skuag · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure but they’re posing like promotional friends photo
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skuag · 1 year
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skuag · 1 year
Chapter 19: The End
“You pulled me out from a spiral of anger and despair just by letting me hear your voice. You already helped me, Taichi. But now, you have to let go of me.”
The final chapter of the story.
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skuag · 1 year
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any interest in a digimon (adventure + 02) x miraculous ladybug au? 🫣
headcanons under the cut!
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skuag · 1 year
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SORATO is life
@rainofwildrice = @reignofthewild
I cannot remember my login, so I can't post from my original tumblr T_T Please enjoy Sorato as much as I do :D I am hoping to do more digimon art and upload more in the future. Shoutout to all the artists here who have inspired me <3
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skuag · 2 years
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@izumikoushiroweek inspiration: Aesthetics
If you think about a Chosen Child like Koushirou Izumi and take all the different canons into consideration, there are a lot of things that come to mind that define his individual aesthetic: From all things computers/laptops, all kinds of hard- and software, hacking, ladybugs, oolong tea, thunderbolts, lots and lots of books and maybe even chaos, the everlasting question if he owns more than just suits and ties after entering his twenties… And of course the connections he shares - with his partner, friends, family, the entire network of Chosen Children and Digital World authorities. 
The boy is layered, he’s more than the nerdy stereotype of the infodump/exposition device - and one picture set is not enough to do him justice.
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skuag · 2 years
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Yamato Ishida -Digimon Adventure Tri- Ep 01
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skuag · 2 years
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skuag · 2 years
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skuag · 2 years
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been feelin depressed™ so i drew my fav girls to beat out the bad vibes
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skuag · 2 years
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soratober 31/31
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skuag · 2 years
There are too many parts of Yamato and Sora in the official novel. I never knew where to start, so after thinking about it for a long time, I decided to continue to publish it according to the plot. In Tokyo, the parts of Yamato and Sora have increased. This part is the same as that in TV version. There are some differences, so I will post them for comparison.
There are still some small easter eggs in the adventure in the early novels. After I update all the main plots, I will talk about the small easter eggs that only belong to Sorato.
the first part: https://at.tumblr.com/love-for-yamato-and-sora/in-fact-according-to-the-booklet-of-the-unsigned/81qlm4djfnre
the second part: https://at.tumblr.com/love-for-yamato-and-sora/digimon-adventure-official-novel/i5ctg94gtlny
the third part: https://at.tumblr.com/love-for-yamato-and-sora/i-will-then-post-the-official-novel-section-sora/su4ut9ay9hca
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In TV version, Sora was arrested because he participated in extracurricular football activities, and then escaped from the place with the help of his mother and Mimi, and then met Taichi and said where Yamato and Hikari were,and then Sora Just meet Yamato.
“Sora, I need to talk to you.” She wasn’t expecting her mother to be home already. “Please don’t think that I’m saying something stupid, but… Could you tell me where you were this afternoon?” She saw Birdramon. Her mother’s tone of voice wasn’t accusatory. She spoke hesitantly, as though she was unsure and confused. That only made it harder for her to find a more ideal moment to talk to her mother about Piyomon. If I knew this was going to happen, then maybe I should have brought her in with me instead of telling her to come through the window. What would be the best way for her to tell her Mom what was going on without giving her too much of a shock? Sora thought about it, but immediately got overwhelmed. She got the sense that it would be best if she told her mother everything from the top, and then had Piyomon come in at the end to meet her. “Mom… It’s kind of a long story, but will you hear me out?” Piyomon was left spending more time waiting outside the window.
The Bakemon atta cked them just when Sora had more or less described how they had gone to the Digital World, their adventures, and then had invited Piyomon to come into her room through the window. “Is this… Piyo-san?” “Pleased to meet you. I’m Piyomon.” Sora’s mother Yoshiko timidly stretched out her hand just as the door flew open behind her and Bakemon swarmed in. At first, Piyomon’s “Magical Fire” drove them back. But gradually, the number of Bakemon surging in was too great. Piyomon flew out of the window and evolved. “Piyomon, evolve! Birdramon!” The Bakemon closed in around them even as she evolved. Yoshiko pushed Sora towards the windows, then turned to face the Bakemon herself, pushing for time. “Run, Sora!” Sora clung to Birdramon’s legs, and when she turned around to look, Yoshiko was already surrounded by the Bakemon. There was no way to retrieve her from outside the window. “Mom! I’ll come back to save you, I promise!” As Yoshiko was dragged away, Sora thought that she saw her mother smile.
Hikari hid herself in its dark belly. Yamato, Gabumon, Yamato’s father Hiroaki, Sora, Piyomon, and Koushiro were also with her.
