sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
Someone shoot me. My back is killing me from sitting at the office. I took someone’s chair and swapped them. But I’m home now and still in paaaain. Also shoot me because I don’t want to work on Caitlyn. And I have to listen to demaciiaaa on Skype. :(
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
“Yeah, I guess you could say something else has my attention,” she says, an air of pathetic frustration laced in her tone. She wished the Sheriff wouldn’t do this kind of thing to her on the job… But she couldn’t say she was all too bothered.
“You’re the one in charge,” she says huffily, face red, “I’m just here to take orders.” 
Amused, she’d reiterate at least. “Then perhaps the best thing would be to hear out my plan before anything else? To help get our minds off of....other things that is.” Opening her report, she’d begin with ease. The subtle remarks on her part though might have proved all the more distracting considering Vi certainly had her attention. “I figure we have about three days before they make another appearance. In the meantime you and I will be doing stakeouts. Together.”
The Game
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
Uh oh! Your character is watching mine get hit on and is feeling possessive. How does your character handle this?
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
The Game
Vi was fidgeting something fierce, a common occurrence when she was filled with as much itching bloodlust as she was. However, she soon felt those feelings melting away as her partner’s face inched closer to her own. She was about to ask what she was doing, when her lips suddenly became other wise occupied. Her eyes fluttered closed and stayed that way for moments even after the gentle kiss had ended. “…How am I supposed to think anything now?”
The others state had been rather endearing in a way. Just knowing she might have been that reason had been touching. If not enjoyable to an extent. But she hadn’t pressed the other nor would she draw too much attention to such a blatant show of affection. 
“Is your focus elsewhere? We can’t have that. How else are we going to catch these gang members? Hm?” 
Lips curled faintly, she knew all too well what was bothering the other.
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
Send "❤" For my muse to kiss yours.
The other had made quite a few visits to Piltover, her reasons behind such even unknown to the Sheriff. Of course she hadn’t quite complained given the woman’s company and intelligence. Dinner together had been a common occurrence with her visits, but this time the sheriff found herself particularly fixated with the duelist’s lips. Listening to another one of her stories, her train of thought must have had slipped. Leaning in, the subtle grasp of the duelist’s cheek had Caitlyn lure her in for a brief lock. Eyes perked open in the same gesture. “I---, I’m sorry, my apologies. I didn’t know what came over me---!”
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
Send "❤" For my muse to kiss yours.
“Vi, relax.” The agitated woman in question had every reason to be. She had of course went by her own plan in the apprehending of a group of street thugs. Masked that is. It had made identifying them all the more difficult but given the situation Caitlyn had constructed a plan. An agitated growl from Vi only made her head shake. Quiet yet fixated, she closed in on the other. Fingertips traced over the tattoo along her cheek. “Vi---?” Noting the shade of pink that nearly matched the others hair she gave her a smile before leaning in. The kiss had been soft of course, the subtle shift of her own lips almost invited more before she pulled away. “Let’s think up a proper plan then, hm?”
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
❤ //You can just lean in and slap her tbh//
Send "❤" For my muse to kiss yours.
The suggestion had been absurd. Just hearing it again encouraged her to at least act on the criminal’s accusations. “All right, Jinx. I’ll gladly give you what you’re after.” Leaning in, the look in her eye read a suggestiveness that might have quieted the other in that moment. Lips nearly touched before a free hand rose to touch the others lips instead. Sudden though had been the sound of handcuffs being placed on one of Jinx’s wrists followed by a quick tug to her other one. “Sorry, love. You didn’t even ask me to dinner first.”
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
Send "❤" For my muse to kiss yours.
“Ah?” Confusion registered a moment as the woman’s face obstructed her line of sight. She’d successfully made her way atop her desk and invaded her personal space. Amused, lips did curl somewhat. “My, Miss Elise. There’s perfectly suitable chairs as well.” Catching her sight, the playfulness from the other had been more than obvious. “You’re on top of my report, actually. Is there some way I could convince you to move?” Brow perking, she took it upon herself as she leaned in. Granted it had been a bold gesture, lips grazed her own. In that same motion she had just as well eased her report out from under the other.
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
Send "❤" For my muse to kiss yours.
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
indie Garen Crownguard RP blog
Shenanigans will be had.
Follow at your own risk. (Please follow, you’ll regret it.)
Post Length: Single lines to multiple paragraphs.
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
                                        “ A sublime duet! “                                       Indie Sona RP Blog / Multiship / Multiverse / Semi Selective
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
“I think it may just very well be past your bedtime at this rate.”
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
“I wouldn’t worry about it too much. All kinds of colorful people show their face around here.” She spat out towards the sea, slightly perking her upper lip as she darted a quick look to the pistol in hand. Sarah turned her attention back to the other. “So what can I do for you, Sheriff?”
“I’ve noticed.” 
Teasing in a sense, the topic of her arrival though had already encouraged the need for a confession. After a few records of her weapon failing, she had been more than inclined to seek the others expertise. Granted there had been other people who could assist on the matter, visiting the captain during her recent success settled the choice.
 “A bit embarassin’ really, I suppose it would be better explained somewhere more private? If you’d be so kind?”
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
 {   she paused a beat and for a breath her persona shifted. the hand that rested by the other’s neck scraped nails nimbly over her skin. it crawled and clasped silky dark locks between the spaces of her fist. 
“don’t worry silly, i wouldn’t ever forget your name, caitlyn.” she breathed out a faint giggle and glided tongue over the bottom of her ear. “you’ll never be able to forget mine.”  } sleuthingsheriff
In that moment, the sensation the other caused from simply stating her name correctly sent an eerie sensation down her spine. That and the accompanying tongue that followed suit had features scrunch slightly. 
“---well then, shouldn’t we be off?” 
Bracing a hand against the others wrist, she gave it a press encouraging the other to free her hold. The sensation and sound of the others voice still lingered, well enough to remind her not to let the other that close again.
 “Come along.” With that, she was off.
a study in scarlet
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
“It seems I’m standing out more than I thought, Sarah. If visiting you would have required a change of costume, I would have come more prepared.” Amused if only for a moment, she imagined the other had been rather busy given the state of Bilgewater.
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sleuthingsheriff-blog ¡ 9 years
who’s evading theme/page info work by posting a starter caaaall? this girl. like this if you want something small, or send me an ask if you’d like to plot something I don’t mind. i have skype as well, mutuals only please.
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