skyripper · 21 days
Doing more than one? Choose whichever you found the most helpful. ❤️
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skyripper · 26 days
Reblog if you write fanfic and would be totally down with your followers coming into you askbox and talking to you about your fic
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skyripper · 26 days
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skyripper · 27 days
This is definitely not a google drive full of the sleep stuff from the Headspace app, including sleepcasts, music, and wind down meditation, that normally costs 17.99 a month, no siree and you definitely shouldnt share this with people
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skyripper · 1 month
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Unintentially matching my drawing of Bizarro Kai to @/aesc_alib 's Bizarro Jay. And while I'm trying refine it, I was like why not matching.
So, its a unintentional collab!! ( I was at first inspired by Rai to draw Bizarro of the main 4).
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skyripper · 1 month
This way people can see they’re not alone. I have them and this would help me see that.
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skyripper · 2 months
best brownies in the known universe (at least, according to my grandma)
some year and a half ago when i was getting ready to move out i combed through all the family recipes that lay lost to time and one of the ones that i found was my grandmas brownie recipe. idk where she got it from (nor can i ask cause she has dementia) and its a printed out email she sent to my mom in june 2000. but by george these the best brownies i have ever tasted. would she be pleased that i am sharing this recipe with my vast following? absolutely.
5 tablespoons butter (unsalted) 1 ounce unsweetened baking chocolate (or as much as your heart desires) 2/3 cup unsweetened good cocoa powder 1 cup sugar (white) (superfine preferred, normal works fine) 1 cup sifted white flour (can use gluten free) 1/2 teaspoon baking powder as much cinnamon as your heart desires (your heart needs to desire at least some cinnamon. its essential to the recipe) 3 egg whites 1 egg splash of vanilla extract (again, non negotiable step!)
preheat your oven to 325 degrees. grease a square baking pan (9x9 preferably).
in a small saucepan over medium heat melt the butter and baking chocolate. while that is melting, sift together the flour, baking powder and cinnamon into a small bowl. once the butter and chocolate is done melting add the cocoa powder and cook it together for 1 minute. add in the sugar and stir. it will get very thick. this is correct.
set that aside to cool. while thats cooling take a large bowl and put in your egg whites, egg and vanilla. beat it up with preferably a whisk but you can use a fork if youre fresh out of whisks. once the chocolate is cool enough to not scramble your eggs dump it in the eggs and mix it together. add the flour in gradually and keep mixing until its smooth and happy.
spread into your greased baking pan. put it in the oven for EXACLTLY 18 MINUTES. very crucial step. they will come out slightly under done. that is what we want. as they cool they will continue to cook in the pan. we dont want them to get hard and sad. they are not good when they are hard and sad. do not overbake them. you will be sad.
slice them up and as the official last step on the original recipe says: EAT ENJOY AND MAKE MORE! (theyre very good with mint chocolate chip ice cream)
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skyripper · 7 months
I've been thinking about Lloyd's powers.
He's the Master of Energy, but no one seems to know what exactly that is. Frankly, even irl scientists don't know much about energy, and they simply defined it as the ability to do work.
In the show, whenever the Ninja try to explain Lloyd’s powers, they say that it’s a combination of all their powers. When you look deeper into it, the og Ninja's powers are technically different forms of energy: Kai: thermal energy. Jay: electrical energy. Cole: well… earthquakes are caused by kinetic energy. Zane: ngl, I couldn’t figure that out.
The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed; it can only be converted from one type to another. So, I guess that the Ninja transform their chemical energies (which we get from food) into their respective energies.
Going back to Lloyd, he cannot create energy out of nowhere according to the Law of Conservation of Energy. Just like the other Ninja, he can convert his body’s chemical energy into pure energy (I don’t think that exists, but let’s say that it’s energy’s natural state). However, given that he is clearly stronger than the four Ninja, I think that would tire him out much faster and could kill him (which could explain his near-death experience when he fought Garmadon in Kryptarium Prison; he used up all his body’s energy, and the Ninja had to give him some of theirs—in the form of their powers—to save him). Therefore, I think he would only use his body’s energy as a last resort in a fight. Instead, due to being the Master of Energy, he could absorb energy from his surroundings and use it. For example, he could take electrical energy and convert it into his green thing. He could absorb a fire’s thermal energy and use it. He could also turn one type of energy into another (e.g., sound energy into thermal energy).
TL;DR: I’m trying to explain Lloyd’s powers using the Law of Conservation of Energy. The four OG ninjas use their bodies’ chemical energy to use their powers. But because Lloyd is stronger than them, that could kill him. Instead, he absorbs the energy from his surroundings and uses it.
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skyripper · 7 months
Reblog if you think it’s okay to platonically say “I Love You” to your friends
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skyripper · 7 months
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"A Bit Past Human"
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skyripper · 7 months
To prove something to a friend, please
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skyripper · 9 months
Asexual Outreach is also the only non-profit asexual organisation. And I really couldn’t trust the people leading it more. I’ve talked to all at them for at least a moment and they consistently work towards and inclusiveness within the LGBT community, within the ace community and with the world as a whole. They have a great plan and a lot of passion to back out it up. Please signal boost or donate! Anything helps. You can also check out the video for the campaign. I’m not saying it made it me cry, but it made my cry. 
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skyripper · 9 months
AAA battery gang where u at
reblog pretty pretty pls i require data
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skyripper · 9 months
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All of the past Elemental Masters of Fire, Water, Earth, Lighting and Ice
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skyripper · 9 months
I adore this recent trend (if that's the right word) of letting an orchestra play classical music on a festival. It's magical to see thousands of festival-goers going absolutely wild on Beethoven. Mosh/circlepits, crowd surfing. It's wonderful to see the orchestra and the audience having the time of their lives.
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skyripper · 9 months
TW : blood , fresh wound
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They are everything to me
They always protect each other
I love them
bonus : Big Brother's work always comes first
(Even if he was in pain on the verge of death)
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The text behind the picture
[ How dare you make them use that power (that they are still uncomfortable to use) If you hurt them even a single hair the last thing you'll see will be my blue fire ]
little hc I like to think that even if he couldn't fight, he would send his killing intent all over the battlefield instead--
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skyripper · 11 months
I see these posts, ALL over the internet, right? And they're like 'inner monolog' this, 'inner voice' that, and I'm sitting here, my brain jumping around like a blue-assed fly, playing the word acossiation game with myself, but even I don't know whats next.
Its a surprise as to where it leads me. It may be a safe, happy thought, it may be porn, it may even be inspiration for my fic, or the fucks I failed to find.
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