sleeplessinspace · 10 months
forget about touching grass, i need to touch THE SEA I NEED TO GO INTO THE WATER I NEED TO DIVE INTO THE SEA!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sleeplessinspace · 10 months
this is a reach but Hello! I'm Unus/Mavis and I'm a 19 year old who's lived in Florida for a while now. I just recently got offered an opportunity to move to Colorado due to Florida's anti-trans legislation and I really need help getting funds to move there;;
I'll appreciate anything but here is my paypal ; I'm about 20 or so dollars short so I can go ahead and get the plane ticket I need to leave, but I will accept any funds!! Extra funds will go towards other travel costs such as moving my things over plane should I need to; If you can share this I'd love it!! thank you <3
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sleeplessinspace · 11 months
“how could you have forgotten that” i forget Everything. unless i remember
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sleeplessinspace · 11 months
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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sleeplessinspace · 1 year
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sleeplessinspace · 1 year
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sleeplessinspace · 1 year
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ok, , ,but like, ,, , Murdock is seriously my soft spot now-
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sleeplessinspace · 1 year
SFW Drabble | Pizza Delivery!Mark x GN!Reader
Warnings: None :)
The doorbell rings, and you try to walk at a pace that doesn't give away the fact you've literally been staring at your phone, tracking the delivery guy for the past 15 minutes.
You also try to suppress the grin that lights up your face when you open the door, revealing the face of your favourite delivery guy.
"Hey, Martin," You greet him, the way his own features light up at the sight of you making your heart flutter in your chest.
"Did someone order a laaaarge pizza?" He replies, emphasising the word in a way that has you snorting, your usual inside joke creating a fond feeling in your gut.
"Yeah...been a rough day, y'know?" You say as you take the pizza box. Marty looks sympathetic, bending down you presume to grab the card machine he keeps in his travel bag.
To your surprise, however, he instead lifts two more food boxes from the bag, holding them out to you as you give me a confused look.
"I didn't order anything else," You say. Still, he just gestures for you to take them.
"It's not your usual takeout day...so I figured you probably needed a pick-me-up,"
Your heart warms as you read the label on top of each box; garlic bread bites and chocolate brownies.
"Marty...that's so nice. What do I owe-"
"You don't owe anything," He waves off your question, raising his eyebrows in an uncharacteristically firm way when you begin to make a fuss. "Listen. If you really want to pay me back that badly, you can buy me a drink next weekend,"
You pause, feeling a red blush creep up to your cheeks as he offers you a knowing, flirtatious smirk.
"Um...yeah I...I'd like that,"
"Then it's a date," he replies with satisfaction, tipping his company baseball cap like a cowboy, making you laugh like a teenager with a crush as he waves you goodbye.
You put on comedy re-runs to watch whilst you eat, but find yourself missing most of it. Instead, thoughts of a certain someone make your heart flutter.
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sleeplessinspace · 1 year
Run Rabbit, Run.
Wilford x gn!Reader
Heyyy, how yall doin... I'm sorry I've been away, I was in the void, but I finished a fic I've had in the works for about a year now if that makes up for it 🥰
Rated M, but no actual nsfw
TWs; guns/gunplay for foreplay, but no actual nsfw, just hints at it, swearing, predator/prey kink, 2 crazy lovebirds <3
Wilford wants to try a new game, enticing the reader with his shiny new toy<3
Word Count; 3.3k
"My sweet little gumdrop, what do you say we make tonight's game a little more interesting, hm?" The mischievous undertone of Wilford's voice made them perk up, looking over at him from their reading position on the loveseat. Game night with Wilford always tended to end up 'interesting', but the new tone in his questioning caught their full attention.
Setting their book down on the coffee table, they turned to him with a raised brow. "Hmm, alright, and what did you have in mind for such an interesting game?" They asked, attempting to match his intonation. The way his facial expression lit up, eyes sparkling, they knew he was up to no good.
What did I just agree to..?
Wilford's smile grew, his mustache twitching ever so slightly, "How about a game of hide and seek?"
"Hide and seek? Wilfy, we've played that a hundred times, how is that more interesting than…" Their voice trailed off as they noticed a glint of something shiny being pulled from behind his back.
A sparkling golden revolver. Their eyes widened a bit, trailing from the gun to the now almost predatory gleam in his eyes.
