Blog Giveaway
So with Bedlam on its way, I got around to thinking about this blog. It’s been inactive for a few years, but means a lot to me - as does this series. I’d love to give it to someone who wants to carry on with its content, as well as any other SP related ideas you might have for it. 
If you’re interested, send in an ask and I’ll get around to clearing some stuff out so it’s just headcanons/SP content exclusively. I’m assuming that I can make someone a member and then leave the blog myself? I might be wrong there, if someone could fill me in let me know - so yeah, want the blog, give me a shout.
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Did you know you're marked as explicit?
Thank you for pointing this out! It got resolved pretty quickly thankfully.
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hey look this one happened
Submission #148
After he read the first Harry Potter book, Gracious tried to persuade the Sancturary to open up a school for young sorcerers and call it Hogwarts.
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Blog Giveaway
So with Bedlam on its way, I got around to thinking about this blog. It’s been inactive for a few years, but means a lot to me - as does this series. I’d love to give it to someone who wants to carry on with its content, as well as any other SP related ideas you might have for it. 
If you’re interested, send in an ask and I’ll get around to clearing some stuff out so it’s just headcanons/SP content exclusively. I’m assuming that I can make someone a member and then leave the blog myself? I might be wrong there, if someone could fill me in let me know - so yeah, want the blog, give me a shout.
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Who to fight - Skulduggery Pleasant edition
Skul: He literally came back from the dead because he was so pissed at a guy who wronged him. Wouldn’t risk it.
Val: She’d win. Except in the beginning, but who would fight a sassy 12 year old emo horse girl (tumblr’s words, not mine)? Seriously, if you do, I will come and end you.
Ghastly: You don’t really stand a chance. Unless you pretend to be his friend, gain his trust for 200+ years and then unexpectedly stab him. That might work.
Tanith: Ahem. There is literally no way you could win that.
China: She’d beat your ass and you’d thank her.
Fletcher: You could probably win, if you can keep him from teleporting. Aim for the hair.
Billy-Ray: Uhm yeah, you’re gonna die. Especially if your name is Jethro. The only way to be permanently safe from Billy-Ray Sanguine is to be Tanith Low.
Vincent Foe: He’d throw you into a wood chipper or (on wednesdays) just blow up the entire world to get rid of you. 
Scapegrace: Careful, he has a zombie army and a very protective boyfriend. 
Clarabelle: What the fuck, why would you ever hurt this precious weird little flower petal??
Dexter: Please don’t hurt him he’s a national treasure. He’d grill you anyway.
Saracen: Don’t, unless you have magical eyebrows to hypnotize him with.
Caelan: Just attack during the day or near a body of water and you can’t really lose.
Donegan: Don’t be fooled by his British Gentleman attire. This man wreaked enough havoc by publishing books.
Gracious: You could probably win if you manage to baffle him with extreme nerdiness or embarrassing memories.
Darquesse: hoe don’t do it.
Lord Vile: oh my god.
Derek: He will throw some carefully chosen words at you that will stab you right in the feels and you will die and he will laugh. Do not mess with the Golden God.
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Submission #220
Skulduggery CAN sleep, he was just too embarrassed to reveal that his head was taken from him while sleeping like a baby
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Submission #219
After the events of Dark Days, Valkyrie had a little bit of an annoying "scene" phase. After a while Skulduggery contemplated returning to the faceless ones.
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Submission #218
Valkyrie's 'white lightning' is actually pure magic
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Submission #217
Ghastly used to teach Valkyrie how to do boxing when he was alive. After his death Valkyrie continued doing kickboxing and she thoroughly enjoys it.
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the clarabelle dating scapegrace headcanon is transphobic... just like the entire Scapegrace Becomes A Woman arc
Apologies for any offence caused, however, we just post the headcannons as they’re sent. Please message us again in the future if you take offence to any of the headcannons posted. We will take them down as per request.
- fletcher-renns-hair & ceriniity
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Submission #216
The night after Skulduggery and Valkyrie first encountered vampires, Val woke up from a nightmare and the first thing she did was call Skulduggery for assurance. After that any time she couldn't sleep she'd call him and they'd talk for hours
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Submission #215
When Valkyrie was new to magic she used to have nightmares a couple of times a week, so she would call Skulduggery and stay on the phone until she'd fall asleep. After Skul ended up in another dimension she got used to the nightmares and insomnia.
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Submission #214
Valkyrie is a trans girl, male at birth. She was terrified of what Skulduggery's reaction would be, should he find out. When he did, he only said that, being a skeleton, he would be the first to know that what body parts you do (or do not) have has nothing to do with your gender.
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Submission #213
Around Christmas time, Ghastly made everyone protective shitty holiday sweaters
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Submission #212
Skulduggery and China actually made the Rainbow Cleaver after the events of book 9.
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Submission #211
Staven Weeper defends Dusk against vampire haters after Dusk comes to work at the sanctuary.
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Submission #210
The magical discipline that Hopeless studied was shape-shifting. He could morph himself to look like anybody, which proved extremely useful on Dead Men missions.
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