slowedclover4 · 1 year
FUCK the LUGS, I’M screaming for mercy
He sufrido por el coche.
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slowedclover4 · 2 years
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This will haunt my nightmares.
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slowedclover4 · 2 years
today is a good day to remember that all abortion is moral and abortion should unequivocally be available on demand and without apology
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slowedclover4 · 2 years
I too think this is amazing! This is GREAT! I love this tree
my brain has gone off the rails and I’m bringing all of you with me
I shall now bring forth an interesting moral and legal quandary!
If the Tree That Owns Itself owns everything within eight feet of itself, does that mean that if another tree grew within say six feet of the Tree, would the landowning tree own the new tree? Would this be slavery? Or would the Tree be considered a landlord?
in addition, since the Tree owns property, is it considered a sentient entity with full legal rights? If one of it’s branches broke off and damaged a nearby car or city bench, could it be sued? Could it be arrested?
If the Tree is considered a person, does that mean that the cutting down of similar species of trees is considered to be murder?
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slowedclover4 · 2 years
When celebrities gain taste
when will they invite the muppets to the met gala. when will the gala be muppets themed
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slowedclover4 · 2 years
The Furries have taken over the Fashion industry
Good job guys
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Sylvia van der Klooster @ Christian Dior Fall/Winter, 2000 Haute Couture
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slowedclover4 · 3 years
So since I apparently have followers now despite making one (1) post ever lol folks imma ghost imma poltergeist and theres no exorcising me now
anyways I have a question. So, I do ceramics, yes like pottery, yes like bowls and plates and stuff, yes like the glaze your own ceramic unicorn/moon/dragon stores except unlike those of you who’ve visited those stores after the age of 15 I am not a coward and make my own shit.
But ANYWAYS I made a pot that looks kind of like the one in the background of
THIS \/ photo
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So I personally am not a person of color unless italian counts i think emphasis on think I have not studied my family history extensively.
but I was going to try making a lid for that pot that would be shaped and look like a cobra that had risen from a coil and was ready to strike. I was going to call it snake charmer.
BUT THEN I had the thought ‘is that name racist’ ‘ is that a stereotype?!’ ‘is the idea of a ”snake charmer” a negative stereotype’ ‘would this be super racist to name something’
so please help me out here I have no idea if i should
— a) scrap the lid idea and go with like an octopus or something
— b) try my best (very possibly will fail)
so tell me how you feel about the idea folks I don’t want to offend people I’ve got nothing against.
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slowedclover4 · 3 years
Better: Camboy Skull
Camboy Ichigo
No, see this was the exact thought I had
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slowedclover4 · 3 years
Sorry to burst your bubble,
Foxes Are Canines
It's demon hours. Time to post the updated list of forbidden cats.
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slowedclover4 · 3 years
Gandalf is the jason Todd mask phenomenon
Will humanity ever be free of the influence of Edna Mode? Can any of us so much as consider the character design for a hero or villain without her manifesting in the room, fully aware of our sins?
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slowedclover4 · 3 years
it’s all either
a) the RAUNCHIEST, DIRTIEST songs he could remember, both from pre-Hydra-capture
b) It’s Wellerman
Imagine if in CA: CW instead of Bucky trying to break out of the cell and turning into the Winter Soldier when Zemo reads the trigger words he just starts singing really loud so he can't hear Zemo's voice anymore.
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slowedclover4 · 3 years
Ah, yes.
Sibling rivalry at its finest.
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slowedclover4 · 3 years
So if Anakin is the Winter Soldier...
does that make Obi-Wan Captain America?
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Thinking about it, the Winter Soldier trains Natasha, doesn’t he?
So here’s a bunch of sketches of Black Widow Ahsoka 👀
Taglist: @melissa-kenobi @starwarsworld @frecklelemonade @escapedthesarlacc
@melissa-kenobi @starwarsworld @frecklelemonade @escapedthesarlacc
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slowedclover4 · 3 years
Harry starts a mafia
Dobby is the enforcer
AU where Harry says Fuck It with his entire childhood trauma filled chest, takes a fist full of gold to muggle London the summer after 4th year, gets his hands on a pistol, and then gives Dobby a call.
Imagine Voldemort chilling in Malfoy Manor when some house elf in 16 hats and 27 pairs of colorful socks rolls up with a .45 like "Mr. Harry Potter sir sends his regards."
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slowedclover4 · 3 years
You know what I want in life?
More Skull from KHR
we already have the HP/KHR crossovers and the BAMF!Skull but we don’t have this;
Southern Skull
like American Southern,
give me the accent, the condescending compliments the subtle insults— and better yet, almost all of the Arcobaleno have no idea that he‘s being completely insincere and calling Reborn a b*tchy little hoe in between all those ‘Honey’s’ and ’darlin’s’ —
Right up until they find out the Carcassa is a branch of an American mob family (that Skull may or may not lead) and someone enlightens them that those flowers Skull gave them that They put in the vase in the dining room were basically telling the receiver to go fuck themselves and that Skull is apparently the most passive aggressive motherf*cker alive
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