sleepylovesyou · 19 days
Hi sea
It's blorbsday! What are some really specific, not necessarily plot-influencing goals that your blorbs have? Something small they'd like to change about themselves, or a frivolous skill they'd like to learn, or someplace they want to travel, etc.
it's still blorbsday in my heart
One of Elliott's goals is to Host An Event - like a birthday party, a friendsgiving, something that requires decorations and food, etc. Plot-wise the fact that they're perpetually struggling to make ends meet is what's holding this up (and also, why it's a goal in the first place.)
Adrian wants to go to LA - a bby Adrian used to tell people he wanted to move to LA when he grew up because that felt like a cool thing to say. He doesn't want that anymore, but he does want to see what all the fuss is about. (Also, he wants to learn to cook something Dinner Party-level fancy.)
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sleepylovesyou · 23 days
Hi mj
It's blorbsday! What are some really specific, not necessarily plot-influencing goals that your blorbs have? Something small they'd like to change about themselves, or a frivolous skill they'd like to learn, or someplace they want to travel, etc.
Helio would like to get better at music stuff. Plays guitar casually but would like to actually be able to do more with it lol
Lara is always trying to better herself, education, unpacking internal biases. For fun stuff she just wants to travel everywhere tbh.
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sleepylovesyou · 24 days
Hi adorus
It's blorbsday! What are some really specific, not necessarily plot-influencing goals that your blorbs have? Something small they'd like to change about themselves, or a frivolous skill they'd like to learn, or someplace they want to travel, etc.
Adorus!!! Thank you for the ask! This is a really interesting one for me because I don't consider myself a plotter, but then when I stopped and really thought about my characters' desires, I realized literally every single one had to do with the plot in one way or another, which kinda flies in direct contradiction with the way I envisioned myself as a character creator. So that's... fascinating, tbh.
I'll say that Octavius, to my surprise, actually does want to be in a relationship, and vaguely wishes he could change the parts of himself that render him completely incompatible with one. But at the end of the day, even that is kinda related to the plot, so. 🥰
Callie always wanted to see the ocean. She never had the chance growing up. But then she finally did when she was sent to magic prison, because magic prison is, in fact, on the ocean. So, whamp. 🤪
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sleepylovesyou · 24 days
Hi Storybug
It's blorbsday! What are some really specific, not necessarily plot-influencing goals that your blorbs have? Something small they'd like to change about themselves, or a frivolous skill they'd like to learn, or someplace they want to travel, etc.
Hello great slumbering owl!
A handful of assorted character goals that have little-to-no plot bearing:
(sitd) Moira wants to learn the violin--she's got a slight competitive streak and part of it may or may not be due to Jesse being actually good at playing piano thanks for that one single thing rich parents--anyways, the issue as she's come to it is that she is really not musically inclined at all and gets easily frustrated by a lack of progress since she tends to pick up other skills fairly quickly.
(sitd) Daniel is working on re-learning/properly learning to speak Italian, which his older sister and mother could but by the time Daniel and his younger sister were born there was too much going on/not enough time for them both to be taught. In addition to just wanting the connection to his family back, he would also like Lucille (older sister in question) to stop saying things at him that he cannot understand.
(vtv) Vee is an idiot who wants to make his own booze--he runs a night club, he doesn't like drinking blood by itself, he's gonna start fermenting shit and seeing what happens--not like botulism can kill him anyways.
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sleepylovesyou · 24 days
Hi Obsidian
It's blorbsday! What are some really specific, not necessarily plot-influencing goals that your blorbs have? Something small they'd like to change about themselves, or a frivolous skill they'd like to learn, or someplace they want to travel, etc.
Hi Sleepy!!
I’ll answer this with some OCs I don’t talk about much, from my WIP Swamp Pearls. Allen is learning to cook! He loves searching for new recipes or creating fresh flavour combinations. He recently discovered lavender infused lemonade, and he loves it. He has an excellent palate, especially when it comes to sweets, and he can make a killer bread pudding with bourbon white chocolate sauce. He gifts baked goods often, to the Priest more than anyone, and he’ll actually get a little jealous if the Priest eats someone else’s cookies 😆
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sleepylovesyou · 24 days
Hi nevertwice
It's blorbsday! What are some really specific, not necessarily plot-influencing goals that your blorbs have? Something small they'd like to change about themselves, or a frivolous skill they'd like to learn, or someplace they want to travel, etc.