"This, my dear, will make it all the more interesting, don't you think?" Wilford tossed the weapon back and forth between his hands a few times before he held it steady, leaning forward to tilt their chin up with the barrel of the gun. As their gaze met his, a warmth began to spread across their delicate skin, slowly creeping up their body.
"Your gun? H-how is that related to hide and seek…?" He merely let out a breathy laugh as he lifted his free hand to stroke the blush that had settled upon their cheeks.
"Because sugarplum," He leaned into their flushed features, hand still on the gun held below their chin, his own features now dripping with desire as he spoke, "I do believe this will spur you on a bit more. Will it not?" Wilford brushed his lips against theirs, nothing more than the ghost of a touch, causing Y/N to swallow hard as they mimicked his subtle movements.
"I-uh, yes I suppose you're right about that…" They whispered, attempting to capture his lips on theirs. But before that could happen Wilford pulled back with a devious little smirk.
"Mm, wonderful." He purred, taking the gun away and reaching into his pocket with his free hand. Y/N watched him with emotions ranging from excitement, to fear, to lust, swirling around in their head, making it difficult to focus on anything but him. Wilford himself found it hard to stifle an excited giggle as he watched their reactions, reveling in the effects he could instill in them.
As he finally revealed what was in his pocket, 6 silver bullets lay in the palm of his hand, their breath caught in their throat. At this, he looked from his palm to them, a grin spreading across his face. Slowly, as if teasing them, he unlocked the cylinder of the revolver.
"Now, bunny," Wilford glanced up at them, motioning with the gun, "I would suggest you start running to find a hiding place, so that I may," He held up one of the bullets, examining it for a moment before loading it into an empty chamber, "seek you."
Y/N snapped out of their momentary trance with a slight shake of the head. Though thoughts and questions still raced in their mind, why did this have such an effect on them? How did he come up with such an idea, as to basically hunt them for sport? And why was it so hot?
Wilford, now loading the second shiny bullet into his gun, raised a brow at them, causing Y/N to scramble to their feet. "Y-yes sir…" They muttered before clumsily backing out of the room, stumbling over their own feet.
"Good." He chuckled, watching them as he continued to load his gun. "I'm going to count to 30 and you had better found a good spot to hide before I come and find you, cupcake." As he finished with the weapon he spun the cylinder and flipped it closed.
"So run little rabbit," Y/N gulped as he pointed the gun at them, "run."
Frantic footsteps and heavy breathing rang throughout the empty hallways of the manor as Y/N took off to find a suitable hiding spot. They knew Wilford would never actually hurt them, but adrenaline was pulsing through their veins at the thought of being hunted like cowardly little prey. Their predator, who had hunted in the wild for sport many years ago, could practically smell the excitement and fear seeping through their exterior.
A game of cat and mouse.
As Y/N approached the end of the hallway they found a door to an empty office that was cracked open. Glancing around, they tiptoed into the room, careful not to disturb the creaky wooden door. They looked around the room and spotted an old wardrobe, just big enough to hide in. Or at least that's what he's going to assume, they thought, a smirk forming on their lips. But if they were going to play this little trick off they had to act fast.
"19, 20, 21, 22…"
Wilford's voice echoed throughout the manor in a sing-song type of speech. "Oh bunny~ I hope you're hiding somewhere good~!"
Y/N quickly went over to the wardrobe, cracking open the door and pushing some old clothes around to make it look as though they were there before quietly hurrying over to the window on the right side of the room.
"26, 27, 28, 29…"
They fiddled with the lock on the window, cursing under their breath about old paint and warped wood, before finally getting it to slide up with a crackling noise, making them wince.
"30! Ready or not sugar! Here I come!" From downstairs they could hear Wilford humming a tune to himself as he began to search. Y/N's heart was racing as they slipped out of the open window and onto the fire escape, turning around to close the window again. Placing their hands on the panes, they slowly slid it closed, cringing when it made a slight 'Thunk!' sound. From downstairs Wilford had heard said noise, causing him to perk up and twirl his gun around in his finger. "Silly little rabbit, I'm gonna find you~"
After closing the window they stepped just around the edge of the window, back against the side of the manor, straining their ears to hear if Wilford was making his way into the room. They took a couple deep breaths in an attempt to still their racing heart, as if it was as loud outside as it was in their head.
