawhodi. They even say now u r Christo yet u have warned them many times of the same wanting to hit ya eye and still come back to ya the next minute wanting ya food together with their kids, eti they got something special in store so in future dont want mant to join to benefit from them, so u feel early as they are feeling to stop yet when u ask them of that thing, its hacking a tumblr a/c to delete which the software u have used they know not cause each timke u visit the cyber u download a new 1 altogether from the net and use as u open another everyday tumblr on their placed on computer software like mozilar and chrome which if they find the same when you left not logged off, they get happy they have the software they want to shift the a/c to cement the jew/Egyptian thing will rise to no avail dude. Stop guys and resort to farming as u have always done or other feasible ways known after heavy consultation dude. An advice bro
Kikuyu are now engaged in war as violence and the Somali to cement the truth in the link below that their teeth will be made white not with milk but by Hydrogen peroxide made out of Euphorbia in the boom process that if people could have not known the same they could be placing such in toothpaste can and selling like 300% above normal price as teeth whiteners so they build USA as most people use such to white their teeth from them and the bible was written to talk of the future that Christ is not yet buried or crucified as which year was hydrogen peroxide that use to teeth unearthed? Along time dude even b4 Africa colonization and their eye aint dark as the white eye rather red but can be brown out of illicit liquor sold and another reason they buy from Mr Hindu another set as can shift ya teeth to be white sometimes b4 they shift ya normal teeth or if u have eaten deep fried Nile perch hot they got nothing to do. So the people who changed the bible must rethink twice b4 they say they are insane reason why Kebi went their to investigate the above whether true or false.
They detergent in the bottled pictured below as 1 send me that link in my Fb as a text has the ripple effect of shaping ya head and very smoothing ya face. Try it women, stop much with ya face to no avail as the mirror u got aint perfecto dude, u may think 1 got to plastic surgery if they use the same
When after making holes to below the earth crust on ya boarder line from below as u now know the bearing, place cameras with lights which only can be switched on when need be as the camera got night vision to monitor any intruder objects. The camera can be wireless as the boosters that connects to such place at intervals until it reach near the hole as they USA the cooker timer and a dynamo technology to operate so no worry dude or just used cabled wire with like supplied electricity. No need 4 placing drones beneath if such proves futile or expensive to ya, moreover the camera should look down to monitor intruders coming from down as the mention in the former case looks forward as with Christ posture on cross after and b4 he died. Read between the lines dude, don’t be over taken by time.
The whites knows that kebi has defeated them, yet they want to know which kind of abuse that fellow will push forward maybe in terms of their old age skin type or of race as many are kikuyu and masai/trukana blood which kebi likes not and even more as he leaves his Fb not logged off so 1 can do the art of abuse b4 he is queried dude. India still rich with plastic surgery as they can shift ya baldness with a new airline from 1 who is shot or due to be buried, teeth or any body part dude and that’s the remaining strength dude
Kebi with Amagy mkubwa, get the story dude, dont wait
Magy come and shower, amagy answer my legs are swollen, or am experiencing a slight headache, an old some1 from Kenya countryside bad smell choked me to make me loose control to hit my head on the floor to bring the same, Now amagy come and cook my eyes are heavy will not make me tomorrow work good at work, or am applying make up a friend of mine is coming to pay me a visit, amagy come wash plates, it will erase my nail polish, amagy come mop the floor, am sleeping if i do so tomorrow i will be late 4 work, amagy i have bought food at the local Mcdonald, amagy insinuates gives me 2-4 minutes babe am coming and Finally amagy come and we have sex, amagy ni seke seke, oketo ng’amruok mbele ma yaani ameweka kutobwa mbele, setting her legs atease is her 1st another job as made easy without of thinking of the dubious tricks she purported b4 or wanting to play like still young yet grown. Middle life crisis, big shame girl, nene kaka-ongiyo kebi ka-ochongoriyo bird as women watch Christ crucifixion tentatively as if missing the grinding ripple of kebi tendentious manhood. Change girl, it high time.
Their is a certain glass like bulb that u can open as it houses the many bulb technology inside, when burns up u get them out and close the big bulb and still works. On the tip of the big open like bulb it has a step down transformer 120-240 to 30 V which the place inside bulb uses to brighten the whole house as if it was the normal 240 bulb releasing their4 less heat and radiation to ya body and a big plus 4 people who don’t want much heat in their houses at night.
Now its end signs with alternator generator u have disturbed Kebi 4 almost 5 goods years and with this will not take even 1 year to elapsed b4 u r finished lest u change. With source with aluminum bars are not yours 4 u to claim only the cooker timer and dynamo technology, question is why not the former to be claimed or u make? Stop dude!!! Time 4 reckoning is handy as a day of judgement around the corner dude the same Italy makes even small and cheaper more than China made 1 like Linz or Merrali Alternator Generators.
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