Happy blorbsday!
This is a great "oh I didn't develop these guys as much as I thought I did" question
Terran: Terran is very focused on the plot, but the first thing I could think of him wanting is to have a more refined taste for coffee and espresso-- He'll load sweetner and creamer in, but he wants to be able to taste everything Zachary is able to taste in black coffee/espresso. However, he isn't working towards that because he kind of also wants to spite Zachary lol.
Mika: Wants to be able to cook for herself. Zachary is a good cook and Mika really feels like the best way to be independent will be to know how to cook. That said, other moving-out related goals exist for her too
Raymond: Technically this is plot-influencing but to attend college is a huge one for him. That comes with a lot of mini things like understanding different aspects of cognition, having intellectual debates, stuff like that. A more frivolous one is to knit stuffed animals-- he can knit clothing and winter stuff but hasn't quite advanced enough for plushies. and no he can't crochet.
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sleepylovesyou · 25 days
Hi ember (prese give Aspen a hug from me)
It's blorbsday! What are some really specific, not necessarily plot-influencing goals that your blorbs have? Something small they'd like to change about themselves, or a frivolous skill they'd like to learn, or someplace they want to travel, etc.
Oh fun!! (Aspen says hi!)
Eli wants to do a buddy re-read of his favorite book series with Ames.
Dawn wants to do a Rosemond Street outing to a magical wrestling event (she gets tickets because she provides the event’s wands.) Their schedules are proving difficult to line up.
And Sherry wants to take a trip to the seaside!
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sleepylovesyou · 25 days
Hi parchment
It's blorbsday! What are some really specific, not necessarily plot-influencing goals that your blorbs have? Something small they'd like to change about themselves, or a frivolous skill they'd like to learn, or someplace they want to travel, etc.
Hm. HM. Well. Sevrin wants to learn healing magic to honor his mom, especially now that she's dead. He brought her journal with him that she'd been filling with her knowledge for him. As of now this doesn't have anything to do with the plot I just decided to add it to make the angst worse a few weeks ago.
Madoc wants to be able to give Aryleigh a destination wedding once the book is done. She's always traveled out of necessity, he wants both of them to get to go places for leisure. Besides. He's a romantic at heart.
Fira wants to help Edan find a hobby. He's too goal driven, especially when his goals are. Um. Questionable. So. Hobby. Non destructive hobby. *nods vigorously*
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sleepylovesyou · 1 month
If your ocs were strange flavors of soda, what would they be?
sleepy, i am so sorry it took me this long to respond, but I committed to the bit and turned them all into sodas:
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tag yourself-- i'm cider and lemon-lime
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sleepylovesyou · 1 month
unusual associations tag
An old tag from wonderful @sleepyowlwrites, and because she has lovely taste, I'll fill this one out for Antonio West. :)
Rules: pick as oc and answer their associations
Seasoning: Basil, I think. Dried or fresh, because he's versatile like that ;)
Weather: Blustery but sunny, the kind of day that makes you feel alive and ready to take on the world
Color: I know Owl and I differ here, but in my head, he's scarlet red
Sky: Dark gray thunderclouds that look menacing but end up floating away without a drop of rain...
Magical power: If Antonio had one, it would be persuasive speaking, I think, and he'd abuse it so badly but with such good intentions. It'd be terrible 😂
Plant: Antonio is a columbine, fancy and elegant. And fiddly.
Weapon: Flirtation and kindness, and in extreme circumstances, a pistol. But he doesn't believe in shooting people, so it's iffy
Social Media: Antonio would be on tumblr making all kinds of indecipherable posts that are huge hits. He's super funny and unbothered when dealing with anonymous hate :)
Makeup product: Hmm...something a little bold--green eyeshadow, maybe
Candy: A nice bar of dark chocolate!
Fear: Antonio's biggest fears are being useless, and also being alone
Method of long distance travel: The train!!!! 🚂
Art style: We're talking such wonderful stick figures.