The sun was setting across the manors courtyard, the colors swirling with the clouds, creating brilliant orange, red, and pink cotton candy in the sky. Y/N took a moment to pause and admire the scene. How fitting. But the moment of serene was cut short as they heard the door to the office creak open and heavy footsteps following behind. They tensed, breath catching in their throat again as Wilford entered, humming to himself once more.
"Oh Y/N~, I know you’re here, sweetheart." They stayed quiet as they stood beside the window, listening to the shuffling sounds as curiosity began to creep up on them, wanting to know if their little stunt would throw him off or if he was too smart and would know where they were without a second guess. When his shadow passed by the window, they decided to test their fate, slowly peeking around the window frame, just in time to see Wilford making his way to the wardrobe. Gun pointed directly in front of him. As he approached the slightly ajar doors, he pulled the hammer of his revolver back with a click and reached forward with one hand, suddenly swinging the door open and jumping into view.
“Aha! Found…” As he scanned the empty closet, using his free hand to move the clothes around just to be sure, his eyes narrowed. “Oh you sneaky little thing, now that’s just not fair.” Wilford let out a huff as he unclicked the hammer and lowered his gun. From outside, Y/N was holding their hand over their mouth to stifle the giggles bubbling up from the pouty look he had on his face.
I can’t believe it actually worked, holy shit. But their momentary celebration was cut short as Wilford turned on his heel and began to inspect the rest of the office, looking under the desk, around the sides of the couch and chair set, until his eyes landed on the (usually locked) unlocked window. And as they went to duck from view, he had caught a glimpse of the same color fabric they had on, causing Wilford to flinch in surprise, for as soon as he saw it, it was gone. His eyes narrowed as he hummed in amusement, stalking over to the window.
Fuck fuck fuck, did he see me? No, he was too busy looking elsewhere right? Fuck he probably saw me. Shit. Y/N took off up the fire escape that would lead to the roof of the manor, the old metal stairs groaning under their feet. Once at the top of the stairs, they heard the old wood frame of the window crackling open again and heavy boots stepping out onto the landing underneath it.
Oh, he definitely saw me. Or his hunting and tracking skills are coming in really handy right about now, they thought as they peaked over the ledge of the roof to see if he was going to follow them up. Wilford was closing the window behind him as they stared down at him, heart racing to see if his head would snap up from sensing their gaze.
As a matter of fact, Wilford could sense them, he knew how adrenaline was pumping through their veins at the very notion of being caught, how they were almost ecstatic at the thought of being hunted down by him. It made him let out the smallest laugh. But he didn’t want to catch them just yet, he was going to toy with them for a while longer, so he took his time turning and slowly making his way up the same flight of stairs to the roof. After all, a predator usually tires out it’s prey to make it easier to snatch up, right?
Y/N sucked in a sharp breath as they ducked down behind the ledge, turning to look around the roof before they noticed the spiral staircase that would take them back down to ground level. They could hear Wilford slowly ascending the stairs behind them, it’s now or never. They moved as quickly as they could, while crouching, to the staircase, grabbing hold of the railing as they began their own descent. Just as they did though, Wilford had reached the rooftop, smirking to himself as he caught another glimpse of their clothing fluttering behind them as they made their way down the stairs.
“Y/N, where are you, honey?” He called out as he walked around the roof, acting as though he was searching for them. They bristled at the sound of his voice being so close as they had reached ground level. Heart racing, they glanced up at the rooftop. Not seeing him immediately, they took yet another chance and locked their gaze on the hedge maze about 50 yards out, beginning to sprint as fast as they could to the entrance. Hearing their footsteps against the gravel pathway, Wilford walked over to the edge of the roof, leaning over it as he watched them run towards the maze.
Suddenly, a loud shot rang out, the sound ricocheting off the walls of the manor and a small explosion of rocks just a couple feet away, making them let out a startled scream. They stumbled over their own feet as they glanced behind them, only to see Wilford waving his gun excitedly at them from the rooftop. Their stomach swirled with emotions as they regained their footing and finally made it into the maze, knowing that Wilford was a dead shot. He missed on purpose, and it sent a pleasured shiver through their body.
Well, Wilford, you may have found me, but now you have to catch me.
Up on the ledge, Wilford let out a laugh at the sight of their fear, “So you want me to chase you now, little rabbit? Very well. Have it your way.” In the blink of an eye he was on the gravel pathway he’d just shot at, following their trail into the maze.
They knew in the back of their mind that Wilford was guaranteed to find them, otherworldly powers and all, but the more they ran through the maze, taking every twist and turn that they could without looping back, they had hope that they would win. Eventually, they turned into the center of the maze, a big open courtyard with a trickling fountain smack dab in the middle and a flower bed with blood red roses growing all around it.
Y/N slowed their running to a slow walk, breathing hard as they tried to catch their breath, frantic eyes searching for another way out. There were four entrances to the center of the maze, 3 options remained, though the underlying anxiety that he could be down either of the options, stalled their decision. That is, until they heard a tune being whistled off to their left, and it sounded close. Too close. They sucked in a breath and took off again, choosing the path to their right, their shoes crunching against the gravel underneath them.
Wilford appeared in the center of the courtyard just as they had taken off, he watched as they ran down the path, unaware that he knew where they were, where they were going, and exactly where they would end up. His whistling had turned into a low hum as he slipped his gun into the waistband of his pants, walking around the fountain to examine the rose bushes surrounding it.
Surely Dark won't miss one rose hm? He thought to himself as he plucked the prettiest one he could find, grinning to himself as he turned back to the path Y/N had chosen.
I would have thought he'd find me by now, maybe this maze really is impossible to solve. Unless-
Their thoughts were cut short as they heard singing this time, coming from all around them it felt like.
"Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run. Run rabbit, run rabbit, run, run, run." It sang, seeming as though it was getting closer and closer with each iteration. Y/N glanced behind them, eyes wide, but seeing nothing, they kept running. Though their lungs were on fire, it was getting difficult to keep going at this pace, but they kept on, too stubborn to give up just yet.
"Bang," A shot rang throughout the walls of the maze, making them jump with a shriek.
"Bang," A second shot.
"Bang," A third.
"Bang," A fourth, "Goes the farmers gun~"
They counted, including the shot before the maze, he had one bullet left. He knew that they knew that, and it filled him with giddy excitement.
In a final attempt to escape their predator, they ran as quick as they could to what they believed to be the exit, their lungs screaming for a moment of alleviation.
"So run rabbit, run rabbit, run," Their footsteps were heavy and nearly faulting as they kept going.
"Run," They glanced up from the ground, what they thought to be an escape, only a few steps away.
"Run." His voice was right next to their ear now, and as they ran into something solid, they let out a scream. A hand came out to catch them as they stumbled back, their wild eyes meeting his for the first time since they started their game.
Wilford was grinning at them, their gaze resembling a scared little animal that had finally been trapped. Their breaths were quick and shallow, he could feel their heart racing under his grasp of their arm, even their scent reeked of adrenaline.
"Well, hello there, little rabbit." He tilted his head to the side, leaning in closer so their noses were almost touching. They noticed his eyes were different, swirling with a glow of colors, but also filled with something nearly sinister. It invoked a new emotion in them, a primal fear that wasn't theirs. They were not afraid of Wilford, but the new emotion made them yank their arm from his grasp, turning to run the other way. But as they did, he appeared directly in front of them again, wrapping an arm around their waist to hold them in place.
"Ah ah little bunny, no more running. I believe I've caught you fair and square, have I not?" They glanced up at him as he spun the revolver around a finger of his free hand, still staring them down with that same look in his eye as before. He stopped spinning it and held it, pointing up, clicking back the hammer.
"I-I, Wil-" They choked out, still trying to regain their breath through fear, adrenaline, and something else swirling around in their abdomen.
"Oh sugar, are you afraid? I can feel your heart racing against mine." The hand wrapped around their waist caressed their side, fingers slipping under the hem of their shirt, making them shiver. "Fear not dear heart, this bullet is not for you, I've had my fun~" He unclicked the hammer, putting the revolver back into his waistband. He pulled his hand back, and in place of the revolver was the rose.
"Though this, on the other hand, is." Wilford brought the rose up, smelling it before placing it into one of their hands. "It smells almost as lovely as you do after the hunt." He let out a giggle as they glanced between him and the flower, eyes still wide as the adrenaline slowly left their body.
"That, that was one hell of a game you came up with, Wilfy…" They breathed, their free hand grasping at his shirt as their legs began to tremble. Wilford noticed this, and his hands slid down, hooking under their thighs and he lifted them up, wrapping their legs around his waist, making them let out a noise of surprise as they wrapped their arms around his neck for more support, still grasping the rose.
"Oh yes, it was!" He let out a laugh, but then his features shifted to a serious note as he looked them in the eye again. "But the question is sugarplum, did you enjoy it as much as I did?" He scanned their face as he awaited their answer.
A smile made its way to their lips from his underlying concern, making their head spin even more.
"Enjoy it? Honey, I loved it. The high of a chase is something else." They laughed, to which he grinned again, leaning in to rub his nose to theirs, mustache tickling their lips, returning the laugh in his own deep voice.
"I'm so glad you feel the same sugar, because the high will only add to your prize for being such a good little bunny for me~" The arousal in his tone was clear and it made the heat in their abdomen flare up once again. The same swirling colors in his eyes were just as wild as before, if not more, as he placed one of his hands on the back of their head, pulling them in for a very heated and well deserved kiss.
Wilford began walking out of the maze, not breaking the kiss, and still having them wrapped around his waist before they both were gone in the blink of an eye.
Dark watched from his place in the office window, shaking his head, though a little smile played on the corner of his lips.
"Looks as though dear Wilford has found someone just as crazy as himself."
Tagging; @dark-cipher >:)
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sleeplessinspace · 1 year
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just want more…
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sleeplessinspace · 1 year
SFW Drabble | Lifeguard!Mark x GN!Reader
Warnings: None :)
A/N: I know but it's a bank holiday here so I think it still counts.
"Mm...too early," Marshall grumbles from where his head is buried in the pillow beside you. You sigh affectionately, pulling on your socks as you sit on the side of the bed.
"I still don't understand how you've gotten away with never doing morning shifts as a lifeguard," You say with affection seasoning your voice. Another groan, and you're ready to relecutantly leave him for your office-based job.
Just as you go to get up though, a definely muscled arm wraps around your waist and you're comically yanked backwards, squealing a little in surprise as you find yourself back on the bed, with a great hunk of a man holding you tightly in his grip.
"Marshall! I'm gonna be late!" You complain, only to recieve some semblance of a denial groaned from where his head is pressed into the back of your neck.
The feeling of being held - securely and full of sleepy love - has your heart thud as you can't help a small smile creep into your lips.
Maybe five more minutes won't hurt...
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sleeplessinspace · 1 year
"i could fix him" please don't it took a lot of work to fuck him up this bad
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sleeplessinspace · 1 year
I am picking you up and placing you into a warm hot tub along with your drink of choice and favorite snack waiting on a tray next to it and you can't stop me >:0
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sleeplessinspace · 1 year
Shooting love at you
what if i shoot bACK HM? get loved, idiot
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sleeplessinspace · 1 year
Recently found your Two Minutes/Murdock stuff and, chef's kiss mwah.
You got any more lore on your nastiest murder man? Why he does what he do, what motivated him, his MO, why he's attached/obsessed with the reader like that? 👀
I love knight boy and your John Wickdock but I adore the OG stinker.
HE'S TOO STINKY, don't love him /j
unfortunately there's not as much lore as i'd like about tm!murdock since he's the first one—he was born out of a stupid little idea of being roommates with a killer.
as for why he does what he does, given that he's the stinkiest out of all my murdocks, it's really just because he feels like it, there's no rhyme or reason to what he does or who his targets are. he's just silly goofy like that, heh. he's motivated by sheer ego and a need to perfect his "craft", as it were. i can't remember if i gave him a specific MO or not, but i know for sure he likes to carve his symbol—the serotonin molecule—into his targets. he's obsessed with reader because they're innocent in a way, he likes it way too much that they don't see who he is until they do.
the fact that reader doesn't run away from him—properly, anyway—they don't turn him in, it interests him enough to keep them alive. which is the excuse he likes to tell himself, he gets attached after living with them.
knight!murdock and vantage are my sweet-ish babies,,, but tm!murdock will always be my stinky origin story and i love him for it. i can make him so unhinged, it's great :D
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sleeplessinspace · 1 year
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markiplier fanart? from me? more likely than you think
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sleeplessinspace · 1 year
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And Dark from my old tiktok
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