Koushiro eluded the Bakemon wandering aimlessly around the area, and followed the reactions on his digivice to reach the construction site. In turn, Taichi left Big Sight. Tentomon went alone to check their surroundings. Piyomon and Gabumon needed to rest and recover the energy that was spent on their evolutions, so he was the only one capable of moving at the moment.
When Tentomon returned, he made his report. “I didn’t see anything that looked like an exit anywhere. The fog is so thick that no one can get through. However…” Tentomon pointed directly above him. “The fog up above is thin and I could see stars. It’s pretty high up, but we might be able to get through if I evolve to AtlurKabuterimon.” But it was also highly likely that Vamdemon would spot them along the way. “Satellite communication!” Yamato’s father, Hiroaki, murmured. “We might not be able to send regular radiowaves, but if we use satellite communication, it’s possible that we can communicate with the outside.” Naturally, Fuji TV had a facility for that. The possibility of it was low, but it was worth a try. Tentomon could evolve to Perfect level and force their way out after if they had to. Hiroaki, Koushiro, and Tentomon left the construction site and snuck into Fuji TV station.
The only ones left were Hikari, Sora, Piyomon, Yamato, and Gabumon. Somewhere in the background was the sound of water dripping. A wind gently lifted up one end of the cloths covering the building under construction. Without anyone noticing, two streaks of red lightning extended through that gap. They hit Gabumon and Piyomon directly. The wind rose into a gust, blowing the cloths wide open to reveal Vamdemon waiting for them outside.
Because Zudomon was now evolved to Perfect level, Jou’s digivice unlocked the ability to detect his friends’ digivices and thus their locations. “If only I had this earlier, then I wouldn’t have had to make Takeru-kun and you two wait so much.” Jou laughed, but it didn’t work at relaxing everyone’s nerves. The digivice showed that three of their friends were in one spot, while the other three were off at a distance. “But this direction looks a little different from where we live…” Jou tilted his head in thought. The three closest dots didn’t look like they were at the condominiums, as he was expecting, but closer to Fuji TV station. Zudomon headed that way. As he did so, the three dots that were further away looked to be heading their way. One of the dots from the three closest to them broke off from the group. Jou didn’t know that the three dots at a distance were Taichi and Mimi, with Taichi holding Hikari’s digivice, while the one dot that separated was Koushiro. From the ocean, they saw a building in front of Fuji TV station that was under construction. They could see a dark, caped shape ascending from inside. “It’s Vamdemon,” Patamon said in a low voice. Luckily, Vamdemon had his back turned to them. Vamdemon disappeared at the top of Fuji TV station at the same time that Zudomon reached the shore. They also heard sounds of destruction inside the construction site. After Zudomon let Jou and the others off his back, he hurled off the cloths covering the building with one flick of his hammer. Yamato and Sora were inside. They were each holding Gabumon and Piyomon close to them. With them were a giant praying mantis, Snimon, and a dinosaur with two giant horns like those of a bull protruding out from its shoulders, Tuskmon. Snimon’s scythes easily cut through steel beams, and the power from Tuskmon’s charges could easily bulldoze Digimon of the same level. What’s more, Vamdemon’s earlier attack prevented Piyomon and Gabumon from moving, so they had no way of defending themselves. But for a Perfect level like Zudomon, they were no threat. “Hammer Spark!” Zudomon struck the Thor Hammer in his right hand at the closest steel beam. Sparks flew. The real power of Zudomon’s attack was neither from the hammer nor the destructive force that came from his arm strength. With one focused swing, the sparks that were created when both the Chrome Digizoid and his force of will combined could destroy the data composition of Digimon itself. The steel beams of the building stood in lines so close that Zudomon couldn’t slip through them, but the sparks became a dazzling striation that flew and hit Snimon and Tuskmon directly. The two of them were paralyzed, breaking down into particles in the next moment.
Yamato and Sora turned around slowly. Next to a large Digimon that they’ve never seen before was Jou, running towards them waving one arm. Takeru, Patamon, and Natsuko were there too. “Mom…” Yamato was dumbstruck. “Thank goodness we made it!” Jou said, beaming. It was Sora who recovered first. “Vamdemon has taken Hikari-chan!” Jou learned that he hadn’t made it.
In the novel version, Sora’s mother was arrested at home from the very beginning, Sora fled directly at home and joined Yamato directly.
Mimi became a person fighting and facing all these things, and then Taichi came and rescued Mimi. Then it was the same plot, all protecting Hikari, but it failed. So this part is different.
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skuag · 2 years
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That one shirt thing
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skuag · 2 years
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skuag · 2 years
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skuag · 2 years
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skuag · 2 years
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