Mythological creature: Hmm, I'm gonna say a fairy--curious and excitable at first glance and dangerous underneath
Piece of stationary: Fine cream paper with a red embossed signature
Celestial body: Antonio is a cluster of shooting stars :D
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@cream-and-tea @albatris @tabswrites @vampywriter @duckingwriting
@mysticstarlightduck @indecentpause @mary-is-writing and anyone else who'd like to join!
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sleepylovesyou · 1 month
Hi idea
I'm hugging you! Which of your blorbos needs a hug the most, and will you give it to them?
I am hugging you back, Indigo friend. <3
Right now, I think Velia needs that hug the most, and I'm not sure I WILL give it to her, since she's making my second draft difficult. Instead I shall have her nearly go flying off the train 😤😂
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sleepylovesyou · 1 month
Hi coffeebean
I'm hugging you! Which of your blorbos needs a hug the most, and will you give it to them?
Lonan (my oc) needs a hug the most because all his friends are mad at him and his mom gets the worst parent award. He’s such a talented boy and a wonderful friend! He needs a long hug and a coffee date.
Thank you for the hug <3
(I need it too.)
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sleepylovesyou · 1 month
Hi parchment
I'm hugging you! Which of your blorbos needs a hug the most, and will you give it to them?
Mmmm tie between Sevrin (had to leave his life behind and can never return, before his mother was even buried) or Fira (accidentally murdered a man and then was sent away by her only remaining relative she actually knew and her day only got worse from there). Sevrin is getting hugs from his brother who is also grieving his mother, but Fira is getting. Uh. More trauma. :3
Also I am hugging you back. Mwah. Kiss on the forehead to boot
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sleepylovesyou · 2 months
Last Line Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @sleepyowlwrites! :D
Here's an excerpt from Houses Full of Deceit:
For that matter, surely someone would notice Phil's pistol concealed in her handbag. It was a very small pistol. (A present from Davit Altounian, of all people; he'd found it among the late Mrs. Lennox's possessions and given it away as soon as possible. His exact words were, "I don't want any weapons in our house." Phil had to wonder what he did about cutlery.) She had learnt how to shoot mainly so the gift wouldn't go to waste. She'd also been mildly apprehensive about Yo-han paying another visit just in time for another murder — which was close enough to how things had turned out. She'd brought her gun when she left for Scotland in case she stumbled across Mr. An.
Open tag! :D
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sleepylovesyou · 2 months
Hi tales
For blorbsday, do you have any character is just a little guy but the weight of the world is on their shoulders and they kinda carry it willingly because they feel they have to, it's just who they are? And if so please tell me about them.
Hi Sleepy! Happy late Blorbsday! :D
The closest is probably Yo-han, if you stretch "the weight of the world" to mean "solving every mystery he comes across" :P He does it partly because he enjoys solving mysteries and partly because he can't stand by and let innocent people get blamed for something they didn't do.
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sleepylovesyou · 2 months
Last Line Tag
Thank you for the tag @sleepyowlwrites ^^
“I told you, Aiden.”
It was the first time he actually said Aiden’s name. His voice was quiet, almost apologetic.
“You should’ve just gone back home.”
I tag @deadlycupid @bunnymermaidwrites and @sleepy-night-child if you want to :)
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sleepylovesyou · 2 months
Hi frost
For blorbsday, do you have any character is just a little guy but the weight of the world is on their shoulders and they kinda carry it willingly because they feel they have to, it's just who they are? And if so please tell me about them.
Hello lovely! Thanks for the ask 💜
I don't think I have any characters like that. All my weight-of-the-world characters are highly resentful of what they're carrying, are definitely not doing it willingly, and would happily dump it on anyone else if they could, or at least they're belligerently taking it out on everyone around them.
My just-a-little-guy characters tend to be more chill by nature or have already done a good job of dealing with their stuff. Now that I'm thinking about this, those characters are more often sources of quiet wisdom in my stories, like Perry in November Breaks and Spin Cylinder. On the surface, he's am easygoing twinky surfer dude but he delivers unexpected insights at exactly the moments they're needed